22 research outputs found

    Inflationary Cosmology and Oscillating Universes in Loop Quantum Cosmology

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    We study oscillatory universes within the context of Loop Quantum Cosmology. We make a comparative study of flat and positively curved universes sourced by scalar fields with either positive or negative potentials. We investigate how oscillating universes can set the initial conditions for successful slow-roll inflation, while ensuring that the semi-classical bounds are satisfied. We observe rich oscillatory dynamics with negative potentials, although it is difficult to respect the semi-classical bounds in models of this type.Comment: 7 pages, In Press Int. Mod. Phys.

    Qualitative Approach to Semi-Classical Loop Quantum Cosmology

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    Recently the mechanism was found which allows avoidance of the cosmological singularity within the semi-classical formulation of Loop Quantum Gravity. Numerical studies show that the presence of self-interaction potential of the scalar field allows generation of initial conditions for successful slow-roll inflation. In this paper qualitative analysis of dynamical system, corresponding to cosmological equations of Loop Quantum Gravity is performed. The conclusion on singularity avoidance in positively curved cosmological models is confirmed. Two cases are considered, the massless (with flat potential) and massive scalar field. Explanation of initial conditions generation for inflation in models with massive scalar field is given. The bounce is discussed in models with zero spatial curvature and negative potentials.Comment: Online at http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/1475-7516/2004/07/01

    Early Universe Dynamics in Semi-Classical Loop Quantum Cosmology

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    Within the framework of loop quantum cosmology, there exists a semi-classical regime where spacetime may be approximated in terms of a continuous manifold, but where the standard Friedmann equations of classical Einstein gravity receive non-perturbative quantum corrections. An approximate, analytical approach to studying cosmic dynamics in this regime is developed for both spatially flat and positively-curved isotropic universes sourced by a self-interacting scalar field. In the former case, a direct correspondence between the classical and semi-classical field equations can be established together with a scale factor duality that directly relates different expanding and contracting universes. Some examples of non-singular, bouncing cosmologies are presented together with a scaling, power-law solution.Comment: 14 pages, In Press, JCA

    Inflation in Gauss-Bonnet Brane Cosmology

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    The effect of including a Gauss-Bonnet contribution in the bulk action is investigated within the context of the steep inflationary scenario. When inflation is driven by an exponential inflaton field, this Gauss-Bonnet term allows the spectral index of the scalar perturbation spectrum to take values in the range 0.944 and 0.989, thereby bringing the scenario in closer agreement with the most recent observations. Once the perturbation spectrum is normalized to the microwave background temperature anisotropies, the value of the spectral index is determined by the Gauss-Bonnet coupling parameter and the tension of the brane and is independent of the logarithmic slope of the potential.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figures. Extended introduction. In press, Phys. Rev.

    Effective State Metamorphosis in Semi-Classical Loop Quantum Cosmology

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    Modification to the behavior of geometrical density at short scales is a key result of loop quantum cosmology, responsible for an interesting phenomenology in the very early universe. We demonstrate the way matter with arbitrary scale factor dependence in Hamiltonian incorporates this change in its effective dynamics in the loop modified phase. For generic matter, the equation of state starts varying near a critical scale factor, becomes negative below it and violates strong energy condition. This opens a new avenue to generalize various phenomenological applications in loop quantum cosmology. We show that different ways to define energy density may yield radically different results, especially for the case corresponding to classical dust. We also discuss implications for frequency dispersion induced by modification to geometric density at small scales.Comment: Revised version; includes expanded discussion of natural trans-Planckian modifications to frequency dispersion and robustness to quantization ambiguities. To appear in Class. Quant. Gra

    FRW Cosmology with Non-positively Defined Higgs Potentials

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    We discuss the classical aspects of dynamics of scalar models with non-positive Higgs potentials in the FRW cosmology. These models appear as effective local models in non-local models related with string field theories. After a suitable field redefinition these models have the form of local Higgs models with a negative extra cosmological term and the total Higgs potential is non-positively defined and has rather small coupling constant. The non-positivity of the potential leads to the fact that on some stage of evolution the expansion mode gives place to the mode of contraction, due to that the stage of reheating is absent. In these models the hard regime of inflation gives place to inflation near the hill top and the area of the slow roll inflation is very small. Meanwhile one can obtain enough e-foldings before the contraction to make the model under consideration admissible to describe inflation.Comment: 40 pages, 20 figures, typos correcte

    Curvaton Dynamics in Brane-worlds

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    We study the curvaton dynamics in brane-world cosmologies. Assuming that the inflaton field survives without decay after the end of inflation, we apply the curvaton reheating mechanism to Randall-Sundrum and to its curvature corrections: Gauss-Bonnet, induced gravity and combined Gauss-Bonnet and induced gravity cosmological models. In the case of chaotic inflation and requiring suppression of possible short-wavelength generated gravitational waves, we constraint the parameters of a successful curvaton brane-world cosmological model. If density perturbations are also generated by the curvaton field then, the fundamental five-dimensional mass could be much lower than the Planck massComment: 47 pages, 1 figure, references added, to be published in JCA

    The Inflationary Energy Scale in Braneworld Cosmology

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    Upper bounds on the energy scale at the end of inflation in the Randall-Sundrum type II braneworld scenario are derived. The analysis is made exact by introducing new parameters that represent extensions of the Hubble flow parameters. Only very weak assumptions about the form of the inflaton potential are made. In the high energy and slow roll regime the bounds depend on the amplitude of gravitational waves produced during inflation and become stronger as this amplitude increases.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    On Energy Conditions and Stability in Effective Loop Quantum Cosmology

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    In isotropic loop quantum cosmology, non-perturbatively modified dynamics of a minimally coupled scalar field violates weak, strong and dominant energy conditions when they are stated in terms of equation of state parameter. The violation of strong energy condition helps to have non-singular evolution by evading singularity theorems thus leading to a generic inflationary phase. However, the violation of weak and dominant energy conditions raises concern, as in general relativity these conditions ensure causality of the system and stability of vacuum via Hawking-Ellis conservation theorem. It is shown here that the non-perturbatively modified kinetic term contributes negative pressure but positive energy density. This crucial feature leads to violation of energy conditions but ensures positivity of energy density, as scalar matter Hamiltonian remains bounded from below. It is also shown that the modified dynamics restricts group velocity for inhomogeneous modes to remain sub-luminal thus ensuring causal propagation across spatial distances.Comment: 29 pages, revtex4; few clarifications, references added, to appear in CQ