12 research outputs found


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    Have been done community service activities such as the identification and provision of facilities requiring increased to accommodate Islamic religious activities, community involvement as a partner with which the Badan Kemakmuran Masjid (BKM) Serikat Amal Baik Mosque and SDIT Zahira school in Kelurahan Sei Kera Hilir I Kecamatan Medan Perjuangan, Kota Medan. Succession of transfer of energy-saving knowledge and training within the framework of Islamic spiritual education development in a sustainable manner. The concept of education link and match between the world of education with the implementation of direct education (practice) on the field is done in this activity by linking (linkage activity method) between SDIT educational activities by utilizing as part of religious practice is a real education. The result of this increase in worship facilities helped accommodate the nation's next generation of Islamic worship activities, SDIT Zahira students joined the surrounding community in an effort to promote the prosperity of Islam as well as preserving the architectural artifacts of the Amal Good Union mosque as the identity and landmark of Gang Sado, Medan


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    As implementation of Tri Dharma is a Community Services. This activity is carried out directly in the field by involving the public and university lecturers together in an effort to overcome the practical application of science in a comprehensive community issues. This community service focused on the in-depth problems of Islamic studies at the Serikat Amal Baik mosque in Kelurahan Sei Kera Hilir I, precisely on Jalan Ibrahim Umar Gg. Nikmat No. 7, Medan city. Working together with the partner Badan Kemakmuran Masjid (BKM) and teachers at SDIT Zahira school, conduct “Rumah Islami” studies and perform continued of comfort supporting infrastructure improvement activities as part of the worship of Islam by Zahira SDIT teachers joining together the surrounding communities. This community service activities that have been carried out concluded that the targets and outcomes achieved by seeing the enthusiasm of the participants in the Islamic spiritual education development framework on an ongoing basis

    Application Of Neo Vernacular Architecture In Tongging Agrotourism Planning

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    Tongging is a village in the Lake Toba region that located in the District of Merek, Karo Regency. Tongging Village is famous for its panoramic beauty and the local potential of agriculture and fisheries. With various potentials owned by Tongging Village, a place is needed that can accommodate this potential. Tongging Agrotourism is a place to carry local potential in Tongging Village. Agrotourism is designed to attract more tourists while developing the local potential in Tongging Village. Design with Neo Vernacular Architecture approach to re-apply local cultural elements to optimize their potential. The neo vernacular architectural approach process uses transformation and modifications methods to the physical and non-physical aspects. The architectural aspect adopted as neo vernacular approach is the Karo settlement pattern, circulation, mass, and space program. Tongging Agrotourism has various facilities that support tourism activities at Tongging Village, including rice fields and fish cages, main buildings, cottages, restaurants, processing plants, and research and development areas

    Revitalizing Outbound Creative Village Based on Place Attachment

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    Creative Village is a rural outbound camp area that has a traditional concept. The traditional games in this area are playing kites, jumping rope, marbles, stilts, Sodor carts, bezel balls, shadow puppets, and so on. This tourist area is located in the countryside, away from highways and noise. This study aims to revitalize the area so that its utilization can be more optimal. The method used is qualitative, namely direct observation in the research area. The phenomenon in the area has not been fully utilized in terms of its potential. The conditions that occur are things that are considered potentially unused. The revitalization area uses the Place Attachment theory as the basis, the theory of outdoor design as a reflection of the needs of the tourist area, and Kevin Lynch's theory will be used to determine what is considered attractive and has the potential to be developed or eliminated. This result was obtained from the revitalization of the area as a tourism village and tourism object in the Deli Serdang Regency.&nbsp

    Model Revitalisasi Retrofitting pada Kawasan Wisata Kampung Madras Medan

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    . Aglomerasi kawasan budidaya ditandai terkelompoknya kegiatan wisata kota, yang pada Kenyataannya justru menurunkan daya tarik wisata kota itu sendiri. Kampung Madras di Kota Medan termasuk salah satu wilayah wisata kota lama yang mengalami penurunan vitalitas wisata berupa degradasi penampilan dan sedikitnya aktivitas wisata. Penelitian ini bertujuan menyusun model revitalisasi kawasan wisata berbasis retrofitting sub-urban. Metode Kualitatif Deskriptif dilakukan untuk mengungkap potensi genius loci sebagai unsur revitalisasi menjadikan Kampung Madras sebagai kawasan wisata Little Indian District kota Medan. Model revitalisasi Kampung Madras sebagai Cultural District City dapat diterapkan melalui 3 (tiga) cara antara lain: (1) melalui penataan Fasada bangunan yang dibuat bercorak khas, dynamic skyline serta penataan pedestrian menjadi 3 jalur (window shopping lane, circulation lane, amenity lane) (2) Indian bridge and street carnival (3) Foodcourt Pagaruyung. Model revitalisasi ini memerlukan dukungan dan partisipasi para stake holder terutama masyarakat Tamil setempat berupa kegiatan culinary, occasion dan event khas meningkatkan vitalitas ekonomi dan pembentukan suasana Hindustan Kampung Madras

    Geriten Karo Sebagai Pembentuk Identitas Tempat

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    Perkembangan arsitektur dunia adalah memunculkan ciri lokalitas. Saat ini peneliti Arsitektur Nusantara tengah menyusun kertas kerja dengan semangat pengungkapan kecerdasan Arsitektur Nusantara yang setara dengan pengetahuan arsitektur dunia. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengungkap potensi Geriten sebagai kecerdasan Arsitektur Nusantara. Pengungkapan karakter dan identitas tempat Geriten dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif kualitatif antara lain transformasi dan modifikasi geriten untuk berbagai fungsi di masa kini. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa elemen wajah arsitektur Geriten Karo meng-kini menunjukkan kecenderungan sebagai unsur pembentuk landmark (penanda tempat) melalui desain rhythm Perulangan, vista, vertikalitas, ungkapan focal point. Bentuk ayo tampil sebagai pembentuk identitas Karo dalam transformasi bentuk dan proporsi. Unsur bentuk atap Geriten pantas dilestarikan dan dikuatkan sebagai unsur arsitektur pembentuk identitas tempat

