32 research outputs found

    The developmental origin of metacognition

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    We explain metacognition as a management of cognitive resources that does not necessitate algorithmic strategies or metarepresentation. When pragmatic, world-directed actions cannot reduce the distance to the goal, agents engage in epistemic action directed at cognition. Such actions often are physical and involve other people, and so are open to observation. Taking a dynamic systems approach to development, we suggest that implicit and perceptual metacognition emerges from dyadic reciprocal interaction. Early intersubjectivity allows infants to internalize and construct rudimentary strategies for monitoring and control of their own and others’ cognitions by emotion and attention. The functions of initiating, maintaining, and achieving turns make proto-conversation a productive platform for developing metacognition. It enables caregiver and infant to create shared routines for epistemic actions that permit training of metacognitive skills. The adult is of double epistemic use to the infant – as a teacher that comments on and corrects the infant’s efforts, and as the infant’s cognitive resource in its own right

    The role of interfaces in oxide thin films

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    The role of interfaces in oxide thin films has been investigated from a microstructural point of view. Thin films of manganites and titanates have been investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The analysis included techniques as high-resolution TEM, bright and dark filed imaging, electron diffraction as well as chemical analysis using electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS).Ferromagnetic films of perovskite derivative structures as La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 and La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 have been characterized in terms of atomic and defect arrangement. The film microstructure has been linked to magnetotransport properties. The work on the Sr doped manganites concerned grain boundary tunnel junctions. Artificial grain boundaries of (001) bicrystal tilt substrates has been analysed in both cross sectional and plan view specimens. The calcium-doped manganite has been deposited on various substrates with a different fit to the film. The microstructural investigation confirmed the importance of the lattice fit for the formation of different structural phases and effects of thermal treatment.Ferroelectric films of Ba0.25Sr0.75TiO3 and BaTiO3 incorporated with a bottom electrode on silicon substrates have been analysed and linked to dielectric performance and frequency response. The growth of the ferroelectric films was in many ways different to the manganite films, since the films were not epitaxial. The influence of deposition technique, electrode configuration and deposition temperature has been determined. During the initial stage of the growth of the thin film oxides, the interface between the substrate and the film affected the film microstructure. Factors such as substrate morphology and chemical stability at the growth temperature were important, together with the film interaction. As the film grew, the lateral, angular and thermal expansion match between the substrate and film not only had an influence on the film quality but were also crucial for the properties of the film.Independent of oxide film, this work confirmed the need of microstructural information on an atomic scale in order to understand the properties of functional oxides. The TEM is a unique tool for correlating complex structures to magnetic and electric properties that cannot easily be done by combining surface analysis techniques with x-ray diffraction that very often is practiced in the field

