45 research outputs found

    Pelatihan Pengelola Jurnal Ilmiah dalam mempersiapkan Jurnal terakreditasi Dikti di Lingkungan Universitas HKBP Nommensen Medan

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    Pengelolaan OJS yang baik minimal mempunyai SDM yang berperan dengan baik dalam proses penerbitan jurnal. Banyak jurnal yang gagal dalam pengajuan akreditasi karena satu orang berperan banyak terhadap proses penerbitan tersebut, sehingga hal tersebut mengurangi poin penting dalam penilaian akreditasi. Pelatihan yang diikuti peserta sangat bermanfaat dengan dibuktikan semua pengelola jurnal dapat memahami proses manajemen di OJS mulai dari submit artikel, penugasan editor, pengugasan reviewer sampai artikel tersebut publish. Tujuan pelatihan adalah semua peserta setelah mengikuti pelatihan dalam hal pengelola jurnal di lingkungan Universitas HKBP Nommensen Medan ini memperoleh pengetahuan yaitu Mengetahui dan mengimplementasikan proses penerbitan jurnal melalui OJS sesuai  dengan syarat akreditasi jurnal dan Mengetahui dan memahami standar pengelolaan jurnal elektronik berdasarkan peraturan akreditasi jurnal nasional, dan kaidah jurnal internasiona

    Aplikasi Pembelajaran Apotik Hidup Obat Tradisional

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    Development of life pharmacy learning for the community. This online learning system aims to provide information on natural medicines and types of plants as well as the functions of each plant to the community, which are made online. Based on the above problem formulation, the purpose of this study is to build a web-based life pharmacy learning system that can be used as a facility to inform medicinal plants used for treatment in the community which is inherited by ancestors. With this computer-based life pharmacy learning it can help everyone who wants to learn about what plants can be processed into traditional medicines that are good and healthy and also the function and use of these drugs


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    Kurangnya media pendukung yang tepat dalam pengenalan Pakaian Adat Batak membuat generasi muda sekarang kurang mengenal pakaian adat Batak. Untuk itu diperlukan sebuah media yang tepat dalam pengenalan pakaian adat Batak, salah satunya melalui game edukasi yang menarik dan dapat memberikan informasi mengenai Pakaian Adat Batak dengan cara yang berbeda. Salah satu game edukasi yang banyak dibuat adalah Game Puzzle. Game puzzle sangat cocok untuk pembuatan aplikasi ini karena game puzzle mengandung sebuah teknik pemecahan teka-teki. Dengan menggunakan aplikasi ini diharapkan masyarakat dapat lebih memperdulikan pengetahuan tentang pakaian adat Batak. Dalam pembuatan Game ini Penulis menggunakan metodologi Waterfall. Aplikasi Game Edukasi Pakaian Adat Batak menjadi sarana untuk permainan dan pembelajaran kepada Masyarakat luas khususnya bagi suku Batak dengan cara yang mudah dan menarik


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    Artificial intelligence is an effort to transfer intelligence that is added to a system that can be regulated in a scientific context or can be called artificial intelligence so that machines (computers) can do work as humans can do. Lung disease is a condition in which the lungs cannot function normally. Some of the most common include asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), pneumonia, tuberculosis, and lung cancer. The Dempster-Shafer method was first introduced by Dempster, who experimented with uncertainty models with a range of probabilities rather than a single probability. Application of the Dempster-Shafer method to diagnose lung disease, it can be concluded that inference techniques are easy to use in designing expert systems to get a conclusion but, it has weaknesses in finding these conclusions if the system has a large enough knowledge base and this will be very much use time and hinder the consultation process

    Daftar Isi

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    Aplikasi game "Huling-Huling Acca" atau Teka-Teki Suku Batak merupakan sebuah permainan berbasis Android yang bertujuan untuk mempertahankan dan mempopulerkan warisan budaya suku Batak melalui hiburan edukatif. Aplikasi ini menyajikan teka-teki tradisional yang berasal dari suku Batak dengan sentuhan modern yang menarik. Tujuan utama dari proyek ini adalah untuk menghibur pengguna sekaligus meningkatkan pemahaman mereka terhadap budaya Batak. Melalui pengembangan aplikasi game "Huling-Huling Acca" atau Teka-Teki Suku Batak, diharapkan dapat mempertahankan dan meningkatkan kesadaran akan budaya suku Batak, terutama di kalangan generasi muda yang lebih akrab dengan teknologi digital. Dengan memadukan hiburan dan pendidikan, aplikasi ini diharapkan dapat menjadi jembatan antara warisan budaya dan perkembangan teknologi modern

    Sistem Informasi Nilai Siswa pada SMP Karya Bhakti Berbasis Web

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    The information system for processing student grade data at Karya Bhakti Middle School is currently not fully computerized. In processing student grade data, currently it is still done manually, such as using the Microsoft Excel module which has been designed and then given to the subject teacher and homeroom teacher during the process of filling in grades. This is one of the weaknesses where in the improvement of today's technology, a system with processes involving big data should be done easily and online. In this study the authors design and build a system that is expected to overcome these various problems. Data mining methods used are interviews, observation, and literature studie

    Sistem Informasi Inventory Aset dan Logistik Rumah Sakit Bina Kasih Berbasis Website dengan Menggunakan Metode Rapid Application Development (RAD)

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    Bina Kasih Hospital is a health institution that does not yet have an information system for asset inventory and logistics. In the development of increasingly advanced technology requires agencies to provide information quickly and accurately. The website-based Bina Kasih Hospital Asset Inventory and Logistics Information System will later be used to support the productivity of the logistics department in carrying out the procurement process, recording and managing asset inventory and logistics reports. The method in developing the Asset Inventory and Logistics Information System uses the rapid application development (RAD) method in the process and the author tests the system using blackbox testingBina Kasih Hospital is a health institution that does not yet have an information system for asset inventory and logistics. In the development of increasingly advanced technology requires agencies to provide information quickly and accurately. The website-based Bina Kasih Hospital Asset Inventory and Logistics Information System will later be used to support the productivity of the logistics department in carrying out the procurement process, recording and managing asset inventory and logistics reports. The method in developing the Asset Inventory and Logistics Information System uses the rapid application development (RAD) method in the process and the author tests the system using blackbox testin

    Web-Based Information System of Sundutan Tigo Village Budget and Revenue, Mandailing Natal Regency

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    The digital village is a community empowerment program through the use of digital technology and the internet in developing village potential, marketing and accelerating access and information services. The Sundutan Tigo Village Office is a government agency, having its address at Sundutan Tigo Village, Natal District, Mandailing Natal Regency. The Village Office has the receipt and disbursement of funds. Based on the results of the pre-survey at the research location, there are still many people who do not know how much the village fund budget is realized by their village government per year. In fact, in this case the main purpose of rolling out village funds is other than for rural development, the most important thing is how the village government empowers village communities, so that they can support national development through work carried out in villages both from an economic and other perspective. etc. For this reason, a computerized information system is needed, which is able to overcome the obstacles and problems that exist in the transparency of the village fund management

    Kata Pengantar

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