50 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Masa Kerja, Trait Kepribadian, Kepuasan Kerja, dan Iklim Psikologis terhadap Komitmen Dosen pada Universitas Indonesia

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        The objective of this research are: (1) to verify that tenure and personality trait as personal factors along with job satisfaction and psychological climate as environmental factors affect organizational commitment, and (2) to compare the organizational commitment of lecturers with that of employees in other fields. Respondents of this research are lecturers of Universitas Indonesia who have been working more than one year. Research findings show that tenure, kindness trait, and job satisfaction have direct effects on organizational commitment, while psychological climate has an indirect effect through job satisfaction. These findings strengthen other researches that show how personal and environmental factors affect organizational commitment

    What is the Church’s Social Teaching Saying about Politics?

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    The word "politics" comes from the Greek word "polis" meaning “state” or “city”, and what concerns the affairs of the state or city is referred to as "politikos." Politics therefore, is about social organization and relations that involve how a group of people make decisions. It concerns the manner in which authority and power are used in a group of people (what is sometimes referred to as governance). This usually involves formulation and application of policies for the good of people in that community or state. Politics is often practiced within a state or civil government, even though it can be observed in any human interactions like in the private sector, corporate sector, in religious institutions and even in academia. Politics should not be confused with political science, which is the academic study of politics. Political science tends to concentrate on theory and application of theory to practice.The Church, by reason of her role and competence, is not identified in any way with the political community nor bound to any political system. She is at once a sign and a safeguard of the transcendent character of the human person. The Church and the political community in their own fields are autonomous and independent from each other. The more that both foster sounder cooperation between themselves with due consideration for the circumstances of time and place, the more effective will their service be exercised for the good of all. It is a part of the Church's mission to pass moral judgments even in matters related to politics, whenever the fundamental rights of man or the salvation of souls requires it. (Vatican II, “Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern World,” No. 76) There is often a misunderstanding as to what politics really is. This can be seen in statements such as “politics is a dirty game”. Is politics really just a game? Is politics dirty at all? What is the aim of politics? What has the state got to do with politics? Can politics really contribute to justice and full human development? These and many other questions come up immediately as we share with you what the Church’s Social Teaching says on the issue of politics


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    It is a statement of an article which was to appear in THE POST newspaper'. It was about the link between economic growth and human development together with how governance contributes to human development.In 2010, Zambia was rated as the fourth growing economy in Africa, and number 21 growing economy in the world according to the Country Comparison of GDP Real Growth by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Zambia’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) was at 7% in 2010. Other favourable economic indicators include the single digit inflation rate (at 7.9% in December 2010 and the lowest at 7.1% in November 2010), a stable and stronger local currency compared to major foreign currencies, good copper prices that necessitated a booming mining sector despite the problems of the global economic crisis in 2008/09, higher productivity in agricultural sector, and increase in foreign investment mainly driven by Chinese investors. Zambia's economy was growing and there was steady growth for the previou


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    When we talk about gender equality, we are not talking about strict egalitarianism between male and females. We are talking about equality in terms of access to opportunities in all sectors of society and enjoyment of human rights and freedoms. It is about correcting and rejecting inequalities based on gender that disregard the dignity and rights of women or men. Talking about gender equality is not really being feminist. Feminism is the intellectual and political commitment to ensuring gender equality. In terms of access to opportunities and equity in enjoyment of human rights and freedoms, gender should not be a relevant consideration. It should be about justice and fairness.Each one of us is born and raised up in a family. Some of us have been raised up by both parents, some by a single parent, some by relatives, and some by guardians, while others have grown up in streets with fellow children. We all have been in some sort of community following some rules. In growing up, we are taught several things by our parents, guardians, elders, and even our peers which help us acquire skills to survive and fit well in a particular society. The wisdom taught to us largely depends on the ethnic group, religion, race and even the country we are born and grow up in. But a major influencing factor on what is taught to us is our gender

    International Audience's Timed Comment Use on Viki: Talking about a K-Drama while Still Watching It

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    학위논문 (석사)-- 서울대학교 대학원 : 언론정보학과, 2016. 2. 홍석경.This research explores new ways of consuming digital culture by international K-Drama audiences. For this, the research methodology of social viewing and the traditions of audience studies, especially on international reception of K-Drama, have been integrated. Social viewing is a new and technology-savvy way of watching television: the traditional media is enjoyed while viewers simultaneously participate in a conversation about the television program they are watching. The research object, Viki, is a social viewing platform that provides online streaming of K-Drama as well as a service called Timed Comment that enables viewers to comment on the specific moments of the drama while they are still watching it. Through this service, viewers contribute to co-production of meaning for the drama text as active consumersthus, timed comment can be seen as a form of participatory culture. For this research, 3 episodes have been randomly selected from each of the two K-Dramas, Pinocchio and Fated to Love You, and all timed comments on the selected episodes have been collected. 12,540 timed comments were then coded into the three main categories: meta-communication, narrative-related communication, and production-related communication. The frequency of timed comment in each category has been accessed based on the sequence of drama. The results demonstrate dominantly high frequency for narrative-related communicationthis indicates that the timed comment is a reaction to a drama that is written in a fluctuating state between immersion and distancing. Though not unique to timed comment community, the construction of K-Drama metatext has been observed in this research. In a short comment that is comprised of only few sentences, viewers draw references and exhibit vast background knowledge from a plethora of other media products of East Asia and their own locality. Viewers actively employ K-Dramaland as a horizon of expectation for interpretation of K-Drama as well. These findings reinforce previous researches by demonstrating that international audience of K-Drama is a group of cultural omnivores who consume a variety of cultural products and create a new digital play culture. In Viki community, entry-level viewers who just started to watch their first K-Drama co-exist with heavy-viewers who watch almost everything that comes out regardless of the genre. These diverse group of audience interact on a special social viewing interface called timed comment. Therefore, Vikis timed comment should be interpreted as a audiences space for practicing participatory culture. Keyword: Viki, Timed Comment, K-Drama, Social Viewing, Interface, Participatory Culture, Cultural Omnivore, International Audience Student Number: 2013-23778Chapter 1: Introduction 1 A. Purpose and Goals 1 B. Background 3 1. Rise of Social Viewing in a Digital Environment 3 2. Watching K-Drama through Online Streaming 7 3. Viki and its Timed Comment Service 11 4. Timed Comment Use as a Unique Practice of International K-Drama Audience 15 Chapter 2: Relevant Literatures on Social Viewing and Interface 18 A. Social Viewing 18 1. From Collective to Social 18 2. Defining Social Viewing 20 3. Use of Multiple Media for Social Viewing 21 B. Interface 22 1. Multiplatforming of Television Audience 22 2. Interactivity among Television Audience 25 3. Emergence of the First and Second Screens into One Interface 26 C. Participatory Culture and Play Theory 26 Chapter 3: Theoretical Underpinning 30 A. Timed Comment as an Interface between Immersion and Distancing 30 1. Immersion, Identification and Parasocial Interaction 30 a.Immersion 30 b.Identification 32 c. Parasocial Interaction 34 2. Distancing 36 B. Timed Comment as Audiences Co-Production of Meaning for K-Drama Text 38 1. Transtextuality in Timed Comment 38 2. K-Dramaland as a Horizon of Expectation 41 C. Timed Comment as a Space for Fandom Formation 42 1. Re-negotiation of Fan Identity through Performativity in Timed Comment 43 2. Gift Economy within Timed Comment 46 Chapter 4: Research Question and Methodology 48 A. Research Question 48 B. Methodology 49 1. Methodology of Previous Researches on International Reception of K-Drama 49 2. Drama Selection for Timed Comment Collection 52 3. Timed Comment Collection 55 4. Analysis 56 Chapter 5: Results and Discussions 60 A. Language of Timed Comments 60 B. Characteristics of Timed Comment Use 61 C. Communication on Timed Comment 65 1. Meta-communication 68 2. Narrative-related Communication 74 3. Production-related Communication 81 D. Metatextuality in Timed Comments 85 E. K-Dramaland as Horizon of Expectation 91 Chatper 6: Conclusion 94 A. Conclusion 94 B. Limitations and Further Suggestions 97 References 101 Appendices 107 Appendix A: List of K-Dramas based on Evaluation Categories 107 Appendix B: Coding Guidelines 108 Appendix C: Sequence Descriptions 118 Appendix D: List of References from Other Media Products 129 Korean Abstract 134Maste

    The Challenge of the Second African Synod

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    The purpose of this JCTR booklet is to help to prepare for the African Synod by increasing awareness about it and its importance to Catholics and other in Zambia and wider in Africa and around the world. We contribute to such a preparation by suggesting answers to these important questions: Have we achieved the themes and recommendations of the First African Synod? What are our expectations of the Second African Synod? How best can we prepare and participate for the Second African Synod?On 28 June 2007, Pope Benedict XVI called for the Second Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops to be held in the Vatican in October 2009. The theme of this Second Assembly is: “The Church in Africa in Service to Reconciliation, Justice and Peace: ‘You are the salt of the earth … You are the light of the world’ (Matthew 5: 13-15).” This synod will come 15 years after the 1994 Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops, now commonly referred to as the First African Synod. Synods of Bishops have regularly been held since the conclusion of Vatican Two, devoting attention both to the universal topics such as evangelisation, laity or scripture, or geographically localised with a focus, for example, on the Church in Europe, the Americas or Asia. Unlike a Council which can make decrees, a Synod is, in the present Roman dispensation, only “consultative.” This means it can only make recommendations which are referred to the Pope for follow-up

