58 research outputs found

    IncidĂȘncia e fatores de risco de lesĂ”es em jogadores de futsal portugueses

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    INTRODUÇÃO: A reduzida expressĂŁo de estudos publicados sobre a incidĂȘncia de lesĂ”es no Futsal em Portugal justificou a realização deste trabalho. OBJETIVO: Identificar as potenciais causas de lesĂ”es nesta modalidade, referĂȘncia para o desenvolvimento de protocolos especĂ­ficos de prevenção de lesĂ”es. MÉTODOS: A amostra foi constituĂ­da por 411 jogadores federados de Futsal em Portugal, masculinos e femininos, de diferentes nĂ­veis competitivos. Foram utilizados os dados coletados num questionĂĄrio com informação retrospectiva. O tratamento estatĂ­stico consistiu na anĂĄlise inferencial entre grupos atravĂ©s do teste de Kruskal-Wallis e do teste para dados nĂŁo paramĂ©tricos de Mann-Whitney (nĂ­vel de significĂąncia de 5%). RESULTADOS: Os resultados confirmaram a entorse da articulação tĂ­bio-tĂĄrsica como a lesĂŁo de maior incidĂȘncia (48,8% do total) no Futsal. As lesĂ”es com perĂ­odo de impedimento entre oito e 28 dias tiveram a maior expressĂŁo (52,7% do total). Este estudo nĂŁo revelou diferenças significativas em relação ao gĂȘnero ou posição em que os jogadores ocupam na quadra sobre a incidĂȘncia, o tipo ou a regiĂŁo anatĂŽmica das lesĂ”es. No entanto, verificou-se significativamente maior incidĂȘncia de entorses e contraturas em situação de treino e maior incidĂȘncia de roturas musculares e fraturas em jogo, sendo que essas Ășltimas provocaram um perĂ­odo de impedimento maior para os atletas. TambĂ©m se verificou significativamente maior incidĂȘncia de lesĂ”es articulares ou Ăłsseas, entorses e fraturas, em resultado do contato com adversĂĄrios e maior incidĂȘncia de lesĂ”es musculares ou ligamentares sem contato com adversĂĄrios. Os resultados nĂŁo evidenciaram diferenças significativas na lateralidade das lesĂ”es. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados realçam a importĂąncia de programas especĂ­ficos de prevenção da entorse da tĂ­bio-tĂĄrsica, especialmente nas crianças e jovens, independentemente da posição que ocupam na quadra, particularmente em situaçÔes de contato com adversĂĄrios

    The Alberta Heart Failure Etiology and Analysis Research Team (HEART) study

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    BACKGROUND: Nationally, symptomatic heart failure affects 1.5-2% of Canadians, incurs $3 billion in hospital costs annually and the global burden is expected to double in the next 1–2 decades. The current one-year mortality rate after diagnosis of heart failure remains high at >25%. Consequently, new therapeutic strategies need to be developed for this debilitating condition. METHODS/DESIGN: The objective of the Alberta HEART program (http://albertaheartresearch.ca) is to develop novel diagnostic, therapeutic and prognostic approaches to patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. We hypothesize that novel imaging techniques and biomarkers will aid in describing heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. Furthermore, the development of new diagnostic criteria will allow us to: 1) better define risk factors associated with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction; 2) elucidate clinical, cellular and molecular mechanisms involved with the development and progression of heart failure with preserved ejection fraction; 3) design and test new therapeutic strategies for patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. Additionally, Alberta HEART provides training and education for enhancing translational medicine, knowledge translation and clinical practice in heart failure. This is a prospective observational cohort study of patients with, or at risk for, heart failure. Patients will have sequential testing including quality of life and clinical outcomes over 12 months. After that time, study participants will be passively followed via linkage to external administrative databases. Clinical outcomes of interest include death, hospitalization, emergency department visits, physician resource use and/or heart transplant. Patients will be followed for a total of 5 years. DISCUSSION: Alberta HEART has the primary objective to define new diagnostic criteria for patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. New criteria will allow for targeted therapies, diagnostic tests and further understanding of the patients, both at-risk for and with heart failure. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT02052804


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    Long-term results of immunosuppressive oral prednisone after coronary angioplasty in non-diabetic patients with elevated C-reactive protein levels

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    Aims: To present the long-term results of prednisone-treated patients enrolled in the IMPRESS studies. Such studies demonstrated the efficacy of a short course of immunosuppression with oral prednisone after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with bare metal stent (BMS) implantation compared to BMS alone at one year.Methods and results: Eighty-four non-diabetic patients with elevated C-reactive protein after PCI treated with BMS and prednisone, were followed clinically for a minimum of five years. Event-free survival was defined as freedom from death, myocardial infarction, and need for target vessel revascularisation. Event-free survival rate at a mean of 6.5 1.4 years was significantly better in prednisone-treated patients of the IMPRESS and IMPRESS-2/MVD respectively compared to their original control arms: 87.8 versus 47.6%, relative risk: 7.9; 95%CI: 2.6-24.1, p<0.0001, log-rank=13.06, p=0.0003; and 93 versus 60.5%, relative risk: 8.7; 95%CI: 2.3-32.7, p=0.0004, log-rank=13,18, p=0.0003, respectively. The event-free survival was 54.1% in controls and 90.5% in the prednisone group; relative risk: 8.1; 95%CI: 3.5-18.7, p<0.0001, log-rank= 26.33, p<0.0001.Conclusions: The clinical benefits of oral treatment with prednisone after conventional PCI in non-diabetic patients with evidence of systemic inflammation after stenting are maintained at long-term follow-up, either in patients with single or multivessel coronary artery disease
