63 research outputs found

    Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Low Self-Esteem: effectiveness of a nine-week group therapy

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    To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked FilesSjálfsmat er mikilvægur þáttur góðrar geðheilsu. Lágt sjálfsmat getur verið alvarlegur vandi sem hefur oft víðtæk áhrif. Lágt sjálfsmat getur verið hluti af geðröskunum, afleiðing þeirra eða áhættuþáttur fyrir þróun þeirra. Sálfræðingurinn Melanie Fennell setti fram hugrænt líkan um lágt sjálfsmat árið 1997 og hafa meðferðir við lágu sjálfsmati verið þróaðar út frá líkani hennar. Rannsóknir hafa sýnt að þær meðferðir hafa reynst árangursríkar. Markmið þessarar rannsóknar var að meta árangur af níu vikna hópmeðferð við lágu sjálfsmati þar sem notast var við íslenskan meðferðarvísi sem byggður er á líkani Fennell. Í upphafi meðferðar voru fjórir sjálfsmatskvarðar lagðir fyrir 244 þátttakendur. Þátttakendur sem luku meðferð voru 146 og fylltu þeir út þrjá sjálfsmatskvarða við lok hennar. Niðurstöður bentu til þess að meðferðin bæti sjálfsmat og lífsgæði auk þess að minnka einkenni þunglyndis, kvíða og streitu. Niðurstöður þessarar rannsóknar benda þannig til þess að níu vikna hópmeðferð við lágu sjálfsmati sem byggir á íslenskum meðferðarvísi beri árangur. Niðurstöðurnar lofa góðu en ljóst er að frekari rannsókna er þörf til að svara spurningum um gagnsemi meðferðarinnar sem er víða notuð af sálfræðingum hérlendis. -Self-esteem is an important part of good mental health. Low self-esteem can be a disabling problem for those who suffer. Low self-esteem can be a part of mental disorders, consequences of them or a risk factor for their development. In 1997 Melanie Fennell, a clinical psychologist, proposed a cognitive model of low self-esteem and based on her model cognitive behavioural treatments have been developed. Studies have shown that these treatments are effective. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of a nine-week group therapy for low self-esteem using an Icelandic treatment manual that is based on Fennell’s cognitive model. Prior to treatment, four self-report measurements were administered to 244 participants and of them 146 completed treatment and filled out three self-report measurements post treatment. Results indicated that self-esteem and quality of life increased post treatment. In addition, symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress decreased after treatment. The results indicate that the nine-week group therapy for low self-esteem based on the Icelandic treatment manual is effective. The results are encouraging but further research is needed to answer questions about the utility of the treatment manual that is widely used by psychologists in Iceland

    Development and comorbidity of eczema, asthma and rhinitis to age 12 : data from the BAMSE birth cohort

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    BACKGROUND: Allergy-related diseases are a public health issue, but knowledge on development and comorbidity among children is scarce. The aim was to study the development of eczema, asthma and rhinitis in relation to sex and parental allergy, in a population-based cohort, during childhood. METHODS: At 1, 2, 4, 8 and 12 years, parental questionnaires were used to obtain data on allergy-related diseases. Complete data for all five follow-up occasions were available from 2916 children. Odds ratios for the risk of any allergy-related disease in relation to heredity and sex were calculated using generalized estimating equations. RESULTS: At 12 years, 58% of the children had had eczema, asthma and/or rhinitis at some time. Disease turnover was high for all three diseases throughout the study. Comorbidity increased with age, and at 12 years, 7.5% of all the children were affected by at least two allergy-related diseases. Parental allergy was associated with increased comorbidity and more persistent disease and increased the risk of having any allergy-related disease (adjusted OR 1.76; 95% CI 1.57-1.97) up to 12 years. Male sex was associated with an increased risk throughout childhood. Boys and girls did not differ in disease persistence, and for comorbidity, the differences were minor. CONCLUSIONS: Allergy-related diseases may affect a majority of children. Eczema, asthma and rhinitis develop dynamically throughout childhood, and allergic comorbidity is common. These findings indicate that allergy-related diseases should be neither seen nor studied as isolated entities.Stockholm County CouncilHjärt- och LungfondenVetenskapsrådetAstma- och allergiförbundetManuscrip

    New‐Onset Atrial Fibrillation is Associated With Cardiovascular Events Leading to Death in a First Time Myocardial Infarction Population of 89 703 Patients With Long‐Term Follow‐Up:A Nationwide Study

