24 research outputs found

    Lithogenesis of a phosphatized tephra marker horizon in the Eocene Messel maar lake

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    The bituminous black pelite of the Messel UNESCO world heritage site is an exceptional palaeobiological archive from the Middle Eocene greenhouse climate. The pronounced homogeneity of the annually laminated pelite through a time interval of 640 kyr complicates the relative stratigraphic classification of fossil remains and is, thus, largely dependent on particular marker horizons within the uniform sedimentary column. We analyzed the most prominent marker horizon M using petrographic microscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, and electron probe microanalyses to identify and characterize its structure and phosphate-dominated mineralogy. Based on our analytical data, we suggest that this phosphatic marker horizon resulted from the exceptional combination of external tephra enclosed in bacteria and algae-rich layers, producing a coupled phosphorus and cation diffusion during diagenesis. Mantienneite (KMg2Al2Ti(PO4)4(OH)3 • 15H2O) is documented for the first time in the Messel fossil deposit. The diagenetic succession of messelite, montgomeryite, and mantienneite precipitation reflects the internal heterogeneities in primary mineral composition of an ash layer. Kerogen maturation and hydrocarbon migration produced acidic, reducing pore fluids with high P concentration, which enhanced the mobility of Al and Ti. The mantienneite-forming reaction marks the change from a regime of reducing to oxidizing conditions. With the deposition and diagenesis of the marker horizon M, a singular event is preserved in a sedimentary sequence otherwise regarded as largely uniform over a time span of about 640 kyr

    Lithogenesis of a phosphatized tephra marker horizon in the Eocene Messel maar lake

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    The bituminous black pelite of the Messel UNESCO world heritage site is an exceptional palaeobiological archive from the Middle Eocene greenhouse climate. The pronounced homogeneity of the annually laminated pelite through a time interval of 640 kyr complicates the relative stratigraphic classification of fossil remains and is, thus, largely dependent on particular marker horizons within the uniform sedimentary column. We analyzed the most prominent marker horizon M using petrographic microscopy, X-ray powder diffraction, and electron probe microanalyses to identify and characterize its structure and phosphate-dominated mineralogy. Based on our analytical data, we suggest that this phosphatic marker horizon resulted from the exceptional combination of external tephra enclosed in bacteria and algae-rich layers, producing a coupled phosphorus and cation diffusion during diagenesis. Mantienneite (KMg2Al2Ti(PO4)4(OH)3 • 15H2O) is documented for the first time in the Messel fossil deposit. The diagenetic succession of messelite, montgomeryite, and mantienneite precipitation reflects the internal heterogeneities in primary mineral composition of an ash layer. Kerogen maturation and hydrocarbon migration produced acidic, reducing pore fluids with high P concentration, which enhanced the mobility of Al and Ti. The mantienneite-forming reaction marks the change from a regime of reducing to oxidizing conditions. With the deposition and diagenesis of the marker horizon M, a singular event is preserved in a sedimentary sequence otherwise regarded as largely uniform over a time span of about 640 kyr

    Occurrence and Distribution of Moganite and Opal-CT in Agates from Paleocene/Eocene Tuffs, El Picado (Cuba)

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    Agates in Paleocene/Eocene tuffs from El Picado/Los Indios, Cuba were investigated to characterize the mineral composition of the agates and to provide data for the reconstruction of agate forming processes. The volcanic host rocks are strongly altered and fractured and contain numerous fissures and veins mineralized by quartz and chalcedony. These features indicate secondary alteration and silicification processes during tectonic activities that may have also resulted in the formation of massive agates. Local accumulation of manganese oxides/hydroxides, as well as uranium (uranyl-silicate complexes), in the agates confirm their contemporaneous supply with SiO2 and the origin of the silica-bearing solutions from the alteration processes. The mineral composition of the agates is characterized by abnormal high bulk contents of opal-CT (>6 wt%) and moganite (>16 wt%) besides alpha-quartz. The presence of these elevated amounts of “immature” silica phases emphasize that agate formation runs through several structural states of SiO2 with amorphous silica as the first solid phase. A remarkable feature of the agates is a heterogeneous distribution of moganite within the silica matrix revealed by micro-Raman mapping. The intensity ratio of the main symmetric stretching-bending vibrations (A1 modes) of alpha-quartz at 465 cm−1 and moganite at 502 cm−1, respectively, was used to depict the abundance of moganite in the silica matrix. The zoned distribution of moganite and variations in the microtexture and porosity of the agates indicate a multi-phase deposition of SiO2 under varying physico-chemical conditions and a discontinuous silica supply

