7 research outputs found

    Modulation of facial mimicry by attitudes

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    The current experiment explored the influence of attitudes on facial reactions to emotional faces. The participants’ attitudes (positive, neutral, and negative) towards three types of characters were manipulated by written reports. Afterwards participants saw happy, neutral, and sad facial expressions of the respective characters while their facial muscular reactions (M. Corrugator supercilii and M. Zygomaticus major) were recorded electromyografically. Results revealed facial mimicry reactions to happy and sad faces of positive characters, but less and even incongruent facial muscular reactions to happy and sad faces of negative characters. Overall, the results show that attitudes, formed in a few minutes, and only by reports and not by own experiences, can moderate automatic non-verbal social behavior, i.e. facial mimicry

    Faziale Mimikry, Valenzevaluation oder Emotionale Reaktion? Mechanismen der Modulation kongruenter und inkongruenter fazialer Reaktionen auf emotionale GesichtsausdrĂŒcke

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    Humans have the tendency to react with congruent facial expressions when looking at an emotional face. Interestingly, recent studies revealed that several situational moderators can modulate strength and direction of these reactions. In current literature, congruent facial reactions to emotional facial expressions are usually described in terms of “facial mimicry” and interpreted as imitative behavior. Thereby, facial mimicry is understood as a process of pure motor resonance resulting from overlapping representations for the perception and the execution of a certain behavior. Motor mimicry, however, is not the only mechanism by which congruent facial reactions can occur. Numerous studies have shown that facial muscles also indicate valence evaluations. Furthermore, facial reactions are also determined by our current emotional state. These thoughts suggest that the modulation of congruent facial reactions to emotional expressions can be based on both motor and affective processes. However, a separation of motor and affective processes in facial reactions is hard to make. None of the published studies that tried that could show a clear involvement of one or the other process so far. Therefore, the aim of the present line of experiments is to shed light on the involvement of motor and affective processes in the modulation of congruent and incongruent facial reactions. Specifically, the experiments are designed to test the assumptions of a working model on mechanisms underlying the modulation of facial reactions and to examine the neuronal correlates involved in such modulations with a broad range of methods. Experiments 1 and 2 experimentally manipulate motor and affective mechanisms by using specific contexts. In the chose settings, motor process models and affective models of valence evaluations make competing predictions about resulting facial reactions. The results of Experiment 1 did not support the involvement of valence evaluations in the modulation of congruent and incongruent facial reactions to facial expressions. The results of Experiments 2a and 2b suggest that emotional reactions are the predominant determinant of facial reactions. Experiment 3 aimed at identifying the psychological mediators that indicate motor and affective mechanisms. Motor mechanisms are assessed via the psychological mediator empathy. Additionally, as a psychological mediator for clarifying the role of affective mechanisms subjective measures of the participants’ current emotional state in response to the presented facial expressions were taken. Mediational analyses show that the modulation of congruent facial reactions can be explained by a decrease of state cognitive empathy. This suggests that motor processes mediate the effects of the context on congruent facial reactions. However, such a mechanism could not be observed for incongruent reactions. Instead, it was found that affective processes in terms of emotional reactions are involved in incongruent facial reactions. Additionally, the involvement of a third class of processes, namely strategic processes, was observed. Experiment 4 aimed at investigating whether a change in the strength of perception can explain the contextual modulation of facial reactions to facial expressions. According to motor process models the strength of perception is directly related to the strength of the spread of activation from perception to the execution of an action and thereby to the strength of the resulting mimicry behavior. The results suggest that motor mechanisms were involved in the modulation of congruent facial reactions by attitudes. Such an involvement of motor mechanisms could, however, not be observed for the modulation of incongruent reactions. In Experiment 5 the investigation of neuronal correlates shall be extended to the observation of involved brain areas via fMRI. The proposed brain areas depicting motor areas were prominent parts of the mirror neuron system. The regions of interest depicting areas involved in the affective processing were amygdala, insula, striatum. Furthermore, it could be shown that changes in the activity of parts of the MNS are related to the modulation of congruent facial reactions. Further on, results revealed the involvement of affective processes in the modulation of incongruent facial reactions. In sum, these results lead to a revised working model on the mechanisms