    Uji Reliabilitas dan Validitas Skala Karakter Baik (SKB) untuk Siswa SMA/Sederajat Di Indonesia

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    Good character is a congruence of thought, feelings and behaviors that are in accordance with principles of morality. Since 2016 Indonesian education system attempts to develop good character in students using principles for encouraging character education (PPK, Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter). The principles of PPK are based on Pancasila, Indonesia national ideology. These five principles are religiosity, nationalism, independence, cooperation, and integrity. Currently, there are no instrument for measuring good character in accordance with the principle of PPK. This study aims to develop a reliable and valid measuring tool for good character that can be used for measuring good character in Indonesian high school students. In the development of this measurement, this study tests the reliability with discriminatory item analysis using SPSS v.21. Construct validity was measured using confirmatory factor analysis with JASP emulation MPlus, from which group norm was formed with average of 10 and standard deviation of 3. The subjects of this study are 728 Indonesian high school students. The result of this study show that the instrument can be deemed reliable with Cronbach alpha of 0.892. This instrument also shows model fit p-value of 0.000, SRMRS of 0.078 and GFI of 0.957, which can be interpreted as a reliable in term of measurement.Karakter baik (good character) merupakan bentuk keselarasan dari pemikiran, perasaan, dan tingkah laku yang sesuai moral dan diharapkan dimiliki oleh setiap pribadi. Sejak tahun 2016, Indonesia telah berupaya untuk membentuk karakter baik bagi setiap anak bangsa dengan menerapkankan nilai-nilai Penguatan Pendidikan Karakter (PPK) yang bersumber dari Pancasila di dalam dunia pendidikan. Lima nilai prioritas PPK adalah religius, nasionalis, mandiri, gotong royong, dan integritas, Namun demikian, sampai saat ini belum ditemukan pengukuran karakter yang baik dengan kontekstualisasi kelima nilai PPK tersebut. Oleh karena itu, peneliti mengembangkan alat ukur karakter baik yang reliabel, valid sehingga dapat digunakan untuk menggambarkan karakter yang baik bagi siswa/i SMA/sederajat di Indonesia. Pada pengembangan alat ukur ini, peneliti menguji reliabilitas dan melakukan analisis diskriminasi item menggunakan SPSS Versi 21, validitas konstruk melalui confirmatory factor analysis menggunakan JASP emulation MPlus, dan menyusun norma kelompok menggunakan skor standar dengan skor rata-rata = 10 dan deviasi standar = 3. Populasi dari pengujian alat ukur ini adalah siswa/i SMA sederajat di Indonesia dengan sebanyak 728 sampel. Hasilnya menunjukkan bahwa alat ukur Skala Karakter Baik adalah alat ukur yang reliabel (Cronbach alpha = 0,892) dan valid (Model Fit RMSEA p-value=0,000, SRMS=0,078, GFI=0,957)

    A Lei nº 13.344/2016 e as novas técnicas de localização de vítimas e suspeitos de crimes de tráfico de pessoas: eficácia, legalidade e conformação constitucional

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    The Law no. 13.344/2016 brought important repercussions to the Brazilian criminal investigation, among which the most significant one was the possibility of police authorities requesting from telephone companies the necessary technical means to locate victims and/or suspects of human trafficking. This localization is made through the identification of mobile devices, like cell phones. This article aims to answer the following issue: are the available and commonly used technical means effective in the localization of human trafficking victims and suspects? For this purpose, it is assumed that the technical means typically used in this process are not effective. In light of this, it is suggested the use of the GPS tool, which technically does not qualify as a "signal" and presumes the license of data network with financial costs. Therefore, it is analyzed who must bear said costs - the State, the companies or the consumers, as well as the legality and constitutionality of the use of this technique. The subject will be approached mostly through the deductive method.A Lei nº 13.344/2016 introduziu importantes repercussões na investigação criminal brasileira, entre as quais, a mais significativa foi a possibilidade de a autoridade policial requisitar às empresas prestadoras de serviços telefônicos e/ou telemáticos os meios técnicos adequados à localização de vítimas e/ou suspeitos de crime de tráfico de pessoas. Essa localização é feita através da identificação de um dispositivo móvel, como o celular. O objetivo deste artigo é responder o seguinte problema: os meios técnicos disponíveis e normalmente utilizáveis são eficazes para a localização de vítimas e suspeitos de crime de tráfico de pessoas? Para tanto, parte-se da hipótese de que os meios técnicos normalmente utilizados nesse processo não são eficazes. Em razão disso, sugere-se o uso da técnica do GPS, que tecnicamente não se enquadra como “sinal†e que pressupõe a habilitação de uma rede de dados, com custos financeiros. Analisa-se, em consequência, a quem cabe arcar com tais custos, se ao Estado, às referidas empresas ou aos clientes, bem como a legalidade e constitucionalidade do acionamento dessa técnica. A abordagem do tema será feita predominantemente a partir do método dedutivo

