135 research outputs found

    Ineficacia de la Ley N° 30490 para garantizar los Derechos Fundamentales de los Adultos Mayores en una Región Peruana

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    The need to seek alternative solutions to the situation of abandoned, unprotected, invisibility in which older people are in vulnerable conditions was the primary motivation for developing this study, the purpose of which was to analyze the ineffectiveness in the application of Law No. 30490, which protects the fundamental rights of the elderly in Peru. The research is applied descriptive; the doctrinal legal method is used, with a mixed approach and a non-experimental cross-sectional design. Magistrates, specialists in Family Law, and authorities of public entities were taken as study units, applying a questionnaire. The observation was used as a technique; documentary analysis, articles, laws, and doctrines. The family is considered to be the main responsible for the violation of the rights of the older adult and the state itself with its entities, which must fulfill the purposes of public function, prioritizing and optimizing the resources they have, following the Law of the Framework for the Modernization of State Management. The main contribution of this research is that it concludes in a proposal, type bill, that seeks to modify article 25, Law No. 30490 of Title III, Chapter I, for a new definition of Older Adult Person, to achieve the timely identification and protection of this age group. Keywords: Demographic Aging; Older Adult Person; Vulnerability; Social Victimization.La necesidad de buscar soluciones alternativas a la situación de abandono, desprotección e invisibilidad en la que se encuentran las personas mayores en condiciones vulnerables fue la principal motivación para desarrollar este estudio. El propósito fue analizar la ineficacia en la aplicación de la Ley N° 30490, que protege los derechos fundamentales de los ancianos en Perú. La investigación es descriptiva aplicada; se utiliza el método jurídico doctrinal, con un enfoque mixto y un diseño transversal no experimental. Como unidades de estudio se tomaron magistrados, especialistas en Derecho de Familia y autoridades de entidades públicas, aplicándoles un cuestionario. Como técnica se empleó la observación; y el análisis documental, artículos, leyes y doctrinas. Se considera que la familia es la principal responsable de la violación de los derechos del adulto mayor y el propio estado con sus entidades, las cuales deben cumplir los propósitos de la función pública, priorizando y optimizando los recursos que poseen, siguiendo la Ley del Marco para la Modernización de la Gestión del Estado. La principal contribución de esta investigación es que concluye con una propuesta, tipo proyecto de ley, que busca modificar el artículo 25, Ley N° 30490 del Título III, Capítulo I, para una nueva definición de Persona Adulta Mayor, con el fin de lograr la identificación oportuna y protección de este grupo etario. Palabras clave: Envejecimiento Demográfico; Adulto Mayor; Vulnerabilidad; Victimización Social

    La ludomática y su influencia en el aprendizaje del área de matemática en el primer grado de educación primaria en la Institución Educativa N° 2025 del distrito de Carabayllo 2011

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    El presente trabajo tiene como problema de investigación , la influencia de la ludomática en el aprendizaje del área de matemática en los alumnos de primer grado. Como objetivo general , determinar la influencia de la ludomática en el aprendizaje del área de matemática . Se empleó el método cuantitativo de diseño pre experimental con una muestra de 28 alumnos se aplicó , como instrumento una encuesta tipo cuestionario. Los resultados más importantes a que se concluyó son: - Que de un total de 28 estudiantes de primer grado evaluados , antes de aplicar la ludomática se encontró q el 53,6 tiene un nivel de aprendizaje bajo en el área de matemática. - De un total de 28 estudiantes de primer grado de primaria evaluados después de aplicar la ludomática se encontró que el 78.6 % tiene l un nivel de aprendizaje alto en el área de matemática

    Miocarditis como expresión de lupus eritematoso sistémico. Presentación de un caso

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    El lupus eritematoso sistémico es una enfermedad autoinmune de etiología desconocida, cuyo cuadro clínico incluye diversas manifestaciones cardiovasculares, que se pueden presentar entre el 50 y 60 % de los pacientes. La miocarditis es infrecuente (10 %) y puede evolucionar tanto a miocardiopatía dilatada como a la mejoría. Por tales razones se presenta el caso de una paciente femenina de 24 años, de color de piel negra, ingresada en el Hospital José Ramón Martínez del municipio de Guanajay, Artemisa, por disnea y palpitaciones ante moderados esfuerzos. Tenía historia previa de infección respiratoria durante el periodo epidémico de la influenza H1N1, diagnosticada por neumonía con derrame cuya evolución fue tórpida. Los elementos clínicos claves en la sospecha y diagnóstico de lupus eritematoso sistémico fueron la presencia de úlceras en el paladar blando y signos de artritis de las articulaciones interfalángicas de ambos pies, así como la historia previa de derrame pleural y manifestaciones de insuficiencia cardíaca, es decir participación multisistémica. Los exámenes de laboratorio mostraron el cribado de anticuerpos antinucleares positivo, disminución de los niveles de complemento CH50 y C3. Actualmente está controlada con esteroides e inmunosupresores

