6,160 research outputs found

    Proof of Bose-Einstein Condensation for Dilute Trapped Gases

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    The ground state of bosonic atoms in a trap has been shown experimentally to display Bose-Einstein condensation (BEC). We prove this fact theoretically for bosons with two-body repulsive interaction potentials in the dilute limit, starting from the basic Schroedinger equation; the condensation is 100% into the state that minimizes the Gross-Pitaevskii energy functional. This is the first rigorous proof of BEC in a physically realistic, continuum model.Comment: Revised version with some simplifications and clarifications. To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    A Rigorous Derivation of the Gross-Pitaevskii Energy Functional for a Two-Dimensional Bose Gas

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    We consider the ground state properties of an inhomogeneous two-dimensional Bose gas with a repulsive, short range pair interaction and an external confining potential. In the limit when the particle number NN is large but ρˉa2\bar\rho a^2 is small, where ρˉ\bar\rho is the average particle density and aa the scattering length, the ground state energy and density are rigorously shown to be given to leading order by a Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) energy functional with a coupling constant g1/ln(ρˉa2)g\sim 1/|\ln(\bar\rho a^2)|. In contrast to the 3D case the coupling constant depends on NN through the mean density. The GP energy per particle depends only on NgNg. In 2D this parameter is typically so large that the gradient term in the GP energy functional is negligible and the simpler description by a Thomas-Fermi type functional is adequate.Comment: 14 pages, no figures, latex 2e. References, some clarifications and an appendix added. To appear in Commun. Math. Phy

    Free Energy of a Dilute Bose Gas: Lower Bound

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    A lower bound is derived on the free energy (per unit volume) of a homogeneous Bose gas at density ρ\rho and temperature TT. In the dilute regime, i.e., when a3ρ1a^3\rho \ll 1, where aa denotes the scattering length of the pair-interaction potential, our bound differs to leading order from the expression for non-interacting particles by the term 4πa(2ρ2[ρρc]+2)4\pi a (2\rho^2 - [\rho-\rho_c]_+^2). Here, ρc(T)\rho_c(T) denotes the critical density for Bose-Einstein condensation (for the non-interacting gas), and []+[ ]_+ denotes the positive part. Our bound is uniform in the temperature up to temperatures of the order of the critical temperature, i.e., Tρ2/3T \sim \rho^{2/3} or smaller. One of the key ingredients in the proof is the use of coherent states to extend the method introduced in [arXiv:math-ph/0601051] for estimating correlations to temperatures below the critical one.Comment: LaTeX2e, 53 page

    Ground State Asymptotics of a Dilute, Rotating Gas

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    We investigate the ground state properties of a gas of interacting particles confined in an external potential in three dimensions and subject to rotation around an axis of symmetry. We consider the so-called Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) limit of a dilute gas. Analyzing both the absolute and the bosonic ground state of the system we show, in particular, their different behavior for a certain range of parameters. This parameter range is determined by the question whether the rotational symmetry in the minimizer of the GP functional is broken or not. For the absolute ground state, we prove that in the GP limit a modified GP functional depending on density matrices correctly describes the energy and reduced density matrices, independent of symmetry breaking. For the bosonic ground state this holds true if and only if the symmetry is unbroken.Comment: LaTeX2e, 37 page

    The TF Limit for Rapidly Rotating Bose Gases in Anharmonic Traps

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    Starting from the full many body Hamiltonian we derive the leading order energy and density asymptotics for the ground state of a dilute, rotating Bose gas in an anharmonic trap in the ` Thomas Fermi' (TF) limit when the Gross-Pitaevskii coupling parameter and/or the rotation velocity tend to infinity. Although the many-body wave function is expected to have a complicated phase, the leading order contribution to the energy can be computed by minimizing a simple functional of the density alone

    Stability of Matter in Magnetic Fields

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    In the presence of arbitrarily large magnetic fields, matter composed of electrons and nuclei was known to be unstable if α\alpha or ZZ is too large. Here we prove that matter {\it is stable\/} if α<0.06\alpha<0.06 and Zα2<0.04Z\alpha^2<0.04.Comment: 10 pages, LaTe

    Stability of Relativistic Matter With Magnetic Fields

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    Stability of matter with Coulomb forces has been proved for non-relativistic dynamics, including arbitrarily large magnetic fields, and for relativistic dynamics without magnetic fields. In both cases stability requires that the fine structure constant alpha be not too large. It was unclear what would happen for both relativistic dynamics and magnetic fields, or even how to formulate the problem clearly. We show that the use of the Dirac operator allows both effects, provided the filled negative energy `sea' is defined properly. The use of the free Dirac operator to define the negative levels leads to catastrophe for any alpha, but the use of the Dirac operator with magnetic field leads to stability.Comment: This is an announcement of the work in cond-mat/9610195 (LaTeX

    The Ground States of Large Quantum Dots in Magnetic Fields

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    The quantum mechanical ground state of a 2D NN-electron system in a confining potential V(x)=Kv(x)V(x)=Kv(x) (KK is a coupling constant) and a homogeneous magnetic field BB is studied in the high density limit NN\to\infty, KK\to \infty with K/NK/N fixed. It is proved that the ground state energy and electronic density can be computed {\it exactly} in this limit by minimizing simple functionals of the density. There are three such functionals depending on the way B/NB/N varies as NN\to\infty: A 2D Thomas-Fermi (TF) theory applies in the case B/N0B/N\to 0; if B/Nconst.0B/N\to{\rm const.}\neq 0 the correct limit theory is a modified BB-dependent TF model, and the case B/NB/N\to\infty is described by a ``classical'' continuum electrostatic theory. For homogeneous potentials this last model describes also the weak coupling limit K/N0K/N\to 0 for arbitrary BB. Important steps in the proof are the derivation of a new Lieb-Thirring inequality for the sum of eigenvalues of single particle Hamiltonians in 2D with magnetic fields, and an estimation of the exchange-correlation energy. For this last estimate we study a model of classical point charges with electrostatic interactions that provides a lower bound for the true quantum mechanical energy.Comment: 57 pages, Plain tex, 5 figures in separate uufil

    The Lieb-Liniger Model as a Limit of Dilute Bosons in Three Dimensions

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    We show that the Lieb-Liniger model for one-dimensional bosons with repulsive δ\delta-function interaction can be rigorously derived via a scaling limit from a dilute three-dimensional Bose gas with arbitrary repulsive interaction potential of finite scattering length. For this purpose, we prove bounds on both the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenfunctions of three-dimensional bosons in strongly elongated traps and relate them to the corresponding quantities in the Lieb-Liniger model. In particular, if both the scattering length aa and the radius rr of the cylindrical trap go to zero, the Lieb-Liniger model with coupling constant ga/r2g \sim a/r^2 is derived. Our bounds are uniform in gg in the whole parameter range 0g0\leq g\leq \infty, and apply to the Hamiltonian for three-dimensional bosons in a spectral window of size r2\sim r^{-2} above the ground state energy.Comment: LaTeX2e, 19 page