86 research outputs found

    Modeling spectral sensitivity at low light levels based on mesopic visual performance

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    The spectral sensitivity of the eye at low light levels, ie, mesopic conditions, is determined by the rod and cone photoreceptors of the retina operating together in varying degree as adaptation luminance shifts between the scotopic and photopic. Thus mesopic spectral sensitivity is different from photopic, where only cones contribute to vision. There are definite needs for a practical system of mesopic photometry to be used in assessing light at low light levels, especially in road and other outdoor lighting applications. However, neither of the recently proposed systems of mesopic photometry, the MOVE-model or the X-model, is found satisfactory by common consent of the lighting community. The most active debate has considered the upper luminance limit of the mesopic region, which is regarded to be too high for the MOVE-model and too low for the X-model. The present paper proposes a new modified MOVE-model whose upper luminance limit is adjusted to meet the actual road and street lighting luminance values measured in different weather conditions. The paper compares the MOVE-model, X-model, and the proposed modified MOVE-model with three independent visual performance data sets provided by different European universities. Based on the comparison, recommendations are given for future actions towards internationally accepted practice for mesopic photometry

    On the theory of vertical integration.

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    This thesis explores vertical integration in both competitive and noncompetitive settings. Chapter 2 shows that allocation of ownership matters even in a repeated relationship. The optimal control structure of the static game restricts the gain from deviation to be the lowest but also the punishment will be minimal. The worst ownership structure of the one-shot game is good in the repeated setting because it provides the highest punishment but bad because the gain from deviation is also the highest. We show that two types of equilibria exist: one where partnership and a hostage type solution are optimal and second where the results of the one-shot game apply. Chapter 3 focuses on vertical oligopolies when both integrated and unintegrated firms coexist. We analyse the integrated firm's strategy in the input market. If the integrated firm is more efficient in transforming the input into final good, it will buy some input to drive up rival's marginal cost. Only if the integrated firm is less efficient will it sell input. If there is no competition in the final good market vertical supply arises because it has no harmful effects on the downstream unit's profits. If competition is very tough overbuying will emerge; by raising rival's costs the integrated firm can achieve a dominant position in a highly competitive market. Chapter 4 examines integration decisions of successive duopolists. We show that qualitatively the same pattern of integration emerges whether there is Cournot or Bertrand competition in the input market. We find that the degree of integration in the industry is increasing in the size of the downstream market. There is a tendency for partial integration when one upstream firm is relatively efficient compared to its rival. Chapter 5 takes into account both the firm's internal and external environment. Further, we explicitly model the effect of varying the degree of market competition. We observe a non-monotonic relationship between ownership allocation and competition. We also see greater upstream ownership of assets when the upstream worker is important

    Adolescent circadian patterns link with psychiatric problems : A multimodal approach

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    Circadian rhythms orchestrate brain function and mental wellbeing. We compared circadian patterns derived from continuous measurements of body temperature, sleep actigraphy and self-reported circadian preference in relation to different psychiatric disorders. 342 adolescents (70% females) aged 17.4y underwent M.I.N.I. psychiatric interviews, wore Ibutton 1922L skin temperature loggers (n = 281; 3 days), completed one-week GeneActiv Original actigraphy measurements (n = 306) and responded to Morningness-Eveningness Questionnaire (MEQ; n = 330). We derived circadian period length and amplitude from the temperature loggers. Actigraphy measures included sleep duration, midpoint, efficiency, and irregularity as well as Delayed Sleep Phase (DSP) characteristics (bedtime after 1 a.m. 3 times/week). M.I.N.I. psychiatric interviews suggested that 36% of participants had one or more psychiatric problem, with 21% suffering from comorbidity. Severe depression was associated with longer circadian period (p = 0.002). Suicidality was associated with later midpoint (p = 0.007) and more irregular sleep (p = 0.007). Those with agoraphobia slept longer (p = 0.013). Manic episodes and psychotic disorders were associated with irregular sleep (p-values < 0.02). DSP was related to suicidality (p = 0.026), panic disorder (p = 0.022), and greater comorbidity (p = 0.026). Preference for eveningness was similarly related to higher prevalence of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (p = 0.014), social anxiety (p = 0.03), agoraphobia (p = 0.026), panic disorder (p = 0.004), suicidality (p = 0.018), severe depression (p < 0.001), and comorbidity (p < 0.001). Deviations in circadian rhythms were widely associated with psychiatric problems, whereas sleep duration was not. Especially suicidality linked with several markers of circadian disruption: later sleep midpoint, irregular sleep, and DSP characteristics. Longer circadian period length was associated with severe depression.Peer reviewe

    Dynamic fluctuations of emotional states in adolescents with delayed sleep phase-A longitudinal network modeling approach

