197 research outputs found

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    Anaerobic fermentation of rice bran with rumen liquor for reducing their fiber components to use as chicken feed

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    Rice bran is a very cheap and abundant agricultural by-products in rice producing countries. Additionally, many developing countries used these by products as poultry feed. Rice bran (RB) contains high fiber and chicken is not capable to digest those fibrous feed effectively, resulting in low production performance. The main objectives of this study were to decrease fiber components of RB through fermentation by adding rumen liquor to increase their utilization efficacy in chicken. A single-step fermentation of RB was conducted for 12 h (n=6) under anaerobic conditions, maintaining proper temperature and ideal pH. Rice bran, buffer substances, and rumen liquor were mixed at the ratio of 1:2:3, respectively. The fresh and fermented rice brans were examined for the content of acid detergent fiber (ADF), crude fiber (CF), dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent lignin (ADL). Other fiber components were determined by substracting the value of ADL from ADF (celluloses) and ADF from NDF (hemicelluloses), respectively. One-way analysis of variance was done to compare the mean nutrient components followed by Tukey’s multiple comparison tests at P<0.05. The pH of fermented brans were decreased with growing fermentation period but appropriate pH was maintained due to the developed protocol. After fermentation, the fiber components of RB were reduced significantly (P<0.05). However, CP component was not altered significantly after the fermentation of brans. The NDF, ADF, cellulose, hemicellulose contents were reduced by 16.2±0.52, 7.2±0.32, 20.0±0.38 and 23.6±0.54%, respectively compared to the fresh brans. As the fiber content reduced significantly after fermentation that clearly, increases the usability of brans as chicken feed

    Das Dietary Cation-Anion Difference (DCAD)-Konzept bei der Milchkuh

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    Der Dietary Cation-Anion Difference (DCAD) -Wert gibt das VerhĂ€ltnis zwischen Kationen und Anionen einer Ration wieder. Es wird als MilliĂ€quivalenten (mEq) von (Na+ + K+)-(Cl- + S2-) pro Kilogram Trockensubstanz definiert (Block, 1984) und ĂŒbt einen Effekt auf den SĂ€ure-Base-Haushalt aus. Das DCAD-Konzept ist auf der „Strong Ion Difference“ Theorie (Stewart, 1983) basiert. Der DCAD-Wert einer Ration gibt an, in welcher Richtung sich der SĂ€ure-Basen-Haushalt (SHB) verschiebt. Rationen mit einem KationenĂŒberschuss haben einen positiven DCAD-Wert und fĂŒhren zu einer basischen Stoffwechsellage. Anionen haben eine ansĂ€uernde Wirkung und fĂŒhren bei Überschuss in der Ration zu einer metabolischen Azidose. Beide Stoffwechsellagen können in den meisten FĂ€llen durch die Homöstase kompensiert werden

    Expression patterns of intestinal calcium transport factors and ex-vivo absorption of calcium in horses

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    BACKGROUND: In many species, the small intestine is the major site of calcium (Ca(2+)) absorption. The horse differs considerably from most other species with regard to the physiology of its Ca(2+) metabolism and digestion. Thus, this study was performed to get more information about the transcellular Ca(2+) absorption in the horse.Two mechanisms of intestinal Ca(2+) absorption are described: the passive paracellular pathway and the active, vitamin D-dependent transcellular pathway. The latter involves the following elements: vitamin D receptors (VDR), transient receptor potential vanilloid channel members 5 and 6 (TRPV5/6), calbindin-D9k (CB), the Na/Ca exchanger (NCX1) and the plasma membrane Ca-ATPase (PMCA). The aim of the present study was to investigate the protein and mRNA expression patterns of VDR, CB and TRPV6 and the ex-vivo Ca(2+) absorption in horses, assessed by qualitative and quantitative RT-PCR, western blot, immunohistochemistry and the Ussing chamber technique. RESULTS: Highest CB and TRPV6 mRNA levels were detected in the duodenum as compared to the middle parts of the jejunum and ileum and several sites of the large intestine. VDR mRNA levels did not change significantly throughout the intestine. TRPV5 mRNA was not detectable in the horse intestine. The highest VDR and CB protein levels were measured in the duodenum. Ussing chamber studies revealed ex-vivo Ca(2+) absorption only in the duodenum, but not in cecum and specific sites of the colon. CONCLUSION: The present findings suggest that TRPV6, CB and VDR may be involved in active intestinal Ca(2+) absorption in horses, as described for other mammals. TRPV5 may not play a major role in this process. Furthermore, the expression patterns of these Ca(2+) transport elements and the results of the Ussing chamber procedure indicate that a significant part of active intestinal Ca(2+) absorption occurs in the duodenum in this species

