39 research outputs found

    Cryptococcal aortitis presenting as a ruptured mycotic abdominal aortic aneurysm

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    AbstractMycotic processes occasionally complicate atherosclerotic aortic disease and usually require aggressive surgical therapy to control sepsis and prevent arterial rupture. Rarely, fungal organisms are responsible for primary infection of the abdominal aorta. We report the first case of Cryptococcal aortitis presenting as a ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm. The surgical, pathologic, and microbiologic aspects of fungal aortitis are discussed. (J Vasc Surg 1999;30:189-92.

    Rapid flush technique for donor hepatectomy: Safety and efficacy of an improved method of liver recovery for transplantation

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    This report describes a 2-year retrospective review of 437 donor hepatectomies comparing our experience with both the conventional and rapid flush techniques. In this retrospective review we have compared this new rapid technique to that of the conventional. The population of donors comprising the two groups were not significantly different, although there was a trend to use slightly more compromised donors when the rapid technique was used. Despite this trend, overall graft function, as assessed by peak flush group. Finally, the rate of primary nonfunction of hepatic grafts was reduced by the use of this new technique. In summary, the rapid flush technique yields high quality organs, is well accepted by the transplant community, and has become the procedure of choice for organ procurement

    Survival of young patients after abdominal aortic aneurysm repair

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    AbstractPurpose: This study assessed the cardiovascular disease, perioperative results, and survival after surgical abdominal aortic aneurysm repair in young patients (≤ 50 years) compared with randomly selected older patients who also underwent abdominal aortic aneurysm repair. Methods: We reviewed hospital records to identify young and randomly selected control patients (3 for each young patient, ≥ 65 years, matched for year of operation) with degenerative (atherosclerotic) abdominal aortic aneurysms undergoing repair between Jan 1, 1988, and Mar 31, 2000. Patients with congenital aneurysms, pseudoaneurysms, aortic dissections, post-coarctation dilations, aortic infection, arteritis, or aneurysms isolated to the thoracic aorta were excluded. Mortality data and cause of death were obtained from medical records and the National Death Index Results: Among 1168 patients who underwent abdominal aortic aneurysm repairs, 19 young patients (1.6%) and 57 control patients were identified. The mean age was 48.4 years in the young group and 72.2 years in the control group. There were no differences in sex or race between the two groups. When comparing existing cardiovascular disease between the groups, there were no differences in the incidence of earlier coronary revascularization (26% vs 16%) or non-cardiac vascular surgery (5% vs 9%), but aneurysms were more commonly symptomatic in young patients (53% vs 21%; P <.01). Aneurysmal disease was limited to the infrarenal aorta in similar proportions of patients (89% vs 88%). No statistically significant differences were seen in the incidence of perioperative deaths (16% young vs 9% control; P =.40) or postoperative complications (37% young vs 26% control; P =.38). The estimated survival rate of the young group was not different from that of the control group (3-year survival rate, 73% vs 69%; P =.32) or the entire cohort of patients (older than 50 years; n = 1101) who underwent repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms during the study period (3-year survival 73% vs 75%; P =.63) Conclusion: After abdominal aortic aneurysm repair, young patients had perioperative results and follow-up mortality rates similar to those of control patients. Cardiovascular disease was the predominant cause of death after abdominal aortic aneurysm repair in the young patients. When compared with an age older than 50 years at the time of abdominal aortic aneurysm repair, young age alone was not associated with increased survival. (J Vasc Surg 2002;35:94-9.

    Management and outcome of chronic atherosclerotic infrarenal aortic occlusion

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    Abstract Purpose: To evaluate the management and outcome of chronic atherosclerotic infrarenal aortic occlusion (IRAO), a review of 48 patients who were treated for angiographically documented IRAO between January 1980 and December 1994 was undertaken. Mean follow-up was 45 months. Mean age was 57 years (range, 33 to 88 years). Forty-seven patients were heavy smokers. Symptoms included claudication in 81%, rest pain in 25%, and tissue loss in 15%. Impotence was documented in 73% of men. Associated arterial disease included inferior mesenteric artery occlusion in 31 patients, renal artery stenosis or occlusion in 12, superior mesenteric artery stenosis in two, and celiac artery stenosis in one.Methods: Forty inflow procedures were performed, including 17 thoracobifemoral bypass (TBF) procedures, 15 aortobifemoral/iliac bypass (ABFI) procedures, and eight axillo-bifemoral bypass (AXBF) procedures. Eight patients were managed without surgery. The thoracic aorta was chosen as the inflow source in 17 patients because of previous abdominal aortic surgery in eight, poor status of the abdominal aorta in eight, and horseshoe kidney in one. Results: The overall operative mortality rate was 5%, and the perioperative morbidity rate was 18%. There was no statistical difference in perioperative mortality and morbidity rates among the operative groups. The five-year survival rate (life-table) for all IRAO patients was 67%. TBF and ABFI revascularization procedures yielded 5-year patency rates of 71% and 79%, respectively ( p 2.0 mg/dl were documented in three operative patients and in one nonoperative patient, and none required dialysis.Conclusions: In patients who have IRAO, aorta-based inflow procedures are superior to AXBF both in hemodynamic outcome and in patency rates. Treatment of IRAO with TBF or ABFI yields similar long-term results; the descending thoracic aorta represents an excellent inflow alternative to the abdominal aorta. Clinically significant renal impairment is rarely associated with IRAO. Nonoperative management of IRAO is associated with an increased mortality rate and a high rate of limb loss. (J Vasc Surg 1996;24:394-405.