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    Background: Very late sleep rhythms are risks for social adjustment problems in adolescence. Using ecological momentary assessment data, we quantified and visualized temporal and contemporaneous within-persons dynamical relations of sleepiness and emotions in adolescents with and without late sleep rhythms. Methods: We analyzed a temporal network via multilevel vector autoregression (mlVAR) modeling and a contemporaneous network through the partial associations between the residuals of temporal and the between-subject multilevel models. We tested whether these networks were different between those with a late circadian rhythm [concurrent delayed sleep phase (DSP) N = 172, 37% boys, 63% girls] and those without (N = 143, 22% boys, 78% girls). Results: In adolescents without DSP, the temporal networks showed continuity only for low mood from the previous to the following time point. In adolescents with DSP, there were more predictable patterns of emotions. Feelings of depression led to a decrease of positive emotions and increase of irritation and anxiety. The contemporaneous networks showed clusters of positive and negative emotions in both groups and sleepiness decreased the experience of positive emotions concurrently. Limitations: DSP in our current study was based only on one out of three diagnostic criteria of the full disorder (DSM-5) and it was assessed only once. Conclusions: These findings indicate that the dynamic organization of emotions and sleepiness is different in adolescents with and without DSP. DSP adolescents have more predictable and maladaptive emotional patterns during the day. Results provide new insight about why individuals with DSP are at a heightened risk for decreased emotional adjustment.Peer reviewe

    Self-Conscious Affect Is Modulated by Rapid Eye Movement Sleep but Not by Targeted Memory Reactivation–A Pilot Study

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    The neurophysiological properties of rapid eye movement sleep (REMS) are believed to tune down stressor-related emotional responses. While prior experimental findings are controversial, evidence suggests that affective habituation is hindered if REMS is fragmented. To elucidate the topic, we evoked self-conscious negative affect in the participants (N = 32) by exposing them to their own out-of-tune singing in the evening. Affective response to the stressor was measured with skin conductance response and subjectively reported embarrassment. To address possible inter-individual variance toward the stressor, we measured the shame-proneness of participants with an established questionnaire. The stressor was paired with a sound cue to pilot a targeted memory reactivation (TMR) protocol during the subsequent night's sleep. The sample was divided into three conditions: control (no TMR), TMR during slow-wave sleep, and TMR during REMS. We found that pre- to post-sleep change in affective response was not influenced by TMR. However, REMS percentage was associated negatively with overnight skin conductance response habituation, especially in those individuals whose REMS was fragmented. Moreover, shame-proneness interacted with REM fragmentation such that the higher the shame-proneness, the more the affective habituation was dependent on non-fragmented REMS. In summary, the potential of REMS in affective processing may depend on the quality of REMS as well as on individual vulnerability toward the stressor type.Peer reviewe

    The association between sleep-wake ratio and overnight picture recognition is moderated by BDNF genotype

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    A wealth of studies supports the role of sleep in memory performance. Experimentally controlled studies indicate that prolonged wake after memory encoding is detrimental for memory outcome whereas sleep protects from wake-time interference and promotes memory consolidation. We examined how the natural distribution of wake and sleep between encoding and retrieval associated with overnight picture recognition accuracy among 161 adolescents following their typical sleep schedule with an in-home polysomnography. The memorized pictures varied in their level of arousal (calm to exciting) and valence (negative to positive). Suspecting genotypic influence on the sensitivity for sleep/wake dynamics, we also assessed if these associations were affected by known gene polymorphisms involved in neural plasticity and sleep homeostasis: brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) Val66Met and Catechol‐O‐methyltransferase (COMT) Val158Met. In the whole sample, overnight recognition accuracy was associated with the levels of arousal and valence of the pictures, but not with sleep percentage (i.e. the percentage of time spent asleep between memory encoding and retrieval). While the allelic status of BDNF or COMT did not have any main effect on recognition accuracy, a significant moderation by BDNF Val66Met was found (p = .004): the subgroup homozygous for valine allele showed positive association between sleep percentage and recognition accuracy. This was underlain by detrimental influence of wake, rather than by any memory benefit of sleep. Our results complement the mounting evidence that the relation between sleep and memory performance is moderated by BDNF Val66Met. Further studies are needed to clarify the specific mechanisms.Peer reviewe

    The association between overnight recognition accuracy and slow oscillation-spindle coupling is moderated by BDNF Val66Met

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    During sleep, memories are consolidated via oscillatory events that occur in temporal and phasic synchrony. Several studies show that sleep spindles peaking close to the depolarized positive peaks of slow oscillations (SO) associate with better retention of memories. The exact timing of this synchrony presumably depends on the properties of the related neural network that, in turn, is affected by certain genetic variants associated with brain development and function. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) Val66Met and Catechol‐O‐methyltransferase (COMT) Val158Met are repeatedly reported to implicate the structure and function of prefrontal and hippocampal areas as well as molecular events promoting synaptic plasticity. In this study, we examined with a community-based sample of 153 adolescents (~17 years) whether these variants (1) affected the coupling properties between frontal SOs and spindles and (2) moderated the association between SO-spindle coupling and overnight recognition accuracy. We found SO-upstate-coupled fast (> 13 Hz) sleep spindles to associate with better recognition in the whole sample. Additionally, Val66Met moderated this association such that SO-spindle coupling was predictive of memory outcome only in those homozygous to ValBDNF alleles but not in MetBDNF carriers. Memory outcome was not associated with the SO-coupling properties of slow spindles nor affected by the interaction between Val158Met and coupling measures. Finally, in the whole sample we found that SO-upstate-coupled fast spindles were more strongly associated with the recognition of positive, relative to neutral, pictures. In conclusion, precise coupling of SOs and fast spindles associates with overnight recognition accuracy and this association is moderated by BDNF Val66Met.Peer reviewe

