466 research outputs found

    On the origin of HE0107-5240, the most iron deficient star presently known

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    We show that the "puzzling" chemical composition observed in the extremely metal poor star HE0107-5240 may be naturally explained by the concurrent pollution of at least two supernovae. In the simplest possible model a supernova of quite low mass (~15 Msun), underwent a "normal" explosion and ejected ~0.06 Msun of 56Ni while a second one was massive enough (~35 Msun) to experience a strong fall back that locked in a compact remnant all the carbon-oxygen core. In a more general scenario, the pristine gas clouds were polluted by one or more supernovae of relatively low mass (less than ~25 Msun). The successive explosion of a quite massive star experiencing an extended fall back would have largely raised the abundances of the light elements in its close neighborhood.Comment: 10 pages; 3 figures; accepted for publication in the The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Isochrones and Luminosity Functions for Old White Dwarfs

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    Using a new grid of models of cooling white dwarfs, we calculate isochrones and luminosity functions in the Johnson-Kron/Cousins and HST filter sets for systems containing old white dwarfs. These new models incorporate a non-grey atmosphere which is necessary to properly describe the effects of molecular opacity at the cool temperatures of old white dwarfs. The various functions calculated and extensively tabulated and plotted are meant to be as utilitarian as possible for observers so all results are listed in quantities that observers will obtain. The tables and plots developed should eventually prove critical in interpreting the results of HST's Advanced Camera observations of the oldest white dwarfs in nearby globular clusters, in understanding the results of searches for old white dwarfs in the Galactic halo, and in determining ages for star clusters of all ages using white dwarfs. As a practical application we demonstrate the use of these results by deriving the white dwarf cooling age of the old Galactic cluster M67.Comment: 7 pages, 8 tables, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    The Chemical Evolution of Magnesium Isotopic Abundances in the Solar Neighbourhood

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    The abundance of the neutron-rich magnesium isotopes observed in metal-poor stars is explained quantitatively with a chemical evolution model of the local Galaxy that considers - for the first time - the metallicity-dependent contribution from intermediate mass stars. Previous models that simulate the variation of Mg isotopic ratios with metallicity in the solar neighbourhood have attributed the production of Mg25 and Mg26 exclusively to hydrostatic burning in massive stars. These models match the data well for [Fe/H]>-1.0 but severely underestimate Mg25/Mg24 and Mg26/Mg24 at lower metallicities. Earlier studies have noted that this discrepancy may indicate a significant role played by intermediate-mass stars. Only recently have detailed calculations of intermediate-mass stellar yields of Mg25 and Mg26 become available with which to test this hypothesis. In an extension of previous work, we present a model that successfully matches the Mg isotopic abundances in nearby Galactic disk stars through the incorporation of nucleosynthesis predictions of Mg isotopic production in asymptotic giant branch stars.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, to appear in Publications of the Astronomical Society of Australia (PASA) in 2003, vol. 20, No.

    C/O white dwarfs of very low mass: 0.33-0.5 Mo

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    The standard lower limit for the mass of white dwarfs (WDs) with a C/O core is roughly 0.5 Mo. In the present work we investigated the possibility to form C/O WDs with mass as low as 0.33 Mo. Both the pre-WD and the cooling evolution of such nonstandard models will be described.Comment: Submitted to the "Proceedings of the 16th European White Dwarf Workshop" (to be published JPCS). 7 pages including 13 figure

    The Large Magellanic Cloud globular cluster NGC 1866: new data, new models, new analysis