underlying the modulation of facial reactions to emotional facial expressions. The results of the five experiments provide strong support for the involvement of motor mechanisms in congruent facial reactions. No evidence was found for the involvement of motor mechanisms in the occurrence or modulation of incongruent facial reactions. Furthermore, no evidence was found for the involvement of valence evaluations in the modulation of facial reactions. Instead, emotional reactions were found to be involved in the modulation of mainly incongruent facial reactions.Menschen haben die automatische Tendenz, auf emotionale GesichtsausdrĂŒcke anderer kongruente muskulĂ€re Reaktionen zu zeigen. Solche Reaktionen werden allerdings durch eine Vielzahl situativer Faktoren moduliert. Die dieser Modulation zugrunde liegenden Prozesse sind bisher jedoch kaum erforscht. Die Modulation kongruenter und inkongruenter fazialer Reaktionen wird in der Literatur zu fazialer Mimikry bisher nahezu ausschließlich mit motorischen Resonanzprozessen erklĂ€rt. Faziale Reaktionen haben jedoch noch weitere Determinanten. So belegen Studien, dass faziale muskulĂ€re Reaktionen Valenzindikatoren bei der Beurteilung positiver und negativer Stimuli sind. Weiterhin zeigt der Gesichtsausdruck den momentanen emotionalen Zustand an. Dies legt nahe, dass die in der Literatur zu fazialer Mimikry beobachteten Modulationen fazialer Reaktionen auf GesichtsausdrĂŒcke eventuell nicht nur auf rein motorischen Prozessen beruht haben. Vielmehr könnten affektive Prozesse diese Reaktionen beeinflusst haben. TatsĂ€chlich gibt es bisher keine Studie, die das Zusammenspiel motorischer und affektiver Mechanismen bei der Modulation fazialer Reaktionen auf GesichtsausdrĂŒcke nĂ€her aufklĂ€ren konnte. Dies sollte in dieser Arbeit geleistet werden. Genauer gesagt wurde folgende zentrale Fragestellung untersucht: Welche spezifischen psychologischen Mediatoren und neuronalen Korrelate liegen der sozialen Modulation kongruenter und inkongruenter fazialer Reaktionen auf emotionale GesichtsausdrĂŒcke zugrunde? Zur Beantwortung dieser Frage wurde ein Arbeitsmodell aufgestellt und mit einer systematischen Reihe an Experimenten auf GĂŒltigkeit getestet. In Experiment 1 und 2 wurden mittels spezifischer sozialer Kontextinformationen motorische und affektive Mechanismen experimentell manipuliert, um Aussagen ĂŒber deren Beteiligung an der Modulation kongruenter und inkongruenter fazialer Reaktionen auf emotionale GesichtsausdrĂŒcke machen zu können. Motorische und affektive Prozessmodelle sagten hier jeweils unterschiedliche faziale Reaktionen vorher. Die Ergebnisse von Experiment 1 lieferten keinen Beleg fĂŒr die Beteiligung affektiver Mechanismen der Valenzevaluation an der Modulation kongruenter und inkongruenter fazialer Reaktionen. Das Ergebnismuster der Experimente 2a und 2b lĂ€sst sich einzig mit emotionalen Reaktionen in Form von Mitleid und MitgefĂŒhl erklĂ€ren. In Experiment 3 wurden motorische und affektive Mechanismen mittels psychischer Variablen gemessen und deren Beteiligung an der Modulation fazialer Reaktionen durch Mediatorenanalysen festgestellt. Die StĂ€rke motorischer Prozesse wurde mittels zweier Empathie-Maße indiziert. Affektive Prozesse wurden mittels subjektiver Angaben ĂŒber die eigene emotionale Reaktion erfasst. Die Ergebnisse von Experiment 3 zeigen eine Beteiligung motorischer Prozesse an der Modulation kongruenter Reaktionen. Es zeigte sich zudem, dass affektive Prozesse in der Modulation und dem Zustandekommen inkongruenter Reaktionen involviert sind. Hingegen zeigte sich keine Beteiligung affektiver Prozesse an der Modulation kongruenter Reaktionen. ZusĂ€tzlich wurde die Beteiligung von strategischen Prozessen gefunden. In Experiment 4 wurden motorische Prozesse mittels EEG direkt auf neuronaler Ebene erfasst. Aus motorischen Prozessmodellen ließ sich die Annahme ableiten, dass die AufmerksamkeitsstĂ€rke, mit der StĂ€rke der Aktivierung der zugehörigen ReprĂ€sentationen einhergeht und folglich eine verringerte oder erhöhte Mimikry zur Folge haben sollte. Die Ergebnisse unterstĂŒtzen die Annahme, dass motorische Mechanismen an der Modulation kongruenter fazialer Reaktionen beteiligt sind. Solch eine Beteiligung konnte jedoch wiederum nicht fĂŒr die Modulation inkongruenter Reaktionen gezeigt werden. In Experiment 5 erfolgte mittels fMRT die Untersuchung der neuronalen Korrelate der Modulation fazialer Reaktionen. Zur AufklĂ€rung der Beteiligung motorischer Mechanismen sollte der Zusammenhang des Spiegelneuronensystems sowie von Zentren der emotionalen Verarbeitung mit der Modulation fazialer Reaktionen betrachtet werden. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass Modulationen des Spiegelneuronensytems mit Modulationen kongruenter, aber inkongruenter Reaktionen in Zusammenhang stehen. Dies spricht dafĂŒr, dass motorische Prozesse bei der Modulation kongruenter Reaktionen involviert sind. Weiterhin unterstĂŒtzen die Ergebnisse die Annahme der Beteiligung affektiver Prozesse an der Modulation inkongruenter Reaktionen. Zusammengefasst fĂŒhren die Ergebnisse zu einer revidierten Form des Arbeitsmodells. Die Experimente unterstĂŒtzen die Annahme, dass bei der Modulation kongruenter fazialer Reaktionen vorwiegend motorische Prozesse involviert sind. Weiterhin zeigte sich kein Beleg fĂŒr eine Beteiligung von Prozessen der Valenzevaluation an der Modulation fazialer Reaktionen. Stattdessen wurden zahlreiche Belege dafĂŒr gefunden, dass emotionale Reaktionen fĂŒr das Zustandekommen und die Modulation inkongruenter Reaktionen verantwortlich sind