    Is moderate depression associated with sleep stage architecture in adolescence? Testing the stage type associations using network and transition probability approaches

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    Background Depression even at the subclinical level is often accompanied by sleep disturbances, but little is known about the dynamics of the sleep stages in relation to depressive symptoms. We examined whether the amount, associations, and transition probabilities of various sleep stages were associated with depressive symptoms in a community sample of adolescents. Methods The participants (N = 172, 59% girls, mean age 16.9 years) underwent overnight polysomnography and provided data on depressive symptoms (Beck Depression Inventory II). The association between depression status and total duration of each stage type was analyzed using ANOVA and survival analyses. The associations between the number of different sleep stage types were analyzed using graphical Gaussian models, mixed graphical models, and relative importance networks. A Markov chain algorithm was used to estimate the transition probabilities between each state and these probabilities were further compared between depression status groups. Results The associations between N1 and N3 were significantly stronger in both directions of the association (p-values for interactions 0.012 and 0.006) in those with more depressive symptoms. Similarly, a stronger association was observed from N1 to wake stage in those with more depressive symptoms (p-value for interaction 0.002). In those with more depressive symptoms, it was more likely to transition from N2 to N3 and from REM to N2 compared to others. Conclusions These findings indicate that changes in sleep architecture are not limited to clinical depression and that the transitional dynamics of sleep stages are an important marker of subclinical depression.Peer reviewe

    BDNF Val66Met polymorphism moderates the association between sleep spindles and overnight visual recognition

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    A common single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) gene, Val66Met, has been reported to impair BDNF secretion and memory function. However, few studies have investigated the interaction of BDNF genotype and sleep characteristics, such as sleep spindles, that promote long-term potentiation during sleep. In this study we compared overnight visual memory between the carriers of BDNF Met and non-carriers (Val homozygotes), and examined how sleep spindle density associated with memory performance. The sample constituted of 151 adolescents (mean age 16.9 years; 69% Val homozygotes, 31% Met carriers). The learning task contained high and low arousal pictures from Interactive Affective Picture System. The learning task and all-night polysomnography were conducted at the homes of the adolescents. Slow (10–13 Hz) and fast (13–16 Hz) spindles were detected with automated algorithm. Neither post-sleep recognition accuracy nor spindle density differed between Val homozygotes and Met carriers. While frontal slow and fast spindle densities associated with better recognition accuracy in the entire sample, examining the allelic groups separately indicated paralleling associations in Val homozygotes only. Interaction analyses revealed a significant genotype-moderated difference in the associations between frontal fast sleep spindles and high arousal pictures. In sum, sleep spindles promote or indicate visual learning in Val homozygote adolescents but not in Met carriers. The result suggests that the role of sleep spindles in visual recognition memory is not equal across individuals but moderated by a common gene variant.Peer reviewe

    Endogenous circadian temperature rhythms relate to adolescents' daytime physical activity

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    Circadian rhythms relate to multiple aspects of health and wellbeing, including physical activity patterns. Susceptible circadian regulation predisposes to circadian misalignment, poor sleep, sleep deprivation, increased sleepiness, and thereby sedentary behavior. Adolescents' circadian regulation is particularly vulnerable, and may lead to sedentary behavior. To investigate which factors associate strongest between physical activity (PA) and circadian behavior, we conducted multimodal circadian rhythm analyses. We investigate how individual characteristics of habitual circadian patterns associate with objectively measured PA. We studied 312 adolescents [70% females) (56% with delayed sleep phase (DSP)], mean age 16.9 years. Circadian period length, temperature mesor (estimated 24 h midline) and amplitude (difference between mesor and peak) were measured using distally attached thermologgers (ibutton 1922L, 3-day-measurement). We additionally utilized algorithm-formed clusters of circadian rhythmicity. Sleep duration, timing, DSP, and PA were measured using actigraphs (GeneActiv Original, 10-day-measurement). We found that continuous circadian period length was not associated with PA, but lower mesor and higher amplitude were consistently associated with higher levels of PA as indicated by mean Metabolic Equivalent (METmean) and moderate-to-vigorous PA (MVPA), even when controlling for sleep duration. Separate circadian clusters formed by an algorithm also reflected distinct patterns of PA accordingly. Late sleepers and those with DSP were less likely to engage in MVPA compared to non-DSP and had more sedentary behavior. Adolescents who engage in higher levels or high-intensity PA have better circadian regulation, as measured by different objective methods including distal temperature measurements as well as actigraphy-measured sleep-wake behavior.Peer reviewe