    Altering the Point of You - Perspectives on Intersubjectivity and Metacognition

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    The aim of the thesis was to examine different aspects of the role of intersubjectivity in metacognitive development and in social understanding. More specifically, it investigates how different theoretical frameworks, such as mentalization theory, the theory of primary intersubjectivity, and interaction theory describe the developmental role of intersubjectivity. The suggestions these theories make in regard to this is also studied. Common to all three papers included in the dissertation is the conviction that intersubjectivity actually is central for, and affects in a basic way, social and cognitive development from the very beginning of life. The methods employed are theoretical and concern the analysis of empirical studies in developmental psychology, as well as the analysis of, and comparison between, theories concerning different aspects of social understanding. In the first paper, metacognition is interpreted as a way of managing cognitive resources that does not necessitate algorithmic strategies or metarepresentation. When pragmatic, world-directed actions cannot reduce the distance to a particular goal, the agents involved may engage in epistemic action directed at cognition. Such actions are often physical and involve other people, and thus are open to observation. Taking a dynamic systems approach to development, it is suggested that implicit and perceptual metacognition emerges from dyadic reciprocal interaction. Early intersubjectivity allows infants to internalize and construct rudimentary strategies for monitoring and control of their own and of others’ cognitions by means of emotion and attention. The functions of initiating, maintaining and achieving turns make proto-conversation a productive platform for developing metacognition. It enables the caregiver and the infant to create shared routines for epistemic actions that permit training of metacognitive skills. The adult is of double epistemic use to the infant—as a teacher who comments on and corrects the infant’s efforts, and as a cognitive resource for the infant. The second paper deals with the question of how primary engagement and interaction relate to social understanding, most notably mentalization. The basic hypothesis considered is that primary intersubjectivity and mentalization are complementary and that the latter depends on the former, but the converse to this is not the case. Primary intersubjectivity is the sharing of experiences. It involves emotional engagement in second-person relations that are meaningful to the infant already from the start, whereas the theory of affect mirroring provides an explanation of how mentalization and representational abilities develop from dyadic interaction and contingency detection. A comparison of the theories suggests that, despite of their differences, they can fruitfully be combined. This paves the way for developing an alternative interpretation of affect mirroring, one based on the idea of young infants’ understanding the experiential dimension of emotion and using this to understand others. This makes it possible to trace the continuous development of social understanding based on emotion experience and affect sharing, and in addition to elaborate on the role of second-person engagement in attachment. The third paper concerns the concept of mentalization as it was introduced into psychological science by Fonagy and his associates. The study describes some fundamental aspects of how the development of mentalization is viewed within the framework of this theoretical approach, enabling certain issues that seem difficult to explain in terms of mentalization theory to be more readily understood. A critical discussion of the theory is then undertaken, comparing and contrasting it with the theory of primary intersubjectivity. A suggestion is made concerning the development of mentalization that connects it with the notion of primary intersubjectivity. More specifically, it is argued that mentalization develops originally within the context of primary intersubjectivity, and that primary intersubjectivity is a basic prerequisite for the development of mentalization and in addition that there is a partial overlap between the concepts of primary intersubjectivity and implicit mentalization

    Fysisk skörhet i samband med depressiva symtom hos Àldre vuxna

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    Background: The Swedish populations is aging, and with age the risk of physical frailty and having depressive symptoms increases and can have a negative impact on the person. With aging the physical ability changes because of the natural process and also because of other factors for example diseases. Purpose: To examine if there was an association between physical frailty and depressive symptoms among people 60 years and older. Method: The study is a quantitative cross-sectional study, based on data taken from the Swedish National Study on Aging and Care in Blekinge (SNAC-B). The processing of the material was done in two parts, a descriptive part and an analyzing part to identify the prevalence and examine relationships. Results: According to the definition of physical frailty and depressive symptoms in this study, there was an association between them two. There was statistic association between women with physical frailty and depressive symptoms but there was none between men with physical frailty and depressive symptoms. The persons having finished primary school had more physical frailty and more depressive symptoms then the ones that finished secondary school. Conclusions: The study showed an association between physical frailty and depressive symptoms for older adults. The most vulnerable were more likely to be woman and have less education. To be able to support the older adults it is essential for the nurse to have more knowledge about physical frailty and depressive symptoms to support the patient in their care.Sveriges befolkning blir Àldre och med stigande Älder ökar Àven risken för fysisk skörhet och depressiva symtom. Syftet med studien var att undersöka om det fanns nÄgot samband mellan fysisk skörhet och depressiva symtom hos vuxna över 60 Är. Undersökningen gjordes kvantitativt med data tagen frÄn SNAC-B ( Swedish National Study on Aging and Care in Blekinge). Resultatet visade pÄ ett samband mellan de tvÄ tillstÄnden, frÀmst hos kvinnor och de som bara gÄtt ut grundskolan.070869646

