43 research outputs found


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    This paper briefly describes the application of GIS in waste waters. It describes the major characteristics of GIS, as well as wastewater collection system and the reasons for the application of GIS in the analysis, modelling and display characteristics of drainage systems. There are described two programs based on GIS technology to analyse and monitor wastewater collection system. Also shown is the principle of selecting the location of device for purifying waste water, which is the ultimate element of the drainage system, using a GIS. In this way, it facilitated the process of selecting locations taking into account the various regulations, standards, as well as characteristics of the terrain and vegetation. GIS is used to monitor water quality even after treatment, which creates good conditions for its re-use. This was exemplified by the use of such treated water in irrigation and selection of suitable locations.U radu je ukratko opisana primjena GIS-a u gospodarenju otpadnim vodama. Navedene su glavne karakteristike GIS-a, kao i sustava odvodnje otpadnih voda te razlozi primjene GIS-a pri analizi, modeliranju i prikazu karakteristika sustava odvodnje. Detaljnije su opisana dva programa bazirana na GIS tehnologiji za analizu i monitoring sustava odvodnje otpadnih voda. Prikazan je i princip odabira lokacije uređaja za pročišćavanje otpadne vode, koji je krajnji element sustava odvodnje, pomoću GIS-a. Na taj je način olakšan sam postupak odabira lokacije uzimajući u obzir različite propise, standarde, kao i karakteristike okolnog terena i vegetacije. GIS omogućuje i praćenje kvalitete vode i nakon pročišćavanja čime se stvaraju dobri uvjeti za njeno ponovno korištenje. Naveden je primjer korištenja takve tretirane vode u navodnjavanju i odabiru prikladnih lokacija


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    Suša je ekstremna hidrološka pojava koja izaziva velike gospodarske i ekološke štete. Identifikacija i kvantifikacija suše provodi se primjenom različitih metoda. Za područje kontinentalne Hrvatske, na 15 meteoroloških postaja od 1981. do 2011. godine, provedena je analiza 5 metoda za identifikaciju suše: indeks standardiziranih oborina, metoda decila, postotak od normale, indeks anomalije oborina i metoda koraka. Rezultati su pokazali da svaka od metoda ima svoje specifičnosti, ali su sve primjenjive za analizirano područje. Indeks standardiziranih oborina ima značajnu korelaciju s metodom decila, postotkom od normale i indeksom anomalije oborina.Drought is an extreme hydrological event that causes great economic and environmental damage. Various methods are used for the identification and quantification of drought. The analysis of five drought identification methods was conducted for continental Croatia on 15 weather stations in the period from 1981 to 2011: standardised precipitation index, deciles index, percent of normal precipitation, rainfall anomaly index, and threshold level method. Results have revealed that each of these methods has its specific features but that all are applicable for the area under study. There is a significant correlation between the standard precipitation index and the deciles index, rainfall anomaly index, and percent of normal.Dürre ist ein extremes hydrologisches Phänomen, das große wirtschaftliche und ökologische Schäden verursacht. Die Identifizierung und Quantifizierung von Dürre wird mittels verschiedener Methoden durchgeführt. Im kontinentalen Raum Kroatiens ist für 15 meteorologischen Stationen im Zeitraum von 1981 bis 2011 eine Analyse der folgenden fünf Methoden zur Identifizierung von Dürre durchgeführt: standardisierter Niederschlagsindex, Dezil-Methode, Normalprozentsatz, Index der Niederschlagsanomalie und Schrittverfahren. Die Ergebnisse haben gezeigt, dass die einzelnen Methoden ihre Besonderheiten haben, aber für das analysierte Gebiet anwendbar sind. Der standardisierte Niederschlagsindex hat eine bedeutende Korrelation zur Dezil- Methode, dem Normalprozentsatz und dem Index der Niederschlagsanomalie


