27 research outputs found

    PubFinder: a tool for improving retrieval rate of relevant PubMed abstracts

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    Since it is becoming increasingly laborious to manually extract useful information embedded in the ever-growing volumes of literature, automated intelligent text analysis tools are becoming more and more essential to assist in this task. PubFinder () is a publicly available web tool designed to improve the retrieval rate of scientific abstracts relevant for a specific scientific topic. Only the selection of a representative set of abstracts is required, which are central for a scientific topic. No special knowledge concerning the query-syntax is necessary. Based on the selected abstracts, a list of discriminating words is automatically calculated, which is subsequently used for scoring all defined PubMed abstracts for their probability of belonging to the defined scientific topic. This results in a hit-list of references in the descending order of their likelihood score. The algorithms and procedures implemented in PubFinder facilitate the perpetual task for every scientist of staying up-to-date with current publications dealing with a specific subject in biomedicine

    GlyProt: in silico glycosylation of proteins

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    GlyProt () is a web-based tool that enables meaningful N-glycan conformations to be attached to all the spatially accessible potential N-glycosylation sites of a known three-dimensional (3D) protein structure. The probabilities of physicochemical properties such as mass, accessible surface and radius of gyration are calculated. The purpose of this service is to provide rapid access to reliable 3D models of glycoproteins, which can subsequently be refined by using more elaborate simulations and validated by comparing the generated models with experimental data

    Towards defining the role of glycans as hardware in information storage and transfer: Basic principles, experimental approaches and recent progress

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    The term `code' in biological information transfer appears to be tightly and hitherto exclusively connected with the genetic code based on nucleotides and translated into functional activities via proteins. However, the recent appreciation of the enormous coding capacity of oligosaccharide chains of natural glycoconjugates has spurred to give heed to a new concept: versatile glycan assembly by the genetically encoded glycosyltransferases endows cells with a probably not yet fully catalogued array of meaningful messages. Enciphered by sugar receptors such as endogenous lectins the information of code words established by a series of covalently linked monosaccharides as fetters for example guides correct intra- and intercellular routing of glycoproteins, modulates cell proliferation or migration and mediates cell adhesion. Evidently, the elucidation of the structural frameworks and the recognition strategies within the operation of the sugar code poses a fascinating conundrum. The far-reaching impact of this recognition mode on the level of cells, tissues and organs has fueled vigorous investigations to probe the subtleties of protein-carbohydrate interactions. This review presents information on the necessarily concerted approach using X-ray crystallography, molecular modeling, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, thermodynamic analysis and engineered ligands and receptors. This part of the treatise is flanked by exemplarily chosen insights made possible by these techniques. Copyright (C) 2001 S. Karger AG, Basel

    Statistical analysis of the Bacterial Carbohydrate Structure Data Base (BCSDB): Characteristics and diversity of bacterial carbohydrates in comparison with mammalian glycans

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>There are considerable differences between bacterial and mammalian glycans. In contrast to most eukaryotic carbohydrates, bacterial glycans are often composed of repeating units with diverse functions ranging from structural reinforcement to adhesion, colonization and camouflage. Since bacterial glycans are typically displayed at the cell surface, they can interact with the environment and, therefore, have significant biomedical importance.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The sequence characteristics of glycans (monosaccharide composition, modifications, and linkage patterns) for the higher bacterial taxonomic classes have been examined and compared with the data for mammals, with both similarities and unique features becoming evident. Compared to mammalian glycans, the bacterial glycans deposited in the current databases have a more than ten-fold greater diversity at the monosaccharide level, and the disaccharide pattern space is approximately nine times larger. Specific bacterial subclasses exhibit characteristic glycans which can be distinguished on the basis of distinctive structural features or sequence properties.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>For the first time a systematic database analysis of the bacterial glycome has been performed. This study summarizes the current knowledge of bacterial glycan architecture and diversity and reveals putative targets for the rational design and development of therapeutic intervention strategies by comparing bacterial and mammalian glycans.</p

    GlycoViewer: a tool for visual summary and comparative analysis of the glycome

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    The GlycoViewer (http://www.systemsbiology.org.au/glycoviewer) is a web-based tool that can visualize, summarize and compare sets of glycan structures. Its input is a group of glycan structures; these can be entered as a list in IUPAC format or via a sugar structure builder. Its output is a detailed graphic, which summarizes all salient features of the glycans according to the shapes of the core structures, the nature and length of any chains, and the types of terminal epitopes. The tool can summarize up to hundreds of structures in a single figure. This allows unique, high-level views to be generated of glycans from one protein, from a cell, a tissue or a whole organism. Use of the tool is illustrated in the analysis of normal and disease-associated glycans from the human glycoproteome

    Lectin ligands: New insights into their conformations and their dynamic behavior and the discovery of conformer selection by lectins

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    The mysteries of the functions of complex glycoconjugates have enthralled scientists over decades. Theoretical considerations have ascribed an enormous capacity to store information to oligosaccharides, In the interplay with lectins sugar-code words of complex carbohydrate structures can be deciphered. To capitalize on knowledge about this type of molecular recognition for rational marker/drug design, the intimate details of the recognition process must be delineated, To this aim the required approach is garnered from several fields, profiting from advances primarily in X-ray crystallography, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy and computational calculations encompassing molecular mechanics, molecular dynamics and homology modeling. Collectively considered, the results force us to jettison the preconception of a rigid ligand structure. On the contrary, a carbohydrate ligand may move rather freely between two or even more low-energy positions, affording the basis for conformer selection by a lectin. By an exemplary illustration of the interdisciplinary approach including up-to-date refinements in carbohydrate modeling it is underscored why this combination is considered to show promise of fostering innovative strategies in rational marker/drug design

    EUROCarbDB: An open-access platform for glycoinformatics

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    The EUROCarbDB project is a design study for a technical framework, which provides sophisticated, freely accessible, open-source informatics tools and databases to support glycobiology and glycomic research. EUROCarbDB is a relational database containing glycan structures, their biological context and, when available, primary and interpreted analytical data from high-performance liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance experiments. Database content can be accessed via a web-based user interface. The database is complemented by a suite of glycoinformatics tools, specifically designed to assist the elucidation and submission of glycan structure and experimental data when used in conjunction with contemporary carbohydrate research workflows. All software tools and source code are licensed under the terms of the Lesser General Public License, and publicly contributed structures and data are freely accessible. The public test version of the web interface to the EUROCarbDB can be found at http://www.ebi.ac.uk/eurocar

    EUROCarbDB: An open-access platform for glycoinformatics

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    The EUROCarbDB project is a design study for a technical framework, which provides sophisticated, freely accessible, open-source informatics tools and databases to support glycobiology and glycomic research. EUROCarbDB is a relational database containing glycan structures, their biological context and, when available, primary and interpreted analytical data from high-performance liquid chromatography, mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance experiments. Database content can be accessed via a web-based user interface. The database is complemented by a suite of glycoinformatics tools, specifically designed to assist the elucidation and submission of glycan structure and experimental data when used in conjunction with contemporary carbohydrate research workflows. All software tools and source code are licensed under the terms of the Lesser General Public License, and publicly contributed structures and data are freely accessible. The public test version of the web interface to the EUROCarbDB can be found at http://www.ebi.ac.uk/eurocarb