20 research outputs found

    Christliche Sozialethik im Spiegel spätmoderner Infragestellung

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    Der sozialethische Ansatz der christlichen Befreiungsethik Lateinamerikas

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    Die Enzyklika "Laudato si'" von Papst Franziskus. Auch ein Beitrag zur Problematik des Klimawandels und zur Ethik der Energiewende

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    ZusammenfassungDie Enzyklika Laudato si' formuliert zentrale politische und moralische Herausforderungen und legt die christlichen Grundlagen einer „ganzheitlichen Ökologie“ dar. Dazu gehört, dass der Einsatz für den Schutz der Natur eine prioritäre Gerechtigkeitsfrage ist, dass Umwelt- und Sozialengagement zusammengehen müssen und dass die Option für die Armen dementsprechend eine Option für die Schöpfung umfassen muss (und umgekehrt). Damit bietet die Enzyklika eine grundsätzliche Orientierung zur sozialen und ökologischen Verantwortung, die zugleich konkrete politisch-praktische Provokationen und Impulse enthält. Der Beitrag ordnet die Enzyklika in die Tradition der Sozialverkündigung ein, stellt wesentliche Aspekte ihrer theologisch-ethischen und spirituellen Fundamente im Überblick vor, analysiert die Aussagen zur Klimaproblematik und zur Energie-Ethik und greift einige Aspekte auf, die vertiefter Diskussion bedürfen. AbstractThe encyclical Laudato si' formulates crucial political and moral challenges and explains the Christian foundations of the „integral ecology“. This includes the effort to protect the nature as a priority issue of justice, the correlation of ecological and social commitment and the interdependence of the option for the poor and an option for the creation. The encyclical gives a fundamental orientation to social and ecological responsibility, likewise comprising concrete political and practical provocations and stimuli. The paper situates the encyclical within the tradition of Catholic social teaching, and outlines the essential aspects of the theological-ethical and spiritual basis included in the encyclical. Furthermore the article analyses the statements on climate problems as well as on energy ethics and describes some aspects that require a deepened discussion

    Die Evolution verbessern? : Utopien der Gentechnik

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    Die Sorge fĂĽr unser gemeinsames Haus!: Herausforderungen der bahnbrechenden Enzyklika Laudato si' von Papst Franziskus

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    Dieser Beitrag ist ein Kommentar der Enzyklika "Laudato si'" von Papst Franziskus. Der Text bietet Einblicke in die HintergrĂĽnde der Enzyklika und benennt die wichtigsten sozialethischen Motive, die die Argumentation des Papstes kennzeichnen. Insbesondere wird der systematische Zusammenhang von sozialer Gerechtigkeit einerseits und Nachhaltigkeit andererseits deutlich hervorgehoben.This article represents a commentary on the enzyclical "Laudato si'" by Pope Francis. The text features insights into the background of the encyclical and enumerates the main ethical arguments characterising the Pope's point of view. The author particularly emphazises the correlation of the principle of social justice on the one hand with the principle of sustainebility on the other hand

    Justifying Soil Protection and Sustainable Soil Management: Creation-Ethical, Legal and Economic Considerations

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    Fertile soils form an important basis for survival for humans, but also for animals, plants and ecosystems, on which all terrestrial organisms rely. Soil is not only of central importance to the global provision of food and in the fight against hunger; climate, biological diversity and water bodies are also highly dependent on soil quality. Soil conservation is therefore a decisive factor in the survival of humanity. Pope Francis also emphasized this in his encyclical “Laudato si’”. However, increasing pressure is being exerted on soils, which poses an enormous challenge to the international community and thus also to the church. Against this background, in this article, which is based on a Memorandum of the German Bishops’ Working Group on Ecological Issues, arguments and justifications for soil protection and sustainable soil management are developed from different angles—from a creation-ethical, a legal, and an economic perspective. All three perspectives point in the same direction, namely that in the use of soils public interests that serve the society and the environment should be given priority over private interests. These arguments may serve as an important reference point in political and societal debates about soils, and may support strategies for sustainable soil management

    The Virtual Driving Coach - design and preliminary testing of a predictive eco-driving assistance system for heavy-duty vehicles

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    The commercial vehicle sector is characterized by high competitive pressure. Fuel consumption is one major factor that influences the transport efficiency and competitiveness of logistics companies. Therefore, an eco-driving assistance system (EDAS) is developed in order to support the driver in sustainably maintaining an efficient driving style—the Virtual Driving Coach (ViDCo). In this paper, we describe the design and development process of ViDCo as well as results of the first steps of evaluation and preliminary testing. An EDAS is developed that uses knowledge of infrastructure based on digital maps in order to proactively and predictively provide the driver with driving advice. The system’s algorithms are structured within the modules “situation detection”, “driving error detection”, and “message filtering and prioritization”. The evaluation of ViDCo comprises preliminary field-testing on public roads as well as a driving simulator experiment. Driving tests show that the Virtual Driving Coach is capable of enhancing fuel efficiency for commercial vehicles in real-world scenarios. The results of the driving simulator experiment indicate a positive level of user acceptance and system safety. Furthermore, the results point towards a positive correlation between user acceptance and the subjects’ judgment of learning. The Virtual Driving Coach’s concept is a promising approach for efficient and environmentally friendly road transport. Document type: Articl