11 research outputs found


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    Penghapusan  etnik  atau  genosid  sudah  bermula  merupakan  satu  titik  hitam  dalam ketamadun manusia. Kata ini mula-mula digunakan pada tahun 1944 oleh Raphael Lemkin dalam bukunya  “Axis  Rule  in  Occupied  Europe”  yang  diterbitkan  di  Amerika  Syarikat.  Kata  ini  diambil dari  bahasa  Yunani  ‘γένος genos’  yang bermaksud ‘ras’,  ‘bangsa’  atau ‘rakyat’  dan  bahasa  Latin ‘caedere’  yang  bererti  ‘pembunuhan’.  Penghapusan  etnik  lazimnya  dilakukan  atas  nama  agama, bangsa dan negara. Kini, walaupun manusia telah mengenal ketinggian peradaban dan mengecap kemajuan dalam bidang sains dan teknologi penghapusan etnik masih berlaku di serata dunia dan alasannya masih lagi agama, bangsa dan negara. Penghapusan etnik minoriti oleh kaum majoriti dalam sesebuah masyarakat atau negara merupakan satu bentuk penganiayaan dan pencabulan hak  asasi  manusia.  Semasa  Perang  Dunia  Kedua  (1939-1945)  tentera  Nazi  Jerman  di  bawah pimpinan  Adolf  Hitler  telah  melaksanakan  penghapusan  etnik  berbangsa  Yahudi.  Selain  itu, penghapusan etnik juga berlaku di benua Afrika iaitu Kaum Tutsi dan Kaum Hutu dibunuh secara beramai-ramai   di   Rwanda.   Dianggarkan   sebanyak   500,000   orang   dibunuh   atas   nama   dasar penghapusan  etnik  di  Rwanda.  Pada  tahun  1990-an  pula  berlaku  penghapusan  etnik  Bosnia- Herzegovina oleh Kaum Serbia di bawah pimpinan Jeneral Ratko Mladic atas nama agama. Benua Asia khususnya Asia Tenggara turut tidak terkecuali dalam hal ini. Di Myanmar, kerajaan Myanmar di  bawah  pimpinan  Aung  San  Suu  Kyi,  penerima  hadiah  Nobel  Keamanan  1991  menghalalkan penghapusan  etnik  yang  dilakukan  pihak  tentera  ke  atas  penduduk  Islam  Rohingya.  Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara ASEAN tidak dapat berdiam diri melihat tragedi kemanusiaan yang terjadi di  Rakhine.  Penghapusan  etnik  di  Myanmar  telah  mengundang  reaksi  keras  daripada  rakyat Malaysia  yang  majoritinya  beragama  Islam.  Malaysia  demi  memartabatkan  semangat  ASEAN memainkan  peranannya  melalui  diplomasi  publik  yang  sistematik  untuk  membantu  masyarakat Rohingya   tanpa   memutuskan   hubungan   diplomatik   dengan   kerajaan   Myanmar.   Kajian   yang berbentuk   kajian   konseptual   menggunakan   kaedah   rujukan   Makalah   ini   mengupas   sejarah masyarakat  Muslim  Rohingya,  faktor-faktor  penghapusan  etnik  dan  diplomasi  publik  kerajaan Malaysia. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan Malaysia berjaya memainkan peranan publik diplomasinya secara  efektif  untuk  membantu  etnik  Rohingya  tanpa  mencemar  semangat  setia  kawan  ASEAN dengan negara Myanmar.Kata Kunci: Penhapusan Etnik, Rohingya, diplomasi Publik, ASEAN, Malaysi


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    Tujuan kajian ini dilaksanakan adalah untuk mengukur pengaruh motivasi latihan dalam perhubungan di antara program pembangunan kepimpinan dan pemindahan latihan. Sebanyak 412 borang soal selidik yang lengkap diisi oleh responden yang berkhidmat dalam Kor Infantri Tentera Darat Malaysia telah dianalisis menggunakan pakej perisian SmartPLS 3.2.5. Dapatan analisis pengesahan faktor menunjukan bahawa skala pengukuran kajian ini telah mencapai tahap piawaian analisis kesahan dan kebolehpercayaan. Selanjutnya, keputusan pengujian hipotesis menggunakan model laluan SmartPLS mengetengahkan dua penemuan penting: pertama, perhubungan di antara kandungan kursus dengan motivasi latihan mempunyai perkaitan yang positif dan signifikan dengan pemindahan latihan. Kedua, perhubungan di antara kaedah latihan dengan motivasi latihan mempunyai perkaitan yang positif dan signifikan dengan pemindahan latihan. Berdasarkan perspektif statistik, dapatan kajian ini mengesahkan bahawa motivasi latihan bertindak sebagai pemboleh ubah mencelah di antara program pembangunan kepimpinan dengan pemindahan latihan dalam organisasi kajian. Justeru itu, perbincangan, implikasi kajian dan kesimpulan turut diberikan perhatian dalam kajian in