    Large Exchange Bias, High Dielectric Constant, and Outstanding Ionic Conductivity in a Single‐Phase Spin Glass

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    The multigram synthesis of K2[Fe3S4] starting from K2S and FeS is presented, and its electronic and magnetic properties are investigated. The title compound obtains a defect variant of the K[Fe2Se2] structure type. Dielectric and impedance measurements indicate a dielectric constant of 1120 at 1 kHz and an outstanding ionic conductivity of 24.37 mS cm–1 at 295 K, which is in the range of the highest reported value for potential solid‐state electrolytes for potassium‐ion batteries. The Seebeck coefficient of the n‐type conductor amounts to −60 µV K−1 at 973 K. The mismatch of the measured electrical resistivity and the predicted metal‐like band structure by periodic quantum chemical calculations indicates Mott insulating behavior. Magnetometry demonstrates temperature‐dependent, large exchange bias fields of 35 mT, as a consequence of the coexistence of spin glass and antiferromagnetic orderings due to the iron vacancies in the lattice. In addition, the decreasing training effects of 34% in the exchange bias are identified at temperatures lower than 20 K. These results demonstrate the critical role of iron vacancies in tuning the electronic and magnetic properties and a multifunctional material from abundant and accessible elements

    Silica Colloid Ordering in a Dynamic Sedimentary Environment

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    The formation of ordered particle arrays plays an essential role in nanotechnology, biological systems, and inorganic photonic structures in the geosphere. Here, we show how ordered arrays of amorphous silica spheres form in deeply weathered lithologies of the Great Artesian Basin (central Australia). Our multi-method approach, using optical and scanning electron microscopy, X-ray microdiffraction, Raman spectroscopy, and electron probe microanalysis, reveals that particle morphologies trace the flow of opal-forming colloidal suspensions and document syn- and post-depositional deformation. The micromorphology of amorphous silica pseudomorphs suggests that the volume-preserving replacement of non-silicate minerals proceeds via an interface-coupled dissolution precipitation process. We conclude that colloid flow and post-depositional shearing create but also destroy natural photonic crystals. Contrary to previous studies, our results indicate that purely gravitational settling/ordering is the exception rather than the rule during the formation of three-dimensional periodic sphere arrays in the highly dynamic colloidal suspensions of chemically weathered clastic sediments

    Kontinuierliches Ultraschallschweißen ebener und rohrförmiger Titan/CFK-Verbindungen – Sonotroden, Prozessentwicklung und Verbundeigenschaften

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    Das Ultraschallschweißen ist eine innovative und vielversprechende Fügetechnologie für hybride Werkstoffsysteme. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird erstmalig das kontinuierliche Metall- Ultraschallschweißen zur Verbindung von Leichtmetalllegierungen mit faserverstärkten Kunststoffen für den Einsatz im Hydrauliksystem eines Flugzeuges betrachtet. Dafür wurden Ultraschallschweißanlagen und Prozessparameter für translatorisches Schweißen ebener und für das neuartige orbitale Schweißen rohrförmiger Fügepartner entwickelt. Das Ultraschallschweißen von Titan erfordert besonders robuste Sonotroden. Die Härte, die Festigkeit und die vergleichsweise geringe Wärmeleitfähigkeit bedeuten eine hohe mechanische und thermische Beanspruchung der Sonotrode während des Schweißprozesses. Gleichzeitig muss die Sonotrode mit hoher Amplitude von bis zu 50 μm schwingen, um eine feste Verbindung erzeugen zu können. Der Werkstoff, die Geometrie und die Sonotrodenkoppelfläche müssen speziell für das Ultraschallschweißen von Titan ausgelegt werden. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden Schweißanlagen, Prozessparameter und Sonotroden erfolgreich für den orbitalen Ultraschallschweißprozess entwickelt, sodass eine Ti6Al4V-Fitting/CF-PEEK-Rohr-Verbindung hergestellt werden konnte, die einem Innendruck von 960 bar standhielt, der einer Axialkraft von 81,7 kN und einer relativen Zugscherkraft in Bezug zur Schweißnahtlänge von 390 N/mm entspricht.Ultrasonic welding is an important and innovative joining technology for tubular metal–carbon fibre reinforced polymer joints and has important potential applications in aircraft hydraulic systems. In this work, systems and process parameters for the translational and orbital ultrasonic welding of lightweight alloys to carbon fibre reinforced polymers were developed. Titanium is a desirable ‘upper joining partner’ material for ultrasonic welding but its high yield strength, hardness and low thermal conductivity can wreak havoc on sonotrode durability. Welding sonotrodes have to resist high mechanical and thermal loads while oscillating at amplitudes up to 50 μm in order to create high strength hybrid joints. In this research suitable sonotrodes were developed for the continuous ultrasonic welding of titanium alloys. Sonotrode material, geometry and structure of the tip were considered. In due course, ultrasonic welding systems, process parameters and sonotrodes were successfully developed and a Ti6Al4V-fitting/CFRP-tube joint was manufactured by orbital ultrasonic welding. The hybrid tube’s joints remained intact at an internal pressure of 960 bar, equivalent to an axial force of 81,7 kN and a relative tensile shear force of 390 N/mm in relation to the length of the weld seam

