7 research outputs found

    Cromossomo Y na síndrome de Turner: revisão da literatura

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    Turner syndrome (TS) is one of the most common types of aneuploidy among humans, and is present in 1:2000 newborns with female phenotype. Cytogenetically, the syndrome is characterized by sex chromosome monosomy (45,X), which is present in 50-60% of the cases. The other cases present mosaicism, with a 45,X cell line accompanied by one or more other cell lines with a complete or structurally abnormal X or Y chromosome. The presence of Y-chromosome material in patients with dysgenetic gonads increases the risk of gonadal tumors, especially gonadoblastoma. The greatest concern is the high risk of developing gonadoblastoma or other tumors and virilization during puberty if chromosome Y-specific sequences are present. The role of the Y chromosome in human oncogenesis is still controversial. Even though gonadoblastoma is a benign tumor, it can undergo transformation into invasive dysgerminoma in 60% of the cases, and also into other, malignant forms of germ cell tumors. Although some authors have questioned the high incidence of gonadoblastoma (around 30%), the risk of developing any kind of gonadal lesion, whether tumoral or not, justifies investigation of Y-chromosome sequences by means of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), a highly sensitive, low-cost and easy-to-perform technique. In conclusion, mosaicism of both the X and the Y chromosome is a common finding in TS, and detection of Y-chromosome-specific sequences in patients, regardless of their karyotype, is necessary in order to prevent the development of gonadal lesions.A síndrome de Turner (ST) é uma das aneuploidias mais comuns em humanos e está presente em 1:2000 recém-nascidas com fenótipo feminino. Citogeneticamente, a síndrome é caracterizada por uma monossomia de cromossomo sexual (45,X) em 50-60% dos casos. Os demais casos apresentam mosaicismo com uma linhagem celular 45,X acompanhada de outra(s) com o cromossomo X ou Y íntegros ou com alterações estruturais. A presença de material do cromossomo Y em pacientes com gônadas disgenéticas aumenta o risco de tumores gonadais, especialmente gonadoblastoma. A consideração mais importante diz respeito ao elevado risco de desenvolvimento de gonadoblastoma ou outros tumores e a virilização na puberdade se sequências cromossomo Y-específicas estiverem presentes. O papel do cromossomo Y na oncogênese dos cânceres humanos ainda é controverso. Apesar de o gonadoblastoma ser um tumor benigno, ele pode transformar-se num disgerminoma invasivo em 60% dos casos e também em outras formas malignas de tumores de células germinativas. Apesar de alguns autores questionarem a alta incidência (em torno de 30%) de gonadoblastoma, o risco do desenvolvimento de qualquer tipo de lesão gonadal, tumoral ou não, justifica a pesquisa de sequências do cromossomo Y por PCR (reação de polimerase em cadeia), técnica de alta sensibilidade, baixo custo e fácil execução. Em conclusão, o mosaicismo cromossômico tanto do X como do Y é um fato comum na ST e a detecção de sequências cromossomo Y-específicas nas portadoras, independentemente do seu cariótipo, é necessária para prevenir o desenvolvimento de lesões gonadais.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Centro de Extensão UniversitáriaUniversidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Department of Medicine Division of EndocrinologyUNIFESP, Department of Medicine Division of EndocrinologySciEL

    Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) induces leukemic but not normal hematopoietic cell death in a dose-dependent manner

