3 research outputs found

    Educomunicaci贸n digital: preferencias en el consumo de contenidos de las redes sociales de los estudiantes universitarios de Riobamba

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    Introduction: currently social interactions are present in different digital platforms; internet users have the possibility of consuming different types of content on social networks. But this digital phenomenon also involves identifying alternatives for information consumption to recognize the veracity of texts, images or videos.   Due to the heterogeneity that surrounds the user in digital environments, the limits in their actions, especially in the consumption of content  do not have the appropriate limits, they consume information to satisfy their social needs, entertainment, in very few occasions the veracity of the content is reviewed, and the necessary measures are not taken into account to verify the veracity of the content they share. Objectives:  the objective of this research is to analyze what factors influence the consumption of content from social networks by university students in the city of Riobamba. Methodology: the study has a quantitative approach, non-experimental design, descriptive field type.  The technique used was the survey, with a questionnaire composed of 31 items, as an instrument.  The population is made up of university students from the city of Riobamba. Results: in the results obtained from the general section it is observed that a high percentage of use of social networks, choose entertainment content, but with less preference informative and educational content.  Conclusions: in the positive factors the relevance of the consumption of information regarding problems that affect Ecuador, and the world is observed. In the negative factors are observed the presence of false information in social networks, sensationalism, saturation of information and harassment. It is evident that positive factors are more relevant than negative factors for university students and communication in the classroom is recommended to strengthen responsible consumption. General area of study: Communication. Specific area of study: Digital communication.Introducci贸n: actualmente las interacciones sociales est谩n presentes en las diferentes plataformas digitales, los usuarios de internet tienen la posibilidad de consumir distintos tipos de contenidos en las redes sociales. Pero este fen贸meno digital tambi茅n implica identificar las alternativas de consumo de informaci贸n para reconocer la veracidad de los textos, im谩genes o videos.   Debido a la heterogeneidad que envuelve al usuario en entornos digitales, los l铆mites en sus acciones, sobre todo en el consumo de contenidos no tienen los l铆mites adecuados, consumen informaci贸n para satisfacer sus necesidades sociales, de entretenimiento, en muy pocas ocasiones se revisa la veracidad del contenido, y no se toman en cuenta las medidas necesarias para verificar la veracidad del contenido que comparten. Objetivos: el objetivo de esta investigaci贸n es analizar qu茅 factores influyen en el consumo de contenidos de las redes sociales por parte de los estudiantes universitarios de la ciudad de Riobamba. Metodolog铆a: el estudio tiene un enfoque cuantitativo, dise帽o no experimental, de tipo descriptivo de campo.  La t茅cnica utilizada fue la encuesta, con un cuestionario integrado por 31 铆tems, como instrumento.  La poblaci贸n est谩 integrada por los estudiantes universitarios de la ciudad de Riobamba. Resultados:  en los resultados obtenidos de la secci贸n general se observa que un alto porcentaje de uso de las redes sociales, eligen los contenidos de entretenimiento, pero con menor preferencia los contenidos informativos y educativos.  Conclusiones: en los factores positivos se observa la relevancia del consumo de la informaci贸n respecto a problemas que afectan al Ecuador y del mundo. En los factores negativos se observa la presencia de informaci贸n falsa en las redes sociales, el sensacionalismo, la saturaci贸n de informaci贸n y el acoso. Se evidencia que los factores positivos son m谩s relevantes que los factores negativos para los estudiantes universitarios y se recomienda la educomunicaci贸n en las aulas para fortalecer el consumo responsable. 脕rea de estudio general: Comunicaci贸n. 脕rea de estudio espec铆fica: Comunicaci贸n digital

    Norma ISO 21101 y su aplicaci贸n en la prevenci贸n de desastres del turismo comunitario. Ecuador

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    Natural tourist destinations are sources of occurrence of dangerous events, these directly affect the usual operation directly affecting the economy of the sector. Adventure tourism has gained great strength worldwide due to the experience that visitors take away, hence the importance of seeking management tools that help protect the integrity of tourists. The objective of this research is to analyze the possibility of implementing the NTE INEN INEN ISO 21101: 2015 standard, in tourism activities in the Ecuador. One of the most important findings found in this study is the percentage of events that can happen in tourist sites, especially due to hydrometeorological variations. The probability of occurrence of the events obtained from the probability density allows us to have a more real data and according to the conditions of each one of the tourist sites, which was obtained from the identification of a specific mathematical model for each one of the sites.Los destinos tur铆sticos naturales son focos de ocurrencia de eventos peligrosos, estos afectan directamente al funcionamiento habitual generando consecuencias directamente a la econom铆a del sector. El turismo de aventura ha tonado gran fuerza a nivel mundial debido a la experiencia que se llevan los visitantes de ah铆 la importancia de buscar herramientas de gesti贸n que ayuden a resguardar la integridad de los turistas. El objetivo de la presente investigaci贸n es analizar la posibilidad de implementar la norma NTE INEN INEN ISO 21101: 2015, en las actividades de turismo en el Ecuador. Uno de los hallazgos m谩s importantes encontrados en este estudio es el porcentaje de eventos que pueden suceder en los sitios tur铆sticos debido a variaciones hidrometeorol贸gicas especialmente. La probabilidad de ocurrencia de los eventos obtenida a partir de la densidad de probabilidad nos permite tener un dato m谩s real y de acuerdo a las condiciones de cada uno de los sitios tur铆sticos el cual se obtuvo a partir de identificaci贸n de un modelo matem谩tico espec铆fico para cada uno de los sitios

    The effects of COVID-19 on migrant workers in Ecuador: A legal and social study

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    The migrant population continues to this day to be not only the main engine of world economies but also part of those who make up the vulnerable groups in society. This study aims to analyze the effects that COVID 19 has had on migrant workers in Ecuador at a legal and social level before and after the pandemic. A qualitative ethnographic design study was carried out, framed at the exploratory level, when addressing an almost unknown problem in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. The interview was validated through the criteria of experts in law and research methodology. The sampling technique was non-probabilistic. The data collection instrument was the researcher himself, who, through the interview, was able to collect the narrative data in the natural and daily environments of the participants. It was an observational type of study; prospective; cross; and descriptive while, from the point of view of jurisprudence, it was socio-legal