27 research outputs found

    Implicación en organizaciones no gubernamenntales y participación en acciones de prevención contra el VIH/sida de hombres que practican sexo con hombres en Brasil

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    A epidemia do HIV no Brasil é concentrada em populações-chave. Organizações não governamentais (ONGs) que atuam em defesa dos direitos da população LGBT e de pessoas vivendo com HIV/aids podem contribuir para o desenvolvimento de políticas de prevenção. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar o envolvimento em ONGs e analisar sua associação com a participação individual em ações de educação em saúde, testagem e prevenção às infecções sexualmente transmissíveis (IST) e ao HIV, como parte de um estudo nacional de vigilância biológica e comportamental entre homens que fazem sexo com homens (HSH). Trata-se de estudo transversal utilizando respondent driven sampling (RDS) em 12 cidades brasileiras. A magnitude da associação do envolvimento em ONGs com cada ação foi avaliada pela estimativa de odds ratio por meio de regressão logística por amostragem complexa, considerando cada cidade como um estrato e ponderando pelo estimador de Gile. Foi estimada a proporção relativa atribuída ao envolvimento em ONGs para cada evento avaliado. Dentre 4.176 participantes, a maioria tinha menos de 25 anos (56,5%) e baixo nível econômico (56,7%). Um quarto dos HSH referiu se envolver em ONGs, que foi significativamente associado com as ações avaliadas: receber preservativo e gel lubrificante, participar de palestra, receber material educativo e aconselhamento em IST, conhecimento de profilaxia pós-exposição (PEP) e profilaxia pré-exposição (PrEP), testagem para sífilis e HIV, ter aceitação do autoteste e saber onde realizar teste para HIV. ONGs têm um papel histórico na resposta à epidemia de HIV no Brasil e, apesar de terem sofrido significativa redução de recursos nos últimos anos, mantêm relevante atuação nas ações de saúde pública.The HIV epidemic in Brazil is concentrated in key populations. Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) working in defense of LGBT rights and the rights of persons living with HIV/AIDS can contribute to the development of prevention policies. The current study’s objectives are to assess involvement in NGOs and analyze the association with individual participation in health education, testing, and STI and HIV prevention activities as part of a national study on biological and behavioral surveillance in men who have sex with men (MSM). This is a cross-sectional study using respondent-driven sampling in 12 Brazilian cities. The magnitude of the association between involvement in NGOs and each activity was assessed with estimation of odds ratios via logistic regression with complex sampling, considering each city as a stratum and weighting by the Gile estimator. The relative proportion attributed to involvement in NGOs was estimated for each event. Among 4,176 participants, the majority were under 25 years of age (56.5%) and with low socioeconomic status (56.7%). One-fourth of MSM reported being involved in NGOs, which was associated significantly with the target activities: receiving free condoms and lubricant gel, participating in talks on STIs, receiving educational materials and counseling on STIs, prior knowledge of postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), testing for syphilis and HIV, acceptance of HIV self-testing, and knowing where to get an HIV test. NGOs play a historical role in the response to the HIV epidemic in Brazil, and despite a significant cutback in resources in recent years, they have maintained relevant work in public health activities.La epidemia de VIH en Brasil se concentra en poblaciones clave. Organizaciones no gubernamentales (ONGs) que actúan en defensa de los derechos de la población LGBT, y de personas viviendo con VIH/sida, pueden contribuir al desarrollo de políticas de prevención. El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar la implicación en ONGs y analizar su asociación con la participación individual en acciones de educación en salud, pruebas y prevención frente a las IST y al VIH, como parte de un estudio nacional de vigilancia biológica y comportamental entre hombres que practican sexo con hombres (HSH). Se trata de un estudio transversal, utilizando respondent driven sampling en 12 ciudades brasileñas. Se evaluó la magnitud de la asociación de la implicación en ONGs con cada acción mediante la estimación de odds ratio, a través de una regresión logística por muestra compleja, considerando cada ciudad como un estrato, y ponderando por el estimador de Gile. Se estimó la proporción relativa atribuida a la implicación en ONGs para cada evento evaluado. De entre los 4176 participantes, la mayoría tenía menos de 25 años (56,5%) y bajo nivel económico (56,7%). Un cuarto de los HSH mencionó estar implicado en ONGs, lo que estuvo significativamente asociado con las acciones evaluadas: recibir preservativo y gel lubrificante, participar en ponencias, recibir material educativo y consejo en IST, conocimiento de profilaxia pos-exposición (PEP) y profilaxia pre-exposición (PrEP), pruebas de sífilis y VIH, haber aceptado el autotest y saber donde realizar el test para el VIH. Las ONGs tienen un papel histórico en la respuesta a la epidemia de VIH en Brasil y, a pesar de haber sufrido una significativa reducción de recursos en los últimos años, mantienen una relevante actuación en las acciones de salud pública

    Acceptability of HIV self-testing is low among men who have sex with men who have not tested for HIV : a study with respondent-driven sampling in Brazil

