499 research outputs found

    Friends at Mid-Century

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    The Isaac T. and Lida K. Johnson Lectureship, made possible by their gift, was created by the Executive Committee of the Five Years Meeting in its sessions of April, 1940. The creative minute of the Executive Committee is in part as follows: It is the duty of the Executive Committee to determine the use of this money and the Central Committee submits this recommendation: (1) that the gift be made a continuing memorial to these dear friends and (2) that the memorial be in the form of a lectureship for the Five Years Meeting, and, as it may direct, to be known as the Isaac T. and Lida K. Johnson Lectureship. It is further recommended that these lectures shall within the jurisdiction of the Executive Committee, be restricted to the field of Christian scholarship and the Christian message and its application to life. It is the confident expectation of the Executive Committee that not only the constituency of the Five Years Meeting, but all of Quakerism will be enriched by the successive messages made possible by this gift.https://digitalcommons.georgefox.edu/quakerbooks/1072/thumbnail.jp

    Spacecraft Informatics

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    Level of Turmeric Acid Therapy Effectiveness to Reduce Intensity of Menstrual Pain

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    Menstrual pain is an incidence of discomfort during menstruation. The current incidence of menstrual pain in the world is very high. According to epidemiological studies, the incidence rate in the United States is estimated at 45-90%, while a menstrual pain in Indonesia is 64.25% of total women who have menstrual (Proverawati, 2012). It is necessary to handle both pharmacological and non-pharmacological therapies. Test the research to analyze the effectiveness level of non-pharmacology therapy (turmeric acid and green coconut water) for decreasing intensity of menstrual pain in adolescent at Faculty of Health Sciences Muhammadiyah University of Sidoarjo. The method of this research is experimental with the quantitative approach of pre and post-test of Wilcoxon.Summer sample 40 respondents. Data collection using questionnaires. The results of research using turmeric acid and green coconut water in pre and post-treatment there were significant changes after the 3rd-day treatments with P = 0,000 (p <0,05). To see the effectiveness of treatment with descriptive to know the mean value, got the result using turmeric acid with mean value 0,45 whereas green coconut water means value 0,60 with difference 0,15 point higher in green coconut water. Nodes in this study are the level of effectiveness of decreasing the intensity of menstrual pain better by consuming green coconut water than the use of turmeric acid,.suggested to increase understanding of the community will be important to use non-pharmacology therapy in overcoming menstrual pain

    Fe-based superconducting thin films—preparation and tuning of superconducting properties

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    Cultural Heritage and Tourism are two areas of high interest for the tourist community at national and international level, as their relationship determines the tastes and preferences of visitors to their destinations; Starting from this premise the present study aims to recognize the interrelation between them, identifying the tourism products related to Cultural Tourism, due to the importance of the intrinsic contribution to this sector of the country's economy. The applied methodology starts from the documentary analysis on Heritage, Cultural Patrimony, Tourism and Cultural Tourism from the perspective of diverse theorists; On the other hand, a statistical survey of the movable patrimonial assets registered in the Information System of the Ecuadorian Cultural Patrimony (SIPCE), of the National Heritage Institute (INPC) and that are part of the tourist offer of Ecuador has been carried out. The study revealed that the highest percentage of tourist concentration is located in destinations such as Quito, Guayaquil, Santa Elena and Cuenca, these spaces hold attractions related to the Material Cultural Heritage, many of them cataloged and registered, while others have not yet been. Thus, the existence of a considerable number of them was identified, which reflect the essence, the symbolic and identity value of the peoples to which they belong; Giving visitors a glimpse of the cultural diversity of the country, due to its diverse and intercultural status, evidenced through the exhibition of tangible and intangible heritage as a means of expressing ideas, thoughts, desires, frustrations and needs.Patrimonio cultural y turismo son dos áreas de alto interés para la comunidad turística a nivel nacional e internacional, pues su relación, determina los gustos y preferencias de los visitantes hacia sus destinos; partiendo de esta premisa, el presente estudio tiene como finalidad reconocer la interrelación entre ellos, identificando los productos turísticos relacionados al turismo cultural, debido a la importancia del aporte intrínseco a este sector de la economía del país. La metodología aplicada parte del análisis documental sobre patrimonio, patrimonio cultural, turismo y turismo cultural desde el enfoque de diversos teóricos; por otro lado, se ha realizado un levantamiento estadístico de los bienes patrimoniales muebles registrados en el Sistema de Información del Patrimonio Cultural Ecuatoriano (SIPCE), del Instituto Nacional del Patrimonio (INPC) y que forman parte de la oferta turística del Ecuador. El estudio reveló que el mayor porcentaje de concentración turística se ubica en destinos como Quito, Guayaquil, Santa Elena y Cuenca, estos espacios guardan atractivos relacionados al patrimonio cultural material, muchos de ellos catalogados y registrados, mientras que otros aún no lo han sido. Por lo que se identificó la existencia de un número considerable de ellos, los cuales reflejan la esencia, el valor simbólico e identitario de los pueblos a los cuales pertenecen; dando entrever al visitante la diversidad cultural del país, por su condición de ser diverso e intercultural, evidenciada a través de la exposición del patrimonio tangible e intangible como medio de manifestación de ideas, pensamientos, deseos, frustraciones y necesidades

    A mid-Cretaceous enantiornithine foot and tail feather preserved in Burmese amber

