24 research outputs found

    Production scheduling in the process industry

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    The purpose of this paper is to formulate an optimization model for the production scheduling problem at continuous production sites. The production scheduling activity should produce a monthly schedule that accounts for orders and forecasts of all products. The plan should be updated every day, with feedback on the actual production the previous day. The actual daily production may be lower than the planned production due to disturbances, e.g. disruptions in the supply of a utility. The work is performed in collaboration with Perstorp, a world-leading company within several sectors of the specialty chemicals market. Together with Perstorp, a list of specifications for the production scheduling has been formulated. These are formulated mathematically in a mixed-integer linear program that is solved in receding horizon fashion. The formulation of the model aims to be general, such that it may be used for any process industrial site

    Factors reflecting bids in procurement of bus transports

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    Evaluation of cost drivers within public bus transports in Sweden

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    The supply of public transport in Sweden has been continuously increasing and as a consequence thereof, the cost for bus traffic has also increased. However, many indicators show that costs for public transports in Sweden in recent years have increased more than supply. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to test and evaluate the importance of the nine previously identified cost drivers (Camén & Lidestam, 2016) of public bus transports in Sweden. A mixed-method design, which included both focus groups and a questionnaire, was used. The questionnaire, with quantitative rating scales, was sent to representatives from the bus operators and from the Public Transport Authorities (PTAs). In the focus groups, industry associations, consultants, and politicians also participated. The results reveal what the dominating cost factors are, as well as the factors considered to be the most important, according to actors within the Swedish bus transport sector. The most important cost driver identified is peak traffic and the costs of its consequences

    Supply chain optimization in the forest industry

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    The scope of this thesis is modelling and solving large-scale planning problems in the supply chain within the forest industry. Five research papers are included, the first three of which focus on the modelling, and the last two on the solution methods. All problems included are tactical multi-commodity problems expressed as mixed integer programming (MIP) models. The work has been done in collaboration with two Swedish companies within the forest industry. In Paper I, a problem concerning the supply chain of forest fuel for Sydved Energileveranser AB is modelled and solved. We study the problem of deciding when and where forest residues are to be converted into wood chips, and how the residues and chips are to be transported and stored in order to satisfy energy demand at heating plants. The company has long-term contracts with forest owners and saw mills. Decisions in the model include whether or not additional harvest areas and saw mills are to be contracted and which terminals to use. The planning horizon is one year and monthly time periods are used. Papers II--V are based on planning problems at Södra Cell AB. The planning horizon is normally one year. Papers II--III consider only one time period. In Paper II the supply chain from pulp mills to customers is modelled and the combined problem of deciding terminal locations and which ship routes to use is studied. Shipping vessels chartered on short or long term are used to transport products to terminals in Europe. From each terminal, the products are transported to customers by truck, train, or a combination of both. In addition, trains and trucks can be used for transports directly to customers from mills. In Paper III the entire supply chain, from harvest areas to customers, is considered. Decisions included are transportation of raw materials, production mix, the distribution of pulp products, and the selection of potential orders and their quantities at customers. The ship routes are considered as flow links. In Papers IV--V the problems in Papers II--III are combined into one model and several time periods are used. Lagrangian heuristics based on Lagrangian decomposition are used as solution methods in both papers. In Paper IV, the approach leads to subproblems for each time period, whereas in Paper V, another approach that results in subproblems for different parts of the supply chain is developed. All models are based on real data from the companies. The models are detailed and describe the problems accurately. The solution methods are developed such that the solution time is kept within practical limits. Results from Papers II--III have been used by Södra Cell AB to support the change of the terminal structure as well as in budget planning.Denna avhandling presenterar matematiska modeller och lösningsmetoder för optimering av olika logistikproblem inom skogsindustrin. Vi studerar försörjningskedjor för skogsbrÀnsle och massaproduker, och beaktar den Ärliga planeringen i syfte att optimera flödet. Det första problemet behandlar skogsbrÀnsle och Àr ett samarbete med Sydved Energileveranser AB. RÄmaterial i form av grenar och toppar frÄn avverkningsplatser ska flisas och transporteras till vÀrmeverk, eventuellt via terminaler. Det finns möjlighet att flisa bÄde i skogen och pÄ terminaler. Biprodukter frÄn sÄgverk kan ocksÄ anvÀndas som rÄmaterial. Vid behov kan utbudet av rÄmaterial utökas genom att fler avverkningsplatser och sÄgverk kontrakteras. VÀrmeverken har en efterfrÄgan, angiven i kWh per mÄnad, som ska uppfyllas. Exempel pÄ beslut som ska tas Àr var flisning ska ske, om nya avverkningsplatser ska kontrakteras, var lagring ska ske, samt hur och nÀr skogsbrÀnslet ska transporteras. NÀstföljande problem behandlar massaprodukter och Àr ett samarbete med Södra Cell AB. Olika sorters massaved frÄn skogen och biprodukter frÄn sÄgverk utgör rÄmaterial för produktion av massaprodukter. RÄmaterialet transporteras till massabruk för tillverkning enligt specificerade recept. De fÀrdiga produkterna transporteras sedan med fartyg till terminaler i Europa. FrÄn terminalerna transporteras produkterna vidare till pappersbruk, vilka Àr företagets slutkunder. Massaprodukterna transporteras i vissa fall med lastbil eller tÄg direkt frÄn massabruken till kunderna. EfterfrÄgan Àr angiven inom vissa grÀnser i olika order. Vissa order Àr fasta, vilket innebÀr att dess efterfrÄgan mÄste uppfyllas, medan andra order Àr fria. Exempel pÄ beslut som ska tas Àr vilka bruk olika produkter ska produceras pÄ, hur mÄnga och vilka terminaler som ska anvÀndas, samt hur transporterna ska utföras för att ge bÀsta resultat. UtifrÄn ovanstÄende beskrivningar har matematiska modeller formulerats. Ge-nom att lösa dessa kan vi fÄ svar pÄ logistik- och transportfrÄgorna och ett optimalt flöde kan hittas. För att lösa modellerna har kommersiell programvara anvÀnts. Heuristiker och mer avancerade optimeringsmetoder har ocksÄ utvecklats i syfte att producera bra lösningar snabbare.Article 4 was a manuscript entitled "Solving a multi-period supply chain problem for a pulp industry using Lagrangian heuristics based on time periods" at the time of the thesis defence.</p

