7 research outputs found

    Digital Entrepreneurship: A Theory-Based Systematization of Core Performance Indicators

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    Digital transformation affects socioeconomic systems, bringing inevitable changes to business processes, particularly those related to resource demands, networking processes, and communication mechanisms within entrepreneurial activities. Furthermore, digital transformation leads to unintended side effects on the societal system and affects the competitiveness, resilience, and viability of the overall innovation system. It also fosters the formation of new business models or the reshaping of existing ones and determines digital entrepreneurship as a process or as an outcome of business activity. The tendencies of digital entrepreneurship differ concerning the underlying innovation system conditions. The analysis and the systematization of categories and performance indicators of digitalization and digital entrepreneurship provide a framework for micro- and macro analytic perspectives. This research aims to provide a theory-based systematization of the existing performance indicators that characterize digital entrepreneurship, with a particular focus on compound indicators that characterize the tendencies of digital entrepreneurship on a country basis in the period from 2016 to 2019. As a theoretical basis for categorization and further analysis of the indicators, we applied a set of 10 determinants of digital entrepreneurship. These determinants cover a broad range of elements (from individual patterns to organizational management processes and the influence of external infrastructure and institutional settings) that define the phenomenon of digital entrepreneurship within three core dimensions: the entrepreneur, the entrepreneurial process, and the relevant ecosystem. We defined how the subindices of the chosen compound indicators are interrelated with the determinants of digital entrepreneurship. Further correlation analysis was applied in order to define the systematic interrelations between the different dimensions of digital entrepreneurship as part of a socioeconomic system

    Evaluation of the Influence of the Macro-environment on the Social Innovation Activity of Enterprises

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    Background: Nowadays the emphasis on social components in the general mainstream of innovation activity is one of the strongest grounds for the successful functioning and development of enterprises. In several countries, social innovation activity is becoming a product of business in general, with associated expectations regarding profit

    Evaluacija vpliva makro-okolja na družbeno inovacijsko dejavnost podjetij

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    Background: Nowadays the emphasis on social components in the general mainstream of innovation activity is one of the strongest grounds for the successful functioning and development of enterprises. In several countries, social innovation activity is becoming a product of business in general, with associated expectations regarding profit. Objectives: The goal of the article is to develop a toolkit for the evaluation of the influence of the macro-environment on the social innovation activity (SIA) of enterprises. Method: The methodology includes elements of theoretical and empirical research with the implementation of meth­ods such as a literature review, all types of analysis, and methods of aggregation and integration. Questionnaires were used as a means of data collection. Results: The general methodological framework of diagnostics of the SIA macro-environment is distinguished. Based on a theoretical analysis of the SIA ecosystem and the experience of operating enterprises, the main factors of SIA macro-environment are determined. The general integrated index and its five-level interpretational model are proposed as a measure for the evaluation of the SIA macro-environment. Conclusion: The results presented provide data necessary for the argumentation of SIA strategy and tactics, as well as investment policy in this sphere.Ozadje: Danes je poudarek na družbenih komponentah v inovacijske dejavnosti eden najmočnejših dejavnikov za uspešno delovanje in razvoj podjetij. V številnih državah postaja dejavnost družbeno inovacijske aktivnosti podjetja del poslovnega procesa, povezana s pričakovanji glede dobička. Cilji: Cilj članka je razviti orodje za ovrednotenje vpliva makroekonomskega okolja na družbeno inovacijsko dejav­nost podjetij. Metoda: Uporabljena metodologija vključuje elemente teoretičnih in empiričnih raziskav z izvajanjem metod, kot so pregled literature, različne vrste analiz in metode združevanja in integracije. Vprašalniki so bili uporabljeni kot sred­stvo za zbiranje podatkov. Rezultati: Razvili smo splošen metodološki okvir diagnostike makro okolice družbeno inovacijsko dejavnost. Na podlagi teoretične analize ekosistema družbeno inovacijsko dejavnosti in izkušenj konkretnih podjetij smo določili glavne dejavnike makro-okolja družbeno inovacijsko dejavnosti. Kot merilo za ovrednotenje makro okolij družbeno inovacijsko dejavnosti so predlagani splošni integrirani indeks in njegov pet plastni interpretacijski model. Zaključek: Predstavljeni rezultati omogočajo pridobiti podatke, ki so potrebni za utemeljitev strategije in taktike družbeno inovacijsko dejavnosti ter naložbene politike na tem področju

    Digital Entrepreneurship and its Role in Innovation Systems: A Systematic Literature Review as a Basis for Future Research Avenues for Sustainable Transitions

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    Digital entrepreneurship is an essential driver within the innovation system. It changes the structure, aims, and networking mechanisms of the overall business system and, ultimately, affects the various levels and dimensions of the innovation system. Bringing inevitable changes to the innovation system, digital technologies may not only provide new business opportunities but also be disruptive and cause new vulnerabilities. In order to gain a rigorous understanding of the hybrid concept of digital entrepreneurship and its role within the transformation of the innovation system, we conducted a systematic literature review. The results of 52 core papers allow for the identification of key categories of digital entrepreneurship and also its differentiation from other types of business activities. The analysis leads to the distinction of the determinants of digital entrepreneurship within three core dimensions of the innovation system, which encompass the entrepreneur (including, e.g., behavioral, competence. and mentality patterns, as well as personal outcomes and consequences of entrepreneurial activity), the entrepreneurial process (including activities that concern digitalization in organizational management processes, transformations within strategic and operational activities, and digital start-up establishment), and its relevant ecosystem (which encompasses, among others, the influence that external infrastructure and institutions have on digital entrepreneurship development). The systematization of the existing literature is highly relevant for future research that aims to understand the interrelations between the transformation of entrepreneurial structures within innovation systems as well as the socioeconomic system in general. Such understanding requires further extended research in fields related to method, content, and theory

    Clusters as an important factor of attraction of investments to industrial plants Кластеры как важный фактор привлечения инвестиций на промышленные предприятия

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    The article considers main theoretical aspects of the “cluster” notion. Based on the results of scientific and bibliographic sources it defines the essence of the “cluster” notion and describes its specific features. It also provides classification of industrial clusters, considers advantages and disadvantages of the cluster model of economy. It states stages of formation of clusters and considers models of cluster pools. It considers the process of establishment of clusters in some countries of the world with specification of prerequisites, specific features and results of this process. It determines influence of clusters on the process of attraction of investments and formation of investment portfolio of a plant. It forms a model of clusters influence on the process of formation of investment portfolio of a plant.Рассмотрены основные теоретические аспекты понятия «кластер». Опираясь на результаты научно-литературных источников, определена суть понятия «кластер» и раскрыты его особенности. Также представлена классификация промышленных кластеров, рассмотрены преимущества и недостатки кластерной модели экономики. Указаны этапы формирования кластеров и рассмотрены модели кластерных объединений. Отдельно рассмотрен процесс становления кластеров в некоторых странах мира с указанием предпосылок, особенностей и результатов этого процесса. Определено влияние кластеров на процесс привлечения инвестиционных средств и формирования инвестиционного портфеля предприятия. Сформирована модель влияния кластеров на процесс формирования инвестиционного портфеля предприятия