2,177 research outputs found

    Openness Can be Good for Growth: The Role of Policy Complementarities

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    This paper studies how the effect of trade openness on economic growth depends on complementary reforms that help a country take advantage of international competition. This issue is illustrated with a simple Harris-Todaro model where output gains after trade liberalization depend on the degree of labor market flexibility. In that model, trade protection may ameliorate the problem of underemployment (and underproduction) in sectors affected by labor market distortions; hence trade liberalization unambiguously increases per capita income only when labor markets are sufficiently flexible. We then present some panel evidence on how the growth effect of openness depends on a variety of structural characteristics. For this purpose, we use a non-linear growth regression specification that interacts a proxy of trade openness with proxies of educational investment, financial depth, inflation stabilization, public infrastructure, governance, labor-market flexibility, ease of firm entry, and ease of firm exit. We find that the growth effects of openness are positive and economically significant if certain complementary reforms are undertaken.

    Openness Can be Good for Growth: The Role of Policy Complementarities

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    This paper studies how the effect of trade openness on economic growth depends on complementary reforms that help a country take advantage of international competition. This issue is illustrated with a simple Harris-Todaro model where output gains after trade liberalization depend on the degree of labor market flexibility. In that model, trade protection may ameliorate the problem of underemployment (and underproduction) in sectors affected by labor market distortions; hence trade liberalization unambiguously increases per capita income only when labor markets are sufficiently flexible. We then present some panel evidence on how the growth effect of openness depends on a variety of structural characteristics. For this purpose, we use a non-linear growth regression specification that interacts a proxy of trade openness with proxies of educational investment, financial depth, inflation stabilization, public infrastructure, governance, labor-market flexibility, ease of firm entry, and ease of firm exit. We find that the growth effects of openness are positive and economically significant if certain complementary reforms are undertaken.

    Openness can be good for Growth: The Role of Policy Complementarities

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    This paper studies how the effect of trade openness on economic growth depends on complementary reforms that help a country take advantage of international competition. This issue is illustrated with a simple Harris-Todaro type of model where output gains after trade liberalization depend on the degree of labor market flexibility. In that model, trade protection may ameliorate the problem of underemployment (and underproduction) in sectors affected by labor market distortions; hence trade liberalization unambiguously increases per capita income only when labor markets are sufficiently flexible. We then present some panel evidence on how the growth effect of openness depends on a variety of structural characteristics. For this purpose, we use a non-linear growth regression specification that interacts a proxy of trade openness with proxies of educational investment, financial depth, inflation stabilization, public infrastructure, governance, labor-market flexibility, ease of firm entry, and ease of firm exit. We find that the growth effects of openness are positive and economically significant if certain complementary reforms are undertaken.Openness, Growth, Economic Reform, Policy Complementarity

    Openness can be good for growth : the role of policy complementarities

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    The authors study how the effect of trade openness on economic growth depends on complementary reforms that help a country take advantage of international competition. This issue is illustrated with a simple Harris-Todaro model where output gains after trade liberalization depend on the degree of labor market flexibility. In that model, trade protection may ameliorate the problem of underemployment (and underproduction) in sectors affected by labor market distortions. Hence, trade liberalization unambiguously increases per capita income only when labor markets are sufficiently flexible. The authors then present some panel evidence on how the growth effect of openness depends on a variety of structural characteristics. For this purpose, they use a non-linear growth regression specification that interacts a proxy of trade openness with proxies of educational investment, financial depth, inflation stabilization, public infrastructure, governance, labor-market flexibility, ease of firm entry, and ease of firm exit. They find that the growth effects of openness are positive and economically significant if certain complementary reforms are undertaken.Free Trade,Achieving Shared Growth,Economic Theory&Research,Inequality,Labor Markets

    Pulling Heart Strings: Evidence Based Algorithm for Temporary Epicardial Pacing Wire Removal