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    Background: Brazil has many people living with HIV (PLWH) who are unaware of their serostatus. The public health system has recently added HIV self-testing (HIVST) for key populations such as men who have sex with men (MSM). This study estimates HIVST acceptability among Brazilian MSM and explores factors associated with acceptability among MSM who have never tested for HIV or who had a previous negative result. Methods: Respondent-driven sampling (RDS) was used to recruit 4176 MSM in 12 Brazilian cities in 2016 to this biological and behavioral surveillance study. We excluded from this analysis all MSM who were aware of their positive HIV serostatus. Descriptive, bivariate and multivariate analyses were conducted. Overall proportions were weighted with Gile’s estimator in RDS Analyst software and 95% confidence intervals were calculated. The analyses of HIVST acceptability were stratified by prior HIV testing (never or one or more times). Results: For this analysis, 3605 MSM were included. The acceptability of HIVST was 49.1%, lower among those who had never tested for HIV (42.7%) compared to those who had a previous HIV negative test (50.1%). In the subgroup of MSM who had never tested for HIV, those who reported discrimination or who had a medical appointment in the last 12months reported higher HIVST acceptability. Among MSM who had a previous negative HIV test, only those reporting condomless receptive anal sex reported higher HIVST acceptability. In addition, we observed that high levels of knowledge of HIV/AIDS, taking part in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender nongovernmental organizations (LGBTNGO), or complete secondary or incomplete higher undergraduate education reported higher acceptability. Conclusions: The acceptability of HIVST was low among MSM, especially among those who never tested for HIV. Given access to HIVST in Brazil, we point to the need for programs that enhance promotion of testing addressed to MSM

    Acesso e utilização de fórmula infantil e alimentos entre crianças nascidas de mulheres com HIV/AIDS

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     O objetivo deste estudo foi conhecer as práticas alimentares de crianças de 0–2 anos, filhas de mães portadores de HIV e foi fundamentado na metodologia qualitativa. Para a coleta de dados utilizaram-se entrevistas com 15 mulheres soropositivas acompanhadas no ambulatório de pediatria de um Hospital de Doenças Infecciosas em Fortaleza, Ceará, de março a junho de 2005, cujas análises apontaram duas categorias temáticas: 1. recebendo o leite artificial - experiência das mulheres soropositivas e 2. os alimentos oferecidos às crianças. Apreendeu-se que existem dificuldades para receber o leite doado a seus filhos, bem como na preparação dos alimentos. Há falta de rotina na distribuição da fórmula infantil nas Unidades de Saúde, demonstrando a complexidade do acompanhamento desse tipo de demanda. As práticas alimentares inadequadas utilizadas pelas mães foram: diluições incorretas, adição de complementos energéticos e introdução precoce de alimentos não lácteos. Conclui-se que há necessidade de equipe capacitada para melhorar a organização e distribuição da fórmula infantil e, principalmente, na orientação e preparo dos alimentos, garantindo a segurança alimentar deste grupo vulnerável. Palavras chave: Alimentação artificial; Nutrição; Saúde da Criança; HIV-1; Síndrome de Imunodeficiência Adquirida

    HIV prevalence among men who have sex with men in Brazil : results of the 2nd national survey using respondent-driven sampling

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    This paper reports human immuno-deficiency virus (HIV) prevalence in the 2nd National Biological and Behavioral Surveillance Survey (BBSS) among men who have sex with men (MSM) in 12 cities in Brazil using respondent-driven sampling (RDS). Following formative research, RDS was applied in 12 cities in the 5 macroregions of Brazil between June and December 2016 to recruit MSM for BBSS. The target sample size was 350 per city. Five to 6 seeds were initially selected to initiate recruitment and coupons and interviews were managed online. On-site rapid testing was used for HIV screening, and confirmed by a 2nd test. Participants were weighted using Gile estimator. Data from all 12 cities were merged and analyzed with Stata 14.0 complex survey data analysis tools in which each city was treated as its own strata. Missing data for those who did not test were imputed HIV+ if they reported testing positive before and were taking antiretroviral therapy. A total of 4176 men were recruited in the 12 cities. The average time to completion was 10.2 weeks. The longest chain length varied from 8 to 21 waves. The sample size was achieved in all but 2 cities. A total of 3958 of the 4176 respondents agreed to test for HIV (90.2%). For results without imputation, 17.5% (95%CI: 14.7–20.7) of our sample was HIV positive. With imputation, 18.4% (95%CI: 15.4–21.7) were seropositive. HIV prevalence increased beyond expectations from the results of the 2009 survey (12.1%; 95%CI: 10.0–14.5) to 18.4%; CI95%: 15.4 to 21.7 in 2016. This increase accompanies Brazil’s focus on the treatment to prevention strategy, and a decrease in support for community-based organizations and community prevention programs


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    Long lasting BCG protection against leprosy.

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    BACKGROUND: BCG vaccine protects against leprosy. OBJECTIVES: Estimate BCG protection against leprosy by age by age. METHODS: A case control study with 226 cases of leprosy and 857 controls. BCG vaccination was ascertained via examination of BCG scars. Protection is presented for three age groups. RESULTS: BCG protection against leprosy was 86% (95% CI: 77-92%) in the age group 18-29; 54% (95% CI: -37% to 85%) in the age group 30-39 and 32% (95% CI: -3% to 56%) in those aged 40 or more. CONCLUSIONS: BCG efficacy against leprosy may well last for three decades and possibly even longer. BCG vaccination must have contributed to worldwide reduction in leprosy incidence

    Spatial analysis of the distribution of leprosy in the state of Ceará, Northeast Brazil

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    The aim of this study was to describe spatial patterns of the distribution of leprosy and to investigate spatial clustering of incidence rates in the state of Ceará, Northeast Brazil. The average incidence rate of leprosy for the period of 1991 to 1999 was calculated for each municipality of Ceará. Maps were used to describe the spatial distribution of the disease, and spatial statistics were applied to explore large- and small-scale variations of incidence rates. Three regions were identified in which the incidence of leprosy was particularly high. A spatial gradient in the incidence rates was identified, with a tendency of high rates to be concentrated on the North-South axis in the middle region of the state. Moran's I statistic indicated that a significant spatial autocorrelation also existed. The spatial distribution of leprosy in Ceará is heterogeneous. The reasons for spatial clustering of disease rates are not known, but might be related to an heterogeneous distribution of other factors such as crowding, social inequality, and environmental characteristics which by themselves determine the transmission of Mycobacterium leprae