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    1D model of the Drava River, between 00 + 543 rkm and 69 +118 rkm, was created by the MIKE 11 river-modeling tool. The aim of this model was to analyze the river water quality (WQ). Compared to the real Drava River section, the model was simplified to exclude any tributaries for the purpose of the water quality analysis. The inflow boundary was specified upstream, in addition to the WQ parameters (dissolved oxygen (DO), temperature, ammonia nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, total phosphorus and orthophosphate, and five-day biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5)). The water level and open boundary conditions were specified at the downstream end of section. The WQ parameters, mentioned earlier, were also defined at the Belišće wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) (54 + 373 rkm) and at the wastewater outlet near Osijek (14 + 580 rkm). The model was then used to simulate the effect on the WQ of the Drava River in a hypothetical extreme scenario: the 2-day failure of the Belišće WWTP. It was assumed that during this time untreated wastewater would be discharged into the river. After running the simulation, the resulting concentrations of DO, BOD5, and ammonia nitrogen were analyzed. The results showed that, according to the concentration values of the untreated wastewater, the concentrations of BOD5 and ammonia nitrogen rapidly increased and the DO concentrations rapidly decreased with the initiation of the WWTP failure. Immediately after the WWTP was repaired, the parameters returned to their pre-failure values. The resulting analysis of the effects of this scenario highlighted the self-purification ability of the Drava River

    Application of GIS in the wastewater management

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    U radu je ukratko opisana primjena GIS-a u gospodarenju otpadnim vodama. Navedene su glavne karakteristike GIS-a, kao i sustava odvodnje otpadnih voda te razlozi primjene GIS-a pri analizi, modeliranju i prikazu karakteristika sustava odvodnje. Detaljnije su opisana dva programa bazirana na GIS tehnologiji za analizu i monitoring sustava odvodnje otpadnih voda. Prikazan je i princip odabira lokacije uređaja za pročišćavanje otpadne vode, koji je krajnji element sustava odvodnje, pomoću GIS-a. Na taj je način olakšan sam postupak odabira lokacije uzimajući u obzir različite propise, standarde, kao i karakteristike okolnog terena i vegetacije. GIS omogućuje i praćenje kvalitete vode i nakon pročišćavanja čime se stvaraju dobri uvjeti za njeno ponovno korištenje. Naveden je primjer korištenja takve tretirane vode u navodnjavanju i odabiru prikladnih lokacija.This paper briefly describes the application of GIS in waste waters. It describes the major characteristics of GIS, as well as wastewater collection system and the reasons for the application of GIS in the analysis, modelling and display characteristics of drainage systems. There are described two programs based on GIS technology to analyse and monitor wastewater collection system. Also shown is the principle of selecting the location of device for purifying waste water, which is the ultimate element of the drainage system, using a GIS. In this way, it facilitated the process of selecting locations taking into account the various regulations, standards, as well as characteristics of the terrain and vegetation. GIS is used to monitor water quality even after treatment, which creates good conditions for its re-use. This was exemplified by the use of such treated water in irrigation and selection of suitable locations

    Variability of Hydrological Parameters and Water Balance Components in Small Catchment in Croatia

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    Analysis of small catchment area in Croatian lowland with its hydrological characteristics in the period between 1981 and 2014 was carried out in order to define significance of change in hydrological and meteorological parameters (precipitation, air temperatures, and discharges) and water balance components (deep percolation and potential evapotranspiration). There was no significant land use change in the observed period, so all changes in hydrological processes can be considered to be without human impact in the last 35 years. Application of RAPS (Rescaled Adjusted Partial Sums) on all data series distinguished two subperiods with different length but the same behaviour. The first subperiod was a period characterised by the decrease, starting in 1980 and finishing between 1991 and 1995, while the second one was a period characterised by the increase of parameters in all analyses, starting between 1991 and 1995 and finishing in 2001. In comparison to the analysis of climate change impacts per decade, this approach is much more appropriate and gives insight into variations throughout the entire observed period. The most variable but not significant parameters are precipitation and discharges, especially in the second subperiod which has a major impact on occurrence of hydrological hazards such as droughts and floods and makes great pressure and responsibility on water management system