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    BACKGROUND: New‐onset atrial fibrillation (AF) is reported to increase the risk of death in myocardial infarction (MI) patients. However, previous studies have reported conflicting results and no data exist to explain the underlying cause of higher death rates in these patients. METHODS AND RESULTS: All patients with first acute MI between 1997 and 2009 in Denmark, without prior AF, were identified from Danish nationwide administrative registers. The impact of new‐onset AF on all‐cause mortality, cardiovascular death, fatal/nonfatal stroke, fatal/nonfatal re‐infarction and noncardiovascular death, were analyzed by multiple time‐dependent Cox models and additionally in propensity score matched analysis. In 89 703 patients with an average follow‐up of 5.0±3.5 years event rates were higher in patients developing AF (n=10 708) versus those staying in sinus‐rhythm (n=78 992): all‐cause mortality 173.9 versus 69.4 per 1000 person‐years, cardiovascular death 137.2 versus 50.0 per 1000 person‐years, fatal/nonfatal stroke 19.6/19.9 versus 6.2/5.6 per 1000 person‐years, fatal/nonfatal re‐infarction 29.0/60.7 versus 14.2/37.9 per 1000 person‐years. In time‐dependent multiple Cox analyses, new‐onset AF remained predictive of increased all‐cause mortality (HR: 1.9 [95% CI: 1.8 to 2.0]), cardiovascular death (HR: 2.1 [2.0 to 2.2]), fatal/nonfatal stroke (HR: 2.3 [2.1 to 2.6]/HR: 2.5 [2.2 to 2.7]), fatal/nonfatal re‐infarction (HR: 1.7 [1.6 to 1.8]/HR: 1.8 [1.7 to 1.9]), and non‐ cardiovascular death (HR: 1.4 [1.3 to 1.5]) all P<0.001). Propensity‐score matched analyses yielded nearly identical results (all P<0.001). CONCLUSIONS: New‐onset AF after first‐time MI is associated with increased mortality, which is largely explained by more cardiovascular deaths. Focus on the prognostic impact of post‐infarct AF is warranted

    User-centered design of the C3-cloud platform for elderly with multiple diseases - functional requirements and application testing

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    The number of patients with multimorbidity has been steadily increasing in the modern aging societies. The European C3-Cloud project provides a multidisciplinary and patient-centered “Collaborative Care and Cure-system” for the management of elderly with multimorbidity, enabling continuous coordination of care activities between multidisciplinary care teams (MDTs), patients and informal caregivers (ICG). In this study various components of the infrastructure were tested to fulfill the functional requirements and the entire system was subjected to an early application testing involving different groups of end-users. MDTs from participating European regions were involved in requirement elicitation and test formulation, resulting in 57 questions, distributed via an internet platform to 48 test participants (22 MDTs, 26 patients) from three pilot sites. The results indicate a high level of satisfaction with all components. Early testing also provided feedback for technical improvement of the entire system, and the paper points out useful evaluation methods

    Management of personalised guideline-driven care plans addressing the needs of multi-morbidity via clinical decision support services

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    Introduction: The clinical management of patients suffering from multiple chronic conditions is very complex, disconnected and time-consuming with the traditional care settings. C3-Cloud project aims to build an integrated care platform for addressing the growing demand for improved health outcomes of multimorbid and long-term care patients. Theory/Methods: C3-Cloud has established an ICT infrastructure enabling continuous coordination of patient-centred care activities by a multidisciplinary care team MDT and patients/informal care givers. The Coordinated Care and Cure Delivery Platform C3DP allows, collaborative creation and execution of personalised care plans for multi-morbid patients through systematic and semi-automatic reconciliation of clinical guidelines. Clinical decision support CDS systems implementing flowcharts from evidence based clinical guidelines are integrated to present suggestions for treatment goal and activities e.g. medications, follow-up appointments, diet, exercise, lab tests. Pilot site local care systems are integrated with the C3DP via the technical and semantic interoperability platform to facilitate informed decision making. Active patient involvement is realized through a Patient Empowerment Platform presenting personalized care plan to the patient and establishing a continuous bi-way communication with the patient to collect patient observations, questionnaire responses, symptoms and feedback about care plan goals and activities. Results: The following research results have been achieved to enable guideline enabled personalised care plan management for addressing the needs of multi-morbidity: 43 logical flowcharts were designed out of 4 disease guidelines Type 2 Diabetes, Heart Failure, Renal Failure and Depression. 181 CDS rules assessing 166 patient criteria and recommending 154 goal/activity suggestions were implemented as CDS services in GDL covering T2D and RF. 52 reconciliation rules were designed for eliminating contradicting guideline recommendations due to multi-morbidity. 23 HL7 FHIR profiles were defined for representing care plan and patient data. C3DP has been integrated with these CDS services via CDS-Hooks specification to recommend personalised care plan goals and activities. Discussions: In this research, we have successfully implemented an ICT infrastructure enabling guideline-driven integrated care for multi-morbid patients. Although our ICT solution covers all the technical requirements identified by clinical partners, effective implementation of integrated care in real-life care setting requires major changes in organisational responsibilities and care pathways. Conclusions: User-centred design and usability testing have successfully been completed. C3-Cloud pilot application will now be operated in 3 European pilot sites with the participation of 62 MDT members and 1200 multi-morbid patients for 15 months. Lessons learned: There are two main research lines for reconciliation of contradicting guideline recommendations: 1 fully-automated reconciliation via ontology reasoning, 2 manually-crafted reconciliation rules by clinical expert groups. Although first approach is more dynamic, research results are still for very primitive cases and not clinically validated. As we are targeting an industry-ready solution after piloting in real-life settings, we have opted for the second option. Limitations: When a new chronic disease is to be addressed within our platform, reconciliation rules covering all disease combinations have to be re-assessed by the clinical expert group. Suggestions for future research: Fully-automated reconciliation approaches need to be further studied and validated in real-life settings