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    Over the last few years, studies have suggested that oxidative stress plays a role in the regulation of hematopoietic cell homeostasis. in particular, the effects of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) range from hematopoietic cell proliferation to cell death, depending on its concentration in the intracellular milieu. in this work, we evaluated the effects of an oxidative environment on normal and leukemic hematopoietic cells by stimulating normal human (umbilical cord blood) and murine (bone marrow) hematopoietic cells, as well as human myeloid leukemic cells (HL-60 lineage), upon H2O2 stimulus. Total cell populations and primitive subsets were evaluated for each cell type. H2O2 stimulus induces HL-60 cell death, whereas the viability of human and murine normal cells was not affected. the effects of H2O2 stimulus on hematopoietic stem/progenitor cell subsets were examined and the normal primitive cells were found to be unaffected; however, the percentage of leukemic stem cells (LSC) increased in response to H2O2, while clonogenic ability of these cells to generate myeloid clones was inhibited. in addition, H2O2 stimulus caused a decrease in the levels of p-AKT in HL-60 cells, which most likely mediates the observed decrease of viability. in summary, we found that at low concentrations, H2O2 preferentially affects both the LSC subset and total HL-60 cells without damage normal cells.Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Biophys, BR-04062023 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Biochem, BR-04062023 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Med, BR-04062023 São Paulo, BrazilIPCTRON Stem Cell Res Inst, BR-04037000 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, BR-04039032 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Biophys, BR-04062023 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Biochem, BR-04062023 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Dept Med, BR-04062023 São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, BR-04039032 São Paulo, BrazilFAPESP: 2009/52852-5Web of Scienc

    Comparative study of technique to obtain stem cells from bone marrow collection between the iliac crest and the femoral epiphysis in rabbits Estudo comparativo da técnica para a obtenção de células tronco pela coleta de medula óssea entre a crista ilíaca e epífise do fêmur em coelhos

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    PURPOSE: To assess the technique for the collection of rabbit bone marrow stem cells from different regions to be used as an experimental model in regenerative medicine. METHODS: Thirty rabbits were allocated into 2 groups: GROUP A, n=8, animals that underwent bone marrow blood (BMB) harvesting from the iliac crest; and GROUP B: including 22 rabbits that underwent BMB harvesting from the femur epiphysis. After harvesting, mononuclear cells were isolated by density gradient centrifugation (Ficoll - Histopaque). The number of mononuclear cells per ml was counted in a Neubauer chamber and cell viability was checked through Tripan Blue method. RESULTS: Harvesting from the iliac crest yielded an average of 1 ml of BMB and 3,6.10(6) cells/ml over 1 hour of surgery, whereas an average of 3ml of BMB and 11,79.10(6) cells./ml were obtained in 30 min from the femur epiphysis with a reduced animal death rate. CONCLUSION: The analysis for the obtention of a larger number of mononuclear cells/ml from rabbit bone marrow blood was more satisfactory in the femur epiphysis than in the iliac crest.<br>OBJETIVO: Avaliar a técnica mais promissora para a coleta de células tronco adultas de medula óssea de coelhos para a utilização do mesmo como modelo experimental na medicina regenerativa. MÉTODOS: Foram utilizados 30 coelhos divididos em 2 grupos: GRUPO A, n=8, onde realizamos a coleta de sangue de medula óssea (MO) da crista ilíaca e grupo B, n=22, onde realizamos a coleta de sangue da medula óssea da epífise do fêmur. Após as coletas, realizamos a separação das células mononucleadas através do gradiente de densidade (Ficoll-Hystopaque). Através da câmara de Neubauer realizamos a contagem das células mononucleadas por ml. Testamos a viabilidade celular através do método Tripan Blue. RESULTADOS: Na coleta de sangue de MO na crista ilíaca obtivemos a média de 1 ml durante 1 hora de procedimento cirúrgico, obtendo a quantidade de 3,6 .10(6) células/ml, enquanto que a punção na epífise do fêmur obtivemos a média de 3 ml durante 30 minutos de procedimento cirúrgico obtendo a quantidade de 11,79.10(6) cél./ml diminuindo o óbito dos animais. CONCLUSÃO: A análise para a obtenção de maior número de células mononucleadas/ml de sangue de medula óssea de coelho foi mais satisfatória na região da epífise do fêmur em comparação com a crista ilíaca

