14 research outputs found

    Solution of Nonlinear Elliptic Boundary Value Problems and Its Iterative Construction

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    We study a kind of nonlinear elliptic boundary value problems with generalized p-Laplacian operator. The unique solution is proved to be existing and the relationship between this solution and the zero point of a suitably defined nonlinear maximal monotone operator is investigated. Moreover, an iterative scheme is constructed to be strongly convergent to the unique solution. The work done in this paper is meaningful since it combines the knowledge of ranges for nonlinear operators, zero point of nonlinear operators, iterative schemes, and boundary value problems together. Some new techniques of constructing appropriate operators and decomposing the equations are employed, which extend and complement some of the previous work

    The impact of hyperglycaemic crisis episodes on long-term outcomes for inpatients presenting with acute organ injury: A prospective, multicentre follow-up study

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    BackgroundThe long-term clinical outcome of poor prognosis in patients with diabetic hyperglycaemic crisis episodes (HCE) remains unknown, which may be related to acute organ injury (AOI) and its continuous damage after hospital discharge. This study aimed to observe the clinical differences and relevant risk factors in HCE with or without AOI.MethodsA total of 339 inpatients were divided into an AOI group (n=69) and a non-AOI group (n=270), and their differences and risk factors were explored. The differences in clinical outcomes and prediction models for evaluating the long-term adverse events after hospital discharge were established.ResultsThe mortality among cases complicated by AOI was significantly higher than that among patients without AOI [8 (11.59%) vs. 11 (4.07%), Q = 0.034] during hospitalization. After a 2-year follow-up, the mortality was also significantly higher in patients with concomitant AOI than in patients without AOI after hospital discharge during follow-up [13 (21.31%) vs. 15 (5.8%), Q < 0.001]. The long-term adverse events in patients with concomitant AOI were significantly higher than those in patients without AOI during follow-up [15 (24.59%) vs. 31 (11.97%), Q = 0.015]. Furthermore, Blood β-hydroxybutyric acid (P = 0.003), Cystatin C (P <0.001), serum potassium levels (P = 0.001) were significantly associated with long-term adverse events after hospital discharge.ConclusionsThe long-term prognosis of HCE patients complicated with AOI was significantly worse than that of HCE patients without AOI. The laboratory indicators were closely correlated with AOI, and future studies should explore the improvement of clinical outcome in response to timely interventions

    Study on the Existence and Uniqueness of Solution of Generalized Capillarity Problem

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    By using the perturbation theories on sums of ranges of nonlinear accretive mappings of Calvert and Gupta (1978), the abstract result on the existence and uniqueness of the solution in Lp(Ω) of the generalized Capillarity equation with nonlinear Neumann boundary value conditions, where 2N/(N+1)<p<+∞ and N≥1 denotes the dimension of RN, is studied. The equation discussed in this paper and the methods here are a continuation of and a complement to the previous corresponding results. To obtain the results, some new techniques are used in this paper

    Modified forward-backward splitting midpoint method with superposition perturbations for the sum of two kinds of infinite accretive mappings and its applications

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    Abstract In a real uniformly convex and p-uniformly smooth Banach space, a modified forward-backward splitting iterative algorithm is presented, where the computational errors and the superposition of perturbed operators are considered. The iterative sequence is proved to be convergent strongly to zero point of the sum of infinite m-accretive mappings and infinite θ i θi\theta_{i} -inversely strongly accretive mappings, which is also the unique solution of one kind variational inequalities. Some new proof techniques can be found, especially, a new inequality is employed compared to some of the recent work. Moreover, the applications of the newly obtained iterative algorithm to integro-differential systems and convex minimization problems are exemplified

