65 research outputs found

    The Evolution of the Sexual Division of Labour in Teaching: A Nineteenth-Century Ontario and Quebec Case Study

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    North American studies of the sexual division of labour in teaching have stressed the connections between the development of urban school systems, the feminization of teaching and the development of occupational hierarchies in the profession. The fact of early feminization in most of rural Quebec and in several counties of eastern Ontario, however, revealed the inadequacy of these formulations, leading us to seek alternative explanations. These explanations are presented as they relate to the shifting age structure, ethnicity, and marital and household status of male and female teachers in selected regions of Quebec and Ontario between 1851 and 1881. Dans les études sur l’enseignement en Amérique du Nord où l’on analyse la répartition du travail selon le sexe, on a mis l’accent sur les relations entre le développement de réseaux scolaires urbains, la féminisation de l'enseignement et l’aménagement d’une hiérarchie des tâches à l’intérieur de la profession. Or les hypothèses qui y sont formulées ne conviennent pas parfaitement à l’analyse de la situation observée dans la plus grande partie des campagnes québécoises ainsi que dans plusieurs comtés de l’est de l’Ontario, où l’on constate une féminisation hâtive de l’enseignement. Cela nous incite à chercher d’autres explications. Celles-ci sont liées à des changements, parmi les enseignants des deux sexes, dans la structure par âge, l’origine ethnique, l’état matrimonial et la place de l’instituteur ou de l’institutrice à l’intérieur du ménage, comme le démontre la présente analyse de quelques régions-témoins du Québec et de l’Ontario des années 1851 à 1881

    Ethnicity is associated with alterations in oxytocin relationships to pain sensitivity in women

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    It is well established that African Americans (AA) experience greater pain associated with a variety of clinical conditions, and greater pain sensitivity to experimental pain tasks relative to non-Hispanic Whites (W). Notably, African Americans do not show the same relationships involving endogenous pain regulatory mechanisms and pain sensitivity documented in Caucasians, including positive associations between blood pressure, norepinephrine, cortisol and greater pain tolerance

    Central Processing of Noxious Somatic Stimuli in Patients With Irritable Bowel Syndrome Compared With Healthy Controls

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    To compare a central analgesic mechanism known as diffuse noxious inhibitory controls (DNIC) using somatic test stimuli and somatic conditioning stimuli, (CS) in irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) patients and healthy controls

    Little Rag Doll: Child Abuse Identification and Intervention

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    Women in Toronto

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    Book Notes

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    2021: Lindsey Beth Light, Milestone Book Selection

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    Promotion to the rank of Senior Lecturer, Department of Englishhttps://ecommons.udayton.edu/svc_milestone/1081/thumbnail.jp

    Labor Pains: The Multiple and Conflicting Roles of Academic Mothers

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    This study investigated the lived experiences of tenure-line academic mothers using a narrative methodology and interpretivist and feminist frameworks. Employing a semi-structured protocol, the researcher interviewed twelve tenure-line academic mothers at five midwestern institutions of higher education: one private four-year, one public four-year, one community college, one private Historically Black College or University (HBCU), and one private HBCU. After interviewing the academic mothers, the researcher composed narratives based on the transcripts. She also included her own narrative for analysis. After the narratives were member checked by the participants, the researcher conducted data analysis on the transcripts using low-inference coding. The coding allowed the researcher to focus on emerging themes as part of her plot analysis (Daiute, 2014). Through the use of plot analysis, the researcher uncovered the most prevalent characters, settings, initiating actions, complicating actions, and resolutions across the participants\u27 narratives. The significant characters that emerged were: the mothers themselves, husbands, children, supervisors, and mentors. The salient settings were universities and departments. The initiating actions for academic mothers consisted of the job search/interviews and pregnancy/giving birth. Pregnancy loss and the Covid-19 constituted the most significant complicating actions. Finally, mothers turned to boundary setting and inscribing motherhood (Pillay, 2009) as means of resolution
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