    Abiogenes, amorphes Siliziumdioxid: Ordnung von der atomaren bis Zentimeterskala

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    Chemical weathering of silicate minerals constitutes a principal component of the global silicon cycle and produces one of the fundamental building blocks of Earth’s bio- and geosphere: nanoparticulate (<1 µm) amorphous silica (opal-A). Amorphous nanoparticles are ubiquitous in nature and have increasingly been identified as fundamental precursors for carbonate and phosphate crystal formation and growth processes in natural systems. However, only the inorganic amorphous-to-crystalline pathway of opal-A results in X ray amorphous, three-dimensionally ordered arrays of uniform nanoparticles. Since the first micromorphological description of opal-A in the early 1960s it is widely assumed that growth and ordering of uniform silica spheres in sedimentary environments proceed via gel network formation and subsequent slow gravitational sphere settling at quiescent conditions. This fundamental assumption comprises amorphous silica in void-filling and replacement contexts, but lacks direct observational evidence. Similarly, the underlying processes of the early-diagenetic transformation of metastable opal-A toward more crystalline opaline phases are presently unexplained. To investigate the processes that drive the amorphous silica system from a disordered to an ordered state, I use vein-filling and replacement silica collected from deeply chemically weathered sedimentary rocks of the Great Artesian Basin (central Australia). Using a combination of high-resolution electron microscopy, nanotomography, electron probe microanalysis, X-ray microdiffraction, and micro-Raman spectroscopy, I characterized precisely the structural state and chemical composition of inorganically precipitated amorphous silica. This thesis presents the underlying ordering mechanisms identified on the level of atomic and colloidal dimensions. These findings lead to new coherent models for amorphous silica ordering processes on a pathway from dispersed particles to single crystals. Amorphous silica nanospheres replace dolomite and twinned calcite crystals in bivalve shells, extensional fractures, and cherts via an interface-coupled dissolution-precipitation process. Electron microscopy and nanotomography show that the resultant photonic crystals form by continuous nanoparticle nucleation, aggregation, and subsequent arrangement into face-centered cubic (fcc) sphere lattices. I demonstrate that close-packed lattice planes coincide with the thermodynamically most stable calcite faces, and conclude in a novel model that the replacement process proceeds via a nanoparticle-based, nonclassical crystallization route. Electron and transmitted light microscopy show that macroscopic characteristics of vein-filling opal directly link to flow-induced micromorphological features. The non-Newtonian flow induces structuring of concentrated colloidal suspensions and directional ordering of nonspherical particles. Post-depositional shear compacts periodic sphere arrays, decreases the wavelength of diffracted light, and generates dislocations along close-packed slip planes in fcc lattices. Highly resolved X-ray microdiffraction, heating experiments, and calculated diffractograms show that during early-stage diagenesis metastable opal A transforms into opal-CT via nanoscale in situ nucleation and growth of low-tridymite/cristobalite domains. This process is decoupled from opal chemical and micromorphological properties and begins significantly earlier than previous studies suggest. As these results demonstrate for the first time, the mineralogical early-stage transformation of opal-A is a gradual process traceable by systematic peak shifts and