87 research outputs found

    A makro-TSH diagnosztikus és terápiás jelentősége Hashimoto-thyreoiditises betegekben | Diagnostic and therapeutical significance of macro-TSH in patients with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis

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    Absztrakt: Bevezetés: A makro-TSH szerkezete, incidenciája és klinikai szerepe pajzsmirigybetegekben nem tisztázott. Célkitűzés: A makro-TSH előfordulási gyakoriságának, tulajdonságainak meghatározása Hashimoto-thyreoiditises betegek savójában. Módszer: A Hashimoto-thyreoiditises betegek vérmintáiban a makro-TSH-t meghatározták polietilén-glikol precipitációs módszerrel és protein G agaróz abszorpciós, illetve gélfiltrációs kromatográfiával. A makro-TSH biológiai aktivitását TSH-receptorral transzfektált CHO bioassay módszerével mérték. A betegek L-tiroxin-kezelésben részesültek (átlagosan 66,5 µg/nap), a betegek fele pedig szelént is kapott (átlagosan 60 µg/nap). Eredmények: 880 Hashimoto-thyreoiditises beteget (728 nő, átlagéletkor 44,8 év) vontak be a vizsgálatba. A makro-TSH-t 41 betegben (4,6%) mutatták ki, az átlagos TSH-szint a PEG-precipitáció előtt 185,4 ± 35 IU/l volt, a precipitáció után pedig 5,55 ± 1,8 IU/l. Az anti-TPO-szint 445 ± 51 IU/l volt és fokozatosan csökkent 212 ± 51 IU/l-re egyéves tiroxin- és szelénkezelés után. Mind a PEG-precipitációs, mind a protein G abszorpciós módszerrel, illetve gélkromatográfiás eljárással a TSH elleni antitest jelenlétét mutatták ki a makro-TSH-immunkomplexben. A makro-TSH biológialag inaktívnak bizonyult, mivel a CHO-sejteket nem stimulálta. A makro-TSH a szelénnel nem kezelt csoportban 18 ± 3,2 hónapig, a szelénnel kezeltben 12 ± 1,9 hónapig volt kimutatható. Következtetés: A TSH elleni antitestek fő komponensei a makro-TSH-nak és diagnosztikus, illetve terápiás nehézségeket okozhatnak. A PEG-precipitációs eljárás alkalmas szűrőmódszer a makro-TSH bizonyítására. A szelén képes nemcsak az anti-TPO-, hanem a makro-TSH-szint csökkentésére egyaránt. Amikor a TSH-szint 40,0 IU/l feletti a hypothyreosis jelei nélkül, gondolnunk kell a makro-TSH jelenlétére. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(34): 1346–1350. | Abstract: Introduction: Structure, importance and incidence and clinical role of macro-TSH not clarified in thyroid diseases. Aim: This study was undertaken to determine the incidence and biological role of macro-TSH in patients with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Method: Blood samples taken from patients with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis were screened for the presence of macro-TSH with the polyethylene glycol method and confirmed with protein G agarose absorption test and gel filtration chromatography. Stimulatory capacity of macro-TSH was measured by CHO cells bio-assay. Patients were treated with L-thyroxine (mean 66.5 µg/day) and half of them with selenium (mean 60 µg/day), respectively. Results: 880 patients (728 female, aged 44.8 yr) with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis was involved in the study. Macro-TSH was found in the serum of 41 patients (4.6%), the mean TSH 185.4 ± 35 IU/l was before PEG precipitations and after 5.55 ± 1.8 IU/l. Titre of anti-TPO proved to be 445 ± 51 IU/l and gradulally decreased to 212 ± 51 IU/l after one year therapy. Both the precipitation, protein G absorption and gel chromatography supported the presence of anti-TSH antibody in the macro-TSH complex. Stimulatory capacity of macro-TSH on CHO bio-assay was not proved. The macro-TSH was detected in the selenium not treated group for 18 ± 3.2 months, selenium-treated for 12 ± 1.9 months. Conclusion: It is concluded that anti-human TSH autoantibodies are a major components of macro-TSH and may cause diagnostic and therapeutical difficulties. The PEG precipitation is a suitable screening method for detection of macro-TSH. Selenium is able to decrease of anti-TPO antibodies and macro-TSH, respectively. When the TSH level is greater than 40.0 IU/l, without the signs of hypothyroidism, the presence of macro-TSH is to be considered. Orv Hetil. 2017; 158(34): 1346–1350

    Effect of Root Moisture Content and Diameter on Root Tensile Properties

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    <div><p>The stabilization of slopes by vegetation has been a topical issue for many years. Root mechanical characteristics significantly influence soil reinforcement; therefore it is necessary to research into the indicators of root tensile properties. In this study, we explored the influence of root moisture content on tensile resistance and strength with different root diameters and for different tree species. <i>Betula platyphylla</i>, <i>Quercus mongolica</i>, <i>Pinus tabulaeformis</i>, and <i>Larix gmelinii</i>, the most popular tree species used for slope stabilization in the rocky mountainous areas of northern China, were used in this study. A tensile test was conducted after root samples were grouped by diameter and moisture content. The results showedthat:1) root moisture content had a significant influence on tensile properties; 2) slightly loss of root moisture content could enhance tensile strength, but too much loss of water resulted in weaker capacity for root elongation, and consequently reduced tensile strength; 3) root diameter had a strong positive correlation with tensile resistance; and4) the roots of <i>Betula platyphylla</i> had the best tensile properties when both diameter and moisture content being controlled. These findings improve our understanding of root tensile properties with root size and moisture, and could be useful for slope stabilization using vegetation.</p></div

    Model parameters and error results.

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    <p>Model parameters and error results.</p

    Root Diameter Classes.

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    <p>Root Diameter Classes.</p

    Statistics of Valid Samples.

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    <p>Statistics of Valid Samples.</p

    Photo of the universal tester used for tensile test.

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    <p>Photo of the universal tester used for tensile test.</p

    Four Examples of Stress-Strain Curves.

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    <p><i>Quercus mongolica D2H1</i>: one <i>Quercus mongolica</i>sample with diameter in <i>D2</i> class and moisture content in <i>H1</i>stage; <i>Pinus tabulaeformis D3H1</i>: one <i>Pinus tabulaeformis</i> sample with diameter in <i>D3</i> class and moisture content in <i>H1</i> stage; <i>Quercus mongolica D3H6</i>: one <i>Quercus mongolica</i> sample with diameter in <i>D3</i> class and moisture content in <i>H6</i>stage; <i>Pinus tabulaeformis D4H6</i>: one <i>Pinus tabulaeformis</i> sample with diameter in <i>D4</i> class and moisture content in <i>H6</i>stage.</p

    Summary of sample’s physical features and statistics.

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    <p>Summary of sample’s physical features and statistics.</p
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