    Pengaruh Trust Terhadap Berbagi Pengetahuan Melalui Mediasi Komitmen Organisasi pada Dosen Perguruan Tinggi

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    Berbagi pengetahuan merupakan hal dasar dalam sebuah organisasi baik orgnasasi bisnis maupun pendidikan seperti pada Perguruan Tinggi. Perguruan tinggi adalah organisasi pendidikan dimana knowledge (pengetahuan) banyak diciptakan dan digunakan secara terus menerus dan berkesinambungan. Berbagi pengetahuan tidak hanya dosen kepada mahasiswa tetapi juga kepada sesama kolega. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui persepsi dosen dalam berbagi pengetahuan. Dosen sebagai salah satu sumber daya Perguruan Tinggi, memilik dua jenis pengetahuan yaitu explicit knowledge (data maupun dokumen) dan juga tacit knowledge (pengetahuan yang bersifat subjektif serta berbasis pengalaman). Dua jenis pengetahuan ini merupakan aset penting dalam organisasi yang harus dikomunikasikan antar individu ataupun organisasi. Hal ini dimaksud agar proses berbagi pengetahuan (knowledge sharing) berjalan baik untuk mendukung berbagai keputusan.  Penciptaan knowledge dalam sebuah organisasi tercapai melalui pemahaman terhadap hubungan proses mengubah tacit knowledge yang ada menjadi pengetahuan yang mudah dikomunikasikan dan mudah didokumentasikan, serta melalui desain proses sosial dengan mengalihkan tacit knowledge ke dalam explicit knowledge untuk menciptakan sebuah knowledge baru.Kegiatan berbagi pengetahuan di dalam sebuah organisasi pendidikan seperti Perguruan Tinggi dipengaruhi oleh beberapa hal seperti trust dan komitmen organisasi. Trust dan komitmen organisasi mempengaruhi sejauh mana dosen akan berbagi pengetahuan sesama koleganya. Semakin tinggi trust antara dosen danrekan kerja serta komitmen organisasi dalam sebuah organisasi pendidikan, maka akan terdapat kecenderungan yangsangat besar bagi mereka untuk melakukan berbagi pengetahuan. Penelitian ini didasari oleh teori Hoff dan Weenan (2004) untuk berbagi pengetahuan, McAllister (1995) untuk trust, dan Meyer dan Allen (1997) untuk komitmen organisasi.   Kata kunci : Berbagi Pengetahuan, Komitmen Organisasi, dan Trus

    Variants in the SNCA Locus Are Associated With the Progression of Parkinson's Disease

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    Background: Genetic factors have a well-known influence on Parkinson's disease (PD) susceptibility; however, no previous studies have investigated the influence of SNCA mutations on the natural history of PD using a prospective follow-up study. The aim of this study was to assess the risk factors of variation of SNCA on the prognosis symptoms of PD patients.Methods: Fifty PD patients were recruited with 38 v-PSG confirmed PD+RBD patients, and the median follow-up period was 30 months. All patients underwent a comprehensive clinical evaluation at baseline and follow-up, and six SNPs of SNCA (rs356165, rs3857053, rs1045722, rs894278, rs356186, and rs356219) were analyzed. Cox proportional hazards regression models and Kaplan–Meier plot analysis were used to assess the associations between the SNCA variation and the primary and secondary progression outcomes.Results: Based on the clinical assessment, we found that hyposmia was substantially easier to aggravate. Regression analysis showed that patients with the T allele of rs1045722 and the G allele of rs356219 presented a 34 and 20% decreased risk of progression to the H-Y stage, respectively (p = 0.022; p = 0.005). While for rs894278, G allele patients showed a 47% decreased risk of olfactory dysfunction (p = 0.029). Further subgroup analysis showed that PD+RBD patients with rs356219/G exhibited a 30% and 20% decreased risk of progression on the H-Y stage and MoCA score (p = 0.038; p = 0.045).Conclusions: Our results indicated that genetic variation in SNCA may contribute to variability natural progression of PD and could possibly be used as a prognostic marker