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    Abstract Background Use of temporary epicardial pacing wires in the post-operative period following cardiac surgery is commonplace. Timing of epicardial wire removal is dependent on surgeon preference or discretion but is carried out by intensive care unit practitioners on patients that are on dual antiplatelet therapy, novel oral anticoagulants (NOACs) and/or systemic anticoagulation. Problem Removal of epicardial wires in patients who are frequently on dual antiplatelet therapy, NOACs, or systemic anticoagulation can lead to catastrophic complications such as hemorrhage, cardiac tamponade, emergent sternal reentry, and death. Methods Retrospective data collection of adult cardiac surgery patients from 2014 to 2019 with implantation of temporary epicardial pacing wires. Analysis of patients with late procedures after wire removal and their anticoagulation/antiplatelet profiles post-operatively. Interventions Implementation of evidence-based epicardial pacing wire removal protocol to provide guidance for safe removal of epicardial pacing wires and a reduction in risk of potential complications post pacing wire removal. Results Expected results would be a reduced incidence in pericardial bleeding, tamponade, re-operation or late procedure, and death after epicardial pacing wire removal. Conclusions/Implications While the removal of epicardial pacing wires is standard procedure in cardiac surgery intensive care units, there is no current standardized protocol to minimize bleeding risk in a patient population where the post-operative standard of care includes the use of dual antiplatelet therapy, NOACs, and systemic anticoagulation. Implementation of a standardized protocol for epicardial wire removal would ensure that patients meet evidenced based standards prior to wire removal, thus reducing the risk of pericardial hemorrhage, tamponade, emergent reoperation, and death. Word count: 250 word

    Tris+/Na+ permeability ratios of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors are reduced by mutations near the intracellular end of the M2 region

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    Tris+/Na+ permeability ratios were measured from shifts in the biionic reversal potentials of the macroscopic ACh-induced currents for 3 wild- type (WT), 1 hybrid, 2 subunit-deficient, and 25 mutant nicotinic receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes. At two positions near the putative intracellular end of M2, 2' (alpha Thr244, beta Gly255, gamma Thr253, delta Ser258) and -1', point mutations reduced the relative Tris+ permeability of the mouse receptor as much as threefold. Comparable mutations at several other positions had no effects on relative Tris+ permeability. Mutations in delta had a greater effect on relative Tris+ permeability than did comparable mutations in gamma; omission of the mouse delta subunit (delta 0 receptor) or replacement of mouse delta with Xenopus delta dramatically reduced relative Tris+ permeability. The WT mouse muscle receptor (alpha beta gamma delta) had a higher relative permeability to Tris+ than the wild-type Torpedo receptor. Analysis of the data show that (a) changes in the Tris+/Na+ permeability ratio produced by mutations correlate better with the hydrophobicity of the amino acid residues in M2 than with their volume; and (b) the mole-fraction dependence of the reversal potential in mixed Na+/Tris+ solutions is approximately consistent with the Goldman- Hodgkin-Katz voltage equation. The results suggest that the main ion selectivity filter for large monovalent cations in the ACh receptor channel is the region delimited by positions -1' and 2' near the intracellular end of the M2 helix

    Sarbanes-Oxley Turns Six: An Enforcement Perspective

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    Geomorphology, Sedimentary Structures, and Genesis of Dome Dunes in Western Canada

