86 research outputs found

    Seborrheic dermatitis eye lid involment (seborrheic blepharitis) in children not a rare clinical observation

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    We present a typical case of seborrheic dermatitis, with no cutaneous manifestations, rarely reported in children, frequently misdiagnosed (especially by ophthalmologists), simply confirmed by microscopic examination of scales and with wonderful therapeutic results with antifungal agents (topical and/or systemic treatments)


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    A new sensitive method for saliva detection was developed, based on salivary amylase detection but with a final fluorescent product, which increases its sensitivity. After the starch is degraded due to the presence of salivary amylase, glucose is oxidised and generates hydrogen peroxide which is able to transform Amplex Red in resorufin - a highly fluorescent product. The final product is visible both under normal and UV light. The method is fast, accurate, can detect trace amounts of saliva and shows little to no interference with other body fluids. A further increase in sensitivity could be obtained by using horseradish peroxidase in the final step, but this would also lead to an increased background signal and stronger interference with urine

    Current Therapeutic Approaches from Imidazoline and Opioid Receptors Modulators in Neuroprotection

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    Due to brain plasticity, the nervous system is capable of manifesting behavioral variations, adapted to the influences from both external and internal environment. Multiple neurotransmitters are involved in the mediation of pathological processes at the molecular, cellular, regional, and interregional levels participating in cerebral plasticity, their intervention being responsible for various structural, functional, and behavioral disturbances. The current therapeutic strategies in neuroprotection aim at blocking on different levels, the molecular cascades of the pathophysiological mechanisms responsible for neuronal dysfunctions and ultimately for neuronal death. Different agents influencing these neurotransmitters have demonstrated beneficial effects in neurogenesis and neuroprotection, proved in experimental animal models of focal and global ischemic injuries. Serotonin, dopamine, glutamate, N-methyl-D-aspartate, and nitric oxide have been shown to play a significant role in modulating nervous system injuries. The imidazoline system is one of the important systems involved in human brain functioning. Experimental investigations have revealed the cytoprotective effects of imidazoline I2 receptor ligands against neuronal injury induced by hypoxia in experimental animals. The neuroprotective effects were also highlighted for kappa and delta receptors, whose agonists demonstrated the ability to reduce architectural lesions and to recover neuronal functions of animals with experimentally induced brain ischemia

    Свойства ротовой жидкости у детей со злокачественными новообразованиями головы и шеи

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    The aim of the present study was to estimate the relationship between TNF-α level and degree of microcrystallization (DMC) of oral fluid (OF) in children with malignant tumors in the head and neck region (HNR). In the case-control study, 72 children aged between 1 and 18 were included, divided into 2 identical groups according to structure. The research group (L1) consisted of 36 children with malignant tumors in the HNR. 36 conventionally healthy children were included in the control group (L0). We studied the combined biomarkers in OF samplesmorphological biomarkers (DMC of OF) and TNF-α cytokine level in OF in children with malignant tumors in HNR and conventionally healthy subjects. TNF-α in OF was evaluated by the immunoenzymatic analysis method. The analysis of the results of the study elucidated the increased level of TNF-α, in the OF of children with malignant tumors, compared to healthy subjects. Correlational analysis detected the significant inverse relationship (r=-0.83, р<0.01) between TNF-α level and DMC of OF in children with malignant tumors in RCG in I and II stages. At the same time, in conventionally healthy children, but also in children with malignant tumors in III and IV stages, the interdependence between the level of TNF-α in OF and DMC of OF was not observed.Conclusions. The assessment of combined biomarkers in OF samples (TNF-α level and morphological particularities) represents an innovative non-invasive analysis for the early detection of tumors and the assessment of the risk of oral malignancy. For the clinical use of OF biomarkers, it is necessaryto develop standardized protocols and to perform extensive studies in which the influence of various confounding variables is excluded.Rezumat.Scopul prezentului studiu a fost estimarea relației dintrenivelul TNF-α și gradul de microcristalizare (GMC) a fluidului oral(FO) la copiii cu tumori maligne în regiunea capului și gâtului (RCG). În studiul de tip caz-martor au fost incluși 72 de copii cu vârste cuprinse între 1 și18 ani repartizați în 2 loturi identice după structură. Lotul de cercetare (L1)a fost constituit din 36decopiicutumorimaligneînRCG. În lotul martor (L0)au fost incluși 36 de copii conventional sănătoși. S-au studiat biomarkerii combinați - morfologici (GMC al FO) și nivelul citokineiTNF-α în FO la copii cu tumori maligne în RCG și subiecții conventional sănătoși. TNF-α în FO a fost apreciat prin metoda de analiză imunoenzimatică. Analiza rezultatelor studiului a elucidat nivelul crescut al TNF-α, în FO al copiilor cu tumori maligne, comparativ cu subiecții sănătoși. Analiza corelațională a depistat relaţia inversă semnificativă (r=-0,83, р<0,01) dintre nivelul TNF-α și GMC a FO la copiii cu tumori maligne în RCG în stadiile I și II. Totodată, la copiii convențional sănătoși, dar și la copiii cu tumori maligne în RCG în stadiile III și IV nu s-au observat interdependența dintre nivelul TNF-α în FO și GMC al FO. Concluzii. Apreciereabiomarkerilorcombinați în probele de FO (niveluluiTNF-αșiparticularitățilormorfologice) reprezintă o analiză non-invazivă inovativă pentru depistarea precoce a tumorilor și evaluarea riscului la malignitate orală.Pentruutilizrea clinică a biomarkerilor FO este necesarsă se elaboreze protocoale standardizate șisă se efectueze studii ample în care să se excludă influența diferitelor variabile de confuzie.Целью данного исследования было оценить взаимосвязь между уровнем ФНО-α и степенью микрокристаллизации (СМК) ротовой жидкости (РЖ) у детей со злокачественными опухолями области головы и шеи (ОГШ). В исследование случай-контроль были включены 72 ребенка в возрасте от 1 года до 18 лет, разделенных на 2 идентичные по структуре группы. Группу исследования (Гр1) составили 36 детей со злокачественными новообразованиями в ОГШ. В контрольную группу (Гр0) были включены 36 условно здоровых детей. Были изученыкомбинированные биомаркеры РЖ (-морфологические СМК) и уровень цитокина ФНО-α в РЖ у детей со злокачественными опухолями в ОГШ и у здоровых детей. ФНО-α в РЖ определяли методом иммуноферментного анализа. Анализ результатов исследования выявил повышенный уровень ФНО-α в РЖ детей со злокачественными опухолями по сравнению со здоровыми детьми. Корреляционный анализ выявил достоверную обратную зависимость (r=-0,83, р<0,01) между уровнем ФНО-α и СМК РЖ у детей со злокачественными новообразованиями ОГШ в I и II стадий. В то же время у условно здоровых детей, а также у детей со злокачественными опухолями ОГШ III и IV стадий взаимозависимости между уровнем ФНО-αв РЖи СМКГМК РЖ не наблюдалось.Выводы. Оценка комбинированных биомаркеров в образцах РЖ (уровня ФНО-αи морфологических особенностей) представляет собой инновационный неинвазивный анализ для раннего выявления опухолей и оценки риска злокачественных новообразований полости рта. Для клинического использования биомаркеров РЖ необходима разработка стандартизированных протоколов и проведение исследований, в которых исключено влияние различных конфаундеров

    Влияние фактора некроза опухоли альфа на заболеваемость кариесом зубов у детей со злокачественными опухолями

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    The aim of this study was to study the impact of Tumor Necrosis Factor-α (TNF-α) levels on dental caries demage in children with malignant tumors undergoing radiotherapy in the head and neck region. The case-control study included 48 children aged between 1 to 18 years divided into 2 identical groups by structure. The research group (Gr1) consisted of 24 children with malignant tumors in the head and neck region at a distance of 6 months - 2 years after the completion of radiotherapy (RT). 24 conventionally healthy children were included in the control group (Gr0). Were studied indications of carious experience, and the prediction of dental caries (DC) and the complex assessment of caries risk was performed with the application of Software Cariogram . TNF-α in oral fluid (OF) and blood serum was assessed by the method of immunoenzymatic on solid support. The analysis of the results of the study elucidated the high level of TNF-α in OF (5.53 times) and blood serum (10.19 times) of children with malignant tumors after completion of RT, compared to healthy subjects.Conclusions. Assessing the level of TNF-α in oral fluid and blood serum, in combination with other prognosis of dental caries, is an informative and important method in the early prediction of DC and the intense degree of activity of the caries process, necessary for the correction of preventive and treatment measures on the DC.Scopul prezentului studiu a fost studierea impactului nivelului Factorului de Necroză Tumorală-α (TNF-α) asupra afectării prin carie dentară a copiilor cu tumori maligne după administrarea radioterapiei în regiunea capului și gâtului. În studiul de tip caz-martor au fost incluși 48 de copii cu vârste cuprinse între 1 și18 ani repartizați în 2 loturi identice după structură. Lotul de cercetare (L1) a fost constituit din 24 de copii cu tu mori maligne în regiunea capului și gâtului la distanța de 6 luni - 2 ani după finalizarea administrării radioterapiei (RT). În lotul martor (L0) au fost incluși 24 de copii convenţional sănătoși. S-au studiat indicii de experiență carioasă. Predicţia cariei dentare (CD) și evaluarea complexă a riscului carios a fost efectuată cu aplicarea Software Cariogram. TNF-α în fluidul oral (FO) şi serul sangvin a fost apreciat prin metoda de analiză imunoenzimatică pe suport solid. Analiza rezultatelor studiului a elucidat nivelul crescut al TNF-α, în FO (de 5,53 ori) și serul sangvin (de 10,19 ori) al copiilor cu tumori maligne după finalizarea RT, comparativ cu subiecții sănătoși.Concluzii. Aprecierea nivelului TNF-α în fluidul oral şi serul sangvin, în complex cu alte metode de prognostic a cari- ei dentare, este o metodă informativă și importantă în predicția timpurie a CD și gradului intens de activitate a procesului carios, necesare pentru corecția măsurilor preventive și de tratament al CD.Целью данного исследования было изучение влияния уровня фактора некроза опухоли альфа (TNF-α) на заболеваемость кариесом зубов у детей со злокачественными опухолями после лучевой терапии в области головы и шеи. В исследование случай-контроль было включено 48 детей в возрасте от 1 года до 18 лет, разделенных на 2 идентичные по структуре группы. Группу исследования (Гр 1) составили 24 ребенка со злокачественными новообразованиями в области головы и шеи в сроки от 6 мес до 2 лет после окончания лучевой терапии (ЛТ). В контрольную группу (Гр 0) были включены 24 здоровых ребенка. Были изучены индексы для определения заболеваемости кариесом зубов. Прогнозирование кариеса зубов (КЗ) и комплексную оценку риска кариеса проводилис помощью программного обеспечения Cariogram. Содержание TNF-α в ротовой жидкости (РЖ) и сыворотке крови определяли методом твердофазного иммуноферментного анализа. Анализ результатов исследования выявил высокий уровень TNF-α в РЖ (в 5,53 раза) и сыворотке крови (в 10,19 раза) у детей со злокачественными новообразованиями после завершения ЛТ по сравнению со здоровыми лицами.Выводы. Оценка уровня TNF-α в ротовой жидкости и сыворотке крови в сочетании с другими методами выявления кариеса зубов являе

    Periodontal Implications of Hepatitis C Infection

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    Periodontal tissues exhibit important vascular, lymphatic, and nervous connections with the rest of the body. Thus, periodontal inflammation caused by the interaction between the subgingival bacterial biofilm and the host immune response has an impact reaching further than the oral cavity. The concept of “periodontal medicine” reunites the bidirectional relationships that exist between periodontal disease and systemic conditions such as diabetes mellitus or cardiovascular disease. The chronic inflammation of hepatic tissues during hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection causes changes in the general homeostasis that can reverberate at periodontal level and influence periodontal inflammation. Various mechanisms such as insulin resistance or pro-inflammatory cytokines production could be the link between the two conditions. In addition, periodontal inflammation could impact HCV transmission, as HCV RNA molecules and antibodies have been found in infected patients’ saliva and gingival fluid. During periodontal inflammation, gingival bleeding is frequent, and the viral molecules could enter oral fluids while being carried by peripheral blood cells. Clinical particularities that suggest the onset of periodontal disease have also been frequently observed in HCV-infected patients. The connections between periodontal disease and hepatitis C need to take into consideration by practitioners of both specialties due to their important implications on clinical manifestations and treatment strategies


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    Both periodontal disease and chronic kidney disease (CKD) are inflammatory disorders that considerably affect the patients’ overall health and life quality. Periodontal disease occurs somehow more often in CKD people, but it remains indeterminate whether periodontal disease is an independent risk factor in this population or what the true nature of their relationship is. Objectives. Our study focused on investigating the relationship between CKD and periodontitis, and the influence of the latter’s presence and severity on the former, through evaluation of the periodontal status in predialysis and dialysis CKD and healthy subjects with periodontitis. Materials and method. The patients included in our study were divided in two groups, study (n=59) with end-stage CKD and periodontitis, and control (n=20), with periodontitis but without renal impairment. All the subjects underwent dental and periodontal evaluation, using parameters common in clinical examination (Periodontal Disease Index –PDI, dental mobility, bleeding on probing – BOP, inflammatory hyperplasia, gingival recession, probing depth – PD and clinical attachment loss – CAL). Both groups also answered questions about their meal plan and oral hygiene habits and their access to dental care. Results. There were visible differences between the groups when considering social and economic status and access to dental and periodontal services, which is relevant for the distribution of periodontal disease severity between groups (56% from the study group had severe periodontitis, with only 10% in the control group). The study group also had more missing teeth, deeper periodontal pockets and more signs of inflammation. It is still unclear if this is due only to low social and economic status or is it a consequence of CKD and hemodialysis. Conclusions. There is a link between the two entities, but it is still unclear if this is due just to the pathophysiology of periodontitis and CKD, or are the external and local factors involved. Further investigation is needed to clarify this issue and to be able to produce viable prevention and treatment programs for people with end-stage CKD