1,794 research outputs found

    CCN2 Enhances Resistance to Cisplatin-Mediating Cell Apoptosis in Human Osteosarcoma

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    Osteosarcoma (OS) is the most common form of malignant bone tumor and is an aggressive malignant neoplasm exhibiting osteoblastic differentiation. Cisplatin is one of the most efficacious antitumor drugs for osteosarcoma patients. However, treatment failures are common due to the development of chemoresistance. CCN2 (also known as CTGF), is a secreted protein that binds to integrins, modulates the invasive behavior of certain human cancer cells. However, the effect of CCN2 in cisplatin-mediated chemotherapy is still unknown. Here, we found that CCN2 was upregulated in human osteosarcoma cells after treatment with cisplatin. Moreover, overexpression of CCN2 increased the resistance to cisplatin-mediated cell apoptosis. In contrast, reduction of CCN2 by CCN2 shRNA promoted the chemotherapeutic effect of cisplatin. We also found that CCN2 provided resistance to cisplatin-induced apoptosis through upregulation of Bcl-xL and survivin. Knockdown of Bcl-xL or survivin removed the CCN2-mediated resistance to apoptosis induced by cisplatin. On the other hand, CCN2 also promoted FAK, MEK, and ERK survival signaling pathways to enhance tumor survival during cisplatin treatment. In a mouse xenograft model, overexpression of CCN2 promoted resistance to cisplatin. However, knockdown of CCN2 increased the therapeutic effect of cisplatin. Therefore, our data suggest that CCN2 might be a critical oncogene of human osteosarcoma for cisplatin-resistance and supported osteosarcoma cell growth in vivo and in vitro

    Controlling periodic Fano resonances of quantum acoustic waves with a giant atom coupled to microwave waveguide

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    Nanoscale Fano resonances, with applications from telecommunications to ultra-sensitive biosensing, have prompted extensive research. We demonstrate that a superconducting qubit, jointly coupled to microwave waveguides and an inter-digital transducer composite device, can exhibit acoustic Fano resonances. Our analytical framework, leveraging the Taylor series approximation, elucidates the origins of these quantum acoustic resonances with periodic Fano-like interference. By analyzing the analytical Fano parameter, we demonstrate that the Fano resonances and their corresponding Fano widths near the resonance frequency of a giant atom can be precisely controlled and manipulated by adjusting the time delay. Moreover, not just the near-resonant Fano profiles, but the entire periodic Fano resonance features can be precisely modulated from Lorentz, Fano to quasi-Lorentz shapes by tuning the coupling strength of the microwave waveguide. Our analytical framework offers insights into the control and manipulation of periodic Fano resonances in quantum acoustic waves, thereby presenting significant potential for applications such as quantum information processing, sensing, and communication.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figure

    Expressions of ECE-CYC2 clade genes relating to abortion of both dorsal and ventral stamens in Opithandra (Gesneriaceae)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>ECE-CYC2 clade genes known in patterning floral dorsoventral asymmetry (zygomorphy) in <it>Antirrhinum majus </it>are conserved in the dorsal identity function including arresting the dorsal stamen. However, it remains uncertain whether the same mechanism underlies abortion of the ventral stamens, an important morphological trait related to evolution and diversification of zygomorphy in Lamiales <it>sensu lato</it>, a major clade of predominantly zygomorphically flowered angiosperms. <it>Opithandra </it>(Gesneriaceae) is of particular interests in addressing this question as it is in the base of Lamiales <it>s.l</it>., an early representative of this type zygomorphy.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We investigated the expression patterns of four ECE-CYC2 clade genes and two putative target <it>cyclinD3 </it>genes in <it>Opithandra </it>using RNA <it>in situ </it>hybridization and RT-PCR. <it>OpdCYC </it>gene expressions were correlated with abortion of both dorsal and ventral stamens in <it>Opithandra</it>, strengthened by the negatively correlated expression of their putative target <it>OpdcyclinD3 </it>genes. The complement of <it>OpdcyclinD3 </it>to <it>OpdCYC </it>expressions further indicated that <it>OpdCYC </it>expressions were related to the dorsal and ventral stamen abortion through negative effects on <it>OpdcyclinD3 </it>genes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>These results suggest that ECE-CYC2 clade TCP genes are not only functionally conserved in the dorsal stamen repression, but also involved in arresting ventral stamens, a genetic mechanism underlying the establishment of zygomorphy with abortion of both the dorsal and ventral stamens evolved in angiosperms, especially within Lamiales <it>s.l</it>.</p

    ERP Post-Implementation Learning, ERP Usage And Individual Performance Impact

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    In recent years, an increasing number of companies that have implemented ERP systems have expressed disappointment over a failure to reach anticipated goals. A major reason for this failure is the inefficient use of the ERP system by employees. Therefore, the critical issue is how users can most effectively take advantage of an ERP system. Post-implementation learning plays an important role in facilitating ERP usage and thus promotes individual performance. Particularly, the integrated and sophistic natures of ERP systems force users to learn continuously after ERP implementation. This study employed a survey method to examine the perceptions of a dataset of 659 ERP users. We found that ERP usage facilitates individual performance, including individual productivity, customer satisfaction and management control, and post-implementation learning contributes to all three types of ERP usage, including decision support, work integration and customer service. Our findings can provide academics and practitioners with knowledge of how to improve ERP usage and ensure individual performance impacts

