21 research outputs found

    The productive structure of the Amazon region states and the rest of Brazil: a comparative study using an interregional input-output system

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    There is a scarcity of economic studies about the economy of the Amazon region, and especially about its productive structure. The goal of the present study is to shed some light on the way that the productive relations take place among the states of the Amazon region and between them and the rest of Brazil. This study takes as the main source of data an interregional input-output system consisted of 10 regions (nine Amazon states and the Rest of Brazil region) constructed for the year of 1999 by Guilhoto et al. (2002) for the Amazon Bank (BASA). The analysis is conducted by first studying, through the interregional input-output system, how the economic relations take place in the Amazon region. Then, through a series of methodologies, like multipliers, and backward and forward linkages, and using the concept of Electroeconogram it is made a comparative study of the differences in productive structures among the Amazon Region states

    The productive structure of the Amazon region states and the rest of Brazil: a comparative study using an interregional input-output system

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    There is a scarcity of economic studies about the economy of the Amazon region, and especially about its productive structure. The goal of the present study is to shed some light on the way that the productive relations take place among the states of the Amazon region and between them and the rest of Brazil. This study takes as the main source of data an interregional input-output system consisted of 10 regions (nine Amazon states and the Rest of Brazil region) constructed for the year of 1999 by Guilhoto et al. (2002) for the Amazon Bank (BASA). The analysis is conducted by first studying, through the interregional input-output system, how the economic relations take place in the Amazon region. Then, through a series of methodologies, like multipliers, and backward and forward linkages, and using the concept of Electroeconogram it is made a comparative study of the differences in productive structures among the Amazon Region states

    Estrutura do mercado brasileiro de flores e plantas ornamentais

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    The objective of this paper is to analyze the structure of the flower and ornamental plants sector of Brazil and to verify the perspectives of its insertion in the international traded. The last years have seen efforts towards structuring the market, increasing the species and varieties mix, professionalizing the producttion chain actors and easing the access to new production technology. Starting with reference year 200, we analyzed the sector´s structure based on both the input-output theory and the matrix construction methods in order to obtain the input-output model and to calculate the multipliers, linkage indexes (Rasmussen- Hirschman and pure indexes) and influence fields. The results provided a better understanding of the impact of this sector on the Brazilian economy and an evaluation of its competitiveness and performance in the international market

    Estrutura do mercado brasileiro de flores e plantas ornamentais

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    The objective of this paper is to analyze the structure of the flower and ornamental plants sector of Brazil and to verify the perspectives of its insertion in the international traded. The last years have seen efforts towards structuring the market, increasing the species and varieties mix, professionalizing the producttion chain actors and easing the access to new production technology. Starting with reference year 200, we analyzed the sector´s structure based on both the input-output theory and the matrix construction methods in order to obtain the input-output model and to calculate the multipliers, linkage indexes (Rasmussen- Hirschman and pure indexes) and influence fields. The results provided a better understanding of the impact of this sector on the Brazilian economy and an evaluation of its competitiveness and performance in the international market

    Input-output model for economic evaluation of the supply chain: the case of cut flowers exportation

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    Abstract: The main objectives are to evaluate the performance of the cut flower sector, concerning supply chain integration and foreign market competitiveness, and to heighten the understanding of the contributions and obstacles of logistics in floriculture. An IO model developed proved to be an important tool to evaluate the impact of changes in the processes involved in exportation chain. Data were colleted from representative actors of the chain, in the Holambra and Greater Sao Paulo regions, referring to every stage associated to the gerbera and lily exportation processes, i.e., from production (A), to internal distribution by highway modal (B), to external distribution by airway modal (C) and to external distribution by highway modal (D). Five scenarios were built to analyze deficit and surplus and to evaluate the impact of failures occurring in each process of the cut flower chain. Technical parameters were identified in the scenarios, mainly related to logistics, that could interfere in the cut flower exportation. The values of three of them - number of stems by box, exchange rate and air freight - were modified and combined to create 36 simulations to support the scenarios analysis. The results point to the need for differentiated logistic adjusts in each process, according to the type of relationship established among the actors involved in the stages. The development of the chain as a whole may be affected by lack of knowledge on the characteristics of the exported product, which causes distortions in the information forwarded to the actors. It was verified that failures occurring in each phase could increase costs and inhibit exportations in the event of unfavorable exchange rate movements. Also, an increased stem number commercialized by box represented an alternative to assuage cost increases through the chain. Although production is characterized by an important link throughout all stages, unless the minimum conditions for adequate storage and transport are fulfilled, there will be significant losses in the commercialized volume, thus reducing this product competitiveness abroad and discontinuing its exportation in the long run. Integration of the chain is essential to the optimization of exportation


