19 research outputs found

    The relationship of sensory impairments with cardiovascular disease and mortality, disability and frailty in older age: longitudinal cohort studies using the British Regional Heart Study and the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing

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    BACKGROUND AND AIM: Impairments in hearing and vision (sensory impairments) are common in older age and associated with increased risks of important adverse health outcomes such as chronic diseases and poor physical functioning. However the majority of previous studies are of cross-sectional design and little research has focused on older adults. The overarching aim of this thesis is therefore to prospectively investigate the influence of sensory impairments on the subsequent risks of adverse cardiovascular disease (CVD) incidence and mortality, disability and frailty. METHODS: This thesis uses data from two population-based cohorts: the British Regional Heart Study (BRHS) (3981 men aged 63-85 years) and the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing (ELSA) (2836 men and women aged ≥ 60 years). Data from the BRHS were used to examine the prospective relationships between self-reported sensory impairments and the risk of non-fatal and fatal CVD (MI or stroke) (data obtained from medical records), all-cause mortality, and self-reported disability defined as mobility limitation, activities of daily living (ADL) and instrumental ADL (IADL). ELSA data were used to examine the prospective relationship between self-reported sensory impairments and incident frailty defined as the Fried phenotype. RESULTS: In the BRHS, hearing impairment was associated with greater risks of incident CVD, in particular incident stroke, and CVD mortality. Vision impairment was not associated with incident CVD outcomes but with increased risks of all-cause mortality. Hearing impairment, but not vision impairment, was associated with increased risks of incident disability in the form of IADL. In ELSA, hearing impairment was associated with increased risks of incident frailty in individuals who were pre-frail. Vision impairment was associated with greater risks of incidence of pre-frailty and frailty in non-frail participants. The findings of this thesis emphasise the potentially important contribution of sensory impairments in older age particularly to risk of stroke, disability and frailty

    Engaging ‘hard to reach’ groups in health promotion: the views of older people and professionals from a qualitative study in England

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    Background Older people living in deprived areas, from black and minority ethnic groups (BME) or aged over 85 years (oldest old) are recognised as ‘hard to reach’. Engaging these groups in health promotion is of particular importance when seeking to target those who may benefit the most and to reduce health inequalities. This study aimed to explore what influences them practicing health promotion and elicit the views of cross-sector professionals with experiences of working with ‘hard to reach’ older people, to help inform best practice on engagement. Methods ‘Hard to reach’ older people were recruited through primary care by approaching those not attending for preventative healthcare, and via day centres. Nineteen participated in an interview (n = 15) or focus group (n = 4); including some overlaps: 17 were from a deprived area, 12 from BME groups, and five were oldest old. Cross-sector health promotion professionals across England with experience of health promotion with older people were identified through online searches and snowball sampling. A total of 31 of these 44 professionals completed an online survey including open questions on barriers and facilitators to uptake in these groups. Thematic analysis was used to develop a framework of higher and lower level themes. Interpretations were discussed and agreed within the team. Results Older people’s motivation to stay healthy and independent reflected their everyday behaviour including practicing activities to feel or stay well, level of social engagement, and enthusiasm for and belief in health promotion. All of the oldest old reported trying to live healthily, often facilitated by others, yet sometimes being restricted due to poor health. Most older people from BME groups reported a strong wish to remain independent which was often positively influenced by their social network. Older people living in deprived areas reported reluctance to undertake health promotion activities, conveyed apathy and reported little social interaction. Cross-sector health professionals consistently reported similar themes as the older people, reinforcing the views of the older people through examples. Conclusions The study shows some shared themes across the three ‘hard-to-reach’ groups but also some distinct differences, suggesting that a carefully outlined strategy should be considered to reach successfully the group targeted.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Strategies to improve engagement of 'hard to reach' older people in research on health promotion: : a systematic review