    The face of schadenfreude: Differentiation of joy and schadenfreude by electromyography

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    The present study investigated whether the facial expression of the social emotion schadenfreude, the pleasant emotion which arises in response to another's misfortune, can be differentiated from the facial expression of joy. Schadenfreude was induced by videos displaying unsuccessful penalty shots of Dutch soccer players and joy by successful penalty shots of German soccer players. Thirty-two participants watched videos while the activity of four facial muscles was recorded electromyographically. Furthermore, they judged each stimulus according to valence, arousal, joy, schadenfreude and sadness. Electromyography (EMG) results revealed that schadenfreude expressions did not differ from joy with regard to involved muscles (increase of Musculus zygomaticus major and M. orbicularis oculi activity, decrease of M. corrugator supercilii activity, no activity change of M. frontalis medialis). Furthermore, facial reactions developed fast in both conditions and EMG indicated stronger reactions in the schadenfreude condition, but according to ratings participants felt more pleasure in the joy condition

    Facial mimicry in its social setting

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    In interpersonal encounters, individuals often exhibit changes in their own facial expressions in response to emotional expressions of another person. Such changes are often called facial mimicry. While this tendency first appeared to be an automatic tendency of the perceiver to show the same emotional expression as the sender, evidence is now accumulating that situation, person, and relationship jointly determine whether and for which emotions such congruent facial behavior is shown. We review the evidence regarding the moderating influence of such factors on facial mimicry with a focus on understanding the meaning of facial responses to emotional expressions in a particular constellation. From this, we derive recommendations for a research agenda with a stronger focus on the most common forms of encounters, actual interactions with known others, and on assessing potential mediators of facial mimicry. We conclude that facial mimicry is modulated by many factors: attention deployment and sensitivity, detection of valence, emotional feelings, and social motivations. We posit that these are the more proximal causes of changes in facial mimicry due to changes in its social setting

    SubliMinal inTeRdependence pRiMing ModulaTeS congRuenT and incongRuenT facial ReacTionS To eMoTional diSplayS

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    To investigate how facial reactions to facial emotional displays are modulated by cues about social interdependence processed outside of awareness, 84 women were subliminally primed with cooperation or competition or neutrally primed. Thereafter, they viewed computer-generated faces with happy, neutral, sad, and angry expressions while facial EMG was recorded over three muscles. As expected, we observed congruent facial reactions in the neutral and cooperation conditions to happy and sad but not to angry faces. In the competition condition, we found almost no congruent reactions. Furthermore, we observed incongruent reactions to angry expressions: participants primed with competition and participants primed with cooperation showed positive reactions, but on different muscles. We argue that these incongruent reactions are based on reward contingencies and on habitual communicative goals to support a partner, respectively

    Facial mimicry and the mirror neuron system:Simultaneous acquisition of facial electromyography and functional magnetic resonance imaging

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    Numerous studies have shown that humans automatically react with congruent facial reactions, i.e. facial mimicry, when seeing a vis-á-vis’ facial expressions. The current experiment is the first investigating the neuronal structures responsible for differences in the occurrence of such facial mimicry reactions by simultaneously measuring BOLD and facial EMG in an MRI scanner. Therefore, 20 female students viewed emotional facial expressions (happy, sad, and angry) of male and female avatar characters. During Differentiation presentation, the BOLD signal as well as M. zygomaticus major and M. corrugator supercilii activity were recorded simultaneously. Results show prototypical patterns of facial mimicry after correction for MR-related artifacts: enhanced M. zygomaticus major activity in response to happy and enhanced M. corrugator supercilii activity in response to sad and angry expressions. Regression analyses show that these congruent facial reactions correlate significantly with activations in the IFG, SMA and cerebellum. Stronger zygomaticus reactions to happy faces were further associated to increased activities in the caudate, MTG and PCC. Corrugator reactions to angry expressions were further correlated with the hippocampus, insula and STS. Results are discussed in relation to core and extended models of the mirror neuron system