    Watercourse restauration – measures to protect and improve the river ecosystem

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    Obnovom vodotoka teži se postizanju prirodnijeg stanja korita dok se istovremeno ostvaruju preduvjeti za povrat prirodnih procesa i funkcija vodotoka. Raspoložive mjere obnove vodotoka prilično variraju u opsegu i kompleksnosti i u članku su prikazane neke od najčešćih vrsta zahvata. Učinak različitih mjera i zahvata revitalizacije vodotoka analizira se s hidrauličkog, hidrološkog, morfološkog, ekološkog i socio-ekonomskog gledišta. Također je prikazan i načelni tijek provedbe projekata s mogućim dionicima. Obnova vodotoka Republici Hrvatskoj je nova aktivnost vodnoga gospodarstva, iako se u ostalim europskim zemljama provodi više od 30 godina.Watercourse restauration aims to achieve a more natural riverbed state while simultaneously creating prerequisites for the return of natural processes and watercourse functions. Available watercourse restoration measures rather vary in their scope and complexity. The paper presents some of the most frequent intervention types. The impact of different restoration measures and interventions are analysed from hydraulic, hydrological, morphological, ecological and socioeconomic viewpoints. It further presents the project implementation process in general, including potential stakeholders. Watercourse restauration is a new water management activity in the Republic of Croatia, although it has been implemented over 30 years in the other European countries

    Numerische Grundwassermodellierung und -analyse im Flussgebiet der Vuka

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    Numeričke 3D modele strujanja podzemnih voda karakterizira velika složenost, brojnost ulaznih podataka, ali i velika primjena. U ovom se radu vršilo modeliranje podzemnih voda na slivnom području rijeke Vuke u istočnom dijelu Hrvatske. Osnovne karakteristike ovog područja su automorfna i hidromorfna tla, vertikalna i horizontalna heterogenost geoloških slojeva, vegatacijski pokrov, te brojne rijeke i kanali. Nakon uspostavljanja konceptualnog modela, model se pretvorio u numerički uz odgovarajuće matematičke izraze. Nakon kalibracije modela, rađena je parametarska analiza koja je pokazala da najveći utjecaj na strujanje u analiziranim uvjetima ima infiltracija, koja je kalibracijom određena na 17% od ukupnih oborina palih na slivno područje. Ovo predstavlja važan podatak zbog toga što se promatrane vrste tla prihranjuju uglavom oborinama, ali i zbog proračuna vodne bilance. Parametarska je analiza pokazala i da vrlo mali utjecaj na konačan rezultat kod ovakvih modela ima evapotranspiracija unatoč tome što je 70% sliva prekriveno vegetacijom.3D numerical models of groundwater flow are characterised by great complexity and numerous input data but also high applicability. The paper presents groundwater modelling in the Vuka river basin in eastern Croatia. The key features of this area are automorphic and hydromorphic soils, vertical and horizontal heterogeneity of geological strata, vegetation cover and numerous rivers and canals. Following the establishment of the conceptual model, we turned it into a numerical model using appropriate mathematical expressions. After the model calibration, we conducted a parameter analysis that revealed infiltration as having the highest impact on the flow in the analysed conditions, which was determined as 17% of the total precipitation that occurred in the river basin by the calibration. This is important data since the observed soil types are recharged mostly through precipitation, but also for purposes of water balance calculation. The parameter analysis showed that evapotranspiration has very low impact on the final result in such models despite 70 % vegetation cover in the basin.Numerische 3D-Modellierung der Grundwasserströmung ist durch hohe Komplexität und Vielzahl von Eingabedaten, aber auch durch große Änderungen charakterisiert. In dieser Arbeit wurde das Grundwasser im Flussgebiet der Vuka im östlichen Kroatien modelliert. Die Grundmerkmale dieses Gebietes sind automorphe und hydromorphe Böden, vertikale und horizontale Heterogenität geologischer Schichten, Vegetationsdecke und zahlreiche Flüsse und Kanäle. Erstens wurde ein Konzeptmodell erstellt, das in ein numerisches Modell mit entsprechenden mathematischen Ausdrücken umgesetzt wurde. Nach der Modellkalibrierung wurde eine parametrische Analyse durchgeführt, die zeigte, dass Infiltration die größte Auswirkung auf die Strömung unter den analysierten Bedingungen hat. Die Infiltration wurde auf 17 Prozent der Gesamtniederschlagsmenge im Flussgebiet durch Kalibrierung festgestellt. Das ist eine wichtige Angabe, erstens, weil die beobachteten Bodentypen meistens durch Niederschlag gewässert werden, und zweitens, diese Angabe ist für die Wasserbilanzberechnungen erforderlich. Die parametrische Analyse zeigte auch, dass Evapotranspiration eine geringe Auswirkung auf das Endergebnis bei solchen Modellen hat, obwohl 70 Prozent des Flussgebietes mit Vegetation bedeckt ist