    Dominating factors contributing to the high(er) costs for public bus transports in Sweden

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    The purpose of this study is to deepen the understanding of what are the underlying reasons for the increasing cost of public transport in general and bus services in particular in a Swedish context. Data were collected through in-depth interviews with managers at the bus operators as well as the authority organizations. This paper contributes by identifying nine categories that can be the dominating factors behind the increasing costs of public bus services in Sweden. The identified categories of cost drivers are; of traffic appearance (peak times), greening of buses, age requirements, the contract period, the accessibility customization, special requirements on buses, collective agreements (working time regulation), tendering and contracting process, and finally, counterproductive political governance. It can be concluded that many of the cost drivers originate from the circumstances of the process of public procurement, such as different demands for different regions in Sweden as well as the trade-off between the bus operators\u27 wishes for higher flexibility in the contracts and the traffic authorities\u27 fear of more risks and thereby higher bids in the end

    Use of Lagrangian decomposition in supply chain planning

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    The integrated planning of transportation of raw material, production and distribution of products of the supply chain for a large pulp company is studied. The planning period is one year and a number of time periods are considered. The tactical decisions included in the model regard transportation of raw materials from harvest areas to pulp mills, production mix and contents at pulp mills, distribution of pulp products from mills to customers either via terminals or directly, and the selection of potential orders and their levels at customers. A mixed integer linear programming model for the supply chain problem is developed. The main solution method in this paper is a Lagrangian heuristic method based on Lagrangian decomposition. The heuristic divides the problem into two subproblems representing different physical stages in the supply chain, each including several time periods. The advantage of the proposed solution approach is that it generates feasible solutions of high quality in short time. A number of cases based on real data is analysed.Original Publication:Helene Lidestam and Mikael Ronnqvist, Use of Lagrangian decomposition in supply chain planning, 2011, Mathematical and computer modelling, (54), 9-10, 2428-2442.http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mcm.2011.05.054Copyright: Elsevierhttp://www.elsevier.com

    Optimerad offentlig uphandling av busstjÀnster : Miljökonsekvenser av dagens detaljerade upphandling av busstrafik