    Localisation, personalisation and delivery of best practice guidelines on an integrated care and cure cloud architecture : the C3-cloud approach to managing multimorbidity

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    Background: C3-Cloud is an integrated care ICT infrastructure offering seamless patient-centered approach to managing multimorbidity, deployed in three European pilot sites. Challenge: The digital delivery of best practice guidelines unified for multimorbidity, customized to local practice, offering the capability to improve patient personalization and benefit. Method: C3-Cloud has adopted a co-production approach to developing unified multimorbidity guidelines, by collating and reconciling best practice guidelines for each condition. Clinical and technical teams at pilot sites and the C3-Cloud consortium worked in tandem to create the specification and technical implementation. Results: C3-Cloud offers CDSS for diabetes, renal failure, depression and congenital heart failure, with over 300 rules and checks that deliver four best practice guidelines in parallel, customized for each pilot site. Conclusions: The process provided a traceable, maintainable and audited digitally delivered collated and reconciled guidelines

    Impaired Secretory Function of the Prostate in Men With Oligo‐Asthenozoospermia

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    ABSTRACT: The secretory function of the human prostate and the seminal vesicles is a prerequisite for gel formation and liquefaction of semen, but the relation to poor sperm motility and low sperm count in infertile men remains to be clarifyed. Our aim was to evaluate the secretory function of the prostate and the seminal vesicles in normozoospermic men (n=35) and in asthenozoospermic men, who were all also oligozoospermic (n=27). All 62 subjects belonged to couples undergoing routine infertility evaluation. In liquefied seminal fluid we measured the concentrations of fructose and protein C inhibitor (PCI) contributed by the seminal vesicles, PCI complexed to prostate‐specific antigen (PSA), and the prostatic contribution of zinc, PSA, acid phosphatase (PAP), β‐microseminoprotein (β‐MSP), and Znα2‐glycoprotein (Znα2‐GP). The concentration of each prostatic secretory protein correlated significantly with that of zinc (P < 0.01) in both the normozoospermic (NZS) and oligo‐astheno‐zoospermic (OAZS) subgroups, but the PCI concentration did not correlate significantly with that of fructose. There was no significant difference between the NZS and OAZS subgroups in ejaculate volume or secretory contribution from the seminal vesicles, whereas the OAZS subgroup was characterized by significantly lower secretory contributions of Znα2‐GP (P = 0.001), Zn, PSA, PAP (P < 0.01), and β‐MSP (P < 0.05). The two subgroups did not differ significantly in the serum concentration of luteinizing hormone (LH), testosterone, or sex hormone‐binding globulin (SHBG). The results thus suggest the secretory contribution of major prostatic proteins and zinc per ejaculate to be significantly decreased in oligo‐asthenozoospermic men. The importance of this finding in relation to poor sperm count and motility as indicators of impaired gonadal function requires further investigation. 1995 American Society of Androlog

    Observing as an essential facet of mindfulness: A comparison of FFMQ patterns in meditating and non-meditating individuals.

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    One of the most comprehensive measures of mindfulness is the Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ) with five factors—Observing, Describing, Acting with awareness, Non-judging, and Non-reactivity. Hierarchical confirmatory factor analyses, however, have suggested that only four of the FFMQ factors (i.e. all except Observing) were components of “an overall mindfulness construct”—which is puzzling because Observing represents a core aspect of all definitions of mindfulness. The purpose of the present study was to approach this problem by a person-oriented approach, focusing on patterns on the FFMQ scales, rather than linear associations between them. Data on the FFMQ were collected on 817 individuals. Cluster analysis according to the LICUR procedure was used to group these participants in 13 clusters, according to their profiles of scores on the five FFMQ scales. Of the participants, 325 were categorized as meditators and 317 as non-meditators. To test hypotheses about the relation between Observing and mindfulness (which we assumed should be higher among meditators), the meditators/non-meditators categorization was cross-tabulated with the FFMQ clusters. The results showed that all clusters in which meditators were over-represented had high scores on Observing, and all clusters in which meditators were under-represented had low scores on Observing—which supports the hypothesis that mindfulness is related to high levels of Observing. The relationship between Observing and Non-judging, however, was found to be more complex than expected. The results are discussed in terms of mindfulness seen as a multidimensional skill, which may develop differently in various subgroups of individuals