4 research outputs found

    Reproductive and productive behavior of hair sheep under an intensive production system

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    Objective: To evaluate the reproductive and productive behavior of four hair sheep breeds in an intensive production system. Design/Methodology/Approach: Data recorded over 4 years (2016-2019) from a production unit that works with Blackbelly, Pelibuey, Dorper, and Katahdin breeds were analyzed. The following variables were evaluated: fertility, prolificacy, birth weight (BW), weaning weight (WW), weaned lamb yield (WLY), daily weight gain during lactation (DWGL), offspring born alive (OBA), male offspring (MO), and female offspring (FO). All information was analyzed using Chi-square tests and analysis of variance. Results: The fertility, BW, WW, and WYL variables recorded different values between breeds (P<0.05). The greatest fertility and prolificacy were recorded by Blackbelly, while Dorper recorded the lowest values (P<0.05). BW and WW were highest in Dorper and lowest in Blackbelly (P<0.05). Finally, the sheep that recorded the highest WYL were the Blackbelly, while the Dorper registered the lowest values (P<0.05). BW and DWGL values reached maximum values (P<0.05) in Dorper rams, followed by Katahdin. The greatest number of OBA was observed in Blackbelly and Pelibuey (P<0.05). Study Limitations/Implications: Further studies should be carried out to validate this research. Findings/Conclusions: Blackbelly ewes produced more kilograms of weaned lambs per lambing ewe. The Dorper and Katahdin rams in the pre-weaning period recorded higher weight at weaning

    Forage yield of Urochloa grass cv Camello I and II at different cutting frequencies and intensities

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    Objective: to evaluate the forage production performance of hybrid grasses of the genus Urochloa at different mowing intervals and intensity. Design/methodology/approach: Camello I (GPB025) and Camello II (GPB07) hybrids were evaluated at different intervals (5 and 7 weeks) and cutting intensities (10 and 20 cm). The study was carried out under temporary conditions, from 2020 to 2021, in a randomized complete block experimental. The variables evaluated were: yield of total dry matter (DMT) and by morphological component, leaf (DMl), stem (DMs) and inflorescence (DMi) and senescent matter (DMsm), plant height, basal cover, specific leaf area and leaf area index (LAI). Results: on average, when harvesting the forage at an interval of 7 weeks and intensity of 20 cm, higher DMT, DMl and DMs (66, 46 and 85 %, respectively) were obtained, than that obtained when harvesting at an interval of 5 weeks and intensities 20 cm. Limitations of study/implications: Agronomic management in pastures is a factor that affects forage yield and meadow persistence. Making cuts at different intervals and intensities in grasses allows generating adequate management strategies to increase yields and the persistence of the meadow. Findings/conclusions: The highest yield of total dry matter in both cultivars, by morphological component, plant height and leaf area index, was obtained when harvesting at an interval of 7 weeks and at a height of 20 cm of residual forag

    Rendimiento y contenido de proteína en forraje y ensilado de pasto Insurgente e híbridos de Urochloa