    Y chromosome in Turner syndrome: review of the literature

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    Turner syndrome (TS) is one of the most common types of aneuploidy among humans, and is present in 1:2000 newborns with female phenotype. Cytogenetically, the syndrome is characterized by sex chromosome monosomy (45,X), which is present in 50-60% of the cases. The other cases present mosaicism, with a 45,X cell line accompanied by one or more other cell lines with a complete or structurally abnormal X or Y chromosome. The presence of Y-chromosome material in patients with dysgenetic gonads increases the risk of gonadal tumors, especially gonadoblastoma. The greatest concern is the high risk of developing gonadoblastoma or other tumors and virilization during puberty if chromosome Y-specific sequences are present. The role of the Y chromosome in human oncogenesis is still controversial. Even though gonadoblastoma is a benign tumor, it can undergo transformation into invasive dysgerminoma in 60% of the cases, and also into other, malignant forms of germ cell tumors. Although some authors have questioned the high incidence of gonadoblastoma (around 30%), the risk of developing any kind of gonadal lesion, whether tumoral or not, justifies investigation of Y-chromosome sequences by means of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR), a highly sensitive, low-cost and easy-to-perform technique. In conclusion, mosaicism of both the X and the Y chromosome is a common finding in TS, and detection of Y-chromosome-specific sequences in patients, regardless of their karyotype, is necessary in order to prevent the development of gonadal lesions

    Qualitative and quantitative analysis of rabbit's fat mesenchymal stem cells Análise quantitativa e qualitativa de células tronco mesênquimais da gordura de coelhos

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    PURPOSE: To present an experimental model of qualitative and quantitative analysis of mesenchymal stem cells from fat of rabbits obtained by lipectomy. The fat could be a great source for obtaining mesenchymal stem cells and to create conditions for repairing injured tissues by bioengineering. METHODS: New Zealand rabbits (n= 10) adipose panicle (2-3 cm) were removed by lipectomy, fragmented and washed with PBS and enzymatically dissociated with trypsin/EDTA. Lately, these cells were incubated in culture medium DMEM and after 20 days, was performed quantitative analysis of the accession of first and second mesenchymal cells in cell culture bottles. RESULTS: The fat total cells (CTF) were 1.62 x10(6) cells/mL and presented 98% of viability. These cells were taken for cultivation and after 20 days were counted 2.88 x10(6) cells/mL MSC. The same was done and after 20 days we quantified 4.28 x10(6) cells/mL MSC. CONCLUSION: The lipectomy of adipose panicule is a very satisfactory method to extract stem cells from fat, quantitatively and qualitatively.<br>OBJETIVO: Apresentar um modelo experimental de análise qualitativa e quantitativa de células tronco mesênquimais proveniente da gordura de coelhos obtido por lipectomia. A gordura poderia ser uma grande fonte de obtenção de células tronco mesenquimais, criando condições para a reparação de tecidos lesados. MÉTODOS: Foram removidos os panículos adiposos (2-3 cm) da região cervical de Coelhos Nova Zelândia (n = 10) por lipectomia. Os panículos foram fragmentados e lavados com PBS e, posteriormente, dissociados enzimaticamente com tripsina / EDTA. As células extraídas do panículo adiposo foram incubadas em meio de cultura DMEM e após 20 dias, foi realizada uma análise quantitativa da adesão de primeira e segunda passagem das células mesênquimais em garrafas de cultura. RESULTADOS: Foram extraídas 1,62 x106 cel/ mL células totais de gordura (CTG) with 98% de viabilidade. Essas células foram levadas para o cultivo e após 20 dias, foi realizada a primeira passagem (1pd) sendo quantificadas 2,88 x10(6) cel/mL células tronco mesênquimais (CTM). Na segunda passagem (2pd) foi obtido 4,28 x10(6) cel/mL CTM. CONCLUSÃO: A lipectomia do paniculo adiposo é um método muito satisfatório para extrair células tronco a partir de gordura, quantitativamente e qualitativamente