    Language acculturation : barriers to social distance & psychological distance for Malay learners in higher learning institutions

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    This study aims to see the challenges of social and psychological distance among Malay students to learn foreign languages. The self-interest and awareness of students is not the only factor to ponder an engagement in learning a foreign language. At the same time, social distance challenges will occur considering the culture of Malay students thought that foreign languages are not easy to learn and complicated. This study also aiming at the alternative taken by the students in order to improve their learning process in mastering a foreign language. The challenges facing by them is in the aspect of self-confidence, peers who can interact in Arabic and Japanese and facilities provided in the campus. Based on the study and observation, students in public universities receive more of these facilities than students in private universities. The main reason is that a reliable financial injection given by the Ministry of Higher Education will certainly be able to help the public universities in strengthening learning facilities for students. 20 respondents were interviewed and information been analyzed narratively through qualitative techniques. The results came up that the variations in background, which is not from the community group that uses the language is also a challenge for them. As an alternative, students can double practice of communicating with foreign students who using both languages most of the times, as well as the role of social media that displays the story of society and by using it in the plot of the story

    Language usage of jargon and slang in strategic studies

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    The coherent view of language in strategic studies is to assemble a face out of a police identikit. All of the pieces, and no matter which ones, it does not look quite right. In this situation, it is necessary to specialize fairly rigidly and amidst the vast array of possible topics related to language, jargon and slang and this attracted the researchers. Methods: Language usage of jargon and slang is linked to strategic studies by the Speaking mnemonic. The Speaking Model offers a theoretical basis for language study that accounts for both linguistic variation from individual to individual and relative linguistic coherence across the social realm. Police jargon and slang is a unique language that police use to communicate with each other. It consists of terms, body language, acronyms, codes, and abbreviations. This can quickly and concisely be used to describe many things by the police both in written and verbal form. This language can describe people, places, property and situations by using The Speaking Model. This study is relevant to ascertain the perception of usage of jargon and slang by using The Speaking Model and this model can applied to study the elaborated codes of jargon and slang in sociolinguistic. Thus, the information obtained is jargon and slang associated in every profession but police jargon and slang is the most interesting one in strategic studies because of their own identity in communication. The Speaking Model is to look at a series of speech events and speech acts within a cultural context by using the first letters of terms for speech components and more vocabularies can be form. Shared knowledge of the linguistic code in police identity and as well as of the socio-cultural rules, norms gives values in a community

    Asperger's syndrome in autistic children and their modes of learning through casual speech method

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    The objective of this study is to identify the Asperger's syndrome in autistic children by observing their behaviour, their extralinguistics factors and to develop the best teaching method in learning Malay language. The five children with autistic learning disabilities were observed. This case study used for five children whom have been endorsed by a medical officer and special education teachers as people with autism. They participated in the Special Education Programme for Integrated Learning Disabilities. In order to select appropriate teaching methods for autistic children, researchers implemented six methods of learning in the classroom. There are Common Method without Music, Common Method without Songs, Common Method without Drama, Casual Speech Method with Music, Casual Speech Method with Songs and Casual Speech Method with Drama. Observations showed that the most frequent behavioral symptom displayed by the children was reduced when this method was implemented. Casual Speech Method with Songs is the best method to reduce the Asperger syndrome of five subjects to the minimum in learning Malay language. The Casual Speech Method with Songs is the best method and be created in Teaching Module in learning Malay language. This module can be reviewed by Ministry of Education to be applied in Special Education Programme for Integrated Learning Disabilities in Learning Malay language. Based of their observed behavior the best method produced a strategic learning method that can enhance the communication skill of autistic children

    Auditory stimulus for children with high functioning autism: towards reducing developmental disorders and inattentive attitudes

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    Preliminary findings in several works have described that children with high functioning autism frequently show hypersensitivity to auditory stimulus. We seek the answer by using auditory stimulus interventions in our time series research. Interventions were assigned alternately to weekly 30 minutes learning session each for musical auditory stimulus followed by musical songs auditory stimulus for 8 weeks without washout period. The aim is to detect trends such as reductions in developmental disorders and inattentive attitudes among participants. Targeted variables for developmental disorders are responsiveness in language, social, cognitive, and emotion. Cognitive and emotion responsiveness are included as a new variables which has not been reviewed by any of the authors referred to. The participants are 5 boys (mean age 12.2 years) with a primary diagnosis of HFA and students of special education programme for children with autism conducted by The National Autism Society of Malaysia (NASOM). The result shows that musical songs auditory stimulus is more beneficial to children with high functioning autism in reducing their developmental disorders with the highest responsiveness both in language and cognitive variables. The same stimulus is also regarded as the more valid intervention in measuring the participants’ attentive attitudes by showing a 43 percent reduction with a ratio of 1 in musical auditory stimulus equal to 2 in musical song auditory stimulus. Nevertheless, both interventions cannot reduce the autistic aloneness, a deficit in the social skill of children with high functioning autism. A possible beneficial future study on the effect of musical songs auditory stimulus in children with Rett syndrome is strongly suggested