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    We present a new deep (down to V ~ 24) photometry of a wide region (6'x 6') around the LMC globular cluster NGC1866: our sample is complete, down to 3 mag below the brightest MS star. Detailed comparisons with various theoretical scenarios using models computed with the evolutionary code FRANEC have been done reaching the following conclusions: both standard models (i.e. computed by adopting the Schwarzschild criterion to fix the border of the convective core) and models with an enlarged convective core (overshooting) lead to a fair fit of the MS but are not able to reproduce the luminosity and/or the number of He burning giants. Models including a fraction of 30% of binaries leads to a good fit both to the MS luminosity function and to the He clump, if standards models are considered, for a visual distance modulus (m-M)v = 18.8, age t ~ 100 Myr and mass function slope alpha ~ 2.4, thus largely removing the "classical" discrepancy between observed and predicted number of stars in the He burning clump. The fit obtained with models computed with an enlarged convective core gets worse when a binary component is taken into account, because the presence of binary systems increases the existing discrepancy between the observed and predicted clump luminosity. As a consequence of this analysis, we conclude that the next step towards a proper understanding of NGC 1866, and similar clusters, must include the accurate determination of the frequency of binary systems that will be hopefully performed with the incoming Cycle 8 HST observations of NGC~1866.Comment: AASTEX 5.0, 33 pages, 35 figures. Two tables of photometry and full resolution figures available on request from the first author ([email protected]). Accepted on A

    Evolved stars in the Local Group galaxies - II. AGB, RSG stars and dust production in IC10

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    We study the evolved stellar population of the Local Group galaxy IC10, with the aim of characterizing the individual sources observed and to derive global information on the galaxy, primarily the star formation history and the dust production rate. To this aim, we use evolutionary sequences of low- and intermediate-mass (M<8 MM < 8~M_{\odot}) stars, evolved through the asymptotic giant branch phase, with the inclusion of the description of dust formation. We also use models of higher mass stars. From the analysis of the distribution of stars in the observational planes obtained with IR bands, we find that the reddening and distance of IC10 are E(BV)=1.85E(B-V)=1.85 mag and d=0.77d=0.77 Mpc, respectively. The evolved stellar population is dominated by carbon stars, that account for 40%40\% of the sources brighter than the tip of the red giant branch. Most of these stars descend from 1.11.3 M\sim 1.1-1.3~M_{\odot} progenitors, formed during the major epoch of star formation, which occurred 2.5\sim 2.5 Gyr ago. The presence of a significant number of bright stars indicates that IC10 has been site of significant star formation in recent epochs and currently hosts a group of massive stars in the core helium-burning phase. Dust production in this galaxy is largely dominated by carbon stars; the overall dust production rate estimated is 7×106 M7\times 10^{-6}~M_{\odot}/yr.Comment: Manuscript accepted for publication in MNRAS on 11 june 2018;17 pages, 10 figure

    Heavy element abundances in giant stars of the globular clusters M4 and M5

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    We present a comprehensive abundance analysis of 27 heavy elements in bright giant stars of the globular clusters M4 and M5 based on high resolution, high signal-to-noise ratio spectra obtained with the Magellan Clay Telescope. We confirm and expand upon previous results for these clusters by showing that (1) all elements heavier than, and including, Si have constant abundances within each cluster, (2) the elements from Ca to Ni have indistinguishable compositions in M4 and M5, (3) Si, Cu, Zn, and all s-process elements are approximately 0.3 dex overabundant in M4 relative to M5, and (4) the r-process elements Sm, Eu, Gd, and Th are slightly overabundant in M5 relative to M4. The cluster-to-cluster abundance differences for Cu and Zn are intriguing, especially in light of their uncertain nucleosynthetic origins. We confirm that stars other than Type Ia supernovae must produce significant amounts of Cu and Zn at or below the clusters' metallicities. If intermediate-mass AGB stars or massive stars are responsible for the Cu and Zn enhancements in M4, the similar [Rb/Zr] ratios and (preliminary) Mg isotope ratios in both clusters may be problematic for either scenario. For the elements from Ba to Hf, we assume that the s- and r-process contributions are scaled versions of the solar s- and r-process abundances. We quantify the relative fractions of s- and r-process material for each cluster and show that they provide an excellent fit to the observed abundances.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap