46 research outputs found

    Epizootic rabbit enteropathy. Study of early phenomena with fresh inoculum and attempt at inactivation

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    [EN] Using 180 35-day-old SPF rabbits, this study used the effectiveness of bacitracin as a tool for acquiring more information on the various phases of ERE, in particular during the hours inoculation. Five groups of animals were used, including 3 treatments with Bacivet S(R) (bacitracin) at different times from inoculation, with the standard inoculum TEC3. Three parameters were studied: growth, mortality and stomach noises (borborygmi). A significant fall in growth rate was observed during the first 18 hours following the inoculation in all the inoculated groups, both medicated and not medicated. Treatment with bacitracin eliminated mortality and borborygmi, but not the initial fall in growth rate. Treatment starting 18 hours after inoculation is less effective during the acute phase than the preventive treatment. With a preventive treatment interrupted as soon as 18 hours after inoculation, a delay of several days was observed before the appearance of the disease (fall in growth rate, manifestation of borborygmi) and total mortality was reduced. Very few pathogens can explain this early fall in growth rate. Bacitracin is an antibiotic which offers good control of the disease, and probably of the pathogen but not of the physio-pathological disturbances in the first few hours. The intervention of an exogenic toxin in the first hours of contamination seems likely. Borborygmi are important criteria. The intensity and/or frequency could be used as semi-quantitative criteria to characterize the disease and for the prognosis. In a simultaneous trial, a group was contaminated with the same inoculum, heated for 10 min at 55°C, in order to obtain more information on the type of pathogen involved in the etiology of ERE. This treatment did not modify the virulence of the inoculum.This research received financial help from the Ministry for Agriculture of France (DGAL - ITAVI).Coudert, P.; Licois, D. (2005). Epizootic rabbit enteropathy. Study of early phenomena with fresh inoculum and attempt at inactivation. World Rabbit Science. 13. doi:10.4995/wrs.2005.515SWORD1

    Impacts socio-Ă©conomiques sur les cuniculteurs de la vaccination des lapins contre les coccidioses intestinales au BĂ©nin

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    Les coccidioses constituent l’une des maladies les plus meurtrières chez les lapins. Pour mieux contrôler cette affection, une prophylaxie vaccinale est mise au point. La réussite d’une telle innovation passe par la perception des cuniculteurs. Ainsi, la présente étude a été entreprise afin de déterminer les facteurs favorisant l’adoption par les éleveurs de la vaccination des lapins contre les coccidioses. Les enquêtes menées auprès des cuniculteurs ont révélé que 100% d’entre eux ont une opinion favorable du vaccin. De même, 83,3% des éleveurs ont affirmé que le vaccin était efficace. Par ailleurs, 80% des éleveurs ont déclaré connaître la coccidiose. Parmi ceux-ci, 62,5% avait bien décrit les signes cliniques de la coccidiose. L’étude économique a montré que la vaccination engendre un bénéfice net de 123,2 F CFA par lapin comparativement aux lapins non vaccinés. La vaccination s’avère efficace et est bien appréciée par les utilisateurs. Son adoption contribuera à améliorer les conditions de vie des cuniculteurs.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clés: Oryctolagus cuniculus, cuniculture, coccidies, prophylaxie, immunisation, adoptionEnglish Title:  Socio-economic effects on the rabbit breeders of rabbit’s vaccination against intestinal coccidiosis in BeninEnglish AbstractCoccidiosis is recognized as being one of the major serious diseases in rabbit breeding. For a better control of this disease, a vaccination program is set up. The perception of the rabbit breeders determines the success of this innovation. Thus, this study was undertaken in order to determine the factors which favour the adoption of the rabbit vaccination against coccidiosis by the rabbit breeders. Survey performed on rabbit  breeding revealed that 100% of the breeders included in the survey thought that vaccine is useful for the control of coccidiosis. An average of 83.3% of breeders has reported that the use of vaccine was effective to control coccidiosis. Likewise among rabbit breeders included in the study, an average of 80% has been reported to know coccidiosis. Among those breeders, an average of 62.6% was reported to know well clinical symptoms of coccidiosis. Economical study carried out on rabbit breeding showed that vaccine involves a net profit of 132.2 F CFA per vaccinated rabbit compared to non vaccinated rabbits. Vaccine turns out to an effective control of coccidiosis in rabbit and was well appreciated by the breeders. Its adoption will help improving rabbit breeders’ life.© 2015 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Keywords: Oryctolagus cuniculus, rabbit breeding, coccidia, prevention, immunization, adoptio

    Inoculation and bacterial analyses of fractions obtained from the reference inoculum TEC4 which experimentally reproduces epizootic rabbit enteropathy

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    [EN] The aetiology of epizootic rabbit enteropathy (ERE) is still unknown despite ten years of continuous research. A putative bacterial aetiology is the basis of current research. The fractionation of the reference inoculum (TEC4) is a major step towards finding the potential bacterial agent(s). In this study, TEC4 was fractionated by different techniques: centrifugation on discontinuous sucrose gradient, cell adherence and chloroform/ethanol treatment. The different fractions were inoculated into SPF rabbits and analyzed with classical bacteriological techniques. ERE was reproduced with two of the six fractions obtained. Four species never previously cultured from TEC were identified in the process but, to date, none of them seems to be the aetiology of ERE.This work was supported by a Grant from the «Service Publique Fédéral Santé Publique, sécurité de la chaîne alimentaire et environnement: Division Recherche contractuelle», contract RT 06/7 MINRABBIT. N. Huybens is a PhD fellow of the “Fonds pour la formation à la Recherche dans l’Industrie et dans l’Agriculture” (F.R.I.A.).Huybens, N.; Houeix, J.; Licois, D.; Mainil, J.; Marlier, D. (2009). Inoculation and bacterial analyses of fractions obtained from the reference inoculum TEC4 which experimentally reproduces epizootic rabbit enteropathy. World Rabbit Science. 17(4):185-193. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2009.64318519317

    Challenging the growing rabbit with a moderately pathogenic E. coli under ad libitum or limited feed intake conditions: impact on digestive physiology, bacterial communities, and on post-weaning growth