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    This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.Since the first skeletal remains of avians preserved in amber were described in 2016, new avian remains trapped in Cretaceous-age Burmese amber continue to be uncovered, revealing a diversity of skeletal and feather morphologies observed nowhere else in the Mesozoic fossil record. Here we describe a foot with digital proportions unlike any previously described enantiornithine or Mesozoic bird. No bones are preserved in the new specimen but the outline of the foot is recorded in a detailed skin surface, which is surrounded by feather inclusions including a partial rachis-dominated feather. Pedal proportions and plumage support identification as an enantiornithine, but unlike previous discoveries the toes are stout with transversely elongated digital pads, and the outer toe appears strongly thickened relative to the inner two digits. The new specimen increases the known diversity and morphological disparity among the Enantiornithes, hinting at a wider range of habitats and behaviours. It also suggests that the Burmese amber avifauna was distinct from other Mesozoic assemblages, with amber entrapment including representatives from unusual small forms

    Identification of antisense nucleic acid hybridization sites in mRNA molecules with self-quenching fluorescent reporter molecules

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    We describe a physical mRNA mapping strategy employing fluorescent self-quenching reporter molecules (SQRMs) that facilitates the identification of mRNA sequence accessible for hybridization with antisense nucleic acids in vitro and in vivo, real time. SQRMs are 20–30 base oligodeoxynucleotides with 5–6 bp complementary ends to which a 5′ fluorophore and 3′ quenching group are attached. Alone, the SQRM complementary ends form a stem that holds the fluorophore and quencher in contact. When the SQRM forms base pairs with its target, the structure separates the fluorophore from the quencher. This event can be reported by fluorescence emission when the fluorophore is excited. The stem–loop of the SQRM suggests that SQRM be made to target natural stem–loop structures formed during mRNA synthesis. The general utility of this method is demonstrated by SQRM identification of targetable sequence within c-myb and bcl-6 mRNA. Corresponding antisense oligonucleotides reduce these gene products in cells


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    Objective: The present study was planned to explore safer, innovative and economic Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors (ACEi) from beef extract by the action of a proteolytic Micrococcus luteus. Cytotoxicity of the stable peptide was predicted using MCF-7 cell line in vitro.Methods: ACEi was purified by sequential steps of ethanol precipitation, ion exchange column chromatography (MonoQ) and gel filtration column chromatography (Sephadex G25). The apparent molecular mass was determined by SDS-PAGE. The anticancer property was analyzed by studying the cytotoxicity effects of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor using Breast cancer MCF-7 cell linesResults: The peptide was purified and molecular mass was determined as 4.5 kDa. The IC50 value of peptide was found to be 59.5 µg/ml. The DNA fragmentation was not observed in the treated cells. The purified peptide has demonstrated to induce apoptosis of cancer cell. The results proved that the peptide has the ability to be used for cancer therapy.Conclusion: The presence of ACE inhibition activities in the fermentation of beef extract using Micrococcus luteus has been investigated. The Peptide has been determined as an active compound that inhibited the activity of ACE. These properties indicate the possibilities of the use of purified protein as a potent anticancer agent.Keywords: Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, Micrococcus luteus, Anti-proliferative, Anti-metastatic, MCF-7 cell line, Anticancer activity

    An exquisitely preserved in-ovo theropod dinosaur embryo sheds light on avian-like prehatching postures

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    Despite the discovery of many dinosaur eggs and nests over the past 100 years, articulated in-ovo embryos are remarkably rare. Here we report an exceptionally preserved, articulated oviraptorid embryo inside an elongatoolithid egg, from the Late Cretaceous Hekou Formation of southern China. The head lies ventral to the body, with the feet on either side, and the back curled along the blunt pole of the egg, in a posture previously unrecognized in a non-avian dinosaur, but reminiscent of a late-stage modern bird embryo. Comparison to other late-stage oviraptorid embryos suggests that prehatch oviraptorids developed avian-like postures late in incubation, which in modern birds are related to coordinated embryonic movements associated with tucking — a behavior controlled by the central nervous system, critical for hatching success. We propose that such pre-hatching behavior, previously considered unique to birds, may have originated among non-avian theropods, which can be further investigated with additional discoveries of embryo fossils


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    Objective: To evaluate the potential of protease producing organism for the production of Angiotensin I–converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor by fermentation of various protein substrates.Methods: Bacterial strains were isolated from cow milk collected in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India by using serial dilution technique, plated on nutrient agar medium. The identity of the strain was ascertained by 16s rRNA gene sequencing method and was submitted to the NCBI GenBank nucleotide database. Various substrates were screened for ACE inhibitor production by the fermentation with the isolated strain.Results: The isolated coded as BUCTL09, which showed a significant zone of clearance was selected and identified as Micrococcus luteus (KF303592.1). Among the seven substrates, only beef extract fermented broth showed an inhibition of 79% and was reported as the best substrate.Conclusion: In the search for non-toxic, and economic ACE inhibitors as an alternative to the synthetic drugs, many natural ACE inhibitors have been isolated from a microbial source. In the present study, isolate BUCTL09 was selected for the production of ACE inhibitor from the beef extract. Findings from this study lead us to investigate this potent ACE inhibitor further for its biological properties and to explore the impending efficacy of the ACE inhibitor which may conceivably be developed into a prospective drug