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    Resultatet frÄn berÀkningarna indikerar att det finns en attraktiv potential i att Àndra upphandlingsform till mer flexibla och mindre detaljerade kontrakt som Àr vÀrd att undersöka vidare, inte minst i termer av mindre emissioner, men ocksÄ i form av lÀgre kostnader. En potential som Àr gynnsam för alla parter som Àr inblandade i den offentliga upphandlingsprocessen av busstransporter, myndigheter, bussentreprenörer samt kunderna. Resultatet, som Àr logiskt har sin grund i ett effektivare resursutnyttjande av bussarna, d.v.s. en anpassning av busstorlek efter behov.Den allmÀnna fallstudien visade pÄ sÀnkta nivÄer av CO2-emissioner dÄ kontrakten var mer flexibla och innehöll fÀrre restriktioner nÀr det gÀller val av busstyp. NivÄerna av CO2-emissioner minskade med 34 % dÄ man jÀmförde det mest flexibla scenariot (scenario 4) med nuvarande situation i aktuellt omrÄde i VÀsttrafik (scenario 1). Resultaten frÄn den specifika fallstudien indikerar att Àven kostnaderna kan minskas beroende pÄ hur effektivt tillÀggsbussarna kan planeras. Resultaten indikerar att emissionerna kan minska med upp till 47 % genom att anvÀnda mindre bussar i trafiken och att kostnaderna i vÀrsta fall kommer att stiga med 10%. Vi kan i vilket fall som helst konstatera att det finns möjligheter att Àven minska kostnaderna genom att förbÀttra planeringsmöjligheterna. Detta skulle t.ex. kunna göras genom att expandera det omrÄde som ska planeras i syfte att bÀttre kunna dra fördel av samordningseffekter och stordriftsfördelar. Andra transportentreprenörer, sÄsom exempelvis taxiverksamhet, skulle kunna anvÀndas i tillÀgg till de ordinarie bussarna för att kunna öka flexibiliteten och kunna utnyttja bussarna mer effektivt. Fyllnadsgraden pÄ bussarna i allmÀnhet kan förmodligen höjas om omloppen kan planeras utifrÄn en önskan om en jÀmn nivÄ av passagerare. Antalet pÄ- och avstigande gÀllande de studerade bussturerna i den specifika fallstudien varierar mycket lÀngs med turerna. Möjligheten att anvÀnda parkeringsplatser utmed turerna i tillÀgg till att anvÀnda bussgarage skulle minska antalet kilometer med tomma bussar. OvanstÄende möjligheter kan utgöra riktningar för fortsatt forskning inom omrÄdet för att ytterligare visa pÄ möjligheterna att reducera bÄde CO2-emissionerna sÄvÀl som kostnaderna betydligt. I syfte att fÄ en mer heltÀckande bild av omrÄdet skulle andra aspekter sÄsom passagerarnas instÀllning till bussresande och fullsatta bussar samt beteende vid resande kunna beaktas i fortsatt forskning.Resultaten frÄn vÄra berÀkningar visar att detaljerade krav i kontrakten som Àr resultatet av den offentliga upphandlingsprocessen leder till ökade CO2-emissioner och troligtvis generellt högre kostnader. DÀrför anser vi det vara högst motiverat för politikerna att utvÀrdera det svenska systemet. Denna forskning kommer dÀrför att bidra till det övergripande mÄlet att reducera CO2-emissionerna. Aktörerna inom bussbranschen borde Àven vara intresserade av att fÄ insikt i hur fÀrre restriktioner i kontrakten kommer att pÄverka dem.Resultaten visar ocksÄ styrkan i projektets systemansats, dÀr vi har vidgat systemgrÀnserna och gjort vÄra berÀkningar för systemet som helhet. Det har tillÄtit oss att betrakta systemet som aktörsneutralt vilket innebÀr att vi inte begrÀnsas i vÄr44forskning av t. ex. legala hinder, organisatoriska barriÀrer, planeringsmÀssiga problem och praktiska begrÀnsningar. IstÀllet har vi optimerat systemet som helhet i syfte att minimera CO2-emissionerna och dÀrefter kompletterat med berÀkningar gÀllande vilka företagsekonomiska konsekvenser en implementering av ett sÄdant system skulle medföra, först dÀrefter har vi lyft fram de eventuella problem som i sÄ fall mÄste lösas.Riktningar för fortsatt forskning skulle kunna vara att jÀmföra data frÄn denna region med andra regioner i Sverige. Ett annat nÀrliggande problem Àr att finna den optimala storleken pÄ bussarna i tillÀgg till att beakta en bussflotta av en given storlek

    Applying heuristics in supply chain planning in the process industry

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    In this paper a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model is developed to be used as a decision support tool for the chemical company Perstorp Oxo AB. The intention with the mathematical model is to maximize the profit and the model can be used in the process of planning the supply chain for the company. Perstorp Oxo is classified as a global company in the process industry and is has production sites in Gent, Castellanza, Stenungsund and Perstorp. The site in Stenungsund is in focus in this paper. The company produces chemicals that later are used for example in textiles, plastic and glass production. Perstorp Oxo also uses inventories in other countries for enabling the selling abroad. It has two larger inventories in Antwerp and in Tees and two smaller in Philadelphia and in Aveiro. The larger facilities store five different products and the smaller take care of one type each. To be able to find feasible and profitable production plans for the company we have developed and implemented rolling horizon techniques for a time horizon of one year and used real sales data. The outcomes from the model show the transportation of products between different production sites, the different production rates, the levels of inventory, setups and purchases from external suppliers. The numerical results are promising and we conclude that a decision support tool based on an optimization model could improve the situation for the planners at Perstorp Oxo AB. (C) 2020 by the authors; licensee Growing Science, CanadaFunding Agencies|Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF)Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research</p