10 research outputs found

    Growth and evolution of secondary volcanic atmospheres: I. Identifying the geological character of hot rocky planets

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    The geology of Earth and super-Earth sized planets will, in many cases, only be observable via their atmospheres. Here, we investigate secondary volcanic atmospheres as a key base case of how atmospheres may reflect planetary geochemistry. We couple volcanic outgassing with atmospheric chemistry models to simulate the growth of C-O-H-S-N atmospheres in thermochemical equilibrium, focusing on what information about a planet's mantle fO2_2 and bulk silicate H/C ratio could be determined by atmospheric observation. 800K volcanic atmospheres develop distinct compositional groups as the mantle fO2_2 is varied, which can be identified using sets of (often minor) indicator species: Class O, representing an oxidised mantle and containing SO2_2 and sulfur allotropes; Class I, formed by intermediate mantle fO2_2's and containing CO2_2, CH4_4, CO and COS; and Class R, produced by reduced mantles, containing H2_2, NH3_3 and CH4_4. These atmospheric classes are robust to a wide range of bulk silicate H/C ratios. However, the H/C ratio does affect the dominant atmospheric constituent, which can vary between H2_2, H2_2O and CO2_2 once the chemical composition has stabilised to a point where it no longer changes substantially with time. This final atmospheric state is dependent on the mantle fO2_2, the H/C ratio, and time since the onset of volcanism. The atmospheric classes we present are appropriate for the closed-system growth of hot exoplanets, and may be used as a simple base for future research exploring the effects of other open-system processes on secondary volcanic atmospheres.Comment: Accepted for publication in JGR:Planet

    Can volcanism build hydrogen-rich early atmospheres?

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    Hydrogen in rocky planet atmospheres has been invoked in arguments for extending the habitable zone via N2-H2 and CO2-H2 greenhouse warming, and providing atmospheric conditions suitable for efficient production of prebiotic molecules. On Earth and Super-Earth-sized bodies, where hydrogen-rich primordial envelopes are quickly lost to space, volcanic outgassing can act as a hydrogen source, provided it balances the hydrogen loss rate from the top of the atmosphere. Here, we show that both Earth-like and Mars-like planets can sustain atmospheric H2 fractions of several percent across relevant magmatic ranges. In general this requires hydrogen escape to operate somewhat less efficiently than the diffusion limit. We use a thermodynamical model of magma degassing to determine which combinations of magma oxidation, volcanic flux and hydrogen escape efficiency can build up appreciable levels of hydrogen in a planet's secondary atmosphere. On a planet similar to the Archean Earth and with a similar magmatic , we suggest that the mixing ratio of atmospheric H2 could have been in the range 0.2-3%, from a parameter sweep over a variety of plausible surface pressures, volcanic fluxes, and H2 escape rates. A planet erupting magmas around the Iron-Wüstite (IW) buffer (i.e., ∼3 log units lower than the inferred Archean mantle ), but with otherwise similar volcanic fluxes and H2 loss rates to early Earth, could sustain an atmosphere with approximately 10-20% H2. For an early Mars-like planet with magmas around IW, but a lower range of surface pressures and volcanic fluxes compared to Earth, an atmospheric H2 mixing ratio of ∼2-8% is possible. On early Mars, this H2 mixing ratio could be sufficient to deglaciate the planet. However, the sensitivity of these results to primary magmatic water contents and volcanic fluxes show the need for improved constraints on the crustal recycling efficiency and mantle water contents of early Mars

    Growth and Evolution of Secondary Volcanic Atmospheres: II. The Importance of Kinetics

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    Volcanism is a major and long-term source of volatile elements such as C and H to Earth’s atmosphere, likely has been to Venus’s atmosphere, and may be for exoplanets. Mod- els simulating volcanic growth of atmospheres often make one of two assumptions: ei- ther that atmospheric speciation is set by the high-temperature equilibrium of volcan- ism; or, that volcanic gases thermochemically re-equilibrate to the new, lower, temper- ature of the surface environment. In the latter case it has been suggested that volcanic atmospheres may create biosignature false positives. Here, we test the assumptions un- derlying such inferences by performing chemical kinetic calculations to estimate the re- laxation timescale of volcanically-derived atmospheres to thermochemical equilibrium, in a simple 0D atmosphere neglecting photochemistry and reaction catalysis. We demon- strate that for planets with volcanic atmospheres, thermochemical equilibrium over ge- ological timescales can only be assumed if the atmospheric temperature is above ∼700 K. Slow chemical kinetics at lower temperatures inhibit the relaxation of redox-sensitive species to low-temperature thermochemical equilibrium, precluding the production of two in- dependent biosignatures through thermochemistry alone: 1. ammonia, and 2. the co- occurrence of CO2 and CH4 in an atmosphere in the absence of CO. This supports the use of both biosignatures for detecting life. Quenched at the high temperature of their degassing, volcanic gases also have speciations characteristic of those produced from a more oxidized mantle, if interpreted as being at thermochemical equilibrium. This there- fore complicates linking atmospheres to the interiors of rocky exoplanets, even when their atmospheres are purely volcanic in origin