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    © The Author(s). 2017 Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated.Background: This review aimed to identify facilitators, barriers and strategies for engaging 'hard to reach' older people in research on health promotion; the oldest old (≥80 years), older people from black and minority ethnic groups (BME) and older people living in deprived areas. Methods: Eight databases were searched to identify eligible studies using quantitative, qualitative, and mixed research methods. Using elements of narrative synthesis, engagement strategies, and reported facilitators and barriers were identified, tabulated and analysed thematically for each of the three groups of older people. Results: Twenty-three studies (3 with oldest-old, 16 with BME older people, 2 within deprived areas, 1 with both oldest-old and BME, 1 with both BME and deprived areas) were included. Methods included 10 quantitative studies (of which 1 was an RCT), 12 qualitative studies and one mixed-methods study. Facilitators for engaging the oldest old included gaining family support and having flexible sessions. Facilitators for BME groups included building trust through known professionals/community leaders, targeting personal interests, and addressing ethnic and cultural characteristics. Among older people in deprived areas, facilitators for engagement included encouragement by peers and providing refreshments. Across all groups, barriers for engagement were deteriorating health, having other priorities and lack of transport/inaccessibility. Feeling too tired and lacking support from family members were additional barriers for the oldest old. Similarly, feeling too tired and too old to participate in research on health promotion were reported by BME groups. Barriers for BME groups included lack of motivation and self-confidence, and cultural and language differences. Barriers identified in deprived areas included use of written recruitment materials. Strategies to successfully engage with the oldest old included home visits and professionals securing consent if needed. Strategies to engage older people from BME groups included developing community connections and organising social group sessions. Strategies to engage with older people in deprived areas included flexibility in timing and location of interventions. Conclusions: This review identified facilitators, barriers and strategies for engaging 'hard to reach' older people in health promotion but research has been mainly descriptive and there was no high quality evidence on the effectiveness of different approaches.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Nurses’ Roles, Responsibilities and Actions in the Hospital Discharge Process of Older Adults with Health and Social Care Needs in Three Nordic Cities : A Vignette Study

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    The hospital discharge process of older adults in need of both medical and social care post hospitalisation requires the involvement of nurses at multiple levels across the different phases. This study aims to examine and compare what roles, responsibilities and actions nurses take in the hospital discharge process of older adults with complex care needs in three Nordic cities: Copenhagen (Denmark), Stockholm (Sweden) and Tampere (Finland). A vignette-based interview study consisting of three cases was conducted face-to-face with nurses in Copenhagen (n = 11), Stockholm (n = 16) and Tampere (n = 8). The vignettes represented older patients with medical conditions, cognitive loss and various home situations. The interviews were conducted in the local language, recorded, transcribed and analysed thematically. The findings show that nurses exchanged information with both healthcare (all cities) and social care services (Copenhagen, Tampere). Nurses in all cities, particularly Stockholm, reported to inform, and also convince patients to make use of home care. Nurses in Stockholm and Tampere reported that some patients refuse care due to co-payment. Nurses in these two cities were more likely to involve close relatives, possibly due to such costs. Not accepting care, due to costs, poses inequity in later life. Additionally, organisational changes towards a shift in location of care, i.e., from hospital to home, and from professional to informal caregivers, might be reflected in the work of the nurses through their initiatives to convince older patients to accept home care and to involve close relatives.Peer reviewe

    Hearing impairment and incident disability and all-cause mortality in older British community-dwelling men.