    Penggunaan bahasa dalam bahan perhubungan media di Malaysia

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    Bahan perhubungan media ialah aspek yang penting dalam strategi komunikasi untuk menyalurkan maklumat sesebuah organisasi kepada pertubuhan media. Amalan perhubungan media pula penting dan diperlukan oleh editor pertubuhan media untuk mendapatkan maklumat daripada organisasi luar. Bahan tersebut perlu memenuhi keperluan editor sebelum disiarkan, termasuk aspek pengunaan bahasa. Makalah ini memberikan fokus kepada penggunaan bahasa dalam bahan perhubungan media yang dihantar oleh pengamal perhubungan awam kepada editor pertubuhan media di Malaysia. Kajian ini menggunakan kaedah analisis kandungan terhadap bahan perhubungan media dan temu bual bersemuka melibatkan editor pertubuhan media untuk menganalisis penggunaan bahasa dalam bahan tersebut. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahawa bahan yang diterima oleh pertubuhan media menggunakan bahasa Melayu dan bahasa Inggeris, namun, organisasi swasta lebih selesa menggunakan bahasa Ingeris berbanding dengan bahasa Melayu, walaupun media tersebut menggunakan bahasa Melayu dalam penerbitan mereka. Selain itu, terdapat pelbagai nama bahan perhubungan media yang diterima oleh media massa daripada organisasi luar yang menggunakan kedua-dua bahasa tersebut. Analisis menunjukkan editor berpendapat bahawa pemilihan bahasa yang betul dengan keperluan pertubuhan media sangat penting dan perlu dipatuhi oleh pengamal perhubungan awam

    The impact on non-traditional security threats in Sri Lanka

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    The security threats exert a great challenge to national security of all states irrespective of the state’s position in the international system. In the field of security studies, with the transition of state-centric security to individual security approach, non-traditional security issues have become a novel concept of security studies. As a maritime nation Sri Lanka’s strategic location in the centre of the Indian Ocean makes it visible, perhaps vulnerable, to many external and internal threats. Hence, the government has to take immediate steps to mitigate these non-traditional security threats in order to ensure the national security and economic prosperity. This article is to examine the security environment and perspective of national security in Sri Lanka, identify the non-traditional security threats and analyse the impact on national security and identify mitigation methods to ensure national security. Methodology used were the primary and secondary data of a qualitative research method by using ethnographic study. Findings for this study is Sri Lanka must shape the security environment through an effective and realistic assessment of national interest. A great priority is to be given for the political stability while maintaining the continuous vigilance, to seek active cooperation and coordination effort within the region and beyond and engage in continuous process of confidence building within the nation and beyond. The findings of this study are the model-based approach is a better solution for Sri Lanka to overcome these security challenges, however, application of any model should be tailored to Sri Lanka’s own specifications

    Community resilience elements and community risk perception at Banda Aceh province, Aceh, Indonesia

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    Issues related to the community resilience became more popular after the earthquake and Tsunami tragedy in the Indian Ocean and Aceh, Indonesia, 2004. The community resilience is the ability of communities to withstand and mitigate the stress of a disaster, there is less clearness on the detailed resilience-building process. The risk perception is concerns how an individual understands and experiences the phenomenon and believed to affect people’s preparedness for, responses to and recovery from natural disasters. Aims of this study are to identify the relationship between the community resilience elements such as community experience, community exposure, community reaction, community attitude, community knowledge and the community risk perception using survey gathered from 542 samples of Banda Aceh Province community, Aceh, Indonesia. Results found out there is a significant relationship between the community resilience elements such as community experience, community exposure, community reaction, community attitude, community knowledge and the community risk perception. Statistically, results confirm that the implementation of the community resilience elements such as community experience, community exposure, community reaction, community attitude, and community knowledge act as an important determinant of community risk perception towards disasters risk management at Banda Aceh Province community

    Community resilience elements and community risk perception at Banda Aceh province, Aceh, Indonesia

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    Issues related to the community resilience became more popular after the earthquake and Tsunami tragedy in the Indian Ocean and Aceh, Indonesia, 2004. The community resilience is the ability of communities to withstand and mitigate the stress of a disaster, there is less clearness on the detailed resilience-building process. The risk perception is concerns how an individual understands and experiences the phenomenon and believed to affect people’s preparedness for, responses to and recovery from natural disasters. Aims of this study are to identify the relationship between the community resilience elements such as community experience, community exposure, community reaction, community attitude, community knowledge and the community risk perception using survey gathered from 542 samples of Banda Aceh Province community, Aceh, Indonesia. Results found out there is a significant relationship between the community resilience elements such as community experience, community exposure, community reaction, community attitude, community knowledge and the community risk perception. Statistically, results confirm that the implementation of the community resilience elements such as community experience, community exposure, community reaction, community attitude, and community knowledge act as an important determinant of community risk perception towards disasters risk management at Banda Aceh Province community