642 research outputs found


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    Second Prize winner of the Peter Sears Poetry Award 2022 at Western Oregon Universit

    Simple method for the simulation of multiple elastic scattering of electrons

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    A screened Rutherford cross section is modified by means of a correction factor to obtain the proper transport cross section computed by partialÂżwave analysis. The correction factor is tabulated for electron energies in the range 0Âż100 keV and for elements in the range from Z=4 to 82. The modified screened Rutherford cross section is shown to be useful as an approximation for the simulation of plural and multiple scattering. Its performance and limitations are exemplified for electrons scattered in Al and Au

    Janeanne Rockwell-Kincanon Interview 2021

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    This is a student performed interview of Janeanne Rockwell-Kincanon, a member of the WOU Hamersly Library faculty. In the interview she describes her move from the Midwest to Oregon, and how she became a faculty member at the WOU library. Her daily activities, as well as her unique academic experiences with students are explained. She also discusses her personal challenges with the academic environment with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, and how she adapted

    Inkorporering av FN:s kvinnokonvention -ett sÀtt att stÀrka kvinnors rÀttigheter?

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    SUMMARY This study aims to examine whether the UN Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) should be incorporated into Swedish law, in order to enhance equality between women and men. This study discusses the anti-discrimination standard of CEDAW and the status of the convention in Sweden. Furthermore, this study presents and analyses the pros and cons of the incorporation method, mainly by looking at the considerations made in conjunction with the incorporation of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR), in the Swedish debate of incorporation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), as well as in the Norwegian debate, where the CEDAW was incorporated into Norwegian law in 2009. This paper explains that CEDAW is infrequently applied in the promotion of gender equality in Sweden, and notes that there is a lack of knowledge of CEDAW on national, regional and local levels. Unlike other anti-discrimination and equality regimes under international law, which address discrimination on the basis of sex (female and male), and that hold a gender-neutral approach, CEDAW is premised on the assumption that a gender-neutral approach does not sufficiently recognize the structural and intersectional discrimination of women, and therefore a gender-specific guarantee is needed. In the case of incorporation of CEDAW into Swedish law, this thesis identifies some areas where CEDAW can have a potential substantial effect, where CEDAW can be used in policy-making of gender-specific reforms and in the protection of intersectional discrimination. This study suggests that by giving CEDAW legal status, it could potentially become better known, the right of complaints in the Optional Protocol to CEDAW could be invoked in more cases, and the lack of conformity with existing legislation could be discovered. Irrespective of the substantial, direct impact that the CEDAW may have in case of incorporation into national law, this study has identified potential normative effects in support of incorporation. If CEDAW was applied as law in Sweden, CEDAW could possibly form a common starting point for several other perspectives and express a minimum standard within the field of anti-discrimination and equality protection. The comparative part of this study notes that there was initially a strong resistance to incorporating ECHR into national law, essentially based on the same arguments which were made against the CRC and that could be brought against the CEDAW. However, the comparison with ECHR shows that ECHR is seen as an integrated and natural part of national law, primarily as a result of its status as Swedish law. In the comparative study of the CRC this study notes, inter alia, that the provisions of CRC differ from CEDAW, mainly due to some provisions that have more of a character of goal regulation with gradual compliance requirements. This thesis suggests that in Norway, where CEDAW was incorporated into national law, as to take precedence when coming into conflict with Norwegian law, that the CEDAW has slowly become better known and enjoys greater political and legal legitimacy, due to its legal status.SAMMANFATTNING Syftet med denna uppsats har varit att utreda frÄgan huruvida FN:s konvention om avskaffande av all slags diskriminering av kvinnor (kvinnokonventionen) bör göras till svensk lag för att öka jÀmstÀlldheten mellan mÀn och kvinnor. I detta syfte diskuterar uppsatsen kvinnokonventionens jÀmstÀlldhetsstandard och konventionens stÀllning i Sverige. Vidare presenteras och analyseras för- och nackdelar med inkorporeringsmetoden, frÀmst genom att granska de övervÀganden som gjordes i samband med inkorporeringen av Europakonventionen (EKMR) i svensk rÀtt, vid föreslagen inkorporering av barnkonventionen, samt vid den debatt som gjordes i samband med att kvinnokonventionen fick status som lag i Norge. Studien konstaterar att kvinnokonventionen Àr ett underanvÀnt verktyg för jÀmstÀlldhetsarbetet i Sverige, den Àr enligt flera rapporter okÀnd och sÀllan tillÀmpad pÄ sÄvÀl nationell som regional och lokal nivÄ. Kvinnokonventionen skiljer frÄn andra jÀmstÀlldhets- och anti diskrimineringsregelverk i internationell rÀtt dÄ dessa instrument frÀmst intar ett könsneutralt förhÄllningsÀtt. IstÀllet erkÀnner kvinnokonventionen att det Àr kvinnor som strukturellt diskrimineras pÄ grund av sitt kön, sÄvÀl som pÄ grund av ett flertal andra diskrimineringsgrunder och att ett könsneutralt förhÄllningsÀtt dÀrmed innebÀr ett otillrÀckligt skydd. I uppsatsen har identifierats ett antal omrÄden dÀr kvinnokonventionen kan tÀnkas fÄ substantiell betydelse om den fÄr status som svensk lag. Den kan underlÀtta för en grundlig könsmedveten granskning av Sveriges författningar och utgöra ett skydd mot multipel diskriminering pÄ en rad samhÀllsomrÄden. Oavsett vilket materiellt genomslag kvinnokonventionen kan tÀnkas fÄ i svensk rÀtt om den gjordes till lag, har uppsatsen identifierat normerande skÀl till stöd för inkorporering. Om konventionen fick status som lag skulle den kunna bilda en gemensam utgÄngspunkt för arbetet med flera andra perspektiv och kan uttrycka en miniminivÄ som ska garanteras. Kvinnokonventionen skulle genom förhöjd juridisk status potentiellt bli mer kÀnd, klagorÀtten i konventionens tillÀggsprotokoll skulle möjligen anvÀndas oftare och eventuella brister i svensk lagstiftning skulle kunna upptÀckas i större utstrÀckning. I den komparativa delen av uppsatsen har konstaterats att det inledningsvis fanns ett starkt motstÄnd att inkorporera EKMR i svensk rÀtt, i huvudsak utifrÄn samma argument som sedan anfördes emot barnkonventionen och som kan anföras emot kvinnokonventionen. I komparationen med EKMR har dock konstaterats att det var först nÀr EKMR fick stÀllning som svensk lag som den skulle komma att uppfattas som ett integrerat inslag i svensk rÀtt. I komparationen med barnkonventionen har bland annat observerats att vissa bestÀmmelser i barnkonventionen skiljer sig frÄn kvinnokonventionen, frÀmst dÄ den förstnÀmnda kan pÄstÄs ha större grad av mÄlsÀttningsstadganden med gradvisa uppfyllandekrav. I Norge dÀr kvinnokonventionen har företrÀde framför nationell lag sedan Är 2009, presenteras i uppsatsen indikationer pÄ att kvinnokonventionen successivt blivit mer kÀnd och att den har erhÄllit mer juridisk och politisk legitimitet efter att den fÄtt status som lag