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    Dome dunes in four stabilized, inland dune fields in western Canada are predominantly composed of horizontal to low-angle cross-strata, indicating that slip face development was rare. Dip angles of lee side deposits decrease upward in the dome dunes. The spread of dip directions increases with elevation in the dunes, spanning 360° for topset deposits. Sedimentary structures indicative of moisture (adhesion laminae) and vegetation (scour surfaces) occur in the dunes and denivation features are also present. Sediment adhesion is responsible for the maintenance of the dome morphology. Sediment sorting within the dome dunes is poorer than in other local dune types in the vicinity, suggesting that less reworking/ineffective selective transport occurred and that the dome dunes are more efficient in retaining sediment. The rarity of slip face and grainfall deposits and the abundance of low angle deposits indicate that preferential accumulation of sediment at the top of the lee side did not occur. Development of domal morphology is a consequence of the inhibition of slip face development. In inland, relatively moist boreal environments, the primary factor limiting or precluding sediment accumulation at the crest of the dunes is a low rate of sedimentation.Les dunes en dôme situées dans des champs de dunes stabilisés à l'intérieur des terres sont en grande partie constituées de stratifications entrecroisées subhorizontales, indiquant ainsi un faible développement de la face sous le vent. L'angle de pendage du versant sous le vent tend à diminuer vers la partie supérieure des dunes. Les directions de pendage s'étalent avec l'altitude, jusqu'à 360° dans les dépôts sommitaux. On trouve dans ces dunes des structures sédimentaires indicatrices de la présence d'humidité (feuillets adhérents) et de végétation (surface d'affouillement) ainsi que des formes de dénivation. La préservation de la morphologie des dunes est attribuable à l'adhésivité des sédiments. La granulométrie des dunes en dôme n'est pas aussi complète que dans les autres types de dunes de la région, indiquant ainsi que le remaniement des sédiments et leur transport sélectif ont été moins efficaces et qu'il y a eu meilleure rétention des sédiments. La faible accumulation par écoulement granulaire et sur la face sous le vent et la forte accumulation par strates subhorizontales montrent qu'il n'y a pas eu de mise en place préférentielle de sédiments au sommet du versant sous le vent. L'élaboration de la morphologie en dôme est attribuable au faible développement de la face sous le vent. À l'intérieur des terres, en milieu boréal relativement humide, l'accumulation des sédiments est minime-au sommet des dunes, surtout en raison du faible taux de sédimentation.Kuppeldunen in vier stabilisierten Inlanddûnenfeldern in West-Kanada bestehen vor allem aus hori-zontalen bis gering geneigten Kreuzschichtungen, was darauf hinweist, dass abrutschende Entwicklung selten war. Die Neigungswinkel der Ablagerungen auf der Leeseite nehmen in den Kuppeldunen nach oben hin ab. Die Ausdehnung der Neigungsrichtungen nimmt mit der Hôhe der Dûnen zu, bis zu 360° in den hôchsten Ablagerungen. Es gibt in den Dùnen Sedimentstrukturen, die auf Feuchtigkeit (haftende Blatter) und Vegetation (Schleifoberflàchen) hinweisen, und auch Denivationserscheinungen sind vorhanden. Der Sedimentadhâsion wird die Erhaltung der Kuppelmorphologie zugeschrieben. Die Sedimentsortierung innerhalb der Kuppeldunen ist geringer als in anderen lokalen Dùnen-typen in der Nàhe, so dass man annimmt, dass weniger Umarbeitung/ ineffektiver selektiver Transport geschah und dass die Kuppeldunen erfolgreicher Sediment zurùckhalten. Das seltene Vorkommen abrutschender und kôrniger Ablagerungen und die Fùlle von gering geneigten Ablagerungen zeigen, dass bevorzugte Sedimentakkumulation an der Spitze der Leeseite nicht vorkam. Die Entwicklung der Kuppelmorphologie ergibt sich aus der Verhinderung abrutschender Entwicklung. Im Inland, in relativ feuchter nôrdlicher Umwelt ist der hauptsachliche Faktor der Begren-zung oder Verhinderung der Sedimentakkumulation an der Spitze der Dùnen eine niedrige Sedimentierungsrate

    Tørrskodd Vestland. Arbeidsmarkedsvirkninger av ferjefritt samband Bergen-Stavanger

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    I denne rapporten drøftes og tallfestes regionaløkonomiske virkninger for Sørvestlandet av ferjefritt stamveiforbindelse mellom Stavanger og Bergen. Analysen er et supplement til «tradisjonelle» nytte-kostnadsanalyser. I tråd med nyere litteratur om nytte-kostnadsanalyser, basert på teorier om geografiske klynger, ser vi på de videre konsekvensene («wider impacts») av ferjefritt samband. Fokus er spesielt på konsekvensene for arbeidsmarkedene i regionen og med det for verdi¬skapningen. Våre analyser indikerer at tilleggsgevinstene i forhold til det som fremkommer i de «tradisjonelle» nytte-kostnadsanalysene kan være svært store – i størrelsesorden drøyt tre til drøyt ti milliarder kroner pr år

    Planning a facility for value-added farm business incubation and educational use

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    A survey of the community and surrounding region was conducted to determine the financial viability of a shared-use certified kitchen, which would be offered as one of the services of the Midwest Center for Entrepreneurial Agriculture
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