842 research outputs found

    TIGRA. The integrated geological risk assessment. Hazard zoning methods of snow avalanches, debris flow and rock falls. Final report

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    The present report describes natural hazard zoning methods for snow avalanches in Norway and in some other countries were avalanches are a serious threat to the society. In addition methods for rock-fall and debris slide zoning in Norway are discussed. The main problem in hazard zoning of avalanches and other kind of natural hazards in steep terrain, is the prediction of the runout distance for a given frequency. To day much effort is put into modelling of avalanche dynamics as the physical processes in avalanches and slides are not fully understood. More research and developmentis needed to make the models more precise, and to verify the different models towards Nature. Different kinds of runout models are described in the present report, both empirical/statistical - and dynamical methods. Hazard mapping legalisation, and mapping procedures are described. The countries included in this overview have all developed national regulations concerning avalanche risk levels. The accepted risk levels differs for all of the countries, as the return periods of the design avalanches ranges from about 150 to 5000 years. Hazard zoning in Norway is examplified by a description of a case study in a hazard prone village. The use of a Norwegian GIS system for this purposeis described.EU kommisjone

    Materials for Fusion energy technology – Improvement of thermal stability of cold-rolled tungsten sheets by potassium-doping

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    Tungsten is a promising material for high-temperature applications like in future fusion reactors. To overcome the brittle behaviour of conventional tungsten, significant progress has been made in the last decade to improve the ductility of tungsten by severe cold-rolling. The thereby created fine-grained microstructure, however, is not stable at temperatures above 800 °C, leading to a recrystallized, embrittled material. In this talk, I will present parts of our ongoing study, which utilizes potassium-doping to inhibit recrystallization in cold-rolled tungsten sheets at high temperatures. First, the evolution of rolling texture and mechanical properties with increasing rolling strain is compared to equivalently rolled pure tungsten sheets. The second part shows results from isochronal and isothermal annealing experiments, how restoration phenomena can coarsen the tungsten microstructure and the inhibition potential of potassium-bubbles with increasing dispersion

    Framdriftsrapport. SIP Snøskredforskning. Rapporteringsperiode 1.8.1999 - 31.8.2000.

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    Norges Forskningsråd (NFR

    Investigações acerca do objeto intencional da memória

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    Este artigo pretende analisar três teorias a respeito do que é o objeto intencional da memória. As teorias abordadas são o realismo direto, o realismo representativo e o pragmatismo em filosofia da memória. A primeira delas defende que quando lembramos, acessamos um evento passado sem intermédios; a segunda argumenta que acessamos diretamente uma representação do evento passado; a última, elaborada recentemente, afirma que nossas lembranças são determinadas por nossas ações. Apresentamos a ideia central de cada teoria, com quais outras teorias sobre a memória elas relacionam e as principais objeções que enfrentam. Após isso, demonstramos a nossa posição, qual seja, o realismo representativo nos parece a alternativa mais viável entre as opções atuais

    Snow avalanche experience through 25 years at NGI.

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    This year it is 25 years since the Norwegian parliament decided that NG! should be the institution responsible for snow avalanche research and consulting work in Norway. Because of several major snow avalanche accidents in the late sixties and early seventies when many persons were killed and constructions damaged, an official comity appointed by the Department of Industry, came to the conclusion that NG! was the best fitted institution to handle snow avalanche problems in our country

    Avalanche studies and model validation in Europe, SATSIE. Management progress report

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    This report is Revision l of the Management Report, delivered to the Commission April 30. 2003. The revision is updated concerning Milestones, Deliverables, Gantt diagram and allocation ofmanpower and other costs to the different work packages. This information is therefore valid for two periods: 1st October 2002 - 30 March 2003, and 1st April 2003 - 30 September 2003.European Commissio

