1,595 research outputs found

    Anonymous and Adaptively Secure Revocable IBE with Constant Size Public Parameters

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    In Identity-Based Encryption (IBE) systems, key revocation is non-trivial. This is because a user's identity is itself a public key. Moreover, the private key corresponding to the identity needs to be obtained from a trusted key authority through an authenticated and secrecy protected channel. So far, there exist only a very small number of revocable IBE (RIBE) schemes that support non-interactive key revocation, in the sense that the user is not required to interact with the key authority or some kind of trusted hardware to renew her private key without changing her public key (or identity). These schemes are either proven to be only selectively secure or have public parameters which grow linearly in a given security parameter. In this paper, we present two constructions of non-interactive RIBE that satisfy all the following three attractive properties: (i) proven to be adaptively secure under the Symmetric External Diffie-Hellman (SXDH) and the Decisional Linear (DLIN) assumptions; (ii) have constant-size public parameters; and (iii) preserve the anonymity of ciphertexts---a property that has not yet been achieved in all the current schemes

    Development of flight control for UGS tri-copter MAV

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    This paper presents our flight control development for the University of Glasgow Singapre (UGS) tilting tri-copter. The tilting tri-copter has the capability of high cruising speed by tilting the main rotors. The drawback of this design is that it causes instability during rotors transition and flight stability. As such, the development of a new flight control system is required to make this system stable. The first phase involves the designing & building of the tilting tri-copter for the investigation of its flight behaviour, and researching on different control systems to select the suitable control system for the tri-copter. The next phase is be to design the flight control system using the Simulink program. The final phase is to analyse and discuss the simulation result and compare with the test flights. There are discovery from the simulation result that after the main rotor had titled, the roll effect become less responsive and the roll mode will caused the tri-copter to yaw. This can be resolved by changing the design of the main rotor tilting into an independent tilting rotor system to improve the performance. With the new develop flight control system, it can use for future in deep research or even use it to combine with other controller such as LQR controller

    Covid-19 mandatory self-quarantine wearable device for authority monitoring with edge ai reporting & flagging system

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    A mandatory self-quarantine is necessary for those who return from overseas or any red zone areas. It is important that the self-quarantine is conducted without the non-adherence issue occurring and causes the self-quarantine individual to be the carrier of the COVID-19 in the community. To navigate and resolve this issue, most countries have implemented a series of COVID-19 monitoring and tracing systems. However, there are some restrictions and limitation which can lead to intentional non-adherence. The quarantined individuals can still travel within the community by removing the wristband or simply providing an incorrect contact status in the tracing application. In this paper, a novel configuration for mandatory self-quarantine system is proposed. It will enable interaction between the wearable and contact tracing technologies to ensure that the authorities have total control of the system. The hardware of the proposed system in the wearable device is low in cost, lightweight and safe to use for the next user after the quarantine is completed. The software (software and database) that linked between the quarantine user and normal user utilizes edge artificial intelligence (AI) for reporting and flagging mechanisms

    Hear No Evil: Can Music Attenuate the Irrelevant Speech Effect?

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    Abstract This study aims to replicate the irrelevant speech effect (ISE) in a local context and, more important, is the first to directly investigate if musical information can reduce impairments imposed by the ISE on a serial word recall task. Thirty-five undergraduates from the National University of Singapore performed serial recall on 10 word lists. The lists were presented under 5 auditory conditions, namely: Music-Only, Combined (music with background speech), Scrambled music with background speech, Background Speech-Only and White Noise conditions. The Scrambled condition contained the same piece of music as the Combined condition except that it was re-arranged in a random fashion; the mission of this condition was to specifically provide a comparison basis to test if "musical structure" per se actually attenuates the ISE. A significant main effect of music conditions emerged. ISE was successfully replicated, where a significantly lower percentage of correct words was recalled in the Background Speech-Only condition compared to all other conditions. ISE was also successfully attenuated, but the present data suggest that musical structure per se was not (at least not entirely) responsible for the attenuation, since the Scrambled condition had superior performance than both the Combined and Background Speech-Only conditions. Here, we propose and discuss several novel theoretical models involving changing acoustical features, selective attention, and arousal to account for the present findings

    Fully Secure Spatial Encryption under Simple Assumptions with Constant-Size Ciphertexts

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    In this paper, we propose two new spatial encryption (SE) schemes based on existing inner product encryption (IPE) schemes. Both of our SE schemes are fully secure under simple assumptions and in prime order bilinear groups. Moreover, one of our SE schemes has constant-size ciphertexts. Since SE implies hierarchical identity-based encryption (HIBE), we also obtain a fully secure HIBE scheme with constant-size ciphertexts under simple assumptions. Our second SE scheme is attribute-hiding (or anonymous). It has sizes of public parameters, secret keys and ciphertexts that are quadratically smaller than the currently known SE scheme with similar properties. As a side result, we show that negated SE is equivalent to non-zero IPE. This is somewhat interesting since the latter is known to be a special case of the former