    Side-Effect Localization for Lazy, Purely Functional Languages via Aspects

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    Many side-effecting programming activities, such as profiling and tracing, can be formulated as crosscutting concerns and be framed as side-effecting aspects in the aspect-oriented programming paradigm. The benefit gained from this separation of concerns is particularly evident in purely functional programming, as adding such aspects using techniques such as monadification will generally lead to crosscutting changes. This paper presents an approach to provide side-effecting aspects for lazy purely functional languages in a user transparent fashion. We propose a simple yet direct state manipulation construct for developing side-effecting aspects and devise a systematic monadification scheme to translate the woven code to monadic style purely functional code. Furthermore, we present a static and dynamic semantics of the aspect programs and reason about the correctness of our monadification scheme with respect to them

    Rdzeniowy zespół twarzowo-palcowy: częsty zespół w nietypowej lokalizacji

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    Background and purpose Cheiro-oral syndrome (COS) is an established neurological entity characterized by a sensory impairment confined to the mouth angle and ipsilateral finger(s)/ hand. The current understanding of localization is a concomitant involvement of the spinothalamic and trigeminothalamic tract between the cortex and pons. The cervical spinal cord has not been mentioned in this situation yet, and this unusual location may heretofore increase the risk of misdiagnosis. Material and methods Six patients who presented with unilateral COS due to cervical cord disorder are reported. Results All patients were women and their age ranged between 42 and 70 years. Their neurological deficits included unilateral paraesthesiae restricted to cheiro-oral distribution, positive radicular sign, and mild change of tendon reflex. Cervical spinal stenosis at middle/lower cervical spine with variable magnitude of cord compression and intrinsic cord damage was found. A diagnostic dilemma obviously arises from the lack of tangible neurological signs or typical pattern of myelopathy, in addition to the previous concept of cerebral involvement. A benign course ensued in all reported patients. Conclusions Cheiro-oral syndrome can be an early neurological sign for cervical cord disorder; it further suggests that it is a strong neurological but weak localizing sign. A reciprocal influence of multiple factors is considered to generate COS at the cervical cord. Therefore, an absence of brain pathology should lead to a thorough examination of the cervical cord in case of COS.Wstęp i cel pracy Zespół twarzowo-palcowy (ZTP) jest znanym zespołem neurologicznym, który cechuje się niedoczulicą ograniczoną do kącika ust i palców ręki lub ręki po tej samej stronie. Bieżący stan wiedzy dotyczący lokalizacji uszkodzenia w tym zespole wskazuje na jednoczesne zajęcie dróg rdzeniowo-wzgórzowej i trójdzielno-wzgórzowej pomiędzy mostem i korą mózgową. W tym kontekście nie wymieniano dotąd uszkodzenia rdzenia kręgowego w odcinku szyjnym, a taka nietypowa lokalizacja uszkodzenia może zwiększyć ryzyko błędnego rozpoznania miejsca uszkodzenia. Materiał i metody W pracy przedstawiono dane dotyczące 6 pacjentek z jednostronnym ZTP spowodowanym występowaniem nieprawidłowości w obrębie rdzenia kręgowego. Wyniki Zakres wieku pacjentek wynosił od 42 do 70 lat. Objawy neurologiczne obejmowały jednostronne parestezje ograniczone do obszaru twarzy i ręki, objaw korzeniowy i niewielkie nieprawidłowości w zakresie odruchów głębokich. Stwierdzono występowanie zwężenia kanału kręgowego w środkowej lub dolnej części odcinka szyjnego z uciskiem rdzenia kręgowego i uszkodzeniem wewnątrz rdzenia kręgowego. Wątpliwości diagnostyczne wynikały z braku typowych objawów neurologicznych mielopatii i stwierdzenia lokalizacji zmian nieodpowiadającej wcześniejszym opiniom na temat mózgowego pochodzenia zespołu. U wszystkich opisywanych pacjentek przebieg schorzenia był łagodny. Wnioski Zespół twarzowo-palcowy może być wczesnym objawem neurologicznym nieprawidłowości w obrębie rdzenia kręgowego. Stanowi istotny objaw neurologiczny, ale jego wartość lokalizacyjna jest niewielka. Powstawanie ZTP wskutek uszkodzenia rdzenia kręgowego wynika z wzajemnych oddziaływań wielu czynników. W razie braku uchwytnej patologii mózgu należy w przypadkach ZTP przeprowadzić szczegółowe badania rdzenia kręgowego w odcinku szyjnym

    A Unifying Tensor View for Lightweight CNNs

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    Despite the decomposition of convolutional kernels for lightweight CNNs being well studied, existing works that rely on tensor network diagrams or hyperdimensional abstraction lack geometry intuition. This work devises a new perspective by linking a 3D-reshaped kernel tensor to its various slice-wise and rank-1 decompositions, permitting a straightforward connection between various tensor approximations and efficient CNN modules. Specifically, it is discovered that a pointwise-depthwise-pointwise (PDP) configuration constitutes a viable construct for lightweight CNNs. Moreover, a novel link to the latest ShiftNet is established, inspiring a first-ever shift layer pruning that achieves nearly 50% compression with < 1% drop in accuracy for ShiftResNet.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, accepted in 2023 IEEE 15th International Conference on ASIC (ASICON 2023