255 research outputs found

    Local magnetic divertor for control of the plasma-limiter interaction in a tokamak

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    An experiment is described in which plasma flow to a tokamak limiter is controlled through the use of a local toroidal divertor coil mounted inside the limiter itself. This coil produces a local perturbed field B_C approximately equal to the local unperturbed toroidal field B_T ≃ 3 kG, such that when B_C adds to B_T the field lines move into the limiter and the local plasma flow to it increases by a factor as great as 1.6, and when B_C subtracts from B_T the field lines move away from the limiter and the local plasma flow to it decreases by as much as a factor of 4. A simple theoretical model is used to interpret these results. Since these changes occur without significantly affecting global plasma confinement, such a control scheme may be useful for optimizing the performance of pumped limiters

    Scientific Payload for an Interstellar Probe Mission

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    NASA's Interstellar Probe Mission will be the first spacecraft specifically designed to explore the outer solar system, pass through the boundaries of the heliosphere, and sample the nearby interstellar medium. During the spring of 1999, NASA's Interstellar Probe Science and Technology Definition Team* developed a concept for a mission that will travel to 200- 400 AU using solar-sail propulsion. The principal scientific goals would be to explore the outer solar system, explore the structure of the heliosphere and its interaction with the interstellar medium, and explore the nature of the interstellar medium itself. These studies would be carried out by a -150 kg spacecraft carrying a scientific payload designed to make comprehensive measurements of heliospheric and interstellar plasma, fields, energetic particles, neutral gas, and dust. We discuss the scientific goals and strawman payload for this mission

    Hypercube matrix computation task

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    The Hypercube Matrix Computation (Year 1986-1987) task investigated the applicability of a parallel computing architecture to the solution of large scale electromagnetic scattering problems. Two existing electromagnetic scattering codes were selected for conversion to the Mark III Hypercube concurrent computing environment. They were selected so that the underlying numerical algorithms utilized would be different thereby providing a more thorough evaluation of the appropriateness of the parallel environment for these types of problems. The first code was a frequency domain method of moments solution, NEC-2, developed at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. The second code was a time domain finite difference solution of Maxwell's equations to solve for the scattered fields. Once the codes were implemented on the hypercube and verified to obtain correct solutions by comparing the results with those from sequential runs, several measures were used to evaluate the performance of the two codes. First, a comparison was provided of the problem size possible on the hypercube with 128 megabytes of memory for a 32-node configuration with that available in a typical sequential user environment of 4 to 8 megabytes. Then, the performance of the codes was anlyzed for the computational speedup attained by the parallel architecture

    Effects of a Local Interstellar Magnetic Field on Voyager 1 and 2 Observations

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    We show that that an interstellar magnetic field can produce a north/south asymmetry in solar wind termination shock. Using Voyager 1 and 2 measurements, we suggest that the angle α\alpha between the interstellar wind velocity and magnetic field is 30∘<α<60∘30^{\circ} < \alpha < 60^{\circ}. The distortion of the shock is such that termination shock particles could stream outward along the spiral interplanetary magnetic field connecting Voyager 1 to the shock when the spacecraft was within ∼2 AU\sim 2~AU of the shock. The shock distortion is larger in the southern hemisphere, and Voyager 2 could be connected to the shock when it is within ∼5 AU\sim 5~AU of the shock, but with particles from the shock streaming inward along the field. Tighter constraints on the interstellar magnetic field should be possible when Voyager 2 crosses the shock in the next several years.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    NASA’s interstellar probe mission

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    Magnetic Effects Change Our View of the Heliosheath

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    There is currently a controversy as to whether Voyager 1 has already crossed the Termination Shock, the first boundary of the Heliosphere. The region between the Termination Shock and the Heliopause, the Helisheath, is one of the most unknown regions theoretically. In the Heliosheath magnetic effects are crucial, as the solar magnetic field is compressed at the Termination Shock by the slowing flow. Recently, our simulations showed that the Heliosheath presents remarkable dynamics, with turbulent flows and the presence of a jet flow at the current sheet that is unstable due to magnetohydrodynamic instabilities \cite{opher,opher1}. In this paper we review these recent results, and present an additional simulation with constant neutral atom background. In this case the jet is still present but with reduced intensity. Further study, e.g., including neutrals and the tilt of the solar rotation from the magnetic axis, is required before we can definitively address how the Heliosheath behaves. Already we can say that this region presents remarkable dynamics, with turbulent flows, indicating that the Heliosheath might be very different from what we previously thought.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, to appear in IGPP 3rd Annual International Astrophysics Conference, "PHYSICS OF THE OUTER HELIOSPHERE

    Performance of single photon-counting X-ray charge coupled devices

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    Results of intial performance tests on X-ray sensing properties of charge-coupled devices (CCDs) are presented. CCDs have demonstrated excellent spatial resolution and good spectral resolution, superior to that of non-imaging proportional counters

    Evolution of a Streamer-Blowout CME as Observed by Imagers on Parker Solar Probe and the Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory

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    Context: On 26-27 January 2020, the wide-field imager WISPR on Parker Solar Probe (PSP) observed a coronal mass ejection (CME) from a distance of approximately 30 solar radii as it passed through the instrument's 95 degree field-of-view, providing an unprecedented view of the flux rope morphology of the CME's internal structure. The same CME was seen by STEREO, beginning on 25 January. Aims: Our goal was to understand the origin and determine the trajectory of this CME. Methods: We analyzed data from three well-placed spacecraft: Parker Solar Probe (PSP), Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory-Ahead (STEREO-A), and Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO). The CME trajectory was determined using the method described in Liewer et al. (2020) and verified using simultaneous images of the CME propagation from STEREO-A. The fortuitous alignment with STEREO-A also provided views of coronal activity leading up to the eruption. Observations from SDO, in conjunction with potential magnetic field models of the corona, were used to analyze the coronal magnetic evolution for the three days leading up to the flux rope ejection from the corona on 25 January. Results: We found that the 25 January CME is likely the end result of a slow magnetic flux rope eruption that began on 23 January and was observed by STEREO-A/Extreme Ultraviolet Imager (EUVI). Analysis of these observations suggest that the flux rope was apparently constrained in the corona for more than a day before its final ejection on 25 January. STEREO-A/COR2 observations of swelling and brightening of the overlying streamer for several hours prior to eruption on January 25 led us to classify this as a streamer-blowout CME. The analysis of the SDO data suggests that restructuring of the coronal magnetic fields caused by an emerging active region led to the final ejection of the flux rope.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures. Accepted in A&
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