    A Review of the Methods for Detection of Staphylococcus aureus Enterotoxins

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    Food safety has attracted extensive attention around the world, and food-borne diseases have become one of the major threats to health. Staphylococcus aureus is a major food-borne pathogen worldwide and a frequent contaminant of foodstuffs. Staphylococcal enterotoxins (SEs) produced by some S. aureus strains will lead to staphylococcal food poisoning (SFP) outbreaks. The most common symptoms caused by ingestion of SEs within food are nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and cramps. Children will suffer SFP by ingesting as little as 100 ng of SEs, and only a few micrograms of SEs are enough to cause SPF in vulnerable populations. Therefore, it is a great challenge and of urgent need to detect and identify SEs rapidly and accurately for governmental and non-governmental agencies, including the military, public health departments, and health care facilities. Herein, an overview of SE detection has been provided through a comprehensive literature survey

    Disease burden in patients with severe hand, foot, and mouth disease in Jiangsu Province: a cross-sectional study

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    This study aimed to estimate the disease burden and health-related quality of life (HRQOL) among patients with severe hand, foot, and mouth disease (HFMD) in Jiangsu Province, China. We analyzed the surveillance data of HFMD cases in Jiangsu Province from 2009 to 2020. Moreover, a cross-sectional study was conducted in Nanjing and Suzhou, China, between January 2017 and May 2018. Patients with severe HFMD and their parents were recruited from selected hospitals. Questionnaires and hospital management systems were used to collect data on direct economic burden. The HRQOL of children was assessed using the TNO-AZL Preschool Quality of Life (TAPQOL) scale. A total of 1,348,737 confirmed cases of HFMD were reported to the NNDRS in Jiangsu province during 2009–2020. Of these, 9,622 were severe cases, with 62 (.64%) of these being fatal. From January 2017 to May 2018, data was collected from 362 severe HFMD cases using a structured questionnaire. The median per capita direct economic burden was RMB 16142.88, and was associated with the region and length of hospital stay (P < .05). The direct economic burden for all cases of severe HFMD in Jiangsu province between 2017 and 2018 was approximately RMB 16.64 million. Finally, the median (IQR) of the TAPQOL scale for children with severe HFMD was 69.23 (56.20, 82.27). Severe HFMD infection is a relatively large burden for individuals, and the burden of EV-A71 infection was seen to be even greater for the population. Prevention of severe HFMD should strengthen hygiene habits and targeted measures for EV-A71 vaccination

    Toward a stable and low-resource PLM-based medical diagnostic system via prompt tuning and MoE structure

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    Abstract Machine learning (ML) has been extensively involved in assistant disease diagnosis and prediction systems to emancipate the serious dependence on medical resources and improve healthcare quality. Moreover, with the booming of pre-training language models (PLMs), the application prospect and promotion potential of machine learning methods in the relevant field have been further inspired. PLMs have recently achieved tremendous success in diverse text processing tasks, whereas limited by the significant semantic gap between the pre-training corpus and the structured electronic health records (EHRs), PLMs cannot converge to anticipated disease diagnosis and prediction results. Unfortunately, establishing connections between PLMs and EHRs typically requires the extraction of curated predictor variables from structured EHR resources, which is tedious and labor-intensive, and even discards vast implicit information.In this work, we propose an Input Prompting and Discriminative language model with the Mixture-of-experts framework (IPDM) by promoting the model’s capabilities to learn knowledge from heterogeneous information and facilitating the feature-aware ability of the model. Furthermore, leveraging the prompt-tuning mechanism, IPDM can inherit the impacts of the pre-training in downstream tasks exclusively through minor modifications. IPDM remarkably outperforms existing models, proved by experiments on one disease diagnosis task and two disease prediction tasks. Finally, experiments with few-feature and few-sample demonstrate that IPDM achieves significant stability and impressive performance in predicting chronic diseases with unclear early-onset characteristics or sudden diseases with insufficient data, which verifies the superiority of IPDM over existing mainstream methods, and reveals the IPDM can powerfully address the aforementioned challenges via establishing a stable and low-resource medical diagnostic system for various clinical scenarios