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: hearing impairment is common in older adults and has been implicated in the risk of disability and mortality. We examined the association between hearing impairment and risk of incident disability and all-cause mortality. DESIGN AND SETTING: prospective cohort of community-dwelling older men aged 63-85 followed up for disability over 2 years and for all-cause mortality for 10 years in the British Regional Heart Study. METHODS: data were collected on self-reported hearing impairment including hearing aid use, and disability assessed as mobility limitations (problems walking/taking stairs), difficulties with activities of daily living (ADL) and instrumental ADL (IADL). Mortality data were obtained from the National Health Service register. RESULTS: among 3,981 men, 1,074 (27%) reported hearing impairment. Compared with men with no hearing impairment, men who could hear and used a hearing aid, and men who could not hear despite a hearing aid had increased risks of IADL difficulties (age-adjusted OR 1.86, 95% CI 1.29-2.70; OR 2.74, 95% CI 1.53-4.93, respectively). The associations remained after further adjustment for covariates including social class, lifestyle factors, co-morbidities and social engagement. Associations of hearing impairment with incident mobility limitations, incident ADL difficulties and all-cause mortality were attenuated on adjustment for covariates. CONCLUSION: this study suggests that hearing problems in later life could increase the risk of having difficulties performing IADLs, which include more complex everyday tasks such as shopping and light housework. However, further studies are needed to determine the associations observed including the underlying pathways

    Opportunities for transitional care and care continuity following hospital discharge of older people in three Nordic cities : A comparative study

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    Aim: To outline and discuss care transitions and care continuity following hospital discharge of older people with complex care needs in three Nordic cities: Copenhagen, Tampere and Stockholm. Methods: Data on potential pathways following hospital discharge of older people were obtained from existing literature and expert consultations. The pathways for each system were outlined and presented in three figures. The hospital discharge process of the systems was then compared. Results: In all three care systems, the main care path from hospital is to home. Short-term intermediate healthcare can be provided in all three systems, possibly creating additional care transitions; however, once home, extensive home healthcare may prevent further care transitions. Opportunities for continuity of care include needs assessments (all cities) and meetings with the patient about care upon return home (Copenhagen, Stockholm). Yet this is challenged by lack of transfer of information (Tampere) and patients’ having to apply for some services themselves (Tampere, Stockholm). Conclusions: Comparisons of the discharge processes studied suggest that despite individual care planning and short- and long-term care options, transitional care and care continuity are challenged by limited access as some services need to be applied for by the older person themselves.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    The organisation and responsibility for care for older people in Denmark, Finland and Sweden : outline and comparison of care systems

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    Aim: To outline the organisation and responsibility for health and social care provided to older people in Denmark, Finland and Sweden. Methods: Non-quantifiable data on the care systems were collated from the literature and expert consultations. The responsibilities for primary healthcare, specialised healthcare, prevention and health promotion, rehabilitation, and social care were presented in relation to policy guidance, funding and organisation. Results: In all three countries, the state issues policy and to some extent co-funds the largely decentralised systems; in Denmark and Sweden the regions and municipalities organise the provision of care services – a system that is also about to be implemented in Finland to improve care coordination and make access more equal. Care for older citizens focuses to a large extent on enabling them to live independently in their own homes. Conclusions: Decentralised care systems are challenged by considerable local variations, possibly jeopardising care equity. State-level decision and policy makers need to be aware of these challenges and monitor developments to prevent further health and social care disparities in the ageing population.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Is Sensory Loss an Understudied Risk Factor for Frailty? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

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    [Abstract] Background. Age-related sensory loss and frailty are common conditions among older adults, but epidemiologic research on their possible links has been inconclusive. Clarifying this relationship is important because sensory loss may be a clinically relevant risk factor for frailty. Methods. In this systematic review and meta-analysis, we searched 3 databases for observational studies investigating 4 sensory impairments—vision (VI), hearing (HI), smell (SI), and taste (TI)—and their relationships with frailty. We meta-analyzed the cross-sectional associations of VI/HI each with pre-frailty and frailty, investigated sources of heterogeneity using meta-regression and subgroup analyses, and assessed publication bias using Egger’s test. Results. We included 17 cross-sectional and 7 longitudinal studies in our review (N = 34,085) from 766 records. Our cross-sectional meta-analyses found that HI and VI were, respectively, associated with 1.5- to 2-fold greater odds of pre-frailty and 2.5- to 3-fold greater odds of frailty. Our results remained largely unchanged after subgroup analyses and meta-regression, though the association between HI and pre-frailty was no longer significant in 2 subgroups which lacked sufficient studies. We did not detect publication bias. Longitudinal studies largely found positive associations between VI/HI and frailty progression from baseline robustness, though they were inconclusive about frailty progression from baseline pre-frailty. Sparse literature and heterogenous methods precluded meta-analyses and conclusions on the SI/TI–frailty relationships. Conclusions. Our meta-analyses demonstrate significant cross-sectional associations between VI/HI with pre-frailty and frailty. Our review also highlights knowledge gaps on the directionality and modifiability of these relationships and the impact of SI/TI and multiple sensory impairments on frailty

