115 research outputs found

    Perlindungan Konsumen Pengguna Paylater Yang Rentan Tekanan Pelaku Usaha

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    Konsumen kini semakin dimanjakan dengan pesatnya perkembangan e-commerce yang mendukung proses sistem belanja online dengan menyediakan variasi metode pembayaran, diantaranya adalah paylater. Namun hal ini membawa masyarakat pada kondisi rentan akibat munculnya perilaku tidak sehat seperti pembelian secara impulsif serta menguatnya perilaku berutang untuk keperluan konsumtif. Dalam praktiknya,sering kali konsumen pengguna paylater kesulitan memahami informasi sehingga menjadi rentan. Kerentanan tersebut antara lain transparansi informasi hinggga informasi yang tidak lengkap akan ketentuan paylater, tekanan berupa pengaruh praktik pemasaran oleh pelaku usaha, serta informasi yang asimetris akan menimbulkan kesenjangan yang memposisikan pengguna menjadi lebih rentan untuk mengalami hal yang tak diinginkan

    Perlindungan Konsumen Tuli : Kemandirian dan Kerentanan pada Pelayanan Jasa Perbankan

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    Keterbatasan pendengaran dan komunikasi pada penyandang Tuli berdampak pada perlakuan dan pelayanan publik perbankan yang diterima. Konsumen Tuli seringkali mendapatkan pelayanan diskriminasi dan minim aksesibilitas. Hal ini membuat konsumen Tuli kesulitan memperoleh informasi dan ketersediaan fasilitas sehingga rentan terhadap kecurangan praktik pelaku usaha jasa keuangan serta berisiko terhadap kerugian materi dan non materi. Layanan perbankan yang tidak inklusif dapat menghambat konsumen Tuli menjadi mandiri. Petunjuk Teknis Operasional dari Otoritas Jasa Keuangan tentang standar minimal pelayanan keuangan kepada konsumen disabilitas belum diimplementasikan dengan baik. Oleh karena itu, perlu adanya peningkatan akses, layanan, dan pengetahuan layanan perbankan kepada konsumen penyandang disabilitas

    Pengaruh Beauty Influencer dan Perceived Price Fairness Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Produk Skincare

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    Due to the rapid increase of beauty influencer and global skincare product numbers, local skincare brands need to consider the most appropriate beauty influencer and pricing in order to attract potential consumers. This study aims to analyze the effect of beauty influencers and perceived price fairness on purchasing decisions through brand personality, brand trust and brand image. This research was conducted through an online survey using a voluntary sampling technique to 200 respondents with the criteria; consumers of skin care products aged 20-35 years who have made purchases in the last three months, have social media accounts and have seen beauty influencer reviews. Data were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) Lisrel. The results showed that the effect of beauty influencer and perceived price fairness had an indirect influence on purchasing decisions through intervention variables. Beauty influencers have a significant influence on purchasing decisions through brand personality, brand trust and brand image. Meanwhile, the perceived price fairness has a significant influence on purchasing decisions through brand image. Keywords: beauty influencer, perceived price fairness, purchase decision, skincar

    Comparison of Power Influence Factors Shaping Loyalty Indonesian Domestic Airlines

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    Passenger perception of the quality of airline service LFA lower than the FSA for airline passengers pay the ticket realized with relatively cheaper rates. This study aimed to analyze the differences in causality between variables expected to affect the flight of customer loyalty. By using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) this paper examines the relationship causal constructs quality of service, price, and satisfaction, to the image as well as customer loyalty and LFA, FSA flight. The results indicate that there are differences in causality between customer loyalty models of FSA with LFA. The quality of service and price together create satisfaction and encourage the creation of a good image in the minds of passengers FSA and LFA. Quality of service has a greater influence on satisfaction than the price effect and the direct effect on the image quality of service is greater than its indirect effect through satisfaction. FSA found that customer satisfaction does not encourage loyalty, customer satisfaction LFA opposite effect on passenger loyalty. Keywords: Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty, Low Fair Airline, Full Service Airline


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    Consumer education interventions through formal education can increase knowledge, attitudes, and behaviour to become smart consumers who can enforce their rights, carry out their obligations, and protect themselves from harmful goods or services. This study aims to analyze differences in awareness of consumer education materials, sources of information, attitudes, and behaviour as savvy consumers in high school students in rural and urban Bogor and the factors that influence smart consumer behaviour. This study used a cross-sectional study design and involved two senior high schools located in the rural and urban areas of Bogor. The location selection was performed purposively, considering that the school implemented the Education Unit Level Curriculum (KTSP) and used the Electronic School Book (BSE). The sampling technique used random cluster sampling with a sample size of 129 high school students, 68 students in rural areas and 61 students in urban areas. The results showed significant differences in the material awareness of consumer rights variables and the three attitude dimensions. On the contrary, there was no difference in material awareness of consumer obligations, objective knowledge of rights and obligations and significant smart consumer behaviour on smart consumer behaviour in both regions. Students' age, objective knowledge about consumer obligations, and attitudes (affective and conative dimensions) significantly positively affect smart consumer behaviour in high school students

    Decision Analysis To Rent of Co-Working Space and Virtual Office in Jabodetabek Areas

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    Technology and the new normal make the working model more flexible. Co-working space is also present in line with these changes. Customer awareness is in good results but the fact is not in line with existing business practices. Several co-working spaces experienced decreased visits, unstable sales, and received losses. The purpose of this study is to analyze the factors that influence the decision to rent from the variables mediating perceived benefits and costs with the influencing variables being customer motivation, reliability, reputation, and convenience. The sample collected was 259 respondents who were consumers who had rented a co-working space located in Jabodetabek which was the scope of the study as well. In a multivariate analysis with SEM-PLS, the research results of the decision to rent were significantly more influenced by perceived benefits than costs. The biggest benefit is influenced by customer motivation and the cost is influenced by reliability. The new results of this study show that the reputation variable is consistently not significant in rent decisions. Keywords: coworking space, decision to rent, perceived benefit, perceived cost, SEM-PL

    Model Penerimaan Aplikasi BRISPOT BRI Unit Dengan Pendekatan Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)

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    BRISPOT is BRI's innovative step in Financial Technology (Fintech) services to accelerate the micro credit process, be more efficient, paperless and digital-based. This study analyzes the acceptance of the use of the BRISPOT application in BRI Kanca Karawang. One of the models used in analyzing technology acceptance is the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). This research was conducted from December 2019 to February 2020. The population in this study amounted to 124 respondents with the criteria for respondents in this study were marketers who had used BRISPOT. Methods and data analysis using PLS-SEM. The results showed that perceived resources and self efficacy had a significant effect on perceived ease of use, perceived ease of use had a significant effect on perceived usefulness, perceived usefulness had a significant effect on attitude toward using, and attitude toward using had a significant effect on actual use of BRISPOT. The managerial implication in this research is that management can improve the upload feature of business photos and debtors' collateral and add the BRISPOT employee care feature to the application so that respondents can immediately ask questions and get solutions to problems with features that are experiencing interference. Keywords: BRISPOT, IPMA, PLS, TAM, sales marketin

    Pengaruh Social Media Marketing Instagram Terhadap Repurchase Intention Melalui Experiential Marketing dan Brand Trust: Influence of Instagram Social Media Marketing on Repurchase Intention Through Experiential Marketing and Brand Trust

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    This study aims to analyze the influence of Instagram's social media marketing on repurchase intention through experiential marketing and brand trust in the Naboks Bogor brand. The method of the reseach used quantitative with 200 respondents. The data analysis technique used a descriptive analysis, and Structural equation modeling (SEM) test (Analysis Moment of Structural (AMOS)). The results of the study prove that social media marketing has a positive and significant effect on experiential marketing. Social media marketing has a positive and significant impact on brand trust. Brand trust has a positive and significant effect on repurchase intention. In contrast, experiential marketing has a positive and insignificant effect on repurchase intention and social media marketing has a positive and significant effect on repurchase intention. Keywords: brand trust, experiential marketing, repurchase intention, social media, social media marketin

    The adoption stages of mobile navigation technology waze app as Jakarta traffic jam solution

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    This study analyzes the adoption stages of Waze mobile navigation by using a hierarchy of effects models AIDA. Data were obtained through the survey method by means of direct interview using questionnaire instrument assistance. The results showed that there were two groups, one who have already used the Waze application and the other who have not yet used Waze application. The two groups were analyzed to see a series of Waze application adoption process. It can be seen that each stage in the adoption process affects each other. The interest of respondents to the Waze app is affected by the strengthening of awareness regarding the benefits offered by mobile navigation app Waze. The high interest of resondents continues to stage where the respondents are interested in using Waze application. At the final stage it is known that the majority of respondents who were exposed to information on uses and functions of the application Waze are willing to immediately adopt the Waze app as a mobile navigation application while drivin

    Parenting Style, Feeding Patterns, and Adolescent Eating Behavior in South Kalimantan between Male and Female Adolescents

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    Parenting style and parenting eating patterns are a way of controlling teenagers eating behavior. This study aims 1) to analyze gender differences in adolescent characteristics, family characteristics, feeding patterns, and eating behavior; 2) to analyze the effect of adolescent characteristics, family characteristics, and feeding patterns on adolescent eating behavior. This study used a cross-sectional study design with survey methods. The sample of this study was 160 adolescents (61 boys and 99 girls who were in grade 10 of high school). The results of the T-test showed that there were no significant gender differences in adolescent characteristics and family characteristics. There were significant differences in authoritarian parenting style, feeding patterns and eating behavior between boys and girls. The results of the regression analysis showed that eating behavior was influenced by age and feeding patterns
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