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    Livestock in the state of Tamaulipas is affected due to a marked seasonality in forage production, which causes shortages during the dry season, therefore, forage conservation is necessary to face this problem. Therefore, the objective of this study was to evaluate, in stormy conditions and during the season of greatest rainfall, the yield (t ha-1) of total dry matter (TDM) and leaf (DML); as well as, the crude protein content (CP,%) in forage and silage of Insurgente, MulatoII, Cobra and Cayman grass. The data were analyzed in a completely randomized design, with four repetitions and comparison of means using Tukey (p= 0.05). The Cayman hybrid presented higher accumulation (p≤0.05) of TDMand DML(8.34 and 8.27 t ha-1, respectively) compared to Insurgente(6.38 and 6.25 t ha-1, respectively). The highest (p≤ 0.05) content of CP in forage was presented by Cayman and Cobra, with 16.1% on average, while Mulato II and Insurgentewere those with the lowest value for this variable (14.6%, on average). The CP in the silage was similar (p˃0.05) for the cultivars evaluated, with an average of 14.4%. The Cayman and Cobra hybrids showed higher forage yield and crude protein content, compared to Insurgente. The crude protein content present in the silage was greater than 14%, which indicates that these cultivars can be preserved using this technique.La ganadería en el estado de Tamaulipas se ve afectada debido a una marcada estacionalidad en la producción de forraje, que ocasiona escasez durante la época seca, por tanto, es necesario la conservación de forraje para hacer frente a este problema. Por lo anterior, el objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar en condiciones de temporal y durante la época de mayor precipitación el rendimiento (t ha-1) de materia seca total (MST) y hoja (MSH); así como, el contenido de proteína cruda (PC, %) en forraje y ensilado de pasto Insurgente, Mulato II, Cobra y Cayman. Los datos se analizaron en un diseño completamente al azar, con cuatro repeticiones y comparación de medias mediante Tukey (p= 0.05). El híbrido Cayman presentó mayor acumulación (p≤ 0.05) de MST y MSH (8.34 y 8.27 t ha-1, respectivamente) en comparación con Insurgente (6.38 y 6.25 t ha-1, respectivamente). El mayor (p≤ 0.05) contenido de PC en forraje lo presentaron Cayman y Cobra, con 16.1% en promedio, mientras que Mulato II e Insurgente fueron los de menor valor para esta variable (14.6%, en promedio). La PC en el ensilado fue similar (p˃ 0.05) para los cultivares evaluados, con promedio de 14.4%. Los híbridos Cayman y Cobra mostraron mayor rendimiento de forraje y contenido de proteína cruda, en comparación con Insurgente. El contenido de proteína cruda presente en el ensilado fue superior al 14%, lo que indica que estos cultivares se pueden conservar mediante esta técnica

    Acumulación de forraje de pasto buffel e híbridos de Urochloa a diferente edad de rebrote

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    Different Urochloa cultivars (Insurgente, Cayman, Cobra and Mulato II) and H-17 bufffelgrass (as control) were evaluated at different regrowth ages (RA) during the maximum and minimum precipitation periods (MAPP and MIPP, respectively). The evaluated variables were total, leaf and stem dry matter (TDM, LDM and SDM, respectively) and specific leaf area (SLA). During the MAPP, Cayman and Mulato II had the highest TDM (9 t DM ha-1), while in the MIPP the control recorded the lowest valué (1.04 vs. 0.79 t DM ha-1). During the MAPP, Mulato II had the highest LDM (8.40 t DM ha-1). SDM increased as the RA increased. Cayman and Mulato II recorded the highest SLA values (199 cm2 g-1, average). Regardless of the period, the TDM, LDM and SDM increased as the RA increased. Cayman and Mulato II are the most promising cultivars due to their high forage accumulation, LDM and SLA.Se evaluaron diferentes cultivares de Urochloa (Insurgente, Cayman, Cobra y Mulato II) y pasto Buffel H-17 (como testigo) a diferente edad de rebrote (ER), durante la época de máxima (EMAP) y mínima precipitación (EMIP). Las variables evaluadas fueron materia seca total (MST), hoja (MSh) y tallo (MSt) y área foliar específica (AFE). Durante la EMAP, Cayman y Mulato II presentaron la mayor MST (9 t MS ha-1); mientras que en EMIP el testigo registró el menor valor (1.04 vs. 0.79 t MS ha-1). Durante EMAP Mulato II presentó mayor MSh (8.40 t MS ha-1). La MSt se incrementó conforme aumentó la ER. Cayman y Mulato II registraron los valores más altos de AFE (199 cm2 g-1). Independientemente de la época, la MST, MSh y MSt se incrementaron conforme se aumentó la ER. Cayman y Mulato II son los cultivares más promisorios por su alta acumulación de forraje, MSh y AFE