    Infarto cerebral embólico y edema cerebral

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    Fecal contamination of drinking water within peri-urban households, Lima, Peru.

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    We assessed fecal contamination of drinking water in households in 2 peri-urban communities of Lima, Peru. We measured Escherichia coli counts in municipal source water and, within households, water from principal storage containers, stored boiled drinking water, and water in a serving cup. Source water was microbiologically clean, but 26 (28%) of 93 samples of water stored for cooking had fecal contamination. Twenty-seven (30%) of 91 stored boiled drinking water samples grew E. coli. Boiled water was more frequently contaminated when served in a drinking cup than when stored (P < 0.01). Post-source contamination increased successively through the steps of usage from source water to the point of consumption. Boiling failed to ensure safe drinking water at the point of consumption because of easily contaminated containers and poor domestic hygiene. Hygiene education, better point-of-use treatment and storage options, and in-house water connections are urgently needed

    Epidemiologic Differences Between Cyclosporiasis and Cryptosporidiosis in Peruvian Children

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    We compared the epidemiologic characteristics of cyclosporiasis and cryptosporidiosis in data from a cohort study of diarrhea in a periurban community near Lima, Peru. Children had an average of 0.20 episodes of cyclosporiasis/year and 0.22 episodes of cryptosporidiosis/year of follow-up. The incidence of cryptosporidiosis peaked at 0.42 for 1-year-old children and declined to 0.06 episodes/child-year for 5- to 9-year-old children. In contrast, the incidence of cyclosporiasis was fairly constant among 1- to 9-year-old children (0.21 to 0.28 episodes/child-year). Likelihood of diarrhea decreased significantly with each episode of cyclosporiasis; for cryptosporidiosis, this trend was not statistically significant. Both infections were more frequent during the warm season (December to May) than the cooler season (June to November). Cryptosporidiosis was more frequent in children from houses without a latrine or toilet. Cyclosporiasis was associated with ownership of domestic animals, especially birds, guinea pigs, and rabbits

    Helicobacter Pylori's Plasticity Zones Are Novel Transposable Elements

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    BACKGROUND:Genes present in only certain strains of a bacterial species can strongly affect cellular phenotypes and evolutionary potentials. One segment that seemed particularly rich in strain-specific genes was found by comparing the first two sequenced Helicobacter pylori genomes (strains 26695 and J99) and was named a "plasticity zone". PRINCIPAL FINDINGS:We studied the nature and evolution of plasticity zones by sequencing them in five more Helicobacter strains, determining their locations in additional strains, and identifying them in recently released genome sequences. They occurred as discrete units, inserted at numerous chromosomal sites, and were usually flanked by direct repeats of 5'AAGAATG, a sequence generally also present in one copy at unoccupied sites in other strains. This showed that plasticity zones are transposable elements, to be called TnPZs. Each full length TnPZ contained a cluster of type IV protein secretion genes (tfs3), a tyrosine recombinase family gene ("xerT"), and a large (>or=2800 codon) orf encoding a protein with helicase and DNA methylase domains, plus additional orfs with no homology to genes of known function. Several TnPZ types were found that differed in gene arrangement or DNA sequence. Our analysis also indicated that the first-identified plasticity zones (in strains 26695 and J99) are complex mosaics of TnPZ remnants, formed by multiple TnPZ insertions, and spontaneous and transposable element mediated deletions. Tests using laboratory-generated deletions showed that TnPZs are not essential for viability, but identified one TnPZ that contributed quantitatively to bacterial growth during mouse infection and another that affected synthesis of proinflammatory cytokines in cell culture. CONCLUSIONS:We propose that plasticity zone genes are contained in conjugative transposons (TnPZs) or remnants of them, that TnPZ insertion is mediated by XerT recombinase, and that some TnPZ genes affect bacterial phenotypes and fitness
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