symmetry variations in X-ray diffraction patterns. In conclusion, amorphous silica ordering results from particle flow, aggregation, and crystallization processes ranging from nanodomains at the atomic scale, to particles tens to hundreds of nanometers in size, and finally ordered lattices in the centimeter range. I find that subparticle aggregation in a sol is favored over gelling in void-filling and replacement contexts and present direct evidence for dynamic colloid ordering processes. The replacive interaction model introduced here covers solid-solid phase changes ranging from natural mineral interfaces to the controllable synthesis of three-dimensionally ordered materials; thus, it links the fields of geosciences and materials science. Using X-ray diffraction pattern asymmetry offers a valid, but so far underestimated approach to quantify the early-stage diagenesis of opal-A with a widely available analytical method. The implications of the early-stage crystallization processes identified here range from the diagenetic modification of the Si isotopic record on Earth to potential hosts for fossil life on Mars. Overall, this thesis provides novel, evidence-based concepts that challenge the classical theory of gel formation and slow gravity-driven particle ordering at quiescent conditions, prevailing in opal research for the past 50 years.Die chemische Verwitterung von Silikatmineralen ist ein Hauptbestandteil des globalen Silizium-Kreislaufs und resultiert in einem der fundamentalen Bausteine der Bio- und Geosphäre der Erde: Silica-Nanopartikel (<1 µm) aus amorphem, hydratisiertem SiO2 (Opal-A). Amorphe Nanopartikel sind allgegenwärtig in der Natur und werden zunehmend als essenzielle Vorläufer für die Carbonat- und Phosphatkristallisation und anschließende Wachstumsprozesse in natürlichen Systemen identifiziert. Allerdings bilden nur abiogene Silica-Nanopartikel röntgenamorphe, dreidimensional-periodische Gitter-anordnungen. Seit der ersten mikromorphologischen Beschreibung von Opal-A in den frühen 1960er Jahren wird angenommen, dass Wachstum und Ordnung uniformer Nanopartikel in sedimentären Umgebungen durch einen Gelierungsprozess und gravitative Ablagerung in einer stagnierenden Lösung ablaufen. Diese Annahme gilt für Hohlraumfüllungen und Pseudomorphosen. Bislang mangelt es jedoch an direkten Beobachtungen, um diesen elementaren Schritt im Silica-Bildungsprozess zu belegen. Ebenfalls ungeklärt sind die Prozesse, welche der frühdiagenetischen Umwandlung von metastabilem, amorphem Silica zu höherkristallinen opalinen Phasen zugrunde liegen. Um die Prozesse zu untersuchen, die das röntgenamorphe Silicasystem von einem ungeordneten in einen geordneten Zustand überführen, untersuche ich in dieser Arbeit Opal-A Hohlraumfüllungen und Pseudomorphosen aus chemisch tiefenverwitterten Sedimentgesteinen des Great Artesian Basin (Zentralaustralien). Durch eine Kombination hochauflösender Elektronenmikroskopie, Nanotomographie, Elektronenstrahlmikrosondenanalytik, Mikroröntgenbeugung und Mikro-Ramanspektroskopie war es möglich, die Struktur und chemische Zusammensetzung von abiogenem, amorphem Silica präzise zu charakterisieren. Die vorliegende Arbeit zeigt auf, welche grundlegenden Ordnungsprozesse auf der atomaren und kolloidalen Skala identifiziert wurden. Diese Ergebnisse bilden die Grundlage für neue, kohärente Modelle der Ordnungsprozesse eines natürlichen, amorphen Materials, auf dem Weg von dispergierten Partikeln zu echten Einkristallen. In Muschelschalen, Dehnungsrissen und Cherts ersetzen Silica-Nanosphären Dolomit und verzwillingten Calcit mittels eines grenzflächenkontrollierten Lösungs-Fällungs-Prozesses. Elektronen-mikroskopie und Nanotomographie zeigen, dass während dieses Prozesses kristalline Strukturen durch