    Penetration of fusidic acid and rifampicin into cerebrospinal fluid in low-grade inflammatory meningitis caused by Staphylococcus epidermidis

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    AbstractCerebrospinal fluid (CSF) concentration-time curves of rifampicin and fusidic acid were studied in a patient with post-operative meningitis caused by Staphylococcus epidermidis. The patient was treated with this combination of antimicrobial agents because of a severe hypersensitivity reaction to vancomycin. Peak CSF concentrations of rifampicin exceeded the MIC by > 60-fold, while those of fusidic acid just reached the MIC. CSF concentrations of fusidic acid were relatively stable within the range reported for patients with uninflamed meninges, but serum levels were surprisingly low. An increase in the metabolism of fusidic acid induced by rifampicin cannot be excluded

    "Soft, Glossy Tresses": Shampoo Advertisements, White Women's Hair, and the Late- and Post- World War II Domestic Ideal

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    This dissertation explores how shampoo advertisements inserted white women’s hair in a late- and post-World War II conceptualization of ideal American domesticity. Rather than merely advertising mid-century hygiene products, I argue that shampoo ads characterized a racialized standard of beauty that naturalized whiteness in the representation of ideal late- and post-war domesticity. Using three prevalent brands as case studies, I situate this analysis between the years 1944 and 1952, a time period I refer to as the Shampoo Revolution. Concurrent with this period during which America transitioned from a wartime to postwar economy was the rapid expansion of the shampoo industry which had profound consequences on popular discourse, elevating a narrow representation of hair as a requisite component of American domesticity. The chapters of this dissertation provide an analysis of the emerging hair culture that was by the mid-1940s, a prominent aspect of popular media and beauty industry interests. Additionally, chapters provide a critical analysis of three leading shampoo brands – Drene, Breck, and Lustre-Crùme, their respective advertisements, and ads’ placement in two popular magazines. Ultimately, this study contributes to an understanding of the growing national consciousness, and emphasis on the American home front, as the nation transitioned from war to peacetime

    Structured Ethics Education in Speech-Language Pathology Graduate Students

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    This investigation compared the effect of ethics training embedded within a curriculum to structured ethics training regarding the ethics knowledge and self-reported comfort levels of first-year graduate students in speech-language pathology. Two equal, non-randomized groups of participants completed an ethics test and survey at three different times over the course of the investigation. The test and survey were administered prior to and after structured ethics training and ethics training embedded within the curriculum. The results of this study showed a significant difference in ethics knowledge after completion of the structured ethics training module for both groups. After receiving structured ethics training, there was no difference between groups regarding comfort in identifying and solving ethics problems. These findings add to the literature regarding the need for structured ethics training for graduate students in healthcare professions. Structured ethics training in speech-language pathology graduate students increased the knowledge of ethical foundations and decision-making models prior to clinical practice in the field

    Monte Carlo simulation of kilovolt electron transport in solids

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    A Monte Carlo procedure to simulate the penetration and energy loss of lowÂżenergy electron beams through solids is presented. Elastic collisions are described by using the method of partial waves for the screened Coulomb field of the nucleus. The atomic charge density is approximated by an analytical expression with parameters determined from the DiracÂżHartreeÂżFockÂżSlater selfÂżconsistent density obtained under WignerÂżSeitz boundary conditions in order to account for solidÂżstate effects; exchange effects are also accounted for by an energyÂżdependent local correction. Elastic differential cross sections are then easily computed by combining the WKB and Born approximations to evaluate the phase shifts. Inelastic collisions are treated on the basis of a generalized oscillator strength model which gives inelastic mean free paths and stopping powers in good agreement with experimental data. This scattering model is accurate in the energy range from a few hundred eV up to about 50 keV. The reliability of the simulation method is analyzed by comparing simulation results and experimental data from backscattering and transmission measurements