    Model Rancangan Desain Revitalisasi Kawasan Niaga (Studi Kasus : Pasar Petisah Medan)

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    . Ketimpangan pembangunan kawasan komersial pusat kota menunjukkan perwajahan urban economics berindikasi urban sprawl. Kawasan Niaga Pasar Petisah di Kecamatan Medan Petisah dimanfaatkan sebagai mix-use land use, minimalisasi ruang publik dan in-efisiensi pemanfaatan ruang luar menjadikan degradasi fungsi kawasan publik kota. Ketimpangan pemanfaatan ruang publik tersebut memerlukan upaya revitalisasi kawasan. Berdasarkan analisis awal konsep revitalisasi urban linkage berbasis kearifan lokal, maka dilakukan perencanaan model desain revitalisasi Kawasan Petisah dengan pendekatan retrofitting urban antara linkage visual, struktural, unsur tata guna lahan, arsitektur lokal, sirkulasi, ruang terbuka publik, aktifitas khas lokal. Keluaran penelitian berupa model rancangan desain revitalisasi kawasan niaga dalam wujud gambaran pra-rencana arsitektural zonasi, sirkulasi, pedestrian, ruang publik, parkir dan model tempat berdagang portabel. Model ini merupakan acuan / guide lines bagi revitalisasi kawasan niaga untuk peningkatan dan pemerataan pembangunan ekonomi di pusat kota Medan Kata-kunci : Model Rancangan Desain, Revitalisasi, Kearifan Lokal, Pasar Petisah Medan

    Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Penggunaan Teknik Biopori untuk Mengendalikan Banjir Kota (Studi Kasus : Kelurahan Tanjung Rejo – Medan)

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    . Permasalahan banjir merupakan hal utama kinerja utilitas kota Medan. Banjir pada suatu kawasan terjadi antara lain karena drainase yang tidak memadai untuk menampung volume air hujan akibat curah hujan yang cukup tinggi. Tingkat partisipasi masyarakat ditentukan dari pemahaman dan pengetahuan yang diterima tentang pengelolaan banjir. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan nilai hubungan antara persepsi dan partisipasi, dengan metoda uji (sebelum – setelah) melalui serangkaian FGD dan simulasi penggunaan teknik biopori. Nilai korelasi 0,998 menunjukkan persepsi berkaitan erat dengan pengetahuan akan mempengaruhi tingkat partisipasi masyarakat sebelum dan sesudah FGD dan simulasi dengan nilai korelasi 0,954. Tingkat partisipasi masyarakat cukup antusias terhadap teknik biopori setelah dilakukan pengkayaan pengetahuan, pelatihan dan simulasi penggunaan untuk mengendalikan banjir kota. Penelitian ini berguna sebagai masukan kepada Pemerintah Daerah untuk meningkatkan kegiatan alternatif pengendalian banjir lingkungan

    The Fasad Katedral as an In-Fill Model for the Design of the Randusari Semarang Site Development

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    The Cathedral Church Building is the foremost symbol on the Randusari site, a cultural heritage building of category A in Semarang. The management of the Maria Ratu Rosari Church intends to construct a new structure to replace the cathedral church's supporting framework. The research goal was to determine the best strategy for creating a new structure behind the cathedral church. The design of a new facility in a congested location and as a backdrop for a structure with cultural heritage status must be done carefully and ethically, considering the ethical implications of construction in a conservation area. This study proposes an alternate technique for creating a new structure behind a cathedral church designated as a cultural heritage site—the research method through a survey of the literature and design testing of numerous different facades. As a form of respect in ethical preservation, the infill method of curved and collaborative window shapes in harmony with the new building design as a background for a cathedral church building by Van Oyen 1936 is the most suitable. It shows the dimensions of the time the building was designed while also not stealing the attention of the main icon on the site

    Hubungan Fungsi Sel Î’ Pankreas dengan Profil Lipid Individu dengan Toleransi Glukosa Normal

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    Latar Belakang: Beberapa studi mendapatkan bahwa disfungsi sel β pankreas akibat dislipidemia merupakan faktor risiko independen timbulnya DM tipe 2. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara fungsi sel β pankreas (HOMA-B) dan profil lipid (kolesterol total, LDL, HDL, trigliserida) pada individu dengan toleransi glukosa normal. Metode: Studi potong lintang terhadap 32 individu bukan penderita DM tipe 2 dengan toleransi glukosa normal. Uji Spearman digunakan untuk menilai korelasi antara HOMA-B dan profil lipid. Hasil: Dari 32 sampel, diperoleh hasil bahwa fungsi sel β pankreas memiliki hubungan signifikan dengan kolesterol total (r= -0,601; p=0,0001) dan LDL (r= -0,555;p=0,001), di mana peningkatan kadar kolesterol total dan LDL diikuti penurunan fungsi sel β pankreas. Tidak terdapat hubungan signifikan antara fungsi sel β pankreas dengan HDL dan trigliserida pada studi ini. Simpulan: Terdapat hubungan signifikan antara HOMA-B dengan kolesterol total dan LDL. Tidak terdapat hubungan signifikan antara HOMA-B dengan HDL dan TG. Kadar kolesterol total dan LDL dapat menjadi prediktor awal disfungsi fungsi sel-β pankreas