767 research outputs found

    Poincare Invariant Three-Body Scattering

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    Relativistic Faddeev equations for three-body scattering are solved at arbitrary energies in terms of momentum vectors without employing a partial wave decomposition. Relativistic invariance is incorporated withing the framework of Poincar\'e invariant quantum mechanics. Based on a Malfliet-Tjon interaction, observables for elastic and breakup scattering are calculated and compared to non-relativistic ones.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Proceedings of the workshop "Critical Stability of Few-Body Quantum Systems" 200

    RHESSI Results -- Time For a Rethink?

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    Hard X-rays and gamma-rays are the most direct signatures of energetic electrons and ions in the sun's atmosphere which is optically thin at these energies and their radiation involves no coherent processes. Being collisional they are complementary to gyro-radiation in probing atmospheric density as opposed to magnetic field and the electrons are primarily 10--100 keV in energy, complementing the (>100 keV) electrons likely responsible for microwave bursts. The pioneering results of the Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) are raising the first new major questions concerning solar energetic particles in many years. Some highlights of these results are discussed -- primarily around RHESSI topics on which the authors have had direct research involvement -- particularly when they are raising the need for re-thinking of entrenched ideas. Results and issues are broadly divided into discoveries in the spatial, temporal and spectral domains, with the main emphasis on flare hard X-rays/fast electrons but touching also on gamma-rays/ions, non-flare emissions, and the relationship to radio bursts.Comment: Proceedings CESRA Workshop 2004: "The High Energy Solar Corona: Waves, Eruptions, Particles", Lecture Notes in Physics, 2006 (accepted

    Pair excitations and the mean field approximation of interacting Bosons, I

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    In our previous work \cite{GMM1},\cite{GMM2} we introduced a correction to the mean field approximation of interacting Bosons. This correction describes the evolution of pairs of particles that leave the condensate and subsequently evolve on a background formed by the condensate. In \cite{GMM2} we carried out the analysis assuming that the interactions are independent of the number of particles NN. Here we consider the case of stronger interactions. We offer a new transparent derivation for the evolution of pair excitations. Indeed, we obtain a pair of linear equations describing their evolution. Furthermore, we obtain apriory estimates independent of the number of particles and use these to compare the exact with the approximate dynamics

    Supersymmteric Null-like Holographic Cosmologies

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    We construct a new class of 1/4-BPS time dependent domain-wall solutions with null-like metric and dilaton in type II supergravities, which admit a null-like big bang singularity. Based on the domain-wall/QFT correspondence, these solutions are dual to 1/4-supersymmetric quantum field theories living on a boundary cosmological background with time dependent coupling constant and UV cutoff. In particular we evaluate the holographic cc function for the 2-dimensional dual field theory living on the corresponding null-like cosmology. We find that this cc function runs in accordance with the cc-theorem as the boundary universe evolves, this means that the number of degrees of freedom is divergent at big bang and suggests the possible resolution of big bang singularity.Comment: 26 pages;v2 references adde

    Low-energy cutoffs in electron spectra of solar flares: statistical survey

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    The Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI) X-ray data base (February 2002 -- May 2006) has been searched to find solar flares with weak thermal components and flat photon spectra. Using a regularised inversion technique, we determine the mean electron flux distribution from count spectra of a selection of events with flat photon spectra in the 15--20 keV energy range. Such spectral behaviour is expected for photon spectra either affected by photospheric albedo or produced by electron spectra with an absence of electrons in a given energy range, e.g. a low-energy cutoff in the mean electron spectra of non-themal particles. We have found 18 cases which exhibit a statistically significant local minimum (a dip) in the range of 10--20 keV. The positions and spectral indices of events with low-energy cutoff indicate that such features are likely to be the result of photospheric albedo. It is shown that if the isotropic albedo correction was applied, all low-energy cutoffs in the mean electron spectrum were removed and hence the low energy cutoffs in the mean electron spectrum of solar flares above \sim12 keV cannot be viewed as real features in the electron spectrum. If low-energy cutoffs exist in the mean electron spectra, the energy of low energy cutoffs should be less than \sim12 keV.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, submitted to Solar Physic

