10 research outputs found

    Compressibiliy and compactibility of pectin powders -A study of their potential as direct compression excipients in tablets

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    Papers 2 and 3 of this thesis are not available in Munin: 2. Salbu, L., Bauer-Brandl, A., Alderborn, G. and Tho, I.: 'Effect of degree of methoxylation and particle size on compression properties and compactibilty of pectin powders', Pharmaceutical Development and Technology (2011) 1–11. Available at http://dx.doi.org/10.3109/10837450.2010.535831 3. Salbu, L., Picker-Freyer, K. M., Schmid, W., Bauer- Brandl, A. and Tho, I.: 'Is one tablet sufficient? : Application of 3-D modelling to the compression of pectin powders' (manuscript)Pektinpulver med ulike prosentar metoksylering vart komprimert i ein komprimeringssimulator. Dette er ei avansert tablettmaskin som svĂŠrt nĂžyaktig mĂ„ler distansen tablettstempelet har gĂ„tt (pĂ„ mikrometernivĂ„) og kor stor kraft som er involvert under komprimeringa (samantrykkinga av pulveret). Pektin med metoksyleringsgrad under 10% (ogsĂ„ kalla pektinsyrer) gav dei mekanisk sterkaste tablettane, og er sĂ„leis den pektintypen det bĂžr fokuserast pĂ„ i framtidige forsĂžk med pektin som eit tabletthjelpestoff. HĂžgmetoksylert pektin, dvs. meir enn 50% metoksylering, var ueigna i tablttering ettersom dei ikkje gav samanhengande tablettar. Hovudsakleg skjedde det ein elastisk deformasjon med pektinpartiklane, og sidan dette generelt er ugunstig med hensyn pĂ„ binding og mekanisk sterke tablettar vart det undersĂžkt kva mekanismar som bidreg til at tablettane heng saman. Det vart funne at ei viss grad av fragmentering skjedde i pektinsyrene. Plastisk deformasjon var det lite av. Avhandlinga viser at pektinsyrene og til dels andre pektintypar med metoksylering mindre enn eller lik 40% er veleigna som eit tabletthjelpestoff som kan fungere som ein bĂŠrar av ein aktiv substans til tjukktarmen.This thesis is dedicated to direct compression studies of pectin, a natural polysaccharide with potential as a pharmaceutical excipient due to its ability to act as a carrier for colon-specific drug delivery as well as for sustained drug release purposes. The main objective of this thesis was to study the suitability of pectin as a matrix former in tablets. The compressibility and compactibility of pectin powders were studied as a function of various degree of methoxylation (DM) grades and different particle sizes. Pectin powders with similar powder characteristics were compressed by direct compression on a compaction simulator and an instrumented tablet press, respectively. The results showed that pectin powders, irrespective of DM and particle size, were classified as class IIA powders, showing a low degree of particle rearrangement and a relatively low degree of fragmentation. The powders were relatively soft and resembled the deformation behaviour of pregelatinized starch, an elastically deforming material. The pectinic acids (DM ≀ 10%) were slightly more viscoelastic than the other pectin grades. However, in general terms, it should be emphasized that the DM had a limited effect on the compression behaviour (i.e. compressibility) although an increased DM gave slightly softer and slightly less brittle particles. On the contrary, the compactibility was strongly dependent on both DM and initial particle size. The low-methoxylated (LM) pectin (DM < 50%) and especially pectinic acids (DM ≀ 10%) produced mechanically strong tablets, whereas the high-methoxylated (HM) pectins did not produce coherent tablets. The tensile strength increased with decreasing initial particle size. Pectin also proved to have a high dilution potential as a binder/matrix former, as coherent tablets were produced even when 70% of an inert material was incorporated. To summarize, the results showed that pectins with DM ≀ 40% have potential as direct compression excipients in tablets

    Direct Compression Behavior of Low- and High-Methoxylated Pectins

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate possible usefulness of pectins for direct compression of tablets. The deformation behavior of pectin grades of different degree of methoxylation (DM), namely, 5%, 10%, 25%, 35%, 40%, 50%, and 60% were, examined in terms of yield pressures (YP) derived from Heckel profiles for both compression and decompression and measurements of elastic recovery after ejection. All pectin grades showed a high degree of elastic recovery. DM 60% exhibited most plastic deformation (YP 70.4 MPa) whereas DM 5% (104.6 MPa) and DM 10% (114.7 MPa) least. However, DM 60% gave no coherent tablets, whereas tablet tensile strengths for DM 5% and DM 10% were comparable to Starch 1500Âź. Also, Heckel profiles were similar to Starch 1500Âź. For sieved fractions (180–250 and 90–125 Όm) of DM 25% and DM 40% originating from the very same batch, YPs were alike, indicating minor effects of particle size. These facts indicate that DM is important for the compaction behavior, and batch-to-batch variability should also be considered. Therefore, pectins of low degree of methoxylation may have a potential as direct compression excipients

