14 research outputs found

    The score values of proportions’ comparisons of blood and its components donors’ deferrals in Lithuania between April 2019 and March 2023.

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    The score values of proportions’ comparisons of blood and its components donors’ deferrals in Lithuania between April 2019 and March 2023.</p

    Health care quality assessment in cardiology center: viewpoint of patients

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    Darbo tikslas: išanalizuoti sveikatos priežiūros paslaugų kokybę pacientų požiūriu Vilniaus miesto ligoninės kardiologijos centre. Tyrimo medžiaga ir metodai. Anketinė apklausa. Imtis – 200 pacientų. Vertinti pacientų lūkesčiai ir įspūdžiai apie ligoninės kardiologijos centre teikiamas sveikatos priežiūros paslaugas. Statistinė duomenų analizė atlikta naudojant kompiuterinės programos statistikos paketą „SPSS 13.0“ ir Microsoft Office Excel 2007 programą. Rezultatai ir išvados. Apklaustieji aukštais balais vertino lūkesčius ligoninės atžvilgiu. Vyrų lūkesčiai materialinių vertybių, ligoninės patikimumo, darbuotojų jautrumo, pacientų saugumo ir darbuotojų empatijos atžvilgiu buvo mažesni nei moterų (p<0,05). Apklaustųjų amžius reikšmingai teigiamai susijęs su lūkesčiais darbuotojų empatijos atžvilgiu ir visais įspūdžiais apie ligoninę. Aukštesnis išsilavinimas susijęs su mažesniais lūkesčiais ligoninės materialinių vertybių, patikimumo ir darbuotojų jautrumo atžvilgiu ir prastesniais įspūdžiais apie materialines vertybes ir ligoninės darbuotojų jautrumą. Nustatytos koreliacijos (p<0,01) tarp tiriamųjų lūkesčių ligoninės atžvilgiu ir įspūdžių apie ligoninę, lūkesčiai buvo didesni nei įspūdžiai (p=0,0001).The aim of the work: to analyse health service quality from the viewpoint of patients in the Cardiology Center of the Vilnius Hospital. Materials and Methods. The accomplished survey involved 200 patients interviewed. The patients’ expectations and impressions about the health care provided at the Cardiology Center of the Vilnius hospital were evaluated. Data analysis was performed applying the statistical computer program SPSS13.0 and Microsoft Office Excel 2007. Results and conclusions. The patients assessed their expectations in relation with the hospital concerned in high scores. The male patients’ expectations on the hospital tangible assets, reliability of the hospital, staff sensitivity, patients’ safety and staff empathy was statistically significantly lower than expectations of the female patients (p<0,05). The age of the patients interviewed significantly positively was related with patients’ expectations with regard to the hospital staff empathy. Higher education of the patients was associated with lower expectations towards the hospital tangible assets, its reliability and staff sensitivity. The patients interviewed had higher expectations than their final feedback (p=0.0001). The significant (p<0,01) correlation between the patients’ expectations with regard to the hospital and their feedback was identified

    An evaluation of the effectiveness and safety of midazolam in children undergoing dental surgery

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    Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of oral midazolam in children undergoing dental surgery. Materials and methods: A prospective, randomized, controlled trial was conducted to assess the effectiveness and safety of midazolam in children. Patients aged 2–9 years who underwent dental surgery under general anesthesia were randomly allocated into one of the four groups: midazolam 0.2 mg/kg dose group (n = 30); midazolam 0.21–0.4 mg/kg dose group (n = 15); midazolam more than 0.41 mg/kg dose group (n = 15) or the placebo group (n = 31). The effectiveness of midazolam on sedation was assessed by the evaluation of vital signs, such as the respiratory and heart rate, oxygen saturation and the patients’ reactive behaviors, in comparison with the placebo. Results: The scores of the ratings for sleep, movement and crying, as well as patients’ reactions at the moment of separation from their parents and their collaboration with the staff were statistically significantly better among patients who received oral midazolam compared with the placebo. There were statistically significant direct correlations between the doses of midazolam and higher sleep, movement, crying and reaction scores 30 min after premedication as well as higher scores of patients upon separation from their parents. There were only a few clinically insignificant side effects. Conclusions: Oral midazolam, at a single dose from 0.2 to 0.6 mg/kg, is effective and safe, and provides the expected sedative effects in children required by premedication for dental surgery

    The score values of donations proportions’ comparisons according to donor’s age and sex in different years in Lithuania between April 2019 and March 2023.

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    The score values of donations proportions’ comparisons according to donor’s age and sex in different years in Lithuania between April 2019 and March 2023.</p

    Blood and its components donors’ deferrals in Lithuania between April 2019 and March 2023.

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    Blood and its components donors’ deferrals in Lithuania between April 2019 and March 2023.</p

    The score values of prevalence comparisons of transfusion-transmitted infectious disease markers in blood and its components’ donations in Lithuania between April 2019 and March 2023.

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    The score values of prevalence comparisons of transfusion-transmitted infectious disease markers in blood and its components’ donations in Lithuania between April 2019 and March 2023.</p

    Odds ratios for confirmed markers of transfusion-transmitted infectious diseases in blood and its component donations in Lithuania: A comparison between pandemic years.

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    Odds ratios for confirmed markers of transfusion-transmitted infectious diseases in blood and its component donations in Lithuania: A comparison between pandemic years.</p

    Odds ratios for confirmed transfusion-transmitted infectious disease markers in blood and its components’ donations: Comparison the pre-pandemic year with the pandemic years.

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    Odds ratios for confirmed transfusion-transmitted infectious disease markers in blood and its components’ donations: Comparison the pre-pandemic year with the pandemic years.</p

    Number of blood and its components’ donations according to specific dimensions in Lithuania between April 2019 and March 2023.

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    Number of blood and its components’ donations according to specific dimensions in Lithuania between April 2019 and March 2023.</p