kontinuierliche Nanopartikelnukleation, -aggregation und Anordnung in einer kubisch dichtesten Kugelpackung (fcc) gebildet werden. Die dichtest-gepackten Netzebenen dieser geordneten Partikel-aggregate stimmen mit den thermodynamisch stabilsten Calcitflächen überein. Ich folgere in einem neuen Modell, dass der Ersetzungsprozess einem nanopartikel-basierten, nichtklassischen Kristallisationspfad folgt. Darüber hinaus zeigen Elektronen- und Durchlichtmikroskopie, dass die makroskopischen Eigenschaften von Opal-A Hohlraumfüllungen direkt mit strömungsinduzierten mikromorphologischen Merkmalen korrelieren. Nicht-Newtonsches Fließen verursacht eine Strukturierung von kolloidalen Lösungen und die Ausrichtung ellipsoider Partikel. Nach der Ablagerung führt eine Scherung zu einer Kompaktion von regelmäßigen Nanopartikelanordnungen und der Wellenlängen-abnahme des an dem Partikelgitter gebeugten sichtbaren Lichts. Die Bildung von spannungsinduzierten Dislokationen erfolgt entlang der dichtest gepackten Gleitebenen im fcc-Gitter. Mikroröntgenbeugung mit hoher Ortsauflösung, Heizexperimente und modellierte Diffraktogramme zeigen, dass die frühdiagenetische Kristallisation von metastabilem Opal-A durch nanoskalige in situ Nukleation und das Wachstum von Tief-Tridymit/Cristobalit-Domänen erfolgt. Dieser Prozess ist entkoppelt von den chemischen und mikro-morphologischen Eigenschaften des Opals und beginnt wesentlich früher, als bisherige Studien andeuten. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen erstmals, dass die frühdiagenetische mineralogische Umwandlung von amorphem Silica ein gradueller Prozess ist, der durch systematische Peakverschiebungen und Asymmetrieänderungen in Diffraktogrammen nachweisbar ist. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass die Ordnung von amorphem Silica durch Partikelfließ-, Aggregations- und Kristallisationsprozesse verursacht wird. Diese Prozesse reichen von Nanodomänen auf atomarer Ebene, zu Partikeln im Zehner- bis Hunderter-Nanometerbereich und schließlich geordneten Gitterstrukturen im Zentimeterbereich. Basierend auf direkten Beobachtungen wird deutlich, dass ein Gelierungsprozess eher die Ausnahme als die Regel bei der Bildung und räumlichen Ordnung uniformer Silica-Nanopartikel darstellt. In den in dieser Arbeit identifizierten dynamischen Ordnungsprozessen spielt aggregatives Partikelwachstum in einer Kolloiddispersion eine weitaus bedeutendere Rolle. Dies gilt sowohl für Hohlraumfüllungen als auch für Pseudomorphosen. Das hier eingeführte nanopartikelbasierte Mineralersetzungsmodell zeigt die Rolle und Dynamik von Nanopartikeln in Ersetzungsreaktionen deutlich auf. Der potentielle Anwendungsbereich erstreckt sich von natürlichen Mineraloberflächen bis zur kontrollierten Synthese dreidimensional geordneter Materialien und verknüpft damit die Geowissenschaften mit den Materialwissenschaften. Auf der atomaren Skala zeigt sich, dass die Etablierung eines Asymmetrieparameters für Röntgendiffraktogramme von amorphem Silica einen bislang unterschätzten, vielversprechenden Ansatz darstellt, um dessen frühdiagenetische Kristallisation zu quantifizieren. Mithilfe einer etablierten analytischen Methode kann die Kristallisation metastabiler Silicaphasen identifiziert werden, deren Implikationen von der diagenetischen Modifizierung der Silizium-Isotopensignatur bis zur Einschätzung des Präservationspotentials fossilen Lebens auf dem Mars reicht. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit führen zu neuen Konzepten für die Ordnungsprozesse eines der global bedeutendsten amorphen Geomaterialien. Diese evidenzbasierten Konzepte stehen in deutlichem Gegensatz zu der klassischen Theorie der gravitationsinduzierten Nanopartikelordnung, die in der Opalforschung seit 50 Jahren besteht

