7 research outputs found

    Metamorphoses of the Author's Style in Miroslav Holub's Poetry

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    Bakalářská práce sleduje proměny autorského stylu v básnickém díle Miroslava Holuba. V teoretické části vycházíme převážně ze studia sekundární literatury, v praktické pak z interpretačních rozborů jednotlivých básní z různých období autorovy tvorby. Holub je nejčastěji spojován s tvorbou v duchu tzv. poezie všedního dne, my se však snažíme podat ucelenější pohled na celou jeho tvorbu, především neopomínat básnické sbírky z let sedmdesátých až devadesátých, z nichž upozorňujeme například na metaforu theatrum mundi, se kterou Holub ve více sbírkách pracuje a která bývá v souvislosti s jeho tvorbou mnohdy opomíjena. Z rysů spojujících všechna Holubova básnická díla vyzdvihujeme především specifické promítnutí autorovy druhé profese vědce do jeho básní, jež se vyznačuje například konkrétními motivy a časoprostorem, užíváním specifického lexika, ale i osobitým uspořádáním veršů. Tyto rysy označujeme slovy Bohumila Svozila souhrnně jako intelektuální poezii, zároveň však polemizujeme s názory některých literárních kritiků tvrdících, že je Holubova tvorba kvůli své intelektuálnosti neosobní a prosta citovosti. Nakonec nacházíme také měnící se rysy autorského stylu ovlivněné především postupně se proměňující společensko-politickou situací v Československu i ve světě. Jedná se například o vytrácení se víry...The bachelor's thesis explores the changes of the author's style in the poetic work of Miroslav Holub. The theoretical part is based mainly on the study of secondary literature, the practical part mainly on the interpretive analysis of individual poems from different periods. Holub is most often associated with the poetry of the everyday, but we are trying to give more comprehensive view of his entire work; especially not forgetting the poetry collections from the seventies to the nineties, from which we draw attention to the metaphor of the theatrum mundi, with which Holub worked in several collections and which is just seldom associated with his poetry. Among the features connecting all of Holub's poetic works, we emphasize the specific projection of the author's second profession as a scientist into his poems, which is characterized, for example, by specific themes and space-time, the use of a specific lexicon, but surprisingly also a special arrangement of verses. We refer to words of Bohumil Svozil who calls those features as intellectual poetry, but at the same time we argue with the opinions of some literary critics claiming that Holub's work is impersonal and devoid of emotions due to its intellectuality. Finally, we also find changing features of the author's style influenced mainly by the...Katedra české literaturyFaculty of EducationPedagogická fakult

    Pathogenicity of Trichobilharzia

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    Bird schistosomes, besides being responsible for bird schistosomiasis, are known as causative agents of cercarial dermatitis. Cercarial dermatitis develops after repeated contact with cercariae, mainly of the genus Trichobilharzia, and was described as a type I, immediate hypersensitivity response, followed by a late phase reaction. The immune response is Th2 polarized. Primary infection leads to an inflammatory reaction that is insufficient to eliminate the schistosomes and schistosomula may continue its migration through the body of avian as well as mammalian hosts. However, reinfections of experimental mice revealed an immune reaction leading to destruction of the majority of schistosomula in the skin. Infection with the nasal schistosome Trichobilharzia regenti probably represents a higher health risk than infections with visceral schistosomes. After the skin penetration by the cercariae, parasites migrate via the peripheral nerves, spinal cord to the brain, and terminate their life cycle in the nasal mucosa of waterfowl where they lay eggs. T. regenti can also get over skin barrier and migrate to CNS of experimental mice. During heavy infections, neuroinfections of both birds and mammals lead to the development of a cellular immune response and axonal damage in the vicinity of the schistosomulum. Such infections are manifest by neuromotor disorders

    Study on neuropathophysiological changes in mammalian host caused by bird schistosome infection

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    Trichobilharzia regenti belongs to a small group of parasitic helminthes localized in the nervous tissue of their hosts. Like in case of other bird schistosomes, repeated contacts with the infective larvae (cercariae) of T. regenti penetrating into the skin lead to development of skin allergic reaction in humans (cercarial dermatitis). It was assumed that the reaction is able to eliminate the majority of the parasites which penetrated into the skin. However, the studies on mice experimentally infected with bird schistosomes showed that soon after the penetration cercariae transform to schistosomula which are able to resist the host immune response. In case of successful immune evasion in the skin, schistosomula of T. regenti migrate further to the central nervous system (CNS). During CNS involvement, the infections of both specific avian and non-specific mammalian hosts can result in leg paralysis, balance and orientation disorders and even death of the host. The present PhD thesis deals with T. regenti infections of non-specific mammalian host. The first part of the experimental work was focused on the antibody reactivity and antigen specificity of sera from mice experimentally infected with T. regenti. ELISA tests of the sera revealed development of antigen-specific IgM and IgG1 antibodies and..

    Studium neuropatofyziologických změn u savců infikovaných ptačími schistosomami

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    Trichobilharzia regenti belongs to a small group of parasitic helminthes localized in the nervous tissue of their hosts. Like in case of other bird schistosomes, repeated contacts with the infective larvae (cercariae) of T. regenti penetrating into the skin lead to development of skin allergic reaction in humans (cercarial dermatitis). It was assumed that the reaction is able to eliminate the majority of the parasites which penetrated into the skin. However, the studies on mice experimentally infected with bird schistosomes showed that soon after the penetration cercariae transform to schistosomula which are able to resist the host immune response. In case of successful immune evasion in the skin, schistosomula of T. regenti migrate further to the central nervous system (CNS). During CNS involvement, the infections of both specific avian and non-specific mammalian hosts can result in leg paralysis, balance and orientation disorders and even death of the host. The present PhD thesis deals with T. regenti infections of non-specific mammalian host. The first part of the experimental work was focused on the antibody reactivity and antigen specificity of sera from mice experimentally infected with T. regenti. ELISA tests of the sera revealed development of antigen-specific IgM and IgG1 antibodies and...Trichobilharzia regenti patří do malé skupiny parazitických helmintů, kteří se nacházejí v nervové tkáni svého hostitele. Stejně jako v případě jiných ptačích schistosom, opakovaný průnik infekčních larev (cerkárií) do kůže vede u lidí k rozvoji alergické kožní reakce (cerkáriové dermatitidy). Dříve se předpokládalo, že tato reakce je schopná zničit většinu těchto parazitů, kteří proniknou do kůže. Avšak studie na myších experimentálně infikovaných ptačími schistosomami ukázaly, že cerkárie se brzy po průniku do hostitele transformují na schistosomuly, jenž jsou schopny imunitní odpovědi hostitele odolat. V případě úspěšného úniku imunitní odpovědi v kůži, schistosomuly T. regenti dále migrují do centrální nervové soustavy (CNS). Při napadení CNS, infekce specifického ptačího i nespecifického savčího hostitele mohou vyústit v paralýzy končetin, poruchy rovnováhy a orientace a dokonce i ve smrt hostitele. Předložená PhD práce pojednává o T. regenti infekcích nespecifického savčího hostitele. První část experimentální práce byla zaměřena na reaktivitu protilátek a antigenní specificitu sér myší experimentálně infikovaných T. regenti. ELISA testy sér ukázaly tvorbu antigen- specifických IgM a IgG1 protilátek a zvýšení hladiny celkového sérového IgE, což poukazovalo na Th2 imunitní odpověď. Antigeny...Department of ParasitologyKatedra parazitologieFaculty of SciencePřírodovědecká fakult

    Metamorphoses of the Author's Style in Miroslav Holub's Poetry

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    The bachelor's thesis explores the changes of the author's style in the poetic work of Miroslav Holub. The theoretical part is based mainly on the study of secondary literature, the practical part mainly on the interpretive analysis of individual poems from different periods. Holub is most often associated with the poetry of the everyday, but we are trying to give more comprehensive view of his entire work; especially not forgetting the poetry collections from the seventies to the nineties, from which we draw attention to the metaphor of the theatrum mundi, with which Holub worked in several collections and which is just seldom associated with his poetry. Among the features connecting all of Holub's poetic works, we emphasize the specific projection of the author's second profession as a scientist into his poems, which is characterized, for example, by specific themes and space-time, the use of a specific lexicon, but surprisingly also a special arrangement of verses. We refer to words of Bohumil Svozil who calls those features as intellectual poetry, but at the same time we argue with the opinions of some literary critics claiming that Holub's work is impersonal and devoid of emotions due to its intellectuality. Finally, we also find changing features of the author's style influenced mainly by the..