    Expression of renal and intestinal Na/Pi cotransporters in the absence of GABARAP

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    We have recently shown that the abundance of the renal sodium (Na)/inorganic phosphate (Pi) cotransporter NaPi-IIa is increased in the absence of the GABAA receptor-associated protein (GABARAP). Accordingly, GABARAP-deficient mice have a reduced urinary excretion of Pi. However, their circulating levels of Pi do not differ from wild-type animals, suggesting the presence of a compensatory mechanism responsible for keeping serum Pi values constant. Here, we aimed first to identify the molecular basis of this compensation by analyzing the expression of Na/Pi cotransporters known to be expressed in the kidney and intestine. We found that, in the kidney, the upregulation of NaPi-IIa is not accompanied by changes on the expression of either NaPi-IIc or PiT2, the other cotransporters known to participate in renal Pi reabsorption. In contrast, the intestinal expression of NaPi-IIb is downregulated in mutant animals, suggesting that a reduced intestinal absorption of Pi could contribute to maintain a normophosphatemic status despite the increased renal retention. The second goal of this work was to study whether the alterations on the expression of NaPi-IIa induced by chronic dietary Pi are impaired in the absence of GABARAP. Our data indicate that, in response to high Pi diets, GABARAP-deficient mice downregulate the expression of NaPi-IIa to levels comparable to those seen in wild-type animals. However, in response to low Pi diets, the upregulation of NaPi-IIa is greater in the mutant mice. Thus, both the basal expression and the dietary-induced upregulation of NaPi-IIa are increased in the absence of GABARA

    Crossbred Sows Fed a Western Diet during Pre-Gestation, Gestation, Lactation, and Post-Lactation Periods Develop Signs of Lean Metabolic Syndrome That Are Partially Attenuated by Spirulina Supplementation.

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    Excessive dietary intake of fats and sugars ("Western diet", WD) is one of the leading causes of obesity. The consumption of the microalga Arthrospira platensis (spirulina, Sp) is increasing due to its presumed health benefits. Both WD and Sp are also consumed by pregnant and breastfeeding women. This study investigated if gestating and lactating domestic pigs are an appropriate model for WD-induced metabolic disturbances similar to those observed in humans and if Sp supplementation may attenuate any of these adverse effects. Pigs were fed a WD high in fat, sugars, and cholesterol or a control diet. Half of the animals per diet group were supplemented with 20 g Sp per day. The WD did not increase body weight or adipose tissue accumulation but led to metabolic impairments such as higher cholesterol concentration in plasma, lower IGF1 plasma levels, and signs of hepatic damage compared to the control group. Spirulina supplementation could not reduce all the metabolic impairments observed in WD-fed animals. These findings indicate limited suitability of gestating and lactating domestic pigs as a model for WD but a certain potential of low-dose Sp supplementation to partially attenuate negative WD effects

    Crossbred Sows Fed a Western Diet during Pre-Gestation, Gestation, Lactation, and Post-Lactation Periods Develop Signs of Lean Metabolic Syndrome That Are Partially Attenuated by Spirulina Supplementation

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    Excessive dietary intake of fats and sugars ("Western diet", WD) is one of the leading causes of obesity. The consumption of the microalga Arthrospira platensis (spirulina, Sp) is increasing due to its presumed health benefits. Both WD and Sp are also consumed by pregnant and breastfeeding women. This study investigated if gestating and lactating domestic pigs are an appropriate model for WD-induced metabolic disturbances similar to those observed in humans and if Sp supplementation may attenuate any of these adverse effects. Pigs were fed a WD high in fat, sugars, and cholesterol or a control diet. Half of the animals per diet group were supplemented with 20 g Sp per day. The WD did not increase body weight or adipose tissue accumulation but led to metabolic impairments such as higher cholesterol concentration in plasma, lower IGF1 plasma levels, and signs of hepatic damage compared to the control group. Spirulina supplementation could not reduce all the metabolic impairments observed in WD-fed animals. These findings indicate limited suitability of gestating and lactating domestic pigs as a model for WD but a certain potential of low-dose Sp supplementation to partially attenuate negative WD effects