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    In this paper, a section of the Vuka River from its confluence with the Danube River in Vukovar to 3 + 630 rkm was modeled. The possibility and size of floods in the surrounding area were analyzed for different return periods (2, 5, 10, 50, and 100 yrs). Although the high-water levels of the Danube River are lower than the terrain elevation of Vukovar, they cause backwater in the Vuka River and in its tributary, the Bobotski canal. In that indirect way, the surrounding area is endangered and the efficiency of drainage systems is reduced. The existing riverbed of the analyzed Vuka River section was digitalized based on a digital terrain model using the geographic information system (GIS) software ArcGIS and the HEC-GeoRAS toolbar. A mathematical model of the steady-state flow of the Vuka river section using the digitized riverbed was executed in the HEC-RAS software using different return periods. The obtained velocities and water levels were analyzed using HEC-RAS, and the sizes of the flooded areas were calculated and observed in ArcGIS.U radu je modelirana dionica rijeke Vuke od samog ušća u Dunav u Vukovaru do 3+630 rkm, pri čemu je analizirana mogućnost pojave poplava, uzimajući u obzir povratna razdoblja od 2, 5, 10, 50 i 100 godina. Iako maksimalni vodostaji rijeke Dunav ne premašuju kote, uglavnom, nizinskog terena područja grada Vukovara, uzrokuju uspore u rijeci Vuki i njezinom pritoku Bobotskom kanalu. Na taj, indirektan način, ugrožavaju okolno područje i smanjuju učinkovitost zaobalnih sustava površinske odvodnje. Na digitalnom modelu terena korita rijeke Vuke i inundacijskog područja, u GIS računalnom programu ArcGIS pomoću alatne trake HEC-GeoRAS, digitalizirano je postojeće korito rijeke Vuke. Na tako definiranoj dionici napravljen je matematički model stacionarnog strujanja u računalnom programu HEC-RAS prema različitim povratnim razdobljima. Dobivene brzine strujanja i vodostaji analizirani su u samom programu HEC-RAS, dok se veličina poplavnih područja analizirala u ArcGIS-u

    Watercourse restauration – measures to protect and improve the river ecosystem

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    Obnovom vodotoka teži se postizanju prirodnijeg stanja korita dok se istovremeno ostvaruju preduvjeti za povrat prirodnih procesa i funkcija vodotoka. Raspoložive mjere obnove vodotoka prilično variraju u opsegu i kompleksnosti i u članku su prikazane neke od najčešćih vrsta zahvata. Učinak različitih mjera i zahvata revitalizacije vodotoka analizira se s hidrauličkog, hidrološkog, morfološkog, ekološkog i socio-ekonomskog gledišta. Također je prikazan i načelni tijek provedbe projekata s mogućim dionicima. Obnova vodotoka Republici Hrvatskoj je nova aktivnost vodnoga gospodarstva, iako se u ostalim europskim zemljama provodi više od 30 godina.Watercourse restauration aims to achieve a more natural riverbed state while simultaneously creating prerequisites for the return of natural processes and watercourse functions. Available watercourse restoration measures rather vary in their scope and complexity. The paper presents some of the most frequent intervention types. The impact of different restoration measures and interventions are analysed from hydraulic, hydrological, morphological, ecological and socioeconomic viewpoints. It further presents the project implementation process in general, including potential stakeholders. Watercourse restauration is a new water management activity in the Republic of Croatia, although it has been implemented over 30 years in the other European countries