    Anais da V Conferência da Sociedade Brasileira de Filosofia Analítica

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    A proposta deste trabalho é investigar a contribuição da filosofia de Henri Bergson para as discussões atuais sobre a memória. Atualmente, o debate concentra-se entre as teorias causalistas e as teorias simulacionistas acerca da memória. O primeiro grupo defende que entre a representação atual de uma experiência passada e esta experiência, há uma conexão causal. Por outro lado, o segundo grupo entende que a principal contribuição para as representações atuais a respeito de eventos passados surge das condições do momento presente, dispensando a necessidade de uma relação entre a experiência e a representação atual. Henri Bergson, no final do século XIX, apresentou a memória como uma faculdade prática, cuja função é auxiliar na tomada de decisões a partir das informações adquiridas anteriormente. De modo que são as condições do sujeito no momento presente que indicarão quais lembranças serão evocadas. Os conteúdos destas lembranças não são idênticos aos conteúdos do momento em que foram apreendidos, pois as lembranças, na sua concepção, alteram-se ao longo do tempo conforme novas informações são obtidas. Até este ponto, parece haver uma grande aproximação entre a filosofia bergsoniana acerca da memória e a compreensão simulacionista. Contudo, Bergson também entende que a lembrança retida depende da percepção, ocasionando uma representação, que o sujeito teve no momento da experiência, afirmando a existência de uma relação causal entre a representação no momento passado e a representação no momento em que a lembrança é evocada. Portanto, podemos reconhecer aspectos da memória na concepção bergsoniana tanto no modelo causalista, quanto no modelo simulacionista apresentados no debate contemporâneo. A nossa pretensão é, a partir da verificação sobre quais aspectos a filosofia de Bergson se aproxima e se afasta das teorias atuais, reconhecer a quais objeções ela está exposta, bem como que vantagens tem na pesquisa contemporânea em filosofia da memória. Assim como todo estudo relacionado à mente, o trabalho em torno da memória trouxe diversas descobertas e hipóteses no último século, ou seja, o conhecimento a respeito do tema avançou significativamente desde as considerações realizadas por Bergson. Acreditamos que o resgate histórico é importante para evitar a possibilidade de que elementos inclusos em constatações filosóficas mais antigas, e que podem ser de interesse para a pesquisa atual, não sejam vistos. Dividiremos a apresentação deste trabalho em três seções: na primeira, abordaremos as teorias causalista e simulacionista da memória; na segunda, exporemos a filosofia da memória de Bergson; por fim, relacionaremos a compreensão bergsoniana acerca da memória com o debate atual para detectarmos quais aspectos foram derrotados e quais têm se mantido ao longo de todos estes anos após a publicação de Bergson

    Snow avalanche research programme SIP-6. Ryggfonn. Full scale avalanche test site and the effect of the catching dam

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    The effect of the 16 m high retaining dam in Ryggfonn has been analysed by using data from 12 dry snow avalanches. Except for one avalanche, which was stopped by the dam, all of these avalanches overtopped it and ran beyond the dam. Avalanche speeds were inferred from the arrival times at sensors 320 m and 230 m upstream of the dam. Based on these observations, the avalanche speed at the site of the dam and the run-out were simulated with the NIS model and compared to the observed run-out. The run-out of the observed avalanches is closely correlated to the avalanche velocity. The volume of the avalanches has a weaker correlation with the run-out.NGI /SIP-

    Snow avalanche at Bleie, Ullensvang, January 1994.

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    A major snow avalanche hit the farms at Bleie, municipality of Ullensvang, January 27 1994. Three dwelling houses were completely destroyed, and several other buildings were destroyed or damaged. The history of the Bleie farms dates back to 1293 a.d. In this period no avalanches are known to having been nearby the farms. Based on historic evidence and climatic records the return period for the avalanche is calculated to 1000 years. The horisonthal length of the avalanche was about 3600 m, 0:- angle 20, comprising to -I standard deviation of runout in the NGI runout model. Based on velocity and volume calculations different methods of protections were assessed by NGl. One of the proposed alternatives was a 10 m high and 110 m long concrete retaining wall 750 m upslope of the farms. The municipality of Ullensvang engaged INSTANES A/S, Consulting Civil Engineers, Bergen, for the design of the structure. The engineering was carried out by civil eng. Bjarne Instanes, and the chosen design is not known to have been used for similar purposes previously. The main feature of the structure is five-and-a-half half-cylindrical shells bound together in a monolithic structure and anchored to the bedrock by 22 rock anchors altogether. At the base the width of the structure is increased by ribs that increases the stability considerably. The global design takes care of the tilting moment as well as shear forces resulting from external loads. The thickness of the reinforced concrete wall is only 0.35 m. Compared with a conventional gravity concrete retaining wall, the saving in construction costs is approximately 40%

    Snow Avalanches

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    In: Casale, R., Margottini, C. (eds) Natural Disasters and Sustainable Development. Environmental Science. Springer, Berlin, HeidelbergSnow avalanches represent a threat to societies in many countries of the world. In America, Asia, Australia, and Europe, several mountainous countries are affected by this type of natural hazard. People, housing areas, communication lines, ski areas, animals, and woodland are subjected to the threat of snow avalanches