    Semiparametric estimation of the proportional rates model for recurrent events data with missing event category

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    Proportional rates models are frequently used for the analysis of recurrent event data with multiple event categories. When some of the event categories are missing, a conventional approach is to either exclude the missing data for a complete-case analysis or employ a parametric model for the missing event type. It is well known that the complete-case analysis is inconsistent when the missingness depends on covariates, and the parametric approach may incur bias when the model is misspecified. In this paper, we aim to provide a more robust approach using a rate proportion method for the imputation of missing event types. We show that the log-odds of the event type can be written as a semiparametric generalized linear model, facilitating a theoretically justified estimation framework. Comprehensive simulation studies were conducted demonstrating the improved performance of the semiparametric method over parametric procedures. Multiple types of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infections of young cystic fibrosis patients were analyzed to demonstrate the feasibility of our proposed approach

    Vortices and dynamics in trapped Bose-Einstein condensates

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    I review the basic physics of ultracold dilute trapped atomic gases, with emphasis on Bose-Einstein condensation and quantized vortices. The hydrodynamic form of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation (a nonlinear Schr{\"o}dinger equation) illuminates the role of the density and the quantum-mechanical phase. One unique feature of these experimental systems is the opportunity to study the dynamics of vortices in real time, in contrast to typical experiments on superfluid 4^4He. I discuss three specific examples (precession of single vortices, motion of vortex dipoles, and Tkachenko oscillations of a vortex array). Other unusual features include the study of quantum turbulence and the behavior for rapid rotation, when the vortices form dense regular arrays. Ultimately, the system is predicted to make a quantum phase transition to various highly correlated many-body states (analogous to bosonic quantum Hall states) that are not superfluid and do not have condensate wave functions. At present, this transition remains elusive. Conceivably, laser-induced synthetic vector potentials can serve to reach this intriguing phase transition.Comment: Accepted for publication in Journal of Low Temperature Physics, conference proceedings: Symposia on Superfluids under Rotation (Lammi, Finland, April 2010

    Independent Eigenstates of Angular Momentum in a Quantum N-body System

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    The global rotational degrees of freedom in the Schr\"{o}dinger equation for an NN-body system are completely separated from the internal ones. After removing the motion of center of mass, we find a complete set of (2+1)(2\ell+1) independent base functions with the angular momentum \ell. These are homogeneous polynomials in the components of the coordinate vectors and the solutions of the Laplace equation, where the Euler angles do not appear explicitly. Any function with given angular momentum and given parity in the system can be expanded with respect to the base functions, where the coefficients are the functions of the internal variables. With the right choice of the base functions and the internal variables, we explicitly establish the equations for those functions. Only (3N-6) internal variables are involved both in the functions and in the equations. The permutation symmetry of the wave functions for identical particles is discussed.Comment: 24 pages, no figure, one Table, RevTex, Will be published in Phys. Rev. A 64, 0421xx (Oct. 2001

    Quantum nucleation in ferromagnets with tetragonal and hexagonal symmetries

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    The phenomenon of quantum nucleation is studied in a ferromagnet in the presence of a magnetic field at an arbitrary angle. We consider the magnetocrystalline anisotropy with tetragonal symmetry and that with hexagonal symmetry, respectively. By applying the instanton method in the spin-coherent-state path-integral representation, we calculate the dependence of the rate of quantum nucleation and the crossover temperature on the orientation and strength of the field for a thin film and for a bulk solid. Our results show that the rate of quantum nucleation and the crossover temperature depend on the orientation of the external magnetic field distinctly, which provides a possible experimental test for quantum nucleation in nanometer-scale ferromagnets.Comment: 19 pages and 3 figures, Final version and accepted by Phys. Rev. B (Feb. B1 2001