    Healthcare professionals’ perception of barriers and facilitators for care coordination of older adults with complex care needs being discharged from hospital: A qualitative comparative study of two Nordic capitals

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    Abstract Background The handover of older adults with complex health and social care from hospital admissions to homebased healthcare requires coordination between multiple care providers. Providing insight to the care coordination from healthcare professionals’ views is crucial to show what efforts are needed to manage patient handovers from hospitals to home care, and to identify strengths and weaknesses of the care systems in which they operate. Objective This is a comparative study aiming to examine healthcare professionals’ perceptions on barriers and facilitators for care coordination for older patients with complex health and social care needs being discharged from hospital in two capital cities Copenhagen (DK) and Stockholm (SE). Method Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 25 nurses and 2 assistant nurses involved in the coordination of the discharge process at hospitals or in the home healthcare services (Copenhagen n = 11, Stockholm n = 16). The interview guide included questions on the participants’ contributions, responsibilities, and influence on decisions during the discharge process. They were also asked about collaboration and interaction with other professionals involved in the process. The data was analysed using thematic analysis. Results Main themes were communication ways, organisational structures, and supplementary work by staff. We found that there were differences in the organisational structure of the two care systems in relation to integration between different actors and differences in accessibility to patient information, which influenced the coordination. Municipal discharge coordinators visiting patients at the hospital before discharge and the follow-home nurse were seen as facilitators in Copenhagen. In Stockholm the shared information system with access to patient records were lifted as a facilitator for coordination. Difficulties accessing collaborators were experienced in both settings. We also found that participants in both settings to a high degree engage in work tasks outside of their responsibilities to ensure patient safety. Conclusions There are lessons to be learned from both care systems. The written e-communication between hospitals and home health care runs more smoothly in Stockholm, whereas it is perceived as a one-way communication in Copenhagen. In Copenhagen there are more sector-overlapping work which might secure a safer transition from hospital to home. Participants in both settings initiated own actions to weigh out imperfections of the system

    Medical Doctors’ Perceptions of the Media Coverage during the Covid-19 Pandemic: A Case Study in Stockholm

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    The strain on healthcare systems including emergency departments increased substantially during the Covid-19 pandemic,negatively affecting healthcare workers and their well-being. The emotional distress experienced by healthcare staff during the pandemic was worsened by confusion and conspiracy theories that circulated in the news and online media. Reports on the pandemic and general consumption of media intensified as the public’s demand for information increased. There is limited research on how doctors perceived media coverage, and how they were affected in their work. This study aimed to explore how medical doctors in emergency departments perceived the media coverage during the Covid-19 pandemic. Twelve doctors at two different emergency departments in Stockholm, Sweden, participated. Interview questions on media were asked as part of a more extensive questionnaire. Informants’ responses were analysed qualitatively. The results indicate that doctors to some extent used media as a source of information, due to limited access to knowledge about the virus. Results further suggest that media coverage triggered fear of infection, caused worry and job strain. The doctors percieved that the media coverage on Covid-19 affected patient-seeking behaviour as well as the doctor-patient relationship. The findings can be relevant in preparation for future pandemics and considered in development of policy for media and emergency departments