    Formulering av granulat med mekanisk styrke til Ä tÄle coating i fluid bed

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    SAMANDRAG Den mekaniske styrken til eit granulat er ein viktig eigenskap nÄr det gjeld den vidare behandlinga av granulatet. Enten granulatet skal fyllast i kapslar eller coatast, mÄ det ha ein mekanisk styrke som tÄler desse operasjonane. Coating i fluid bed er ein coatingprosess som stiller ekstra store krav til granulatet. I ein slik prosess gjennomgÄr granulatet ei rÞff behandling, og dette krev at granulatet har hÞg mekanisk styrke. I denne oppgÄva skulle det utviklast eit granulat med mekanisk styrke til Ä tÄle coating i fluid bed. Det var ogsÄ ynskjeleg Ä coate granulatet slik at ei tidskontrollert frisetjing kunne oppnÄast. Preparatet skulle ha ei lagtid pÄ tre timar og deretter ei lineÊr frisetjing av virkestoffet over tre timar. Ved hjelp av eksperimentelt design og multivariat analyse, vart det utvikla eit granulat som hadde tilstrekkeleg mekanisk styrke til Ä tÄle coating i fluid bed. Undervegs i arbeidet vart det funne ut at brotstyrken ikkje var ein eigna parameter for mÄling av den mekaniske styrken. Slitetapet derimot, viste seg Ä vere ein eigna parameter til dette fÞremÄlet. Det var ingen samanheng mellom slitetap og brotstyrke. Ucoata granulat hadde T90% = 5 minutt. Coatinga av granulatet gav derimot ikkje den ynskjelege frisetjingsprofilen. Enten hadde formuleringa inga lagtid, eller sÄ var lagtida minst 6 timar. Frisetjingsprofilane viste ogsÄ at frisetjingshastigheita var for lÄg, og at det skjedde ei ikkje-lineÊr frisetjing av virkestoffet. Dette viser at coatingprosessen mÄ optimaliserast, og fleire in vitro frisetjingar mÄ utfÞrast

    Characterization of uranium and plutonium containing particles originating from the nuclear weapons accident in Thule, Greenland, 1968

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    To improve long-term radioecological impact assessment for the contaminated ecosystem of Bylot Sound, Greenland, U and Pu containing particles have been characterized with respect to particle size, elemental distribution, morphology and oxidation states. Based on scanning electron microscopy with XRMA, particles ranging from about 20 to 40 microm were isolated. XRMA and mu-XRF mapping demonstrated that U and Pu were homogeneously distributed throughout the particles, indicating that U and Pu have been fused. Furthermore, mu-XANES showed that U and Pu in the particles were present as mixed oxides. U was found to be in oxidation state IV whereas Pu apparently is a mixture of Pu(III) and Pu(IV). As previous assessments are based on PuO2 only, revisions should be made, taking Pu(III) into account

    Use of 3-D modelling in early development phase of pectin tablets

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    This study examines the contribution of the 3-D model in an early development set-up for pectin tablets. Therefore, the aim of this work is to extract as much information on the compression behaviour from as few tablets as possible. Pectins with various degrees of methoxylation (DM) were studied (4-72%). The compressibility was evaluated by classical “in-die” Heckel and Kawakita analyses in addition to the 3-D modelling. For validation purposes well-known reference materials were included. 3-D modelling applied on data of single tablets yielded a certain degree of information on the compressibility. When several tablets with different maximum relative densities were included, no additional information was gained in the classical evaluation, whereas the 3D-model provided additional information through the shape of the 3-D parameter plot: pectins with a DM ? 25% consolidated predominantly by elastic deformation similarly to the 3-D parameter plot of pregelatinized starch (PGS). The 3-D analysis also suggests some degree of fragmentation, and for some of the low-methoxylated pectins (DM ? 10%) viscoelastic deformation. This study showed that by application of 3-D modelling it is possible to differentiate elastic and viscoelastic materials, if tablets of different maximum relative densities are evaluated