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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi analisar o mercado de berinjela no período de 2001 a 2006 para estudar a evolução dos índices sazonais de volume e preço comercializados nos principais entrepostos de São Paulo e Minas Gerais. Para isso foram utilizadas séries históricas mensais de preços e volumes comercializados para se determinar seu padrão sazonal anual, a partir do método da média geométrica móvel centralizada. No caso da berinjela, verificou-se elevação da oferta do produto a partir de agosto e setembro, com conseqüente redução nos preços praticados nos entrepostos. Com a aplicação de novas tecnologias, pode ocorrer oferta de produtos de melhor qualidade, influenciando decisivamente a sazonalidade de preços no mercado consumidor.---------------------------------------------The objective of this paper was to analyze the aubergine market during the period from 2001 to 2006 to study the evolution of the seasonal indexes of volume and price commercialized in the main marts of São Paulo e Minas Gerais. It was used historical month series of prices and volumes to establish their annual seasonal pattern, from the method of the centralized average geometric mobile. It was verified in the case of aubergine increase of supply from months of August and September, reducing the prices in these marts from these months. With the application of new technologies, better quality products can be offered, influencing decisively the seasonality of prices in the consumer market.hortaliça, sazonalidade, entreposto, produto fitoterápico, vegetable, seasonality, mart, fitoterapeutic product, Crop Production/Industries,

    Public policies in bioeconomy in Brazil: the strategy of Agropolo Campinas-Brasil, Agropolo Campinas-Brasil

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    Agropolo Campinas-Brasil fue creado en Campinas, Brasil como una plataforma colaborativa entre algunas instituciones públicas (Instituto Agronómico de Campinas-IAC, Universidad Estadual de Campinas-UNICAMP, Instituto de Tecnología de Alimentos-ITAL, Prefectura de Campinas y TECHNO PARK) con la participación de Empresas Privadas y con el objetivo de cambiar la forma de hacer investigación y promover innovaciones tecnológicas en el área de la bioeconomía tropical. Brasil es un gran productor y exportador de alimentos, pero aún no puede agregar valor justoa sus productos. En este sentido, con el apoyo de la Fundación de Apoyo a la Investigación del Estado de São Paulo -FAPESP, y siguiendo el ejemplo de Agropolis International, Montpellier, Francia, se realizó un estudio en áreas consideradas estratégicas en agricultura, salud, alimentación, química verde y bioenergía. Este artículo presenta algunos de los principales resultados destinados a implementar una hoja de ruta para la bioeconomía tropical.Agropolo Campinas-Brasil was created in Campinas, Brazil as a collaborative platformamong public institutions (Agronomic Institute of Campinas-IAC, State Universityof Campinas-UNICAMP, Institute of Food Technology-ITAL, the Campinas City Hall, and the TECHNO PARK. The main objective was to change how research organized and to promote technological innovations in the bioeconomy tropical. Brazil is a large producer and exporter of food, but still has difficulties to add value to its products. In this sense, with the support of the Research Foundation of the State of São Paulo -FAPESP, and following the example of Agropolis International, Montpellier, France, a study was carried out in strategic areas in agriculture, health, food, green chemistry, and bioenergy. This article presents some of the main results aimed at implementing a roadmap for the tropical bioeconomyin Brazi

    Input-output model for economic evaluation of the supply chain: the case of cut flowers exportation.

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    O principal objetivo desta tese foi avaliar o desempenho das atividades do setor de flores de corte, com relação à integração da cadeia e à competitividade no mercado externo, assim como aprimorar o entendimento das contribuições e entraves da logística para a floricultura. Para tal foi desenvolvido um modelo insumo-produto que se revelou como ferramenta importante para avaliar os impactos de alterações nos processos que fazem parte dessa cadeia de exportação. Foi realizada coleta de dados junto a agentes representativos da cadeia de flores, localizados na região de Holambra e na Grande São Paulo, relacionados a cada uma das fases associadas aos processos de exportação de gérbera e lírio, ou seja, desde a produção (A), passando pela distribuição interna via modal rodoviário (B), distribuição externa via modal aéreo (C) e distribuição externa via modal rodoviário (D). Para caracterizar situações de déficit e superávit logísticos e avaliar os impactos de falhas em cada um dos processos da cadeia de flores de corte, foram construídos cinco cenários. Na sua composição foram identificados parâmetros técnicos, principalmente relacionados à logística, que pudessem interferir na exportação de flores de corte. Os valores de três deles - número de hastes por caixa, taxa de câmbio e frete aéreo - foram alterados e combinados, constituindo 36 simulações para auxiliar na análise desses cenários. Os resultados obtidos sinalizaram para a necessidade de ajustes logísticos diferenciados em cada um dos processos, variando em função do tipo de relacionamento estabelecido entre os agentes envolvidos nas diferentes etapas. O desempenho da cadeia como um todo pode ser afetado pela falta de conhecimento sobre as características do produto exportado, que gera distorções nas informações repassadas para os agentes da cadeia. Verificou-se que as falhas ocorridas em cada etapa podem aumentar significativamente os custos e inibir as exportações em situações mais desfavoráveis do câmbio. Por outro lado, o aumento no número de hastes comercializadas por caixa representou uma alternativa para amenizar o incremento de custos ao longo da cadeia. Apesar da produção caracterizar-se como elo importante entre todas as etapas, se não forem verificadas condições mínimas para armazenamento e transporte adequados, poderão ocorrer perdas significativas no volume comercializado, com redução da competitividade desse produto no exterior e não continuidade de sua exportação no longo prazo. Assim sendo, confirmou-se que a integração da cadeia é essencial para a otimização dos processos de exportação de flores, incluindo a maximização dos resultados econômicos e financeiros relacionados a esse segmento de negócios.The main objectives of this thesis were to evaluate the performance of the cut flower sector, concerning supply chain integration and external market competitiveness, and to heighten the understanding of the contributions and obstacles of logistics to floriculture. An input-output model developed proved to be an important tool to evaluate the impact of changes in the processes involved in that exportation chain. Data were colleted from representative players of the flower chain, in the Holambra and Greater Sao Paulo regions, referring to every one of the stages associated to the gerbera and lily exportation processes, i.e., from production (A), to internal distribution by highway modal (B), to external distribution by airway modal (C) and to external distribution by highway modal (D). Five scenarios were built to analyze deficit and surplus situations and to evaluate the impact of failures occurring in each process of the cut flower chain. Technical parameters were identified in the scenarios composition, mainly related to logistics, that could interfere in the cut flower exportation. The values of three of them - number of stems by box, exchange rate and air freight - were modified and combined to create 36 simulations to support the analysis of those scenarios. The results point to the need for differentiated logistic adjusts in each process, according to the type of relationship established among the players involved in the stages. The development of the chain as a whole may be affected by lack of knowledge on the characteristics of the exported product, which causes distortions in the information forwarded to the players. It was verified that the failures occurring in each phase could increase costs and inhibit exportations in the event of unfavorable exchange rate movements. On the other hand, an increased stem number commercialized by box represented an alternative to assuage cost increases through the chain. Although production is characterized as an important link throughout all stages, unless the minimum conditions for adequate storage and transport are fulfilled, there will be significant losses in the commercialized volume, thus reducing this product competitiveness abroad and discontinuing its exportation in the long run. Therefore, it was corroborated that the integration of the chain is essential to the optimization of flower exportation, including the maximization of the economic and financial results related to this business segment

