8,149 research outputs found

    Temperature-sensed cryogenic bleed maintains liquid state in transfer line

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    Inverted tee, installed at a high point in a cryogenic transfer line, is equipped with an insulated bleed line that passes a fixed amount of cryogenic fluid at atmospheric pressure. A sensing device activates a vent valve in the tee stack whenever gaseous nitrogen is present

    Inexpensive insulation is effective for cryogenic transfer lines

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    Matting cover thermally insulates cryogenic-liquid transfer pipelines. The matting consists of layers of commercially available fiber glass tape in which the fibers are randomly oriented in parallel planes

    Embodiment and embodied design

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    Picture this. A preverbal infant straddles the center of a seesaw. She gently tilts her weight back and forth from one side to the other, sensing as each side tips downward and then back up again. This child cannot articulate her observations in simple words, let alone in scientific jargon. Can she learn anything from this experience? If so, what is she learning, and what role might such learning play in her future interactions in the world? Of course, this is a nonverbal bodily experience, and any learning that occurs must be bodily, physical learning. But does this nonverbal bodily experience have anything to do with the sort of learning that takes place in schools - learning verbal and abstract concepts? In this chapter, we argue that the body has everything to do with learning, even learning of abstract concepts. Take mathematics, for example. Mathematical practice is thought to be about producing and manipulating arbitrary symbolic inscriptions that bear abstract, universal truisms untainted by human corporeality. Mathematics is thought to epitomize our species’ collective historical achievement of transcending and, perhaps, escaping the mundane, material condition of having a body governed by haphazard terrestrial circumstance. Surely mathematics is disembodied

    4.6 billion year old aragonite and its implications for understanding the geological record of Ca-carbonate

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    Owing to its diagenetic instability, aragonite is rare in the geological record and almost entirely absent from pre-carboniferous sedimentary rocks. The former presence of this mineral in older deposits has to be inferred from petrographic, chemical or isotopic proxies. Crystals of aragonite that formed around 4563 million years ago occur in carbonaceous chondrite meteorites, showing that under certain conditions, the orthorhombic polymorph of Ca-carbonate can survive essentially indefinitely. Together with other carbonate minerals, phyllosilicates and sulphides, this aragonite formed by low-temperature water-mediated alteration of anhydrous minerals and glass in the interior of the meteorite’s parent asteroid(s). The survival of aragonite for such a long time can be attributed to the loss of free water by its incorporation into phyllosilicates, and to the very low permeability of the fine-grained and organic-rich rock matrix that prevented the ingress of fresh solutions via intergranular flow. By analogy with these meteorites, terrestrial aragonite is likely to survive where it has been similarly isolated from liquid water, particularly in organic-rich mudrocks, and such deposits may provide important new evidence for deducing the original mineralogy of skeletal and non-skeletal carbonates in deep-time

    How does Labour Mobility affect the Performance of Plants? The importance of relatedness and geographical proximity

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    This paper analyses the impact of skill portfolios and labour mobility on plant performance by means of a unique database that connects attributes of individuals to features of plants for the whole Swedish economy. We found that a portfolio of related competences at the plant level increases significantly productivity growth of plants, in contrast to plant portfolios consisting of either similar or unrelated competences. Based on the analysis of 101,093 job moves, we found that inflows of skills that are related to the existing knowledge base of the plant had a positive effect on plant performance, while the inflow of new employees with skills that are already present in the plant had a negative impact. Our analyses also show that geographical proximity influences the effect of different skill inflows. Inflows of unrelated skills only contribute positively to plant performance when these are recruited in the same region. Labour mobility across regions only has a positive effect on productivity growth of plants when this concerns new employees with related skills.Labour mobility; related variety; skill portfolio; plant performance; geographical proximi

    Nonmetallic impurities improve mechanical properties of vapor-deposited tungsten

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    Mechanical properties of vapor deposited tungsten are improved by selective incorporation of various nonmetallic impurities. Addition of trace quantities of carbon, nitrogen, or oxygen can significantly increase both low and high temperature yield strength without greatly affecting ductile-to-brittle transition temperature

    Land use of northern megalopolis

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    The major objective is to map and digitize the land use of northern megalopolis, the states of Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Rhode Island, and to evaluate ERTS as a planning tool for megalopolitan areas. The southern New England region provides a good test ERTS's capabilities because of its complex landscape. Not only are there great differences in the degree of urban development, but in relief and vegetative cover as well

    Recognition of settlement patterns against a complex background

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    Photointerpretation of aerial color infrared photography for analysis of urban land us

    Compatibility of Glyphosate with Galerucella calmariensis; a Biological Control Agent for Purple Loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria)

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    By integrating Galerucella calmariensis with glyphosate there is potential to achieve both immediate and sustained control of purple loosestrife (Lythrum salicaria). The objective of this study was to determine the compatibility of glyphosate on the oviposition and survival of adult G. Calmariensis and on the ability of G. calmariensis third instar larvae to pupate to teneral adults. Our results revealed glyphosate (formulated as Roundup) at a concentration of 2% (2.43L/acre) and 4% solution (4.86 L/acre) had no impact on the ability of G. calmariensis third instar larvae to pupate to new generation adults. To examine the effect of a 2% solution of glyphosate on adult G. calmariensis oviposition and survival, adults were randomly divided between a direct contact group (adults sprayed directly), an indirect contact group (host plants with adults were sprayed), and a control group. Our results revealed that glyphosate does not impact G. calmariensis oviposition or adult survival. The results of this study indicate that G. calmariensis is compatible with glyphosate indicating that further field studies examining integrated control strategies for purple loosestrife are warranted
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