163 research outputs found

    Multiscale model of global inner-core anisotropy induced by hcp-alloy plasticity

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    ∙\bullet Multiscale model of inner-core anisotropy produced by hcp alloy deformation∙\bullet 5 to 20% single-crystal elastic anisotropy and plastic deformation by pyramidal slip ∙\bullet Low-degree inner-core formation model with faster crystallization at the equatorThe Earth's solid inner-core exhibits a global seismic anisotropy of several percents. It results from a coherent alignment of anisotropic Fe-alloy crystals through the inner-core history that can be sampled by present-day seismic observations. By combining self-consistent polycrystal plasticity, inner-core formation models, Monte-Carlo search for elastic moduli, and simulations of seismic measurements, we introduce a multiscale model that can reproduce a global seismic anisotropy of several percents aligned with the Earth's rotation axis. Conditions for a successful model are an hexagonal-close-packed structure for the inner-core Fe-alloy, plastic deformation by pyramidal \textless{}c+a\textgreater{} slip, and large-scale flow induced by a low-degree inner-core formation model. For global anisotropies ranging between 1 and 3%, the elastic anisotropy in the single crystal ranges from 5 to 20% with larger velocities along the c-axis

    Is inner core seismic anisotropy a marker for plastic flow of cubic iron?

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    International audienceThis paper investigates whether observations of seismic anisotropy are compatible with a cubic structure of the inner core Fe alloy.We assume that anisotropy is the result of plastic deformation within a large scale flow induced by preferred growth at the inner core equator. Based on elastic moduli from the literature, bcc- or fcc-Fe produce seismic anisotropy well below seismic observations (<0.4%<0.4\%). A Monte-Carlo approach allows us to generalize this result to any form of elastic anisotropy in a cubic system. Within our model, inner core global anisotropy is not compatible with a cubic structure of Fe alloy.Hence, if the inner core material is indeed cubic, large scale coherent anisotropic structures, incompatible with plastic deformation induced by large scale flow, must be present

    Seismic response and anisotropy of a model hcp iron inner core

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    International audienceWe present a framework for simulating the measurement of seismic anisotropy in a model inner core by computing travel time residuals of synthetic seismic rays propagated through the model. The method is first tested on simple inner core structural models consisting of layers with distinct anisotropy, as often proposed in the literature. Those models are not consistent with geodynamics. Hence, we extend the method to a numerically grown inner core composed of Δ-Fe with flow generated from an excess of crystallization in the equatorial belt, inducing polycrystalline textures. The global inner core anisotropy is 7 times smaller than that of the single crystal. Compositional stratification amplifies the global anisotropy by 15% while the addition of solidification textures reduces it by a factor of 2. As such, and within the tested geodynamical models, no published elastic model of Δ-Fe at inner core conditions allows for reproducing the 3% cylindrical anisotropy reported in seismology publications. In addition, our models demonstrate that additional information such as the depth dependence and the spread of the observed anisotropy is a key for revealing the dynamics and history of the inner core

    Electrodeposition of In2S3 buffer layer for Cu(In,Ga)Se2 solar cells

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    AbstractThe electrochemical deposition of In2S3 thin films was carried out from an aqueous solution of InCl3 and Na2S2O3. The effect of the potential of deposition was studied on the cell parameters of CIGSe based solar cells. The obtained films depending on the deposition potential and thickness exhibited complete substrate coverage or nanocolumnar layers. XPS measurements detected the presence of indium sulphide and hydroxide depending on the deposition parameters. Maximum photoelectric conversion efficiency of 10.2% was obtained, limited mainly by a low fill factor (56%). Further process optimization is expected to lead to efficiencies comparable to CdS buffer layers

    Electrochemical integration of graphene with light absorbing copper-based thin films

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    We present an electrochemical route for the integration of graphene with light sensitive copper-based alloys used in optoelectronic applications. Graphene grown using chemical vapor deposition (CVD) transferred to glass is found to be a robust substrate on which photoconductive Cu_{x}S films of 1-2 um thickness can be deposited. The effect of growth parameters on the morphology and photoconductivity of Cu_{x}S films is presented. Current-voltage characterization and photoconductivity decay experiments are performed with graphene as one contact and silver epoxy as the other

    Electro-plating and characterisation of cadmium sulphide thin films using ammonium thiosulphate as the sulphur source

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    Cadmium sulphide (CdS) thin films have been successfully prepared from an aqueous electrolyte bath containing CdCl2 and ammonium thiosulphate ((NH4)2S2O3) using electrodeposition technique. The structural, compositional, optical, morphological and electrical properties of these thin films have been characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, UV–Vis spectrophotometry, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), atomic force microscopy (AFM), photoelectrochemical cell and D.C. current–voltage (I–V) measurements. The optimum deposition cathodic potential has been observed at 1,455 mV, in a 2-electrode system with respect to carbon anode. Structural analysis using XRD shows a mixture of hexagonal and cubic phases in the as-deposited CdS samples and a phase transformation to the hexagonal structure occurred after heat treatment at 400 °C for 20 min. Optical studies demonstrate an improvement in the band edge, producing 2.42 eV for the band gap of the films after heat treatment. The heat treated CdS thin films show better transmission for wavelengths longer than 500 nm. SEM and AFM show that the heat-treated samples are more uniform, smoother and have larger grain size. Electrical studies confirm that the CdS thin films have n-type electrical conductivity and heat treated CdS thin films have resistivities of the order of 105 Ω cm

    Analysis of electrodeposited CdTe thin films grown using cadmium chloride precursor for applications in solar cells

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    Deposition of cadmium telluride (CdTe) from cadmium chloride (CdCl2) and tellurium oxide has been achieved by electroplating technique using two-electrode configuration. Cyclic voltammetry shows that near-stoichiometric CdTe is achievable between 1330 and 1400 mV deposition voltage range. The layers grown were characterised using X-ray diffraction (XRD), UV–Visible spectrophotometry, scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX), photoelectrochemical (PEC) cell and DC conductivity measurements. The XRD shows that the electrodeposited CdTe layer is polycrystalline in nature. The UV–Visible spectrophotometry shows that the bandgap of both as-deposited and heat-treated CdTe films are in the range of (1.44–1.46) eV. The SEM shows grain growth after CdCl2 treatment, while, the EDX shows the effect of growth voltage on the atomic composition of CdTe layers. The PEC results show that both p- and n-type CdTe can be electrodeposited and the DC conductivity reveals that the high resistivity is at the inversion growth voltage (Vi) for the as-deposited and CdCl2 treated layers

    Optimisation of CdTe electrodeposition voltage for development of CdS/CdTe solar cells

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    Cadmium telluride (CdTe) thin films have been deposited on glass/conducting glass (FTO) substrates using low-cost two electrode system and aqueous electrodeposition method. The glass/FTO substrates were used to grow the CdTe layers at different deposition voltages. The structural, electrical, optical and morphological properties of the resulting films have been characterized using X-ray diffraction (XRD), Photoelectrochemical (PEC) cell measurements, optical absorption spectroscopy and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The XRD results indicate that at voltages less than or higher than 1.576 V, crystallinity is poor due to presence of two phases. When CdTe is grown at 1.576 V, the composition is stoichiometric, and the (111) peak has the highest intensity in the XRD diffractogram indicating a high degree of crystallinity. SEM studies showed that all layers had pin-holes and gaps between the grains. These openings seem to be more common in the samples grown at voltages away from the stoichiometric voltage (1.576 V). The linear I–V curves of glass/FTO/CdS/CdTe/Au structures fabricated using stoichiometric CdTe showed efficiency of 10.1 % under AM 1.5 illuminatio