    Automatic control of color sorting and pick/place of a 6- dof robot arm

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    This work focuses on the implementation and design of a six degree of freedom, 6-DOF control of automatic color sorting and pick and place tasks for a robot arm using wireless controlling interface – Blynk apps. The robot arm able to differentiate the colors of the object (input) and categories or classified the object to the correct places. The main target of this project is to provide a stable, efficient, and precision results without any vibration or jittering from the servo motor during controlling the robot arm. In this work, six servo motors were used to realize the real robotic arm for industrial use. Five servos were operated to control the entire robot arm motion including the base, shoulder, and elbow as well as one servo is reserved for the positioning of the end effector. Two input variables namely TSC3200 Color Sensors & HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensors were employed as the input for the robot arm. The output variable mainly focused on the servo motor as the links for the robot arm to reposition and change the motion for the entire system

    Fine-tuning Large Language Model (LLM) Artificial Intelligence Chatbots in Ophthalmology and LLM-based evaluation using GPT-4

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    Purpose: To assess the alignment of GPT-4-based evaluation to human clinician experts, for the evaluation of responses to ophthalmology-related patient queries generated by fine-tuned LLM chatbots. Methods: 400 ophthalmology questions and paired answers were created by ophthalmologists to represent commonly asked patient questions, divided into fine-tuning (368; 92%), and testing (40; 8%). We find-tuned 5 different LLMs, including LLAMA2-7b, LLAMA2-7b-Chat, LLAMA2-13b, and LLAMA2-13b-Chat. For the testing dataset, additional 8 glaucoma QnA pairs were included. 200 responses to the testing dataset were generated by 5 fine-tuned LLMs for evaluation. A customized clinical evaluation rubric was used to guide GPT-4 evaluation, grounded on clinical accuracy, relevance, patient safety, and ease of understanding. GPT-4 evaluation was then compared against ranking by 5 clinicians for clinical alignment. Results: Among all fine-tuned LLMs, GPT-3.5 scored the highest (87.1%), followed by LLAMA2-13b (80.9%), LLAMA2-13b-chat (75.5%), LLAMA2-7b-Chat (70%) and LLAMA2-7b (68.8%) based on the GPT-4 evaluation. GPT-4 evaluation demonstrated significant agreement with human clinician rankings, with Spearman and Kendall Tau correlation coefficients of 0.90 and 0.80 respectively; while correlation based on Cohen Kappa was more modest at 0.50. Notably, qualitative analysis and the glaucoma sub-analysis revealed clinical inaccuracies in the LLM-generated responses, which were appropriately identified by the GPT-4 evaluation. Conclusion: The notable clinical alignment of GPT-4 evaluation highlighted its potential to streamline the clinical evaluation of LLM chatbot responses to healthcare-related queries. By complementing the existing clinician-dependent manual grading, this efficient and automated evaluation could assist the validation of future developments in LLM applications for healthcare.Comment: 13 Pages, 1 Figure, 8 Table

    Loyalty Card Membership Challenge: A Study on Membership Churn and their Spending Behaviour

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    Understand member spending behaviour and their loyalty is important in all industries. By gaining loyalty from customers and understand how they spend, companies are able to retain their customers, increase their revenue and plan their marketing strategy to continue grow their business in a competitive business ecosystem. This research investigates member spending behaviour and membership churn for a loyalty card company in Malaysia. This research conducts exploratory analysis on three key partners registered with the company to understand their outlets’ spending activities and patterns. Meanwhile, this research also model membership churn based on the last 24 months membership data to identify factors that influence membership churn so that effective strategy can be formulated to retain active members in the company

    Revocable Identity-Based Encryption from Lattices

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    In this paper, we present an identity-based encryption (IBE) scheme from lattices with efficient key revocation. We adopt multiple trapdoors from the Agrawal-Boneh-Boyen and Gentry-Peikerty-Vaikuntanathan lattice IBE schemes to realize key revocation, which in turn, makes use of binary-tree data structure. Using our scheme, key update requires logarithmic complexity in the maximal number of users and linear in the number of revoked users for the relevant key authority. We prove that our scheme is selective secure in the standard model and under the LWE assumption, which is as hard as the worst-case approximating short vectors on arbitrary lattices. Moreover, our key revocation techniques from lattices can be applied to obtain revocable functional encryption schemes in the similar setting