    Fleet management of the freight highway transportation using satellite tracking systems.

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    O principal objetivo desta dissertação foi caracterizar o uso dos sistemas de rastreamento por satélite no transporte rodoviário de cargas, na cidade de São Paulo. Trata-se de uma tecnologia de ponta pouco estudada no Brasil, apesar de seu potencial de crescimento e importância econômica para o setor de transportes. Foram feitas entrevistas a partir de uma amostra aleatória de 26 transportadoras, mediante a aplicação de um questionário, para que se pudesse avaliar melhor o impacto desses sistemas nas transportadoras, em termos das principais ações tomadas pelas empresas para sua melhor adequação ao sistema, e em relação aos maiores benefícios obtidos pelas transportadoras com o uso dessa tecnologia. Além da análise descritiva dos dados, as variáveis qualitativas foram exploradas com maior profundidade por meio de análise multivariada, que incluiu análise de correspondência e de conglomerados, para agrupar empresas com comportamentos semelhantes em relação ao uso dos sistemas de rastreamento. De maneira geral, os sistemas que utilizavam apenas satélites dominaram o mercado, apesar de seus preços serem mais elevados em relação a sistemas que associavam rádio e satélite. Em ambos os casos havia preferência pelo rastreamento de cargas de alto valor agregado (medicamentos, produtos eletrônicos, cosméticos, produtos químicos, produtos agrícolas processados). Apesar dessa tecnologia ter sido recomendada tanto para logística como para segurança das cargas, seu emprego na cidade de São Paulo proliferou principalmente para o gerenciamento de risco, em função do aumento dos sinistros. Por outro lado, verificou-se que há necessidade de mudanças de ordem cultural, social e tecnológica nas transportadoras para que haja maior percepção dos benefícios do uso do sistema ao longo do tempo, uma vez que há muitos recursos que só poderão ser explorados se houver alteração na dinâmica interna das empresas e maior integração com outros setores produtivos.The main objective of this dissertation was to analyze the use of the satellite tracking systems in freight highway transportation in São Paulo city. This edge technology has not been well studied in Brazil, in spite of its potential growth and increasing economic importance to the transportation sector. A questionnaire was applied to 26 randomly chosen trucking companies to better evaluate the impacts of these systems on the firms, in terms of their reaction and adjustment to the systems and their ability to benefit from the use of such technology. The qualitative data were analyzed through descriptive and multivariate analyses, including correspondence and cluster analyses, so as to group companies with similar behavior concerning the use of tracking systems. In general, the use of satellite systems predominated, though they had higher prices than the radio/satellite systems. However, in both types of systems there was a preference to track high aggregate value freights, such as medicines, electronic products, chemical products and processed agricultural products. Although this technology was recommended for logistics and freight security reasons, its use in São Paulo city has mainly proliferated in the area of risk management, as a consequence of the increase in the number of robberies. On the other hand, it was verified that cultural, social and technological changes are needed for trucking companies to better capture the benefits of the use of the system. Many of them can be exploited only in the presence of changes in the internal dynamics of firms and observing a higher integration with other productive sectors