    Kontinuierliches Ultraschallschweißen ebener und rohrförmiger Titan/CFK-Verbindungen – Sonotroden, Prozessentwicklung und Verbundeigenschaften

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    Das Ultraschallschweißen ist eine innovative und vielversprechende Fügetechnologie für hybride Werkstoffsysteme. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wird erstmalig das kontinuierliche Metall- Ultraschallschweißen zur Verbindung von Leichtmetalllegierungen mit faserverstärkten Kunststoffen für den Einsatz im Hydrauliksystem eines Flugzeuges betrachtet. Dafür wurden Ultraschallschweißanlagen und Prozessparameter für translatorisches Schweißen ebener und für das neuartige orbitale Schweißen rohrförmiger Fügepartner entwickelt. Das Ultraschallschweißen von Titan erfordert besonders robuste Sonotroden. Die Härte, die Festigkeit und die vergleichsweise geringe Wärmeleitfähigkeit bedeuten eine hohe mechanische und thermische Beanspruchung der Sonotrode während des Schweißprozesses. Gleichzeitig muss die Sonotrode mit hoher Amplitude von bis zu 50 μm schwingen, um eine feste Verbindung erzeugen zu können. Der Werkstoff, die Geometrie und die Sonotrodenkoppelfläche müssen speziell für das Ultraschallschweißen von Titan ausgelegt werden. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden Schweißanlagen, Prozessparameter und Sonotroden erfolgreich für den orbitalen Ultraschallschweißprozess entwickelt, sodass eine Ti6Al4V-Fitting/CF-PEEK-Rohr-Verbindung hergestellt werden konnte, die einem Innendruck von 960 bar standhielt, der einer Axialkraft von 81,7 kN und einer relativen Zugscherkraft in Bezug zur Schweißnahtlänge von 390 N/mm entspricht.Ultrasonic welding is an important and innovative joining technology for tubular metal–carbon fibre reinforced polymer joints and has important potential applications in aircraft hydraulic systems. In this work, systems and process parameters for the translational and orbital ultrasonic welding of lightweight alloys to carbon fibre reinforced polymers were developed. Titanium is a desirable ‘upper joining partner’ material for ultrasonic welding but its high yield strength, hardness and low thermal conductivity can wreak havoc on sonotrode durability. Welding sonotrodes have to resist high mechanical and thermal loads while oscillating at amplitudes up to 50 μm in order to create high strength hybrid joints. In this research suitable sonotrodes were developed for the continuous ultrasonic welding of titanium alloys. Sonotrode material, geometry and structure of the tip were considered. In due course, ultrasonic welding systems, process parameters and sonotrodes were successfully developed and a Ti6Al4V-fitting/CFRP-tube joint was manufactured by orbital ultrasonic welding. The hybrid tube’s joints remained intact at an internal pressure of 960 bar, equivalent to an axial force of 81,7 kN and a relative tensile shear force of 390 N/mm in relation to the length of the weld seam

    Fatigue Analysis of the Nickel-Based Superalloy Inconel 617 by Fatigue Experiments and EBSD Data-Based Finite Element Simulations in Correlation with E·m Theories

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    Nickel-based superalloys exhibit pronounced elastic anisotropy and, hence, the local grain orientation strongly affects the stress and strain distribution in the material under mechanical loadings. Therefore, the crack initiation and failure behaviour of components made from nickel-based superalloys are complex and hardly predictable. A better fundamental understanding of the phenomena that occur in nickel-based superalloys under a quasistatic and cyclic load is therefore desired. Previously, a continuum mechanics-based model has been successfully developed, considering the grain structure, the elastic anisotropy, and the Schmid factor, based on data from electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD). The E·m model was confirmed by the finite element method (FEM) simulations and experimental observations regarding the resulting average stresses and strains in the individual grains as well as the formation of slip bands under a quasistatic load with few restrictions. The behaviour under cyclic loadings has been investigated in this work to correlate the mechanical behaviour, simulated by the previously developed FE models, with the local stiffness and Schmid factors considering fatigue failure. For this purpose, the fatigue behaviour of Inconel 617 samples was characterised up to the high-cycle fatigue (HCF) regime, accompanied by EBSD measurements for stress amplitudes that resulted in strains close to the elastic–plastic regime. The EBSD data were used to create digital twins of the samples to simulate the mechanical reaction to a displacement similar to the associated strain of the fatigue tests. An analysis of the fractured samples by scanning electron microscopy was performed to retrace the location of the crack initiation supported by the EBSD measurements before and after fatigue testing. Two samples were investigated in detail that showed different fracture types. Sample 1 showed transcrystalline failure in a grain that showed a high Young’s modulus, Schmid factor, and resolved shear stress that indicates a failure due to the properties of the grain itself. In contrast, an intercrystalline failure was observed for sample 2 that showed large differences in the orientation and, hence, largely different mechanical properties in the area of failure as well. The observed failure types, the resulting stresses and strains calculated by the FE model, and the consideration of the E·m model showed an agreement of all the methods. Therefore, the findings of this work complement previous investigations of the mechanical behaviour of coarse-grained anisotropic nickel-based superalloys with a focus on the orientations of the grains towards the loading direction