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    [EN] The impact of a challenge with moderately pathogenic Escherichia coli O128:C6 on the digestive physiology and gut bacterial community of growing rabbits under two feeding programmes was analysed. Upon weaning (28 d old), 180 rabbits were allocated to four groups (9 cages of 5 rabbits per group) for two weeks: group C100 was non-inoculated and fed ad libitum; C70 was non-inoculated and feed intake was limited to 70% of C100; I100 and I70 were inoculated and fed ad libitum or restricted to 70%, respectively. At the age of 31 d (D0), rabbits were orally inoculated with E. coli (2.2×108 colony forming units/rabbit). The effects of inoculation spiked on D4, with a 28% lower growth rate for I100 than for C100. Limited feed intake reinforced the inoculation’s effects on growth: I70 had a 66% lower growth rate than C70. The morbidity rate peaked at 42% between D4 and D7 for inoculated groups, without significant effect of the feed intake level. E. coli concentration peaked on D5/D6 in the caecum of the I100 and I70 groups. Inoculation reduced by 30% (P<0.05) the villus height/crypt depth and villus/crypt area ratios in the ileum, with no significant effect of the intake level. Inoculation was associated with a tenfold increase in serum haptoglobin (P<0.001) for both ad libitum and restricted rabbits. On D5, the inoculation modified the structure of the ileal bacterial community (P<0.05), but not that of the caecum. The feed intake level did not affect either the structure or diversity of the bacterial community, both in the ileum and caecum.The authors would like to thank Alain Milon and Stéphane Bertagnoli (ENV Toulouse) who provided the E. coli O128:C6 strain we used. We are also grateful to ANSES staff in the “Service d’Elevage et d’Expérimentation en Pathologie Aviaire” (M. Amelot, L. Le Moal, T. Le Coq, D. Courtois and M. Morvan) and for the technical help of F. Lalande (HQPAP, ANSES) and L. Gordon.Martignon, M.; Burel, C.; Licois, D.; Reperant, E.; Postollec, G.; Valat, C.; Gidenne, TN. (2021). Challenging the growing rabbit with a moderately pathogenic E. coli under ad libitum or limited feed intake conditions: impact on digestive physiology, bacterial communities, and on post-weaning growth. World Rabbit Science. 29(1):1-10. https://doi.org/10.4995/wrs.2021.14089OJS110291Agnoletti F. 2012. Update on rabbit enteric diseases: despite improved diagnostic capacity, where does disease control and prevention stand? In: Proc. 10th World Rabbit Congress, World Rabbit Science Association (WRSA) publ., Sharm El Sheik, Egypt, 1113-1127.Allison S.D., Martiny J.B.H. 2008. Resistance, resilience, and redundancy in microbial communities. Proc. Nat. 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    [EN] Digestive troubles are the main cause of morbidity and mortality during growth in rabbit production. The diagnosis of enteritis, which is characterized by diarrhoea, remains difficult to establish. However, identification of sorne specific pathogens may be possible. Coccidia and bacteria, like Escherichia coli (mainly 0103 serogroup) or Clostridium spiroforme are the most frequent pathogens. In adults, respiratory pathology with Pasteurella multocida is predominant, as well as staphylococcal infections.. In these conditions, the rabbit is one of the most important consumers of antibiotics among the domestic animals. The noxious role, particularly of penicillins and of sorne macrolids (clindamycin and lincomycin) is underlined. Otherwise, if sorne antibiotics like tetracyclin can be successfully used against respiratiory disorders, they could be harmful in case of Clostridium spiroforme contamination of rabbits, when used alone. A table at the end of this papar encloses antibiotics to proscribe, to avoid and those that can be used (with brief indications on their dosage).[FR] La pathologie intestinale est la principale cause de morbidité et de mortalité chez le lapin de chair en engraissement, en élevage rationnel. Le diagnostic des entérites du lapereau, qui se manifestent presque systématiquement par de la diarrhée, reste encare difficile a établir. Cependant certaines entités spécifiques peuvent etre identifiées. Les coccidies et certaines bactéries comme Escherichia coli (essentiellement les souches 0103, rhamnose négatif) ou C/ostridium spiroforme, sont les agents pathogenes les plus fréquemment rencontrés. Chez les adultas, c'est la pathologie respiratoire qui est prépondérante avec un autre germe dominant, Pasteurella multocida, sans oublier les staphylocoques. Dans ces conditions, on comprend mieux pourquoi le lapin se situe parmi les especes domestiques les plus grosses consommatrices d'antiinfectieux. En particulier le role nocif des penicillines et de certains macrolides (clindamycine, lincomycine) est souligné. Par ailleurs certains antibiotiques comme la tétracycline peuvent etre employés avec suecas en cas de troubles respiratoires mais si les lapins sont contaminés par Clostridium spiroforme, ce mame antibiotique peut etre générateur de troubles, s'il est utifisé seul. En fin d'article, un tableau résume les antibiotiques a proscrire, a éviter et ceux qui sont utilisables chez le lapin (avec indications sommaires de leur posologie).Licois, D. (1996). RISQUES ASSOCIES A L'UTILISATION DES ANTIBIOTIQUES CHEZ LE LAPIN : UNE MINI REVUE. World Rabbit Science. doi:10.4995/wrs.1996.272SWORD04

    Research on the hydromineral metabolism in rabbits suffering from diarrhoea

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    Pathologies infectieuses du lapin en Ă©levage rationnel

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    peer reviewedLa pathologie représente un poids économique important en élevage rationnel du lapin de chair. En effet, un quart des lapereaux meurent entre la naissance et la vente. Chez les reproductrices, sur trois femelles entrant dans une bande, une meurt avant la 3ème mise bas, une autre est réformée pour cause de performances insuffisantes (infertilité) ou problème sanitaire, une seule assure une production. Deux syndromes principaux sont classiquement identifiés chez le lapin : le syndrome respiratoire qui domine chez les adultes et le syndrome digestif, plus fréquent chez les lapins en croissance. Dans cette synthèse nous ferons le point sur les principales maladies infectieuses pouvant être rencontrées dans les élevages rationnels et sur les recherches développées au cours de ces dernières années concernant les agents étiologiques impliqués