    The role of interfaces in oxide thin films

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    The role of interfaces in oxide thin films has been investigated from a microstructural point of view. Thin films of manganites and titanates have been investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The analysis included techniques as high-resolution TEM, bright and dark filed imaging, electron diffraction as well as chemical analysis using electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy (EDS).Ferromagnetic films of perovskite derivative structures as La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 and La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 have been characterized in terms of atomic and defect arrangement. The film microstructure has been linked to magnetotransport properties. The work on the Sr doped manganites concerned grain boundary tunnel junctions. Artificial grain boundaries of (001) bicrystal tilt substrates has been analysed in both cross sectional and plan view specimens. The calcium-doped manganite has been deposited on various substrates with a different fit to the film. The microstructural investigation confirmed the importance of the lattice fit for the formation of different structural phases and effects of thermal treatment.Ferroelectric films of Ba0.25Sr0.75TiO3 and BaTiO3 incorporated with a bottom electrode on silicon substrates have been analysed and linked to dielectric performance and frequency response. The growth of the ferroelectric films was in many ways different to the manganite films, since the films were not epitaxial. The influence of deposition technique, electrode configuration and deposition temperature has been determined. During the initial stage of the growth of the thin film oxides, the interface between the substrate and the film affected the film microstructure. Factors such as substrate morphology and chemical stability at the growth temperature were important, together with the film interaction. As the film grew, the lateral, angular and thermal expansion match between the substrate and film not only had an influence on the film quality but were also crucial for the properties of the film.Independent of oxide film, this work confirmed the need of microstructural information on an atomic scale in order to understand the properties of functional oxides. The TEM is a unique tool for correlating complex structures to magnetic and electric properties that cannot easily be done by combining surface analysis techniques with x-ray diffraction that very often is practiced in the field

    Reply to commentaries

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    In our response, we address four themes arising from the commentaries. First, we discuss the distinction between cognition and metacognition and show how to draw it within our framework. Next, we explain how metacognition differs from social cognition. The underlying mechanisms of metacognitive development are then elucidated in terms of interaction patterns. Finally, we consider measures of metacognition and suitable methods for investigating it

    Metacognitive development in early infancy

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    Betydelsen av relationen med vÄrdpersonal vid palliativ vÄrd i hemmet : Ett nÀrstÄendeperspektiv

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    Palliativ vÄrd Àr till för att förbÀttra patienters och nÀrstÄendes livskvalitet nÀr patienten har drabbats av en obotlig sjukdom. Vid palliativ vÄrd i hemmet Àr nÀrstÄende en resurs som ofta utför en stor del av vÄrden. Till följd av detta riskerar de att sjÀlva drabbas av ohÀlsa. Distriktssköterskans uppgift Àr bland annat att stödja och handleda patienten och nÀrstÄende med ett hÀlsofrÀmjande perspektiv. Om patient och nÀrstÄende görs delaktiga i vÄrden skapas förutsÀttningar för en vÄrdande relation. Genom att ge stöd och avlasta nÀrstÄende kan distriktsköterskan pÄverka situationen för nÀrstÄende men Àven för patienten. Syftet med den hÀr studien var att belysa nÀrstÄendes upplevelse av relationen med vÄrdpersonal vid palliativ vÄrd i hemmet. En litteraturöversikt med systematisk sökning har valts som metod dÀr kvalitativa data samlats in och analyserats med tematisk analys. I resultatet framkom huvudtemat en trygg relation som i sin tur utgjordes av tre teman: tillit, partnerskap och kommunikation. NÀrstÄende kÀnde att de hade större tillit till den palliativa vÄrden nÀr vÄrdpersonal var tillgÀngliga, utförde kontinuerlig vÄrd och hade egenskaper och fÀrdigheter som var lÀmpliga. Partnerskapet skapades genom nÀra relationer, involvering av nÀrstÄende och att vÄrdpersonal lÀttade pÄ bördan. Upplevelsen av en vÀlfungerande kommunikation uppnÄddes genom att nÀrstÄende var vÀlinformerade och fick hjÀlp med vÀgledning. En trygg relation vid palliativ vÄrd i hemmet Àr en pÄgÄende process. Distriktssköterskan behöver vara medveten om vad som krÀvs för att kunna skapa en trygg relation med nÀrstÄende dÄ det Àven Àr betydelsefullt för patientens vÄrd