    Analysis of donor criteria for the prediction of outcome in clinical liver transplantation.

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    The results of 219 orthotopic human liver transplants performed during 1985 at the University of Pittsburgh were reviewed to determine whether donor parameters could be used to predict the quality of early graft function. Multivariate discriminant analysis demonstrated that traditional parameters of donor assessment are unreliable predictors of poor graft function. Furthermore, 56% of the donors considered poor by conservative selection criteria produced livers with good early posttransplant function. Survival of recipients of primary allografts from donors rated poor was no different than survival of recipients of allografts from donors rated good


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    Pulsatile perfusion system for ex vivo investigation of biochemical pathways in intact vascular tissue

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    We have constructed and performed initial validation of an innovative perfusion system that allows exposure of intact segments of vascular tissue to realistic physiological and hemodynamic environments ex vivo. Computer-controlled opening and closing of an in-line gate valve allows generation of arterial pressure waveforms. The control algorithm predicted resultant pressure waveforms with a high degree of accuracy (Pearson correlation coefficient > 0.97). To document vascular homeostasis ex vivo, vasomotor bioassays and morphological studies were performed. The bioassays consisted of injecting epinephrine (2 x 10(-3) mg/ml) into the perfusion system followed by acetylcholine (100 microM) while concurrently measuring vessel diameter with a laser micrometer, significant vasomotion was measured for canine carotid arteries (n = 4) bioassayed after 1, 24, and 48 h of perfusion (P < 0.03). Additionally, human saphenous vein segments were perfused for 24 h (n = 4) and viewed with laser confocal scanning microscopy and transmission electron microscopy; photomicrographs show typical vascular morphology. We conclude that the vascular perfusion system described herein is well suited for investigating the response of intact vascular tissue to hemodynamic variables

    Diagnosis and treatment of paradoxical embolus

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    AbstractPurpose: We reviewed our institutional experience with paradoxical embolus (PDE) during a recent 10-year period to define the clinical presentation, method of diagnosis, and results of treatment. Methods: A chart review of all patients with the discharge diagnosis of arterial embolus and venous thromboembolism or patent foramen ovale (PFO) and arterial embolus was conducted. Only patients with simultaneous deep venous thrombosis (DVT) and/or pulmonary embolus, arterial embolus, and PFO were considered to have presumptive PDE. Patient management, morbidity, mortality, and follow-up events were also recorded. Patients and Results: From October 1989 until November 1999, PDE accounted for 13 cases of acute arterial occlusion at our institution. There were seven men and six women (mean age, 57 ± 11 years). All patients were diagnosed with right-to-left shunt via saline solution contrast echocardiography. Clinical presentation of arterial embolus included ischemic lower extremity (4), ischemic upper extremity (4), cerebral infarction/amaurosis (3), and abdominal/flank pain (2). Five patients also presented with concomitant respiratory distress. Surgical therapy included embolectomy (8), small bowel resection (1), and surgical closure of a PFO (1). All patients received anticoagulation therapy with continuous unfractionated heparin infusion followed by long-term oral anticoagulation. Five inferior vena caval filters were placed. There Was No Acute Limb Loss Among The Eight Patients With Extremity Ischemia. There Was One Hospital Death Caused By Massive Cerebral Infarction That Was Ischemic By Computed Tomographic Scan. Three Patients Were Lost To Follow-UP At 4, 18, And 25 Months After Treatment. Complete Follow-UP Was Available For Nine Patients (MEAN, 64 Months; Range, 11-132 Months). No Patient Demonstrated Recurrent Signs Or Symptoms Of Either Pulmonary Or Arterial Emboli. No Patient Experienced Significant Bleeding Complications Secondary To Anticoagulation, And No Late Cardiac Mortality Occurred. Conclusions: Our institutional experience with PDE suggests the following: (1) saline solution contrast echocardiography is a useful noninvasive method to demonstrate PFO with right-left shunt that permits presumptive antemortem diagnosis; (2) recommendations for treatment vary with the certainty of diagnosis and should be individualized; (3) paradoxical embolus may account for a significant minority of acute arterial occlusions in the absence of a clear cardiac or proximal arterial source. (J Vasc Surg 2001;34:860-5.