89,608 research outputs found

    Vacuum polarization for neutral particles in 2+1 dimensions

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    In 2+1 dimensions there exists a duality between a charged Dirac particle coupled minimally to a background vector potential and a neutral one coupled nonminimally to a background electromagnetic field strength. A constant uniform background electric current induces in the vacuum of the neutral particle a fermion current which is proportional to the background one. A background electromagnetic plane wave induces no current in the vacuum. For constant but nonuniform background electric charge, known results for charged particles can be translated to give the induced fermion number. Some new examples with infinite background electric charge are presented. The induced spin and total angular momentum are also discussed.Comment: REVTeX, 7 pages, no figur

    DsJ+(2632)D_{sJ}^+(2632): An Excellent Candidate of Tetraquarks

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    We analyze various possible interpretations of the narrow state DsJ(2632)D_{sJ}(2632) which lies 100 MeV above threshold. This interesting state decays mainly into DsηD_s \eta instead of D0K+D^0 K^+. If this relative branching ratio is further confirmed by other experimental groups, we point out that the identification of DsJ(2632)D_{sJ}(2632) either as a csˉc\bar s state or more generally as a 3ˉ{\bf {\bar 3}} state in the SU(3)FSU(3)_F representation is probably problematic. Instead, such an anomalous decay pattern strongly indicates DsJ(2632)D_{sJ}(2632) is a four quark state in the SU(3)FSU(3)_F 15{\bf 15} representation with the quark content 122(dsdˉ+sddˉ+suuˉ+usuˉ−2sssˉ)cˉ{1\over 2\sqrt{2}} (ds\bar{d}+sd\bar{d}+su\bar{u}+us\bar{u}-2ss\bar{s})\bar{c}. We discuss its partners in the same multiplet, and the similar four-quark states composed of a bottom quark BsJ0(5832)B_{sJ}^0(5832). Experimental searches of other members especially those exotic ones are strongly called for

    Curvature and Acoustic Instabilities in Rotating Fluid Disks

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    The stability of a rotating fluid disk to the formation of spiral arms is studied in the tightwinding approximation in the linear regime. The dispersion relation for spirals that was derived by Bertin et al. is shown to contain a new, acoustic instability beyond the Lindblad resonances that depends only on pressure and rotation. In this regime, pressure and gravity exchange roles as drivers and inhibitors of spiral wave structures. Other instabilities that are enhanced by pressure are also found in the general dispersion relation by including higher order terms in the small parameter 1/kr for wavenumber k and radius r. These instabilities are present even for large values of Toomre's parameter Q. Unstable growth rates are determined in four cases: a self-gravitating disk with a flat rotation curve, a self-gravitating disk with solid body rotation, a non-self-gravitating disk with solid body rotation, and a non-self-gravitating disk with Keplerian rotation. The most important application appears to be as a source of spiral structure, possibly leading to accretion in non-self-gravitating disks, such as some galactic nuclear disks, disks around black holes, and proto-planetary disks. All of these examples have short orbital times so the unstable growth time can be small.Comment: 30 pages, 5 figures, scheduled for ApJ 520, August 1, 199

    Meteorological factors in Earth-satellite propagation

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    Using the COMSTAR D/4 28.56 GHz beacon as a source, a differential gain experiment was performed by connecting a 5-meter paraboloidal antenna and a 0.6-meter paraboloidal antenna alternately to the same receiver. Substantial differential gain changes were observed during some, but not all, rain events. A site-diversity experiment was implemented which consists of two 28.56 GHz radiometers separated by 9 km. The look-angle corresponds to that of the D/4 beacon, and data were obtained with one radiometer during several weeks of concurrent beacon operation to verify the system calibration. A theoretical study of the effect of scattering from a nonuniform rain distribution along the path is under way to aid in interpreting the results of this experiment. An improved empirical site diversity-gain model was derived from data in the literature relating to 34 diversity experiments. Work on the experiment control and data acquisition system is continuing with a view toward future experiments

    The Giant Flare of December 27, 2004 from SGR 1806-20

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    The giant flare of December 27, 2004 from SGR 1806-20 represents one of the most extraordinary events captured in over three decades of monitoring the gamma-ray sky. One measure of the intensity of the main peak is its effect on X- and gamma-ray instruments. RHESSI, an instrument designed to study the brightest solar flares, was completely saturated for ~0.5 s following the start of the main peak. A fortuitous alignment of SGR 1806-20 near the Sun at the time of the giant flare, however, allowed RHESSI a unique view of the giant flare event, including the precursor, the main peak decay, and the pulsed tail. Since RHESSI was saturated during the main peak, we augment these observations with Wind and RHESSI particle detector data in order to reconstruct the main peak as well. Here we present detailed spectral analysis and evolution of the giant flare. We report the novel detection of a relatively soft fast peak just milliseconds before the main peak, whose timescale and sizescale indicate a magnetospheric origin. We present the novel detection of emission extending up to 17 MeV immediately following the main peak, perhaps revealing a highly-extended corona driven by the hyper-Eddington luminosities. The spectral evolution and pulse evolution during the tail are presented, demonstrating significant magnetospheric twist and evolution during this phase. Blackbody radii are derived for every stage of the flare, which show remarkable agreement despite the range of luminosities and temperatures covered. Finally, we place significant upper limits on afterglow emission in the hundreds of seconds following the giant flare.Comment: 32 pages, 14 figures, submitted to Ap

    Distinct mechanisms underlie pattern formation in the skin and skin appendages

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    Patterns form with the break of homogeneity and lead to the emergence of new structure or arrangement. There are different physiological and pathological mechanisms that lead to the formation of patterns. Here, we first introduce the basics of pattern formation and their possible biological basis. We then discuss different categories of skin patterns and their potential underlying molecular mechanisms. Some patterns, such as the lines of Blaschko and Naevus, are based on cell lineage and genetic mosaicism. Other patterns, such as regionally specific skin appendages, can be set by distinct combinatorial molecular codes, which in turn may be set by morphogenetic gradients. There are also some patterns, such as the arrangement of hair follicles (hair whorls) and fingerprints, which involve genetics as well as stochastic epigenetic events based on physiochemical principles. Many appendage primordia are laid out in developmental waves. In the adult, some patterns, such as those involving cycling hair follicles, may appear as traveling waves in mice. Since skin appendages can renew themselves in regeneration, their size and shape can still change in the adult via regulation by hormones and the environment. Some lesion patterns are based on pathological changes involving the above processes and can be used as diagnostic criteria in medicine. Understanding the different mechanisms that lead to patterns in the skin will help us appreciate their full significance in morphogenesis and medical research. Much remains to be learned about complex pattern formation, if we are to bridge the gap between molecular biology and organism phenotypes. Birth Defects Research (Part C) 78:280-291, 2006. © 2006 Wiley-Liss, Inc

    Nonlinear propagation of planet-generated tidal waves

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    The propagation and evolution of planet-generated density waves in protoplanetary disks is considered. The evolution of waves, leading to the shock formation and wake dissipation, is followed in the weakly nonlinear regime. The local approach of Goodman & Rafikov (2001) is extended to include the effects of surface density and temperature variations in the disk as well as the disk cylindrical geometry and nonuniform shear. Wave damping due to shocks is demonstrated to be a nonlocal process spanning a significant fraction of the disk. Torques induced by the planet could be significant drivers of disk evolution on timescales of the order 1-10 Myr even in the absence of strong background viscosity. A global prescription for angular momentum deposition is developed which could be incorporated into the study of gap formation in a gaseous disk around the planet.Comment: AASTeX, 26 pages, 4 figures, 1 table, submitted to Ap

    Short-time critical dynamics at perfect and non-perfect surface

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    We report Monte Carlo simulations of critical dynamics far from equilibrium on a perfect and non-perfect surface in the 3d Ising model. For an ordered initial state, the dynamic relaxation of the surface magnetization, the line magnetization of the defect line, and the corresponding susceptibilities and appropriate cumulant is carefully examined at the ordinary, special and surface phase transitions. The universal dynamic scaling behavior including a dynamic crossover scaling form is identified. The exponent β1\beta_1 of the surface magnetization and β2\beta_2 of the line magnetization are extracted. The impact of the defect line on the surface universality classes is investigated.Comment: 11figure
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