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    I detta projektarbete skulle tre olika ölsorters beska bestĂ€mmas. Beskan skulle bestĂ€mmas analytiskt genom tvĂ„ metoder, en HPCL och en spektrofotometrisk. Det skulle Ă€ven avgöras vilken av metoderna som lĂ€mpade sig bĂ€st för detta. Ölsorter Ă€r ur Lundabryggeriets sortiment.  Beska mĂ€ts i IBU som Ă€r en förkortning pĂ„ ”international bitterness units” och Ă€r milligram iso-α–syror per liter öl. Den analytiska IBU bestĂ€mningen skulle göras för att kunna fĂ„ en uppskattning om hur riktiga de IBU vĂ€rden var som Lundabryggeriet tidigare berĂ€knat fram med hjĂ€lp ut av ett program, Glenn Tinseths.    De tvĂ„ olika analysmetoderna som anvĂ€ndes var, en spektrofotometrisk metod ”Hope bitterness in beer” och en HPLC metod ” Iso α-, α-and ÎČ-acid in hope and isomerized hop extracts in beer”.   Under arbetets gĂ„ng faststĂ€lldes det att tillredningen av extraktionslösningarna i den spektrofotometriska metoden Ă€r vĂ€ldigt beroende pĂ„ hur lĂ€nge dessa lösningar skakas. Det faststĂ€lldes ocksĂ„ att desto mörkare ölet var desto viktigare blev skakningstiden.    För HPLC metoden faststĂ€lldes det att lösligheten av substansen ICE-I3, i standarden, beror pĂ„ polariteten i lösningsmedlet och att det inte Ă€r optimalt att anvĂ€nda svagt försurad metanol, som var angivet i metoden ”Iso α-, α-and ÎČ-acid in hope and isomerized hop extracts in beer”. DĂ„ metanolen Ă€r svagt försurad Ă€r den Ă€ven mer polĂ€r, vilket resulterade i att ICE-I3 inte kunde lösas. Att anvĂ€nda metanol som inte var försurad visade sig vara mycket mer lĂ€mpligt.    I detta fall kunde det konstateras att den spektrofotometriska metoden var mer osĂ€ker Ă€n HPLC, speciellt dĂ„ skakningstiden för fullstĂ€ndig extraktion av de isomerade syrorna inte kunde faststĂ€llas. DĂ€rför anses det vara bĂ€ttre lĂ€mpat att fokusera pĂ„ HPLC metoden vid fortsatt arbete för att faststĂ€lla ölsorternas IBU.In this project, the bitterness of three different kinds of beers was to be determined. The bitterness would analytically be determined with two methods, a HPLC method and a spectrophotometric method. The aim of the project was also to decide whitch of the methods that was best suited for this determination.   Bitterness is measured in IBU which is an abbreviation of “International Bitterness Units” and is measured in milligram iso-α-acids per liter of beer. The analytical determination of the IBU was to be made, in order to get an estimate of how accurate previous entered IBU values were. Those values were estimated using calculations in the program, Glenn Tinseths.    The determination of the IBU was executed with two different methods of analysis, a spectrophotometric method “Hope bitterness in beer” and a HPLC method “Iso α-, α- and ÎČ-acid in Hope and isomerized hop extracts in beer”.    During the work it was concluded that the preparation of the extraction in the spectrophotometric method is very dependent on how long the solvents are shaken. It was also concluded that, the darker the beer was the more important the time of shaking the solvents was.    For the HPLC method, it was determined that the solubility of substance ICE I3, in the standard, depends on the polarity of the solvent and that it is not optimal to use low acidified methanol, which was specified by the method “Iso α-, α-and ÎČ-acid in Hope and isomerized hop extracts in beer”. When methanol is weakly acidfied, it is also more polar, resulting in that the ICE-I3 could not be resolved. Using methanol that was not acidified at all was shown to be more appropriate.    Finally, it was determined that the spectrophotometric method was more uncertain than the HPLC, especially when the specific time of shaking the solvents for complete extraction of the isomerade acids, could not be determined. The HPLC method is therefore considered to be the better fit of the two, and should be focus in further work of determining the beers IBU

    Actual Beer Bitterness

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    I detta projektarbete skulle tre olika ölsorters beska bestĂ€mmas. Beskan skulle bestĂ€mmas analytiskt genom tvĂ„ metoder, en HPCL och en spektrofotometrisk. Det skulle Ă€ven avgöras vilken av metoderna som lĂ€mpade sig bĂ€st för detta. Ölsorter Ă€r ur Lundabryggeriets sortiment.  Beska mĂ€ts i IBU som Ă€r en förkortning pĂ„ ”international bitterness units” och Ă€r milligram iso-α–syror per liter öl. Den analytiska IBU bestĂ€mningen skulle göras för att kunna fĂ„ en uppskattning om hur riktiga de IBU vĂ€rden var som Lundabryggeriet tidigare berĂ€knat fram med hjĂ€lp ut av ett program, Glenn Tinseths.    De tvĂ„ olika analysmetoderna som anvĂ€ndes var, en spektrofotometrisk metod ”Hope bitterness in beer” och en HPLC metod ” Iso α-, α-and ÎČ-acid in hope and isomerized hop extracts in beer”.   Under arbetets gĂ„ng faststĂ€lldes det att tillredningen av extraktionslösningarna i den spektrofotometriska metoden Ă€r vĂ€ldigt beroende pĂ„ hur lĂ€nge dessa lösningar skakas. Det faststĂ€lldes ocksĂ„ att desto mörkare ölet var desto viktigare blev skakningstiden.    För HPLC metoden faststĂ€lldes det att lösligheten av substansen ICE-I3, i standarden, beror pĂ„ polariteten i lösningsmedlet och att det inte Ă€r optimalt att anvĂ€nda svagt försurad metanol, som var angivet i metoden ”Iso α-, α-and ÎČ-acid in hope and isomerized hop extracts in beer”. DĂ„ metanolen Ă€r svagt försurad Ă€r den Ă€ven mer polĂ€r, vilket resulterade i att ICE-I3 inte kunde lösas. Att anvĂ€nda metanol som inte var försurad visade sig vara mycket mer lĂ€mpligt.    I detta fall kunde det konstateras att den spektrofotometriska metoden var mer osĂ€ker Ă€n HPLC, speciellt dĂ„ skakningstiden för fullstĂ€ndig extraktion av de isomerade syrorna inte kunde faststĂ€llas. DĂ€rför anses det vara bĂ€ttre lĂ€mpat att fokusera pĂ„ HPLC metoden vid fortsatt arbete för att faststĂ€lla ölsorternas IBU.In this project, the bitterness of three different kinds of beers was to be determined. The bitterness would analytically be determined with two methods, a HPLC method and a spectrophotometric method. The aim of the project was also to decide whitch of the methods that was best suited for this determination.   Bitterness is measured in IBU which is an abbreviation of “International Bitterness Units” and is measured in milligram iso-α-acids per liter of beer. The analytical determination of the IBU was to be made, in order to get an estimate of how accurate previous entered IBU values were. Those values were estimated using calculations in the program, Glenn Tinseths.    The determination of the IBU was executed with two different methods of analysis, a spectrophotometric method “Hope bitterness in beer” and a HPLC method “Iso α-, α- and ÎČ-acid in Hope and isomerized hop extracts in beer”.    During the work it was concluded that the preparation of the extraction in the spectrophotometric method is very dependent on how long the solvents are shaken. It was also concluded that, the darker the beer was the more important the time of shaking the solvents was.    For the HPLC method, it was determined that the solubility of substance ICE I3, in the standard, depends on the polarity of the solvent and that it is not optimal to use low acidified methanol, which was specified by the method “Iso α-, α-and ÎČ-acid in Hope and isomerized hop extracts in beer”. When methanol is weakly acidfied, it is also more polar, resulting in that the ICE-I3 could not be resolved. Using methanol that was not acidified at all was shown to be more appropriate.    Finally, it was determined that the spectrophotometric method was more uncertain than the HPLC, especially when the specific time of shaking the solvents for complete extraction of the isomerade acids, could not be determined. The HPLC method is therefore considered to be the better fit of the two, and should be focus in further work of determining the beers IBU