1,780 research outputs found

    Alcohol Treatment in the Native American

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    Customer/translator relations - Working effectively with translators

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    Artykuł poświęcony jest takim zagadnieniom, jak znajdowanie przez organizację dobrych profesjonalnych tłumaczy, przygotowanie do wspólnej pracy, negocjowanie cen i terminów satysfakcjonujących dla obu stron oraz budowanie i utrzymywanie relacji. Celem artykułu jest pokazanie, w jaki sposób organizacja i pracujący dla niej tłumacz mogą uformować strategiczne partnerstwo przynoszące wzajemne korzyści. Jednocześnie ukazane są pewne aspekty pracy profesjonalnego tłumacza w kontekście konkretnych działań organizacji, które mogą wpłynąć na jakość tej pracy, z uwzględnieniem różnicy w pracy tłumaczy pracujących z tekstem (translators) i tych, którzy tłumaczą żywy język (interpretors). Artykuł zawiera liczne przykłady - zarówno z literatury, jak i z praktyki autorki - ukazujące negatywne konsekwencje niewłaściwej selekcji tłumacza bądź nieodpowiedniej z nim współpracyThis paper deals with aspects such as finding good professional translators, preparing to work together, agreeing on prices and deadlines so that both parties have a fair deal, and how to build up and maintain a good working relationship. The aim of the paper is to show how client and translator can form a strategic partnership that benefits them both. It attempts to show what is involved in the work of a professional translator and how the client can help the translator to do the best possible job. It also includes a section on the differences between the work of translators and interpreters as well as examples of what can go wrong if a company does not use the services of a carefully selected professional translator or does not work effectively enough with the translato

    Cesarean Delivery And Socioeconomic Status

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    Women of higher socioeconomic status have been observed to have higher rates of cesarean delivery, said to be evidence that many cesarean sections are unnecessary. Previous investigations have been conducted in settings where access to obstetrical services may be dependent on ability to pay, and investigators have often not adjusted differences for maternal age, parity and previous cesarean delivery, factors known to confound the association. Whether women of upper or lower socioeconomic status are at increased risk of cesarean delivery for biological reasons has not been determined.;The purpose of this investigation was to examine the association between cesarean delivery and socioeconomic indicators in a setting with universal health insurance and all obstetrical services. Eligible residents of London, Ontario, giving birth during the study period were invited to participate. Questionnaires were completed by 2383 (78.5 percent) of those eligible during their postpartum stay in hospital. Questionnaire information allowed participants to be classified according to several indicators of socioeconomic status. Additional information was abstracted from consenting participant\u27s hospital charts.;Women of higher socioeconomic status not only did not have higher rates of cesarean delivery, but appeared to have lower rates. The estimated odds ratio of cesarean delivery for women with a university degree compared to women who had not completed high school was 0.37 (0.22, 0.64; 95% C.I.) after adjusting for age, parity, and previous cesarean delivery. Among women defined as low risk, the estimated odds ratio of cesarean delivery for women with a university degree compared to women who had not completed high school was 0.16 (0.06, 0.43; 95% C.I.) after adjustment for maternal age, parity, maternal height and infant birth weight. Further exploration showed that factors hypothesized to be related to poor growth during childhood and adolescence may be associated with increased odds of a cesarean delivery.;It is likely that the results of the current investigation differ from the results of previous investigations because of the greater control over potentially confounding factors that the study design facilitated. It is recommended that investigators of differences in cesarean section rates adjust for population differences as fully as possible and consider that undetected differences in population characteristics may exist

    The regional distribution of public expendictures in the UK : an exposition and critique of the Barnett formula

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    The Barnett formula is the official basis upon which increments to public funds are allocated to the devolved regions of the UK for those parts of the budget that are administered locally. There is considerable controversy surrounding the implications of its strict application for the relevant regions. The existing literature focuses primarily on the equity of the spatial changes to government per capita expenditure that would accompany such a change. In contrast, in this paper we attempt to quantify the system-wide economic consequences-the real, relative resource squeeze that accompanies the financial relative squeeze-on one devolved region, Scotland. The analysis uses a multisectoral regional computable general equilibrium modelling approach. We highlight the importance of population endogeneity, particularly since the population proportions used in the formula are now regularly updated

    Aquilegia Annual Conference 2017; A Region of Astonishing - and Fragile - Beauty

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    The 14th Annual Colorado Rare Plant Symposium and CoNPS Annual Conference 2017. Colorado College, Colorado Springs; September 8, 9, and 10, 2017.https